Grammar - BT 2 Present Tense, Past Tense, Present Continuous

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A. Circle the time signals and put the verbs in brackets into the present
simple tense.
1. I always ________________ (wash) my hair.
2. _______ she ___________ (work) in a bank?
3. I ________________ (not/work) in a bank.
4. He never______________ (come) home late.
5. She ______________ (not/drink) juice.
6. I usually ___________ (play) soccer at school.
7. They _______________________(not, study) Math on every Sunday.
8. My mother sometimes _____________________(water) the plants.
9. My sister _______________ (go) to cinema once a week.
10. Beni and you _______________________ (not, cook) for dinner.

B. Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous tense.

1. I ________________ (go) home now.
2. You _________________ (smile) at him at the moment.
3. _______ they ___________ (not/write) a letter now?
4. He _____________________________ (not/buy) a house tomorrow.
5. ________ he ___________ (stop) the car now?
6. They __________________ (travel) around the country right now.
7. My father _____________________(wash) the car now.
8. Jennifer __________________________(not, wash) the clothes at the moment.
9. _______ your sisters _____________________(work) at the hospital?
10. Listen! The baby ________________________ (sleep) now.

C. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple tense.

1. You _______________ (talk) to me yesterday.
2. He ________________ (not/bring) a present last night.
3. They _______________ (look) at the pictures two days ago.
4. ______he ___________ (catch) a fish last weekend?
5. ______ she _____________ (make) a boat just now?
6. She _____________ (dry) her hair ten minutes ago.
7. I ___________________(not/work) at the hospital.
8. My sister __________________ (make) delicious cupcakes yesterday night.
9. _________ he ___________ (play) badminton last week?
10. Andy ________________(study) Science just now.

D. Complete the sentences with the present continuous, present simple or past simple.
1. I _______________ (run) at the moment.

2. I _______________ (drink) a cup of coffee a year ago.

3. He always ______________ (get up) at six o'clock.

4. We __________________ (get up) to go home now.

5. He _________________ (walk) to school every day.

6. ________ your mother _____________(cook) in the kitchen now?

7. ________ your father _____________ (wash) his bike in garage yesterday?

8. ________ you friends ___________ (climb) the mountain every day?

9. Bianca ____________ (jump) high into the air two weeks ago.

10. I ____________________ (not like) fish.

11. We __________________ (go) to Croatia on holiday last summer.

12. She _________________ (play) the violin at the moment.

13. We ___________________ (not go) to the cinema very often.

14. At present he _____________________ (live) in this city.

15. _________________________ (you, know) Mrs. Robinson?’ ‘Yes, I ______________
(know) her but unfortunately, she __________________ (die) two days ago.’
16. He always __________________ (drink) a cup of tea in the morning but today he
________________ (drink) coffee.
17. My sister _________________ (go) to the opera last night. She_______________
(wear) a beautiful black dress. She _________________ (buy) it in Paris when she
________________ (live) there. She ______________ (be) a babysitter there.
18. They _____________________ (have) dinner at 7 o’ clock every evening.
19. He ________________________ (have) breakfast right now.
20. I ________________ (be) 22 last year.

E. Change the positive, negative and interrogative form.

1. Manda always _________________(brush) her teeth twice a week. (+)
___________________________________________________________ (-)
___________________________________________________________ (?)
2. You __________________ (spend) night in Roma last year. (+)
____________________________________________________________ (-)
3. My grandma __________________________ (bake) a cake now. (+)
_____________________________________________________________ (-)
_____________________________________________________________ (?)
4. Julia sometimes _____________________ (write) a novel. (+)
_____________________________________________________________ (-)
_____________________________________________________________ (?)
5. My uncle ____________________(talk) to my mom yesterday. (+)
6. I ______________________(attend) the party at the moment. (+)
_____________________________________________________________ (-)
_____________________________________________________________ (?)

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