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Hello teacher. My name is Nguyen Thuy Dieu. Studying in class K11CC2.

following is my exercise.
1. Definition of PR
- Public relations is the management function which evaluates public attitudes,
identifies the polices and procedures of an individual or an organization with
the public interest, and plans and executes a program of action to earn public
understanding and patience.
2. Functions of PR
- Functions of public relationship include: Help businesses communicate
messages to their customers and key public groups and build good
relationships with public
3. Roles of PR practitioners
- Plan and organize events, fairs, and seminars for businesses.
- Plan and implement promoting the image of the business.
- Build good relationships with the media and state agencies.
- Collect information and feedback from customers.
- Conduct market assessment, research and analysis, thereby proposing product
development plans and advising management in building brand image.
- In charge of editing documents and PR materials such as press releases,
brochures, website content, internal newsletters, etc.
- Consulting and coordinating with other departments in building and developing
relationships with different target groups.
4. Personalities of PR practitioners
- Flexibility
- Meticulous learning
- Collecting information
- Seeing the bigger picture
- Bulding relationship
- Knowladge
- Strong writing
- Honesty

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