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Name Sec/Roll No. Research Title Research Ques.

Arisha Irum B/ 1403 The Impact of Section 144 on the Right to Peaceful Assembly. How does the enforcement of Section 144 IPC balance between maintaining public order and upholding the right to peaceful assembly Doctrinal
Vartika Rawat A/ 1386 Analysis of Intoxication as Defence under Section 84 of IPC What are the necessary factors that must be demonstrated to employ the defense of intoxication, and to what degree can this defense be utilized in legal proceedings? Doctrinal
Akshaya B/ 1396 A study of 'right of private defence- a general exception' under BNS/ IPC What are the factors of private defence and legal limitations & constraints on exercising the right to private defence in Indian jurisprudence? analysis based on judicial precedents. Doctrinal
Bhavya B/1408 Analyzing the definitions of cruelty under Section 86 of BNS 2023 What are the factors that amounts to cruelty or wether the denial of sexual intercourse or compulsion to household work will amount to cruelty ? Doctrinal
Nandini B/1425 "Analyzing Section 376(D) of IPC and section 70 of BNS 2023: A Study of Gang Rape Provisions" "How does the interplay between Section 376(D) of the Indian Penal Code and Section 70 of Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita 2023 shape the legal framework surrounding gang rape in India? Doctrinal
Kalpana Kumari A/1350 Jurisprudential Perspectives on Section 366 IPC: Evolution, Interpretation, and Impact" 1. What are the challenges in proving the mental state required for conviction under Section 366 IPC, particularly regarding the knowledge or intent to compel marriage or force illicit intercourse? 2. How does Section 366 IPC intersect with other laws, such as law Doctrinal
Priya Kumari B/1433 Comparative study of sedition law in BNS and Section 124 A of IPC- Dissecting the British law with modern criminal provision 1. Is there really any difference between Section 150 of the BNS and Section 124 A of the IPC? 2. Does Section 150 BNS threaten freedom of speech and expression and legitimate criticism of the Government? Doctrinal
Shivalik Pal B/1442 Organised Crime under the provisions of BNS 2023 Does BNS clearly defines Organised Crimes and it's elements and how effective will these provisions be in combatting organised crimes and Comparison with existing organised crime legislations in India. Doctrinal
Mahak Khirwal A/1357 the evolving landscape of abetment of suicide laws 1. How do existing laws affect the willingness of people to seek help for suicidal individuals? 2. How do emerging technologies, such as social media and online forums, complicate the enforcement of abetment of suicide laws?
Vaishnavi Bhavya A, 1385 Sedition vis a vis BNS & IPC Does removing sedition from Sanhita means such voices can be raised against the government?, What are the prospective and adjacent legislation that could be drawn to punish people? Doctrinal
Shreya Gupta A, 1375 Exploring the Boundaries: Proportionality in the Exercise of the Right to Private Defense under IPC/BNS. How does the principle of proportionality influence the determination of justified self-defense versus excessive force in cases involving the exercise of the right to private defense under IPC/BNS? Doctrinal
Ankit Nehra A/1337 Examining India's approach to Protection of religious sentiments in the modern era 1.What are the essential requirements of section 295A? 2. What is the Status of laws relating to protection of religious feelings in India and England? Doctrinal
Yash kumar B/1450 Consent in offence of rape What exactly constitutes consent according to section 375 of IPC? Doctrinal
Shibala Singh B/1441 BNS 64: Rape by police/Army personnel Analysis of past cases, analysing conviction rate, comparision with AFSPA to determine if provision useful against sexual violence in the army.
Ankisha Vnadana B/1398 Necrophile: Legal Right of dead body Should Necrophile be considered a crime/ rape and do the dead bodies have legal rights? Doctrinal
1. Does engaging in stealthing constitute rape according to Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC)?
Simran Choudhary B/ 1445 Unveiling the role of consent in sex with empasis on Stealthing in India Doctrinal
1. In the absence of a clear definition for "unsoundness of mind" within Section 22 of BNS, how have judicial pronouncements distinguished between legal insanity and medical insanity? 2. Does the current legal framework, considering Section 22 of the BNS,
Pragati Purohit A/ 1362 The BNS and the Insanity Defense: A Critical Analysis of Mental Health Assessment adequately address the potential impact of mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and prolonged psychological abuse on criminal liability? Doctrinal
Ujjwal Saboo A/1384 Analyzing Section 109 (Organised Crime ) and Section 110 (Petty Organized Crime) of BNS How does the introduction of these sections affect the existing legal framework, and what are the implications of defining crimes that cause general feelings of insecurity among citizens as petty organized crime?
JUDICIAL DEVELOPMENT OF DEFENCE OF 1. How has the concept of the defense of necessity evolved in common law jurisdictions over time, and what key judicial decisions have shaped its development?
Pankaj choudhary B/1429 NECESSITY IN COMMON LAW 2. What are the contemporary challenges and debates surrounding the application of the defense of necessity in criminal law, and how have recent judicial rulings addressed these issues?
Lisa Gupta A, 1356 Digital Extortion: Emerging Trends and Legal Responses in India What legal frameworks and measures exist to combat digital extortion, and how effective are they in deterring and prosecuting offenders?
Aditya Ranjan A/ 1277 Intoxication as a defence in criminal law. Does the Indian Penal Code allow involuntary intoxication as a defense against criminal liability and does intoxication that is voluntary in nature act as a mitigating factor in criminal offenses.
Hans Rathi B/1411 Reforming India's Terrorism Laws: Analyzing the New provisions of BNS Bill on Terrorism How do the revised terrorism provisions in the BNS redefine the approach to combating terrorism in India and what implications do these changes hold for national security and human rights?
At what age does a child become capable of understanding the criminality of their actions? How do legal systems define this threshold, and how does it vary across jurisdiction?
Shaurya Srivastava B/1440 Criminal Liability of Infants How do cognitive and social development influence a child's capacity for criminal intent? Both
Sarthak Kumar A/1372 Removal of Section 377 of IPC and its unintended effect on Rape against men. How will men be protected from the offence of Rape against them following this ammendment? Will Rape against men be reduced to mere battery at most?
Krishan Kumar Rawa B/1415 From protection to persecution: A Comprehensive analysis of the misuse of section 498-A of Indian penal code 1.What are the primary reasons behind the misuse of Section 498-A in the Indian Penal Code? 2. Whether Section 498-A need to be struck down on the grounds of alarming number of fake cases filed by wife against husband and his family?
pushpa Kumari OF FALSE PROMISE OF MARRIAGE 1.Whether Section 498-A need to be struck down on the grounds of alarming number of fake cases filed by wife against husband and his family? Doctrinal
Suryansh Singh A/1380 From Colonial to Contemporary: Analyzing the Legal Frameworks and Social Implications of Introducing Mob Lynching as a Crime under How does the incorporation of mob lynching as a statutory offense within the new BNS, contrasted with its treatment under the colonial-era IPC, affect the jurisprudential principles of criminal liability, procedural safeguards, and judicial discretion? Additionally, what are the implications of these legal frameworks on the efficacy of deterrence, access to justice, and protection of human rights concerning incidents of mob violence in modern Indian society?
Mayank B/1421 Comprehensive Study of Abetment under IPC & BNS
Kwinjal B/1417 THE ‘UNNATURAL’ IN SECTION 377 OF THE INDIAN PENAL CODE "What are the different types of unnatural offenses and what is the current scenario regarding these offenses?"
Muskan Suhag B/1359 Legislative Neglect: Analyzing the Failure to Include Animal Sexual Violence in BNS 1. How does the deletion of the provision from BNS against animal sexual violence affect the welfare and rights of animals in BNS 2. what policy recommendations can be proposed to strengthen protections against animal sexual violence in BNS in line with international best practices
Jay Prakash B/1413 Marital Rape in India and existing law and with case law 1.Why the Indian judiciary is not able to remove or amend the exception to Section 375 of Indian Penal Code, 1872 to criminalize marital rape in India? Doctrinal
Zainab ul Kubra A/1389 Sedition: Supreme Court's Review and BNS Implication? 1. Is the Supreme Court Reviewing Indian Defamation Laws in Light of Subtle References in BNS?
Abhinav Shukla B/1391 Towards Clarity and Consistency: Resolving Interpretative Variations in Section 498A of Indian Penal Code, 1860 1. How have different courts interpreted and applied Section 498A in cases involving cruelty? 2. What are the implications of interpretative variations in Section 498A for the protection of women's rights and access to justice?
Priyanshi Gupta B/1434 "The Evolution of Cybercrimes in India: Analyzing Amendments to the Indian Penal Code and Information Technology Act, and Bharatiya 1. How have the amendments to the Indian Penal Code, the Information Technology Act, and the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita addressed the evolving nature of cybercrimes in India, and what gaps remain in the legal framework? 2. What impact have the amendments Doctrinal
Asheesh Kombol BahaA/1341 Examining Culpable Homicide and Murder 1. What are the key distinctions between culpable homicide not amounting to murder (Section 304) and murder (Section 300) under the Indian Penal Code, and how have these distinctions been interpreted and applied by courts over time? 2. What challenges exist Doctrinal
I. Is the decriminalization of defamation under Section 499 of the Indian Penal Code
Abhinav Mahatha B/1390 Examining Criminal defamation through a modern view (IPC) warranted? Doctrinal
Balram Verma B/1407 Status of Capital Punishment in India 1. is capital punishment effective? 2. is capital punishment against ethics of a civilized country?
Mritunjay kumar B/1423 Analyzing overlapping offenses and legal complexity: A comparative study of the information technology act and the Bhartiya Nyana Sanhhow do the information IT act and BNS act address overlapping offenses and contribute to legal complexity in the context of regulation digital activities in India. Doctrinal
Asmi Aarya A/1342 Section 302 of IPC: Examining the Concept of Murder and Its Punishments under Indian Law. 1.How has judicial interpretation and legislative amendments shaped the evolution of Section 302 and its application in modern Indian criminal law? 2. What are the different categories of murder recognized under Section 302, and how do they affect the severity Doctrinal
Rimsha Nawaz Khan A/1367 Analyzing the Legal Implications of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita (BNS) Bill, 2023: A Case Study of Truck Driver Protests and Public Safety Co1. How do the new hit-and-run provisions of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita (BNS) affect the working conditions and livelihoods of truck drivers in India? 2. Are there unintended consequences of the BNS law that could hinder accident investigation or victim assistance? 3. What alternative approaches could be implemented to improve road safety and deter hit-and-run accidents while addressing the concerns of truck drivers? 4. How do the truck driver protests against the BNS's hit-and-run provisions reflect broader challenges in implementing legal reforms in India
Pratik Tuti B/1431 The doctrine of common intention and its significance in determining liability for group crimes under the IPC Doctrinal
Gaurav Kumar Singh B/1410 Unveiling Deception: Towards Criminalizing Dark Patterns in Digital Interfaces 1. To what extent do the deceptive tactics employed in digital interfaces, commonly referred to as dark patterns, align with the legal definition of cheating and dishonest Inducement of property delivery as outlined in Section 420 of IPC? 2. How can the deceptive design practices commonly known as dark patterns be effectively addressed through legal frameworks and regulatory measures to protect consumers from m doctrinal
Divya choudhary B/1409 The impact of self-induced intoxication on the capacity to formulate criminal intent. Does the legal system recognize voluntary intoxication as a defense when the accused alleges incapacity to form criminal intent. 2. what degree does voluntary intoxication hinder the formation of specific criminal intentions?
1: How does the redefinition of mental illness in the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) compared to the Indian Penal Code (IPC) impact the assessment of criminal responsibility for individuals with mental health conditions?
Rani Tiwari A/1365 "Reforming Criminal Liability: Evaluating the Impact of New Provisions in Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) on Offences Related to Mental Il2: What are the societal implications of shifting from the protection of individuals of unsound mind to those with mental illness in terms of criminal responsibility, and how does this impact the perception of justice and fairness in the legal system under the BNS anDoctrinal
Aditi Gupta B/1393 Death by Injury 1. When Does Injury Become Murder? 2. Can a single injury resulting in death can be categorized as murder? Doctinal
Ram Sundar Singh AkA/1364 Harmonizing Legal Principles: A Critical Analysis of the Discordance Between Sections 307 and 511 of the Indian Penal Code Regarding Im 1. How do courts interpret and apply the provisions of Sections 307 and 511 in cases involving impossible acts, and what are the implications for the criminal justice system? 2. How do other jurisdictions address the issue of impossible acts in attempted offences, and what insights can be drawn from comparative legal analysis to inform potential reforms in Indian law?
EYLAH SINGH A/1344 Legal interpretation of Necrophilia: Rights of dead 1. What is the persisting legal framework regarding penalising necrophiles? 2. What are the rights of Dead? Doctrinal
Shubham Joshua Tirk B/1444 Challenges in Prosecuting Offenses Related to Public Servants 1. What challenges arise in prosecuting offenses committed by public servants, such as bribery, criminal misconduct, and disproportionate asset cases, under the Indian Penal Code (IPC), and how can the provisions of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) be strengthened to address these challenges?
Surabhi Kumari A/1379 Consent and Criminality: Investigating False Promises of Marriage in BNS 1. The impact of judicial interpretations on prosecution and conviction rates for individuals accused of sexual intercourse based on false promises of marriage under Section 69 of the BNS. 2. What historical legal precedents within the old IPC have influenced the trDoctrinal

1. How does the decriminalization of attempted suicide under the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) impact mental health support and intervention strategies compared to the provisions under the Indian Penal Code (IPC)? 2. What are the societal implications and leg
Tanima Lal A/ 1381 Decriminalization of Attempted Suicide: A Comparative Analysis under Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita and Indian Penal Code Doctrinal
Anshu Kumari B/ 1400 Aftermath of Nirbhaya Case: An analysis of Rape laws 1. How did the Nirbhaya case influence amendments to rape laws in India, what specific legal provisions were introduced or modified as result? Both
1.To what extent does the current definition of "cruelty" under Section 498A adequately encompass various forms of mental abuse faced by women within their marital relationships?
2.How do existing societal attitudes and the challenges associated with evidence collection in cases of mental cruelty impact the successful prosecution of offenders under Section 498A?
Sanjeev Lakra Evaluating the Effectiveness of Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code in Addressing Mental Cruelty against Women Doctrinal
1. What are the legal definitions and statutes pertaining to unlawful assembly in different jurisdictions and how the concept has evolved throughout history?
Komal Singh A/1353 "Unlawful Assembly: Exploring the Dynamics, Legal Implications, and Societal Impact of Collective Criminal Activities" 2. How do laws regarding unlawful assembly vary across different countries or regions, and what are the underlying reasons for these differences? Doctrinal
1. How do Sections 153A (promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion), 295 (injuring or defiling place of worship), and 298 (uttering, words, etc., with deliberate intent to wound the religious feelings of any person) address contemporary issu
Pragya Shree A/1363 Investigating India's stategy for safeguarding religious sentiments in the contemporary age. 2. Are there limitations in the IPC's provisions when dealing with emerging challenges like hate crimes targeting religious minorities? Doctrinal

Rishav Kumar B/1438 Right to Private Defense of body: A comprehensive study 1.What is the scope of situations when right to private defence of body arises? 2. What is the extent of private defence under section 100, IPC ? 3. Scope of right of private against persons incapable of doing crime? Doctrinal
Praveen kumar B/1432 casusing death by negligence CONFLICT WITH ART 19 DOCTRINAL
Kartik Joshi A/1352 Male rape What are the comparative legal frameworks for addressing male rape in India and other jurisdictions and what insights can be drawn from international best practices?
Asim Kunal Nag 1405/B abetment and juvenile delinquency the issue of abetment in the of juvenile delinquency and offenses committed by minors has been a subject of discussion includes the liability of individuals who may have aided abetted or influenced minors to engage in criminal activities
Whether the presence of an overt act is necessary for proving the common intention under section 34 of the Indian Penal Code?
Parth saini 1430(B) COMMON INTENTION Whether Common Intention and Same Intention are related to each other or they contribute to a different path in fixing the liability of the accused? Doctrinal
Research Questions:

1. What discrepancies exist within the Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita Bill, 2023, particularly regarding the lack of gender neutrality in Section 63 (BNS)/ Section 375 (IPC)?
Gurpreet SIngh A/1345 Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita: An Overlooked Avenue for Reforms? (A Critical Inquiry into Discrepancies in Laws on Rape and Unnatural Offenc2. How does the absence of provisions addressing homosexuality, necrophilia, and sexual offences against animals impact the comprehensiveness and efficacy of the Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita Bill, 2023? Doctrinal
Satyam Pratap Deo A/1373 Community Service Sentencing And Its Significance In The Indian Criminal Justice System 1. What are the perceived benefits and challenges of implementing community service? 2. What offences are covered under community service
Abhishek Datta B/1392 BNS and the provisions to convict a serial killer 1. Are the provisions in BNS or IPC enough to convict a serial killer 2. How are serial killers convicted worldwide
Shreya Toppo B/1443 A critical analysis of culpable homicide not amounting to murder with relevant case law To what degree does the legal structure outlined in Section 304 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) sufficiently address the subtleties and classifications of cases involving culpable homicide that do not amount to murder?
kundan kumar bara A/1355 Transgression against peace and dignity of the state what are the various types of offences that constitute to disrupt the peace of the state
Amrita Pradhan A/1336 Outraging the modesty of women: An analysis 1. What are the implications of landmark legal cases and judicial decisions related to outraging the modesty of women and how do they shape legal interpretations and enforcement practices? 2. What are the procedural challenges and evidentiary standards involved in prosecuting cases of outraging the modesty of women?
Neeraj Kumar Kachw B/1428 THE PRETEXT OF A FALSE PROMISE OF MARRIAGE: BLURRING THE LINES BETWEEN CONSENT AND ITS ABSENCE Whether consent given for sexual intercourse on the false promise of marriage amounts to rape?
Kumar kaustubh b/1416 Combating match fixing: A legal perspective
Megha Chauhan B/1422 Exploring the Interplay Between Criminalization and Regulation: Assessing the Impact of Overlapping Abortion Laws in India How do the provisions within the IPC regarding causing miscarriage intersect with the grounds for legal abortion outlined in the MTP Bill of 2021?
Public Safety vs. Individual Culpability: Rethinking Intoxication and Criminal Liability How effectively does the BNS's intoxication section balance the need for public safety with the principle of individual culpability?

Ayush Sharma B/1406 Doctrinal

Nitin Jaiswal A/1361 The role of mens rea (mental state or intent) in determining the severity of charges for offenses involving bodily harm or death, such as huWhat is the significance of mens rea (mental state or intent) in determining the severity of charges for offenses involving bodily harm or death, such as hurt, grievous hurt, culpable homicide, and murder, within the context of Indian laws?
Hitaishi Jaiswal A/1348 Analysis of Section 493 of the Indian Penal Code/Section 80 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita: Cohabitation caused by a man deceitfully indu How does Section 493 of the Indian Penal Code/Section 80 BNS, which addresses cohabitation caused by a man deceitfully inducing a belief of lawful marriage, impact legal proceedings and judgments in cases involving such offenses? Doctrinal
Snehashis Chatterjee A/1377 The Evaluation and Application of Doctrine of Necessity in the Indian Criminal Jurisprudence 1. How do considerations of proportionality and necessity factor into the determination of whether the 'Doctrine of Necessity' should be invoked in a given situation, and how have Indian courts articulated these principles ? 2. How does the 'Doctrine of Necessity' i Doctrinal
How does the evolving landscape of social media impact the legal and ethical dimensions of prosecuting individuals for abetting criminal behavior, and what strategies can be devised to address the blurred boundaries between encouragement and criminal liabili
Karan Kumar AgrawaA/1351 The Paradox of Abetment: When Encouragement Crosses the Line into Criminality. Doctrinal
Aditi Tiwari B/1394 Reforming Legal Approaches to Infancy and Insanity: Proposing Legislative Amendments and Policy Changes in IPC and BNS to Ensure Fa How can legislative amendments and policy changes in the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the BNS be proposed to reform legal approaches to infancy and insanity, ensuring fairness and promoting rehabilitation within the criminal justice system? Doctrinal
Aditya Arun B/1395 Legal Challenges and Solutions in Defining and Prosecuting Marital Rape in India: A Comparative Analysis What legal hurdles exist in defining and prosecuting marital rape in India, and how can the legal system overcome these challenges through comparative analysis with other jurisdictions? Doctrinal
Neeraj Anand B/1427 Dowry Death in relation to IPC/BNS Reasons behind insertion of S. 498A of IPC and its Constitutional Validity Doctrinal
Aman Raj A/1333 SEXUAL HARASSMENT AT WORKPLACE Development of the concept of sexual harrasment and brief study of section 354 IPC
Aditi Verma A/1330 Deep Fake as a weapon to perpetrate communal hatred and related crime How can existing penal provisions be amended and enforced to ensure better regulation and prosecution of hate crimes along communal lines specially using deep fake technology? Doctrinal
Rashi Kumari A/1366 Deep Fake as a Weapon of Perpetuating Gender-specific Crime What are the differences in investigating hit-and-run cases under current vs. previous laws in BNS, and how do resource allocations compare? Doctrinal
Koitoree Nag B/1414 Capital Punishment: The Necessity or the lack of in Indian Penal Provisions Is there a need for capital punishment in the present legal landscape? How powerful is the threat of cpaital punishment as a deterrence? WHat are the overarching trends in criminal jurisprudence relating to the same? Doctrinal
1 .How have the implementation and enforcement of hit-and-run laws in BNS (presumably a fictional jurisdiction) evolved over time, and what factors have influenced these changes?
Anurag Kumar A/1339 Analysis of hit-and-run laws in BNS and its comparison with earlier laws. 2.What are the differences in investigating hit-and-run cases under current vs. previous laws in BNS, and how do resource allocations compare? Doctrinal
Sejuti Das A/1374 Analysis of Section 376D of the Indian Penal Code/Section 70 BNS: Provisions and legal interpretations concerning the offense of gang rapeHow do the provisions and legal interpretations of Section 376D of the Indian Penal Code and Section 70 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) influence judicial decisions and legal procedures in cases involving gang rape, particularly in defining, prosecuting, and Doctrinal
Vivek Kumar B/1449 Unlawful Assembly and Collective Responsibility: Vicarious Liability under Section 149 of the IPC How does vicarious liability under Section 149 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) impact the concept of unlawful assembly and collective responsibility, particularly focusing on the legal implications, judicial interpretations, and complexities surrounding shared inten Doctrinal
1. What are the limited relief available to male rape survivors?
Sarisang A/1371 Examining Gender Bias in the Interpretation and Application of Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code: Challenges and Reforms 2. What are the possible problems associated with the gender-neutrality of the crime of rape? Doctrinal
Study On Cruelty Against Married Woman And Legal Framework In India
Kuldeep singh Yadav A/1354 With Reference To S498A 1.What is the meaning of the term ‘cruelty’ in matrimonial household with reference to section 498A 2. What could be the steps for avoiding any misuse for better enforcement of women’s rights.
Tanmay Y Choudhary B/1448 Examining Legal Perspectives and Enforcement Strategies on Voyeurism: Insights from Bhartiya Nyay Sanhita 1.How does the legal framework of Bhartiya Nyay Sanhita address the complexities of voyeurism?what are the challenges and opportunities for effective enforcement and prevention of voyeuristic offenses in contemporary society? Doctrinal
Sourav Kumar A/1378 1. How do the changes in the BNS regarding defamation offences align with contemporary legal principles and international standards? 2. In what ways do the reforms in the BNS related to defamation reflect a balance between protecting individual reputations anDoctrinal

Anushka Singh B/1401 Gender Bias in AI Applications: Investigating the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Perpetuating Gender-Specific Crimes and Biases How does the use of artificial intelligence contribute to the perpetuation of gender-specific crimes and biases, and what ethical and regulatory measures can be implemented to mitigate these harmful effects in AI applications?
Ratnadeep Dey B/1437 Legal Perspectives and Challenges in Addressing Digital Rape To examine the existing legal provisions in India relevant to addressing digital rape, including statutes such as the Information Technology Act, 2000, and the Indian Penal Code. Doctrinal
Ekta Kumari A/1343 Legal and social implications of the evolving provisions of rape - A study of Indian Laws and Cases. 1. To understand the legal definition of consent evolve in rape cases 2. To understand how do Indian laws address cases where a partner is raped by the former spouse during seperation.
Vidushi Verma A/1388 Insanity defence: A loophole for criminals or justice for psychopaths:Punishment or Therapy To examine how the incorporation of terrorism-related offenses into ordinary criminal law within the BNS impact legal definitions, penalties, and the balance between national security and individual rights?
ambika kachhap A/1334 Identity theft: is it a modern crime? The identity theft prevention in post-internet era 1.To what extent is identity theft a modern crime, and how has its prevalence and modus operandi evolved with the advent of the internet and digital technologies? 2. what are the most effective strategies for preventing and mitigating identity theft in the post-internet era, considering the interplay of technological advancements, legal frameworks, and consumer behaviors?"
Ishika Shaw A/1349 S. 111 BNS: Organised Crime To examine how the concept of insanity defense impact criminal liability, considering the interplay between mental illness, understanding of right and wrong, and the need for legal accountability?
Himanshu Meena B/1412 Comparision of Abetment in IPC and BNS To examine how the abetment provisions in the BNS differ from those in the IPC, considering elements such as definitions, mens rea, and the treatment of negligence or carelessness?
Tanushree Ghosh A/1382 Comparative Analysis b/w S.124A IPC & S.150 BNS To examine how the expressions, scope, punishments, and intent differ between Section 124A of the IPC and Section 150 of the BNS regarding offenses related to sedition?
COMMENCEMENT AND CONTINUANCE OF THE RIGHT OF PRIVATE DEFENCE OF What is the meaning of Reasonable Apprehension of danger and
Aman Ayush A/1332 THE BODY When does this Reasonable Apprehension of danger commence? What is the nature of the Right of Private Defence? Doctrinal
1. To what extent can AI be held criminally liable under Indian law, considering its lack of consciousness and agency?
shristi sahu A/1376 Balancing Justice and Innovation: Navigating the Criminal Liability of AI in India" 3. How can existing legal frameworks be adapted or augmented to address the evolving role of AI in committing criminal acts, while balancing innovation and accountability in India?
Maria Jyoti Minj B 1420 Digital Defamation and the Indian Penal Code: Examining the Applicability and Limitations of Defamation Laws in the Online Sphere 1. What are the legal barriers hindering the recognition and prosecution of Rarital rape in India? 2. What judicial reasoning and precedents need to be re- examined to explicitely criminalize marital rape in India?
Rajshree Tigga B/1436 Criminalization of Marital Rape
Harsh Zeha Lakra A/1346 The Criminalization of Stalking and its Implications. 1. How has the criminalization of stalking behavior evolved in India, and how do the legal provisions compare with other jurisdictions? 2. What are the challenges in investigating and prosecuting stalking cases, and what legal reforms may be necessary to address these challenges? Doctrinal
Neelanshu Kashyap B/1426 Navigating the Ambiguities of BNS’s Section 150 in the Post-Sedition Era 1. In light of the removal of the sedition law, how does Section 152 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) delineate the boundaries of ‘acts endangering sovereignty, unity, and integrity of India’, and what precedents guide the judiciary in interpreting this provision to ensure consistency with constitutional guarantees? 2. How will the enforcement of Section 152 of the BNS, following the removal of the sedition law, impact the frequency and nature of charges related to ‘acts endangering sovereignty, unity, and integrity of India’, and what will be the societal percepti
1.What are the different statues and provisions that define rape and its punishment in India? 2. Does the current legal provisions regarding rape require to go through further
Sandipan Bhakta A/1369 Multidimensional analysis of laws related to Rape in India amendments and changes? Doctrinal
Harshita A/1347 Rising tide of mob lynching - India's alarming hate crime crisis ? what are the ideology and mindset of people behind mob lynching ?what factors and tools used to promote it ? what are the provisions for mob lynching in Indian judicial system ? Doctrinal
Kaustubh B/1416 Dissosiative Identity Disorder vis-a-vis The Protection of legal insanity under BNS & IPC Whether the present criminal justice framework provides protection to people suffering from dissociative identity disorder?

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