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This 1211, 10 2 1
6 5 1.Complete Dioneefed
music The A
cadaets. People Jackrake
labour-saving A
can't had consumer vOCABULARY
self-sufficient words
s to
often a te get sign the the
introduce nurterous
my in
google head
contract a interested
is bold,
device with
you so stores There
around infornation
heto he went betorerakes with month,
people ayour (5) may wantevents things, Many Lume-consurning the
mydoesn may words
straight a clothes. be
features ths suitable to
former t started iyour be more where people
need becauseit's
more trade because below.
to life
the desktop ary
her on the my word. It (4) have
than already or you
latest top buy. can you substantal
.conputers, so one Pay something exchange an
of Sormething can
electronic the attention has
You trade
a aregoods.
(6) loval
called then websites (1) a
matched On publicise
4 3 "swishing", that
positive(P) Do 3. 1 and
4. Choose
.6. equiprnent
he re What Could Iwant it's
5 4.phishing social
rocketsDutdated netiquette
3 2. 1, the commercial shoppling, with better
technological following doeslooking TWO you to - networking
back amount
his please correct to
reveal example,
words background up trade
sorneone about /upgrade sendanswers. e
and thworth who of
have me opportunity
is has you
hirm th visited it. others
a to / e Another what can that
negative fund/ digitalhashtag undo /
by list (3) than
to you
link my about website the are
(N) / exchange want, to
attachment! iterms
oroperate / buy
has While vou new
the words in bold

words in bold mean? Choose the correct

Choose the correct answen r a y a n ' + re atle to
on hn so th
1 They put a
in demand ended up as why she spends a iot of
bave serious doutbts
vey outgoing Thats
light-hearted led to when it coes to take on outdoos/ th peopie people i the
1Whats your opinion about ths dea? has got a rare disease whch may t few
3 She
2 Our products are very popular in Chira 4 She abandoned het studes and quit
continued unversty
3 Shes very private regarding her personal life 1ou heed to get across
to others wat

4 l am not convinced tht your dea wll work. 6.Ihappened to see her wthen we
met /buumped into each
5 We were surprsed that he turned out to be a thief d public relations
6 Alcohol abuse resulted in the break-up of his rarage

7 Lets chooe a topc that n not very serious

sentence with a verb from A
of the words
correct form in bold. Do
1 wORD BUILDING Complete the sentences withthe
not hange cOLLOCATIOSohan be used more than
once, Make any necessary changes
A raiseteach sign gain telease
Mnareots discouraged me from to acting school
Ididn'treceve B petitiorn <on
eiant a contrac
2 Abandoned pets ate a serious ptoblern it wl tae us about eght
We tuve a long dtiye ahead of us
3. The worst day of my life was when my father died hours to
tne hn
My father from b e n e y
4 Ihe detals rmustn't be rrnade public
3. Beforel started y rew job, I had to
wheh tated ry work ing hours and pay
u subscribe to this site 4 You shouldn't eat ice cream you don't want to
Hue you got
6 Whos funding the organisatiorn 5 The chogl n organsng a cae sale to
Wio for nes
prhen at provate choo b ymeps abie 1o ask my Tavdue
Thad a pen wit

the correct answers. They probably on't for many years

1 Liam 6 never afrad ta espress ha opininn In tct, hes qute
outgoing / outspoken 3ga.nst
/unlike st's the new arcort
og to the Eeach I1> unlikely
TECHNOLOGY EXPRESSIONS Choose the correct answer
3 Don't avoid ( prevent speaking to me to form expressions.
4 The average lifetime /lifespan of a elegant is longer 1open. an email /an attachment/an avatar
4 The London skyline is er incredible site / sight to see a passwordla site/a file
6yartice was published /publicised in the New York Tirmes
4 download an app/a podcast/ a password
7 Hat rolations /relationship with me isn't very install / delete /navigate an ap
6 create/download /bookmark àwetbsite


4 Choose the correct answers.

VGo Helps Students Go to School

Sometimes, students who have serious health problems are mnade (1) stay /
at home for long periods, but they can still participate in to stay
robot, which (2) controls /is controlled by them from home. classes by using a VGo
Lyndon Baty had an illness that prevented himn from being at High-school student
own VGo robot. He could see and hear school, so he had his
everything that was going on in the
classroom, and this technology also let him (3) interact / to interact with his
classmates, talk to his teacher and follow the lessons. Most importantly it made him
(4) feel / to feel less lonely and isolated. His robot, which was (5)
around the school as the Baty Bot, had no arms, so Lyndon had to knowing
get other
/ known
(6) to open / opened doors for it as it moved from classroom to
Another student who had a VGo robot was
eight-year-old Lexie Kinder. She had
her mum (7) to make / make clothes for her VGo robot and (8) to dress/
dress i
in a ballet skirt! Although teachers are not always sure how other
(9) will receive/ will be received having a robot as a classmate, VGos
(10) are allowing /are being allowed into more and more schools these days.
Baty Bot n
the classroom

5 Read the situations. Complete the sentences using make or let, active or
passive, to express what is happening.
1. My room was very messy. My mother told me to clean it up
My mother made me clean up my room
4. | broke my neighbour's window. I had to repair it.
was made to repair my window
2. Does your sister have your permission to use your phone?
Do you 5. Iwanted to borrow the car. My parents refused.
My parents
3. The workers wanted to leave at noon, They had to stay until 5 pm.
They we’re made to stay until 5 pm


6 Complete the second sentence so that it has asimilar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Use between two and five words, including the word given.
1 How much did vou pay for a year's subscription to the magazine? SUBSCRIBE
How much did it.. cost you to subscribe to the magazine for a year?
2 it was wrong to close the swimming pool over the sumner, SHOULD
The swinming pool should have been opened over the surnmer.

3. After thinking about it, we deciced to buy a new car. REACHED

After thinking about it, we. reached the conclusion that we should buy a new car.
4 Tom's qlasses are still broken. HAD
Tom hasn’t has his glasses fixed yet.
5. Jade is expectedi to becone a professional musician one day END
Everyone expects that Jade will end as a professional musician.
6 The boys have to clean the grafiti off the wall. MADE
are being made
The boys .the graffiti off the wall.
Passive Review; The Causative; let /
sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets, active or
epiere the (publish) early next year. At the moment
1. The author's new novel was published
the book cover is still designed
(still / design).
heavy rain
2. The parade (cancel) yesterday because of the
was canceled weekend instead.
It is going to be holded (be going to / hold) next
was cleaned (clean).
3. When the guests arrived at the hotel, their room.
should has to do (should have / do) before they arrived.
problems which
4. Steps must has to take (must / take) to solve the
faces (face) by our oceans
5. Great white sharks was known
. e (know) to swim in these waters. Two
had been attacked (attack) so far this year.
6. Mia has supposed (suppose) to be at the office at 8 o'clock yesterday morning.
but she won’t arrive (not arrive) until 9.30!
was recently discovered .(recently / discover).
7. It says on this website that a new galaxy...
It is located (locate) about 30 billion light years away.
2 Comnplete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets, active or passive.


....gain) a loyal following since it
The video game Minecraft (1 )
...trelease) in 2011. In fact, over 200 million copies of the game
3) (sell) so far, and it (4). (win)
numerous awvards,
Players of Minecraft use blocks to create buildings and landscapes in an imaginary world. After
the game came out, the creators (5) (ask) to work on a project to give
young people a chance to design buildings and public areas, such as parks, in their own
neighbourhoods. The Minccraft technology (6) (consider)
Qutstanding because it (allow) people with no background in
architecture to redesign their
ideas (8)
And this is not just a game, because some of the
(might / use) to make changes in their towns.
Another project, called Block by Block, (9) . (recently I launch) in
Nairobi, Kenya. Residents from one of thepoorer neighbourhoods (10).
(encourage) to use the Minecraft technology to improve their part of the city. Some of the
moncy (11) .(provide) by the company which produces Minecraft.

3 Complete the mini-dialogues with the words in brackets.

1, A: Guess what! I'm ......tomorrow! (get / a tattoo / do)
B: You should you choose a design. (get 1 Jason / help)
2. A: Iwill probably .bya wedding planner. (have / the wedding / organise)
B: That'll be expensive, but it's easier to
all the arrangements for you.
(have / sorneone else /make)
3. A: My older brother went to the hairdresser and .. ..... yesterday! (have/
all his hair / shave off)
B: Wel, make sure you a hat in the summer or hi_ head will get burnt
(get /him /wear)
4. A: Why are you ? (get / your photograph / take)
B: Ineed to apply for a new passport. I .last week (had /my old one / sted
5. A: VWhy does Mark him up at six every morning? (get / you / wake)
B: Oh, the coach for training before school eveny day, (make / him / comel


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