Valentine's Day 2024

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Valentine's Day


I. Complete the heart with the words you know related to St. Valentine’s Day.
(Заповніть серце відомими вам словами, які стосуються Дня Святого Валентина).

Revise or learn Valentine’s Day vocabulary.
How many words were new for you?
Повторiть або вивчiть лексику до Дня Валентина.
Скiльки для вас було нових слiв?
III. What do you know about Valentine’s Day traditions?
Watch the video and do thetasks on p. 4-7
(Що ви знаєте про традиції Дня Святого Валентина?
Подивіться відео та виконайте завдання на с.4-7)
IV. Choose the correct answer
(Обери правильну відповідь)
1.What do people give each other on Valentine's Day?
a Cards and presents b Books and magazines
c Clothes and accessories d Electronics and gadgets

2. What are some common gifts on Valentine's Day?

a Flowers, chocolates, and jewelry b Toys, games, and puzzles
c Tools, equipment, and appliances d Art supplies, musical instruments, and crafts

3. Where are there red lights on Valentine's Day in New York City?
a On the Empire State Building b On the Statue of Liberty
c On Times Square billboards d On Central Park lampposts
IV. Choose the correct answer
(Обери правильну відповідь)

4. Who was Valentine according to some theories?

a A Christian priest b A Roman Emperor
c A famous artist d A legendary warrior

5. Why was Valentine executed?

a For performing secret marriages b For stealing valuable artifacts
c For organizing rebellions d For spreading false rumors
V. Fill in the missing words and phrases into the sentences.
(Вставте пропущені слова і фрази в речення).
a) butterflies, flowers, cupids, and hearts b) origins of Valentine's Day c) Valentine's Day
d) Valentine tradition e) February 14th f) AD 270
g) cards and gifts h) parties and romantic dinners i) Claudius II
J) Empire State Building k) Valentine l) red lights
m) flowers, chocolates, and jewelry

_________(1) is celebrated on __________(2) by lovers. People in love exchange

__________(3) such as __________(4). Special __________(5) are common on this day.
In New York City, the __________(6) is lit up with __________(7). The __________(8) are
uncertain, but some believe it dates back to a Christian priest named __________(9) during
the time of Roman Emperor __________(10).
Cladius II prohibited marriages, but Valentine secretly performed them. Valentine was
eventually executed in __________(11).
European immigrants brought the __________(12) to America, where they created beautiful
cards adorned with __________(13).
VI. Where do people usually meet? And what about dating apps? Do you know any of them?
Read the information about my friend and fill in the form in a popular dating app below.
(Де люди зазвичай зустрічаються? А як щодо застосунків для знайомств? Ви знаєте якісь з них? Прочитайте
інформацію про мого друга та заповніть нижче бланк одного з популярних додатків)).

My friend’s name is Timothee Chalamet. He is 28-year-old actor from

New York. He is single. He is kind, friendly and a little bit shy.
Timothee likes his job and devotes much of his time to it. He doesn‘t
like his birthday because it‘s two days after Christmas and in his
childhpood he didn‘t use to get a lot of presents that day.
VII. Now complete a similar form about your friend who needs a partner and write a short text.
(Заповніть схожий бланк про свого друга, якому потрібна пара, і напишіть короткий

VIII. Speak about your attitude to Valentine’s Day and your celebrations using the phrases below.

opportunity to spread love

remind everyone they are loved
perfect day to pop the question
give and get gifts
have a romantic dinner
spend time with your beloved one
ПРавильні відповіді
Завдання 4
1. а 2. а 3. а 4. а 5. а
Завдання 5
1. с 2. e 3. g 4. m 5. h 6. j 7. l 8. b
9. k 10. i 11. f 12. d 13. a

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