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A. Pre-Assessment Checks:

1. Please go through the Information bulletin for seeking accreditation with NBE for
details of Minimum Accreditation Criteria as prescribed by NBE. The Information
bulletin is available on Online Accreditation Assessment Portal.

2. It is strongly recommended to go through the Information Bulletin for accreditation

before you proceed for the assessment.

3. Please download the Assessment proforma and Pre-assessment Deficiency letter

from Online Accreditation Assessment Portal.

B. Finalizing the Assessment Schedule

4. The assessment is required to be completed within 15 days of appointment. The

hospital may be given 02 alternative dates, at least 07 days apart, for finalizing the
schedule of assessment.

5. There is a dedicated Assessment Desk in Department of Accreditation at NBE

which shall help you solve queries related to assessment of the department such as
assessment proforma, schedule of assessment, online assessment portal,
TA/reimbursement etc.

6. The arrangements for your travel shall be done by another dedicated desk in
department of Accreditation at NBE. The contact details of Accreditation Travel
Desk are mentioned in your letter of appointment. This desk shall only be able to
provide travel related assistance to you. Please contact the Accreditation Travel
Desk for finalizing the itinerary of your travel.

7. NBE shall arrange your travel and stay. Local travel (To & fro taxi from airport to
hotel/hospital/residence) shall also be arranged by the Accreditation Travel Desk.

8. It is strongly recommended not to book your flight tickets and hotel stay of your own
unless Accreditation Travel Desk express its inability to arrange the same.

9. Your travel tickets and voucher for hotel stay shall also be available for download
on Online Accreditation Assessment Portal.

10. The assessor shall not accept any transportation, hospitality and any gift in any
form from applicant department/hospital.
C. On the Day of Assessment

11. Please undertake the physical assessment of the department concerned,

supportive facilities, laboratories and diagnostic facilities, operation theaters etc.
and verify the information furnished by the hospital to NBE (as pre-printed in the
assessment proforma provided) with official records (HIS data, OT registers,
attendance records etc) of the hospital.

12. Please interact with the Consultants/Faculty proposed for the programme applied
for, Trainees/Candidates of already ongoing DNB/FNB programme, if any,
technicians, nurses & other allied health care workers etc.

13. Undertake an overall general assessment of the various items as highlighted in the
assessment report proforma and wherever indicated or required, seek the
documentary evidence/information in this regard.

14. The assessor may identify any particular area or equipment that is essential for the
programme applied for but not available in the concerned facility/unit/department.

15. The assessor may further ensure that the assessment does not interfere with the
routine functioning of the concerned facility/department.

16. The assessor shall not disclose in any form oral/written/indicative his/her
opinions/recommendation(s)/observations to the applicant hospital.

17. The assessor is not required to make any comment on the establishment/working
of the facility at his/her level

D. After the Assessment:

18. The assessor shall submit electronic copy of his/her assessment report through
email within 03 days of conducting the assessment at

19. The duly signed hard copy of assessment report along with the annexure to be
submitted in a sealed cover to National Board of Examinations at following address:

The Deputy Director

Department of Accreditation
National Board of Examinations
Medical Enclave,
Ansari Nagar
Mahatma Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi – 110 029
20. Kindly use the bar-coded assessment proforma customized for the specific
assignment at hand which can be downloaded from Online Accreditation
Assessment Portal. Assessment proforma customized specifically for the
assessment of a particular department at a hospital cannot be used for assessment
of any other department.

21. Sample Assessment proforma is available at Online Accreditation Portal for

reference of the applicant hospital. Same should not be filled in for submission to

22. The Assessment proforma needs to signed by the Head of the Department and
Head of the Institute on the day of the assessment. Therefore, the downloaded
copy of the proforma should be used to fill-in with pen and submitted to NBE. If you
wish to submit additional observations/remarks, same can by neatly typed and
enclosed with the report.

23. Faculty declaration along with the enclosures of each of the proposed faculty shall
be required to be collected from the hospital and verified declarations to be
submitted along with the assessment report.

24. Please complete all the columns in the assessment report proforma. Please sign all
the pages of the assessment report. Any editing/corrections should be certified
under signatures. While formulating the report, care should be taken to ensure that
observations of assessor are indicated in designated area only.

25. If there are any corrections/changes required in the pre-filled information, please
make necessary corrections under signatures. Also enclose any supportive
documents wherever necessary for such changes.

26. Please update the dates of submission of report through email and through post in
Online Accreditation Assessment Portal.

27. The final decision whether to award accreditation or not award accreditation or to
increase/decrease the number of seats as per approved NBE norms for the
facility/department concerned shall be undertaken by competent authorities of
National Board of Examinations. The assessor is not to convey or indicate to any
party/department that they can influence the decision-making process or the
decision to be undertaken by National Board of Examinations

E. TA /DA /Reimbursement Claim:

28. Please submit duly completed TA/Reimbursement Claim form along with the
assessment report.
29. In case of Journey by Air, Boarding Pass is mandatory to be enclosed with the
claim form even when the flight ticket has been booked by NBE. In absence of
boarding pass, the TA claim shall not be processed for payment.

30. In cases where the Accreditation travel desk expresses inability to arrange the local
travel and taxi being hired by the assessor, receipt of amount paid for taxi hired is
to be enclosed (in original) with the claim form, otherwise it may not be admissible.

31. There is no separate form to claim remuneration for the assignment. It shall be paid
on receipt of a duly completed assessment report and duly completed
TA/Reimbursement Claim form.

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