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NATS 1009 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1

Practical 1: Musculoskeletal system

You must bring the following to your practical to gain entry into the
• Lab coat
• Enclosed shoes
• Printed WHS certificate (Anatomy lab)
• Prac notes (these notes)
• Student ID (or another form of ID)

For this activity you will be using charts, posters, models and cadaveric specimens in the
anatomy lab. You may want to bring your textbook, lecture slides and atlas for reference.
These practicals will be most beneficial to you if you read through these notes prior to
class and attempt the short answer questions.

Topics covered:
1. Bone Types
2. Bones of the skeleton
3. Articulations
- Classify different types of bones
- Identify and name different bones of the skeleton
- Classify different types of joint by function
- Classify different types of skeletal muscles
- Define the joint movements of the body
- Identify and name important skeletal muscles of the body

Complete before practical:

- Read or listen to Skeletal System Lecture 1 and 2 (weeks 4 and 5)
- Read these practical notes and attempt the short answer questions

2024- NATS 1009 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 | Practical 1

1. Bone Types

With the help of your tutor and colleagues, locate the following bones on the
skeleton model, then name it and determine its classification.
Take some time to feel these bones, their shape and structure.

1. Locate the bone anterior to the knee joint

a. Name:
b. Classification:
2. Locate the group of bones of the wrist
b. Name: Collectively they are called –
c. Classification:
3. Locate the bone that articulates to the pelvis inferiorly
a. Name:

b. Classification:
4. Locate one of the bones posteriorly attached to a rib
a. Name:
b. Classification:
5. Locate one of the most posterior bone of the skull
a. Name:
b. Classification:

It is important that you can distinguish different types of


2024- NATS 1009 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 | Practical 1

2. Bones of the skeleton
2a. Axial Skeleton - The Vertebral Column
Examine the vertebrae in the skeleton model. See how they are related to one
another and to bones of the appendicular skeleton. Using the individual vertebral
bones, identify the major features and label them on the figure below which shows a
superior view and a lateral view of typical cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae.

spinous process
vertebral foramen
vertebral arch
superior articular process
transverse process
superior articular process
superior and inferior demifacet on the body (thoracic v only)
costal facet on transverse process (thoracic v only)

Lumbar Cervical Thoracic

Small, bean shaped body

Triangular foramen

Long, tapered
posteroinferiorly process

2024- NATS 1009 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 | Practical 1

It is important that you are able to distinguish the different types of
vertebrae. Test each other, see how many you can identify.

2b. Axial Skeleton - The Thoracic Cage

Using the skeleton model,identify the major bones and cartilages of the thoracic
cage and label them on the diagram provided

Sternum (3 parts)



Xiphoid process

True ribs (1-7)

False ribs (8-10)

Floating ribs (11-12)

Costal cartilage

Thoracic vertebrae

Intervertebral disc

What is the difference between a true, a false and a floating rib?

2024- NATS 1009 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 | Practical 1

2c. The Appendicular Skeleton – The Shoulder Girdle and Upper
Using the skeleton model, identify the bones and joints of the shoulder girdle
and upper limb and label them on the diagram provided.

Pectoral Girdle
sternoclavicular joint
acromioclavicular joint
glenohumeral joint
Upper limb
carpal bones
metacarpal bones
elbow joint
proximal radioulnar joint
distal radioulnar joint
wrist joint
carpometacarpal joints
metacarpophalangeal joints
interphalangeal joints

2024- NATS 1009 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 | Practical 1

2d. The Appendicular Skeleton - The Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limb
Using the skeleton model, identify the bones and joints of the pelvic girdle and lower
limb and label them on the diagram provided

hip bone femur

Ilium tibia
Ischium fibula
Pubis patella
pelvic inlet tarsal bones
pelvic outlet metatarsals
sacrum phalanges
sacroiliac joints pubic symphysis
pubic symphysis sacroiliac joint
acetabulum hip joint
obturator foramen knee joint
coccyx proximal tibiofibular joint
iliac crest distal tibiofibular joint
iliac fossa ankle (talocrural) joint

2024- NATS 1009 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 | Practical 1

3. Articulations
Using the models and specimens find the following joint structures. Notice their
articulations and the ligaments that stabilise them.

3a. The knee

Notice which bones of the lower limb articulate?

Find the following structures and describe them in your own words! Using your own
words is a great way to start learning these structures! Don’t just copy them down….
Think about them………

Check Structure Description

X patellofemoral joint The joint between the patella and the femur. Where the
patellar surface on the femur meets the posterior surface of
the patella.
tibiofemoral joint

anterior cruciate ligament

posterior cruciate ligament

tibiofemoral joint

anterior cruciate ligament

posterior cruciate ligament

medial (tibial) collateral


lateral (fibular) collateral


Medial and lateral meniscus

2024- NATS 1009 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 | Practical 1

3b. The ankle
Find the following structures and describe them in your own words! Using your own
words is a great way to start learning these structures!

Check Structure Description

talocrural joint

subtalar joint

deltoid ligament

anterior talofibular ligament


posterior talofibular ligament


Calcaneofibular ligament

2024- NATS 1009 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 | Practical 1

3c. The shoulder
Identify the following articulations and support structures:

Check Structure Description

acromioclavicular (AC) joint

coracoclavicular joint

Glenohumeral joint

Calcaneofibular ligament


2024- NATS 1009 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 | Practical 1

3d. The elbow
Identify the following articulations and support structures:

Check Structure Description

humeroulnar joint

humeroradial joint

radial ligament

ulnar ligament

annular ligament

Label the bones and joints below.

Try drawing the location of the 3 ligaments!

2024- NATS 1009 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 | Practical 1

Without relying on your textbook, lecture notes or the previous pages of these
practical notes, label as many bones and joints as you can on the diagram.

2024- NATS 1009 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 | Practical 1

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