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 Let us put ourselves in the loving presence of the Lord.

 Altogether, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, AMEN.
 Please repeat after me.

 Lord Jesus, / we come to you in our need./ Create in us an awareness / of the massive forces
of conflict/ that threaten our world today.//
 And grant us a sense of urgency/ to activate the forces of goodness, / of justice, / of love,/ and
of peace.//
 Where there is armed conflict,/ let us stretch out our arms to our brothers and sisters.//
 Where there is abundance,/ let there be simple lifestyle and sharing.//
 Where there is poverty, / let there be dignified living / and constant striving for just
 Where there is selfish ambition,/ let there be humble service.//
 Where there is injustice,/ let there be atonement.//
 Where there is despair,/ let there be hope in the Good News.//
 Where there are wounds of division,/ let there be unity and wholeness.//
 Help us to be committed/ to the building of your kingdom,/ not seeking to be cared for / but
to care; /not expecting to be served/ but to place ourselves in the service of the others;/ not
aspiring to be materially secure/ but to place our security in Your love.//
 Teach us Your spirit, / for it is only in loving imitation of You, Lord, / that we can discover /
the healing springs of life / that will bring about new birth to our earth / and hope for the
world.// Amen.//
 Our Lady, Queen of Peace./ (All: Pray for us.)


 Please repeat after me.
 Oh, great San Roque, deliver us, / we beseech thee from the Scourges of God.//
 Through thy intercession,/ preserve our bodies from contagious disease,/ and our soul
from the contagion of sins.//
 Assist us to make good use of health,/ to bear suffering with patience,/ and after thy
example/ to live in the practice of penance and charity,/ that we may one day enjoy
happiness which thou had merited/ by thy virtues./ Amen.//
 St. Roque, Refuge of the Sick – (ALL: Heal our Body and Soul)


 Sta. Martha, Patroness of Pateros,/ we praise and give respect to you.//
 We know how you have served the Lord/ with humility and kindness;/ you are indeed
worthy to be our model.//
 Please teach us to be patient,/ persevering,/ and industrious as we do our tasks.//
 Pray for us,/ so that we may be able to serve Jesus/ in the same way that you have done.//
 This we ask through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
 St. Martha, Friend of Christ – (ALL: HELP US TO SERVE JESUS)

 Itaas ang ating kanang kamay ayon sa panunumpa/ at sumunod sa aking sasabihin.
 Iniibig ko ang Pilipinas,
 aking lupang sinilangan
 tahanan ng aking lahi;
 kinukupkop ako at tinutulungang
 maging malakas, masipag at marangal.
 Dahil mahal ko ang Pilipinas,
 diringgin ko ang payo ng aking mga magulang,
 susundin ko ang tuntunin ng paaralan,
 tutuparin ko ang tungkulin
 ng mamamayang makabayan;
 naglilingkod, nag-aaral, at nagdarasal
 nang buong kntapatan.
 Iaalay ko ang aking buhay,
 pangarap, at pagsisikap
 sa bansang Pilipinas.


 Please repeat after me.
 Committed to build the 21st Century learning community
 Pateros Catholic School is a center for Excellence
 characterized by professional and personal competence
 for the integral formation and transformation
 to become “Men and Women of Noble Character”


 Pateros Catholic School

 prepares learners for the 21st century
 by engaging in quality Catholic Educational Programs
 that promote intellectual
 spiritual
 and personal excellence
 in a joyful, humble, and loving community

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