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Construction project management

1. Discuss the phase of a construction project.

 Defining stage: goals, specification, task-activity, responsibility.
 Planning: scheduling for the resources(material, labour, machinery)
(when, what, which)
(a) Staff
(b) Budget
(c) Risk
 Execution: status report, quality control, forecast
 Deliver: transfer of documents, the costumer training, release
resources (the booked ones), release staff, lesson learned/ feedback.

2. Prepare a short note on resources for construction.

There are four types of resources:
i) Man power: the labour force being used for a project, it being

1. Skilled or unskilled

2. Technical/ non-technical

3. Manager etc
Should be taken care of.
ii) Machine: the machine plays an important role as a resource as it makes
the work efficient and consumes less time. Also some works which are not
possible by labour force to carry out like heavy object lifting, etc can be
easily be done by the machine.
iii) Material:
 the proper quality and adequate quantity (not too less or more) shall be
stocked at a time.
 The material according to the requirement should be readily available
as to avoid any delay in the project.
 Material shall be ordered well in advance.
 Also various materials are required at various stages like- cement,
sand, water, timber, aggregate etc.
iv) Money: one of the basic resources to carry out construction
 There should be a record that maintains the expenses being made.
 It gives the idea of the current costing of the project and how much
could it cost at the completion.
 Money should be released at completion of various stages of a project
to keep up the project momentum going.
 Thus not causing any delay in the project.

3. Differentiate between gantt’s bar chart and milestone charts

Gantt’s bar chart Milestone chart
It is a pictorial representation of the It is a point in the project schedule
project work that shows in a limited that does not represent work, but
fashion, the relationship between represents the culmination of
project tasks. succeeding project tasks.
It is a type of horizontal bar chart The list of tasks are displayed
that illustrates a project schedule. adjacent to time scale
Communicating project plans and Milestone chart is devised to
progress easily and quickly. accommodate on project manager's
wall. Each project manager collected
related group of activities in the
project and assigned a milestone to
every group.
They are the most flexible and If there were any changes in the
helpful of all project management schedule which affected the date if
tools. completion of the milestone, the
project manager had to visit
superior's office and move to the
4. Distinguish between critical path method (CPM) and project management
review technique (PERT).
CPM - Critical Path Method
• Deterministic model under which the result is ascertained in a manner of
• Activities of precise well known time.
• Time estimate are of rain degree of occupancy.
• Deterministic approach.
• Cost is governing factor.
• Project duration is fixed.
• Cost is minimum.
PERT - Program Evolution and Review Technique
• It is a probabilistic model under which the result is estimated in a manner of
• Activities of uncertain time.
• Time estimates are not that accurate.
• Probabilistic approach
• Time is governing factor.
• Proportional
5. Define:-
5.1. Earliest start time: the earliest start/ event time represents the earliest
time an event can begin. Conventionally, it is zero for the first event.
5.2. Latest event time: latest event time represents the latest time an event
can start without affecting the schedule of the project.
5.3. Dummy activity: it is an activity added to a project schedule as a
placeholder. It has no activity time associated with it.
5.4. Total float: a projects total float is the difference between the finish date
of the last task on the critical path and project completion date.
5.5. Work breakdown structure: WBS is a top down approach for planning
to be adopted. It is a list of each and every activity identified for
execution of project in different groups of activities, stages of
construction and phases.
• Each of the 5 deliverables are then broken-down into a series of
o Initiation
o Planning
o Execution
o Control
o Close out
6. Write short note on activities of arrow and activities on node types of
Activity: an activity is the actual performance of the task.
 It is the work required to complete a specific event.
 An activity is recognisable part of a project that requires time and
resources for its completion.
 Represented by an arrow
 Length of an arrow doesn’t represent the duration or time or magnitude of
an activity.
Inter-relation between activity
6.1.1. Parallel activity: activity performed simultaneously and independent
to each other.
6.1.2. Serial activity: activity performed after the other in succession,
these can be performed independently to each other.
6.1.3. Predecessor activity: activity that are required to be performed
before another activity can begin are called predecessor activity.
6.1.4. Successor activity: activity performed after the performance of other
activity are known as successor activities to that activities.
6.1.5. Dummy activity: it is an activity added to a project schedule as a
placeholder. It has no activity time associated with it.

7. Enlist rules for developing a network for a construction project.

(1)No single activity can be represented more than one in a network.
(2)The event numbered I is the start event and an event with highest number
is the end event.
• Before an activity can be undertaken, all activities preceding it must be
• That is, the activities must follow a logical sequence between the activities.
(3) In assigning numbers to events, there should not be any duplications of
event numbers in a network.
(4)Dummy activities must be only used if it is necessary to reduce the
complexity of a network.

8. Numerical
9. Numerical
10. Define:
10.1. Critical path: Is it the largest possible and the actual total time required
to complete the full task. It is also called the total calender.
10.2. Optimistic path:
 The optimistic time is the fastest possible time needed to
complete the task and usually involves additional cost.
 The optimistic time expressed as 'to', represents estimate of
minimum possible time by which an activity can be completed
assuming that everything is in order according to the plan and
there can be only minimum amount of difficulty.
10.3. Pessimistic path: Pessimistic time is expressed as 'tp' , represents
estimate of maximum possible time by which an activity can be
completed assuming that things may not be incidence of difficulties in
carrying out the activity.

11. Prepare a detailed note on mile stone chart. Mention its advantages and
A milestone chart is used to represent groups of activities or significant events
of a project.
 The chart shows a group of milestones in an organised manner
 Milestone chart is devised to accommodate on project manager's wall.
Each project manager collected related group of activities in the project
and assigned a milestone to every group.
 If there were any changes in the schedule which affected the date if
completion of the milestone, the project manager had to visit superior's
office and move to the milestone.
 The list of tasks are displayed adjacent to time scale.
 This approach is not without it's limitations, relationships among tasks
are not fully established.

12. Numerical

13. Define project management. Write down various objection and responsibilities
of a project manager.
Project management is a concept that helps in the coordination between the
organization strategies, program management, project management. The
structure of organizational project management is used to aligning the
practises of project management with organisational structure.
Project manager:
Organisation appoints a project manager for looking after or managing the
project and achieving the objectives for which project is authorised.
Objectives of project manager:-
 Coordinates the efforts
 Encourages the initiatives and keenness
 He has to use each person’s ability and efficiency.
 He has to develop a dynamic and devote time.

Responsibility of project manager:-

 Should possess knowledge, imagination, insight and foresight.

 Should have delicate and sensitive perception to understand the
changing needs of the organisation.
 Able to think conceptually.
 Should have courage and faith.

14. Describe in detail the importance of maintenance of records for construction

project Management Company.
 It develops strong structure and systematic approach to a project.
 If any quarrels or query from any side is generated, can be resolved
through records.
 Any last minute alterations or issues can be resolved
 It provides estimate of the cost of the project through major stages, and
surety of no alteration.
 The quantity of material on every order and its cost can be known.
 Ensure there are no illegal mans involved in the process.
 The time duration of each and every activity and event in the project,
 Whether the project is on schedule, or behind or ahead.
 Can be studied for the next project as base work for improvements
 Can increase efficiency of output.
 Any legal issues can be attended to and solve easily.

15. Define critical path method. Write uses of critical path method along with it’s
network procedure.
Is it the largest possible and the actual total time required to complete the full
task. It is also called the total calendar.
 Deterministic model under which the result is ascertained in a manner
of certainty.
 Activities of precise well known time.
 Time estimate are of rain degree of occupancy.
 Deterministic approach.
 Cost is governing factor.
 Project duration is fixed.
 Cost is minimum
 Network procedure:-
1. Earliest time: Earliest event time represents the earliest time
an event can possibly begin, conventionally it is zero for the
first event for others it is completed.

2. Latest event time: represents the catalyst time an event can

possibly begin without affecting the schedule of the project.
The LT of the last or terminal event is equal to its earliest

16. Write various activities under project management. Explain in brief points of
any activity in detail.
Answer 6

17. Draw hierarchy diagram of construction project management for large

company showing hierarchy of various departments with various positions.
18. What is bar chart? State the application in the construction management.
Bar chart graphically draws the project plan, including any task dependencies,
by visually adjusting task durations and by linking tasks to each other.
 It is a type of horizontal bar chart that illustrates a project schedule.
 Each row identifies a single task represented by a number and a name.
 The bar chart is the best rated model for:
 Scheduling and budgeting
 Reporting and presenting
 Communicating project plans and progress easily and quickly.
They are the most flexible and helpful of all project management tools.

19. Define:-
19.1. Network diagram:- graphical portrayal of the activities and events of a
project. They show how each activity relates to others in the project.
19.2. Circle diagram:-

19.3. Construction expenditures:- an expenditure is the act of spending

money or time and it is something on which you spend money.
Eg: money spent on office equipment.
19.4. Final tender cost:-

19.5. Hire purchase: - it is an arrangement for buying expensive consumer

goods, when the buyer makes on initial down payment and pays the
balance plus interest in instalments.
19.6. Site overheads
19.7. Cash flow:- cash flow is the movement of money in and out of a
company. Cash received signified inflow and cash spent signifies

20. Numerical
21. True or false:
21.1. Man power and material has nothing to do with management of project.
21.2. Construction management has relation with project management.
21.3. PERT is “ project edit and research technology”
21.4. The length of the arrow in network diagram neither represents the
magnitude of work involved nor the time required for it’s completion.
21.5. Critical path is when free float is zero.

21.6. In network diagram arrow always from left to right in direction of


22. Write advantages and uses of CPM.

 It figures out the activities which can run parallel with eachother.
 It helps the project manager in identifying the most critical elements of the
 It gives a practical and disciplined base which helps in determining how to
reach the objectives.
 Shows their activity and their outcome as a network diagram.
 Helps in determining the slack time.
 Provides demonstration of dependencies which helps in the scheduling of
individual activities.
Uses:- question 4 answer

23. Repeat 22
24. Define:-
i) Free float:- an amount of time a schedule activity can be delayed without
delaying the early start of an immediately following schedule activity.
ii) Total float:- it is the difference between the finish date of the last task on
the critical path and the project completion date.
iii) Late finish:- the extra amount of time taken for a scheduled activity than
the proposed time.

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