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fs ARTMENT OF STATISTICS Bi _ UNIVERSITY OF CALABAR, CALABAR | SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATION, 2021/2022 SESSION COURSE CODE: STA.212, COURSE TITLE: STATISTICAL INFERNCE. \: Answer Any FOUR Questions of your chvice. DATE: July, 7, 2023.TIME: 2 HOURS: (@), Define the following terms: (i) Test of significance (ii) Test statistic (ili) Critical Values (iv) Critical Region. (v) P-value Sy-, - 4, (b) (i) State and explain the types of statistical hypothesis Vo ee Gi) An experiment involving two populations gave the result summarized as follows: San as My = 6,72 = 10,X, = 60, X, = 31,5; = 15,52 = 15. Assuming that the two populations are independent and normally distributed, with unequal but known variance, construct a 95% confidence interval for the difference in the two population's means 0-45 (@) Differentiate between the following pairs of concepts: (I) Null Hypothesis and A ltematives Hypothesis. ({i) One and two tailed tests. (6) (@ Suppose that there is a claim that proportion of men that are diabetics is equal to the proportion of women that are diabetics. Ina random sample of 300men and 200women, 192 men and 112women were diabetics. Test the hypothesis that the proportion of diabetics men is greater than the proportion of diabetics Women at a = 0.05 Gi)An engineer measured the Brinell hardness of 25 pieces of ductile iron under a standard condition of 6 degrees, The resulting data were: ACG IS iG 1s 18 is) 18 617) (17 Wir 1S 031 1G ar ‘The engineer hypothesized thal the mean Brinell hardness of all ductile iron is greater than 15. Test the hypothesis at 5% level of significance. (a) (I) Outline the steps in hypothesis testing (ID) Inorder to test whether a coin is perfect, it is tossed 6 times, The null hypothesis of perfeetness is rejected ifand only if more than 5 heads are obtained. Obtain the (Critical reaion of type I error and Git) probability of type Il error when the corresponding probability of getting « head is 0.3 (b) A taxi company is trying to decide whether to purchase brand B iypes of feet of taxis. To help arrive at a decision, an experiment is conducted using 6 0! each brand. The tires are run until der \ear out, the results are: Brand A: Xj = 236miles 5; = 320miles Brand B: X,=248miles S, = 370miles Test the hypothesis 9, = o against the alternative that 0 > a» at 0.05 level of sign (a) Write short notes on the following properties of a good estimator i. Unbias&iness (ii) Consistency (b) Let X,,.Xy.X,.X, Xe. be independently and identically distributed random variables with mean @,and variancea*, An estimators of @ is defined as 2X43 X42 2 4 6 (i) Show that 7;,7,.andT, are unbiased estimator of 6 and 7, is biaed (ii) Which of the estimators above is the most efficient £8 A r_idyy F (a) Proof that the unadjusted variance, 5, = me isa biased estimator of the population variance, ? and that the adjusted sample variance. s;, 1 Ye 51%) Xo)" isan unbiased estimator of the population nel variance, (b) State the Central Limit Theorem (a) A population consists of five numbers (2, 3, 6, 8, 11), Consider all possible samples of size two which ean’ beddrawn with replacement from the population. Calculate the standard error oF estimate of the sample mean ‘and compare with that of the original population. (©) When is an estimator said to be sufficient — by SECOND § me CON Bean where { Inleger, what is the most suitable algorithm fi armanee these clements in order “de? Give the pseudocode of the algorithm you have chosen. BPS yee understand by the syntax ofa one dimensional array of 10 Sements in © or Java hence wap Bement that uses an array to compute the sum of n elements. Discuss the operations supported EY an array fora given el, ment, of diagrams ard cod IS¢tss 4 linked list. Give the operations 0} a list /Usir MEM linked list oF integers SPeleting cata trom the tist you just NL iven a set of k elements. «write a eMbthaGteturns the‘largest i ila structures they apply See Show © code und respective dia Pxplain th What is an enque' the steps for accessin - UNIVERSITY OF CALABAR, CALABAR Pee MEND OF COMPUTER SCIENCE COURS. COND SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2021/2022 OURSE CODE: CSC 242 COURSE TITLE: FUNDAMENTALS OF DATA STRUCTURES : ‘TIME: 1 HOURS 30 MINS DATE: 8" JULY, 2023. INSTRUCTION: ANSWER QUESTION 1 AND ANY TWO (2) QUESTIONS. CSC 242 EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 1. (a) Define an algorithm and state its properties. (b) Mention 3 differences between Linear and Non-Linear data structure. (c) Define an abstract data type (ADT) and mention 4 examples of ADT. (d) Mention the operations that can be performed on the following data types: * Stack = Queue « BinaryTree * Graph 2. (a) Discuss the concepts of space and time complexity in algorithm analysis. (b) Describe what recursion is in programming. (c) Explain the concept of data encapsulation i in object-oriented programming. 3. (a) Explain the meanings of best, average, and worst-case time complexities of an algorithm. (b) What is the purpose ‘of using Big Oh notation in algorithm analysis? (c) Discuss the role of recurrence relations in algorithm analysis. 4. (a) With the aid of a diagram, perform sorting on the following array 12]9 |-5 ]4]2 |48|1 |6 Using: * Insertionsort = Mergesort (b) Define searching and sorting UNIVERSITY UF CALABAT. DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE ‘SEMESTER: SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS ACADEMIC SESSION: 2021/2022 COURSE TITLE: COMPUTER PROGRAMMING II COURSE CODE: CSC202 INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER QUESTION ONE AND ANY OTHER TWO QUESTIONS. TIME: 2hr: 30min Question 1 Compulsory: 30 marks. A. Suppose you are given an array A[] of n elements, write a linear or binary sear! search for a given element k in Al]. If the element ‘k’ is present, return the index where Its Present; otherwise, return -1. B. Define sorting Algorithm and List 6 types of sorting algorithm known to you. €. What is time and space complexity, why are they important in measuring the efficiency of an algorithm even when factors like the CPU (time) usage, memory usage, disk usage and network usage exist? h algorithm to Question 2: 20 marks. A. One of the characteristics of an algorithm is finiteness or termination. Given t code snippet, prove that, the time complexity is the same as O(vin ). (Hint: Assume the loop he following terminates when sum =n). eS Sum = 0; 2 For (int i=1; sum <= n; i++) 3 { 4 sum = sum + i; } B. Write the Big O-Notation or time complexity of the following expressions and state its asymptotic meaning: (i) 2x2 + 101% + 25, (ii) 2000y + y log y (iii) 2n +n +2000 (iv) 2n* + 10" +25 Question 3: 20 marks. A. Using selection sort techniques, manually trace and sort the following Array: 5, 11, -20, 6-5, 20, 3, 11. (hint: start the array from index 0, and show all the passes and movement of the elements during sorting). B. From your output in question 3A, comment if the algorithm is stable or unstable, in-place or out-place. Question 4: 20 marks. A. State 3 string methods for string processing and describe its effect on a string. B. Differentiate between a character data type and a string datatype statement in JAVA, and state what the following statements does in JAVA. (i) String ex1 = “A”+41; (ii) char ex1 ="A’ + 1; (iii) String name = readLine(“what is your name?”); (iv) char Initial = name.CharAt(0); we Good Luck! ‘i ae UNIVE DEPAK SITY OF CALABAR MEN OF PHYSICS XAMINATION 2019/2020 ACADEMIC SuSSION RICAL CIRCUIT /ED KONICS pSTIONS ONLY, ONE (1) QUESTION FROM EACH SECOND SEMP! PHY 262: ELE INSTRUCTION(S): ANSWER FO! SECTION ‘TIME: 2 HOURS EACH QUESTION = 17.50 MARKS SECTION A 18) Sketch the triode circuit symbol. Briefly describe triode vacuum tube. @Marks) 4, (i) State and explain electrical characteristics of a triode,(3Marks) (ili) A triode has anode resistance of 6kQ and a transconductance of 1.0ms. Determine its amplification \ factor, Marks) (i) State the thermionic emission equation, defining the symbols used (1 4 Marks) (id, onstant for silver is given as 5, and the temperature in Kevlin of the metal is 300K, determine the Wmetre square of the emitter ifthe other constant is 20.2Marks) iti) & Write a shart note on the importance of a cathode as an essential part of an electron tube (2 Marks) © A single pnase half wave rectifier supplies power to a 1kA load. The sinusoidal AC supply has a Foot mean square (rms) value of 200V. The step-down transformer has a tum ratio of 10. Neglecting, forward resistance of the diode, calculate the AC voltage across the load. (4Marks) 2a.(i) Write briefly on four (4) different ways in which electron emission can be produced (4Marks) ii) Sketch the full-wave rectification circuit and briefly explain its mode of operation. (SMarks) p full-wave rectifier supplies a load of 1kQ. The AC voltage across the secondary in 200-0200 Vrms). If diode resistance is neglected, Determine (1) de voltage across the load(1Mark) (2) de Youd current(IMark) bb (i) State the fimetion(s) of the following parts of the cathode ray tube (CRT) (i) Electron gun (2 % Marks) (ii) Deflection system(1 Mark) (ili) Fluorescent sereen(1Mark) SECTION B 3(a) Explain with the aid of a appropriate diagram mutual inductance and self-inductanee, listing the factors affecting their operation. (b) An iron ring 20cm mean inductance of the coil. Assume jir ~ (Hints: mean diameter (x), po = 4x 10”) :ntical coils M and N of 1000 turns each lie in parailel places such that 60? ‘one coil links with the other. Ifa current of 10 flowing in M produces a flux of Imwb in: inductance between Mand N, (U}Explain voltage transformation ration (K) OKA, single-phase transformer has 0, 1300 vot, 5 sop Nhe CurFEHE F/G in the circuit below using Kirchhoff’ law . Aiso find tse volta,” a euch resistor. Ty Ry Rt asc 2 ly pis OFC | i Define phase diference or phase shift. Ste‘e kirehhof?’s law. (2 Marks) Consider two AC voltages V; having a peak voltage of 10Volts, and V2 having a peak voltage of 20Volts, where V, leads V, by 60°. Find the total voltage V1 of the two phasors V\ and V> using reetanguilat form. (7 Marks) (Mars) 768; Find the currents flowing through th 62 and 49 resistors. Hence, find the voltage across each resstor. (7 Marks) Gee meretrog> lau C kel V2 Werte \neis Cuceech lay srae? 1a) Ta) 6b. With a suitable diagram, explain the following phase difference equation. (DAt= Am Sin (wt). (ii) At= Am Sin (wt). (iii) At= Am Sin (wt). (6 Marks) Where Am= Amplitude of the waveform, wt = Angular frequency, «= Phase angle Explain the following briefly. (i) Voltage source. (ii) Voltage gain. (ii) Voltage drop. (4.5Marks) SECTION 3 eripiion of the ng terms with suitable diagrams ) Reverse biased P-N Junction (iii) Forward biased P-N Junction (iv)Saturation Region IP Transistor (vi) NPN Transistor (6 Marks) jeifly discus about Field Effect transistors.(1 Marks) ‘State and explain four types of FET. (4 Marks) (iit) State two uses of Field Effect Transistors. 6c. () P-N Junction (1 Mark) ©. (i) What are Bipolar Junction Transistors and explain how Bipolar Junction Transistors are formed. (2 years) i) Explain how Bipolar Junction Transistors can be used as an amplifier. (1.5 Marks) 4 (ii) list four properties of a semiconductor(2 Marks) Sa, What is an equivalent circuit? Explain with diagram the two (2) simple forms of equivalent ci (4 Marks) b Find the equivalent resistance across ¢ Find VTH, RTH and the load current across the load Fquivalent circuit.(9 Marks) terminal A and B in the circuit below (4.5 Marks) — UNIVERSITY OF CALABAR SECOND ¢) csc SSTER EXAIMINATIO! i : COMPUTER LAB 2B-OOP OW: Answer 2 questions in Session A and ALL in B \ — 2020/2021 Session TIME: 1Mbr, 30 Mins Java program to multiply two binary numbers. va fe rite @ Java program to print numbers between 1 to 100 which are(divisible by Wa by both. with three + (a) Write a Java Program to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius (b) w 2. fa)y (6) Write a Java program to create a new array of length 2 from two arraySof intege elements and the new array will contain the first and last elements from the two arrays. (2) Write a Java program to convert a binary number to a Octal number. (6) Write a Java program to print numbers between 100 to 1000 which are divisible by 3, 5,7 and by 4. Which is not a feature of OOP in general delinitions? a) Efficient Code b) Code reusability ©) Modulsrity (2) Duplicate/Redundant data * 2. Which was the first purely abjecto 2 developed? Ktlin ted programming langu cab came into picture? 4, Which feature of OOP indicates code reusability? a) Abstraction b) Polymorphism ¢} Encapsulation a) Inheritance * 5, Why Java is Partially OOP language? a) allows code to be written outside classes * b) Itsupports usual declaration of primitive data types: ¢) It does not support pointers d) Iedoesn’t support all types of inheritance 6. Which among the following doesn’t come under OOP concept? « a) Data hiding 1) Message passing * __¢) Platform independent _d) Dara binding J Which is the correct syntax of inheritance? 8. Which feature of OOP is indicated by the following code? class student{ Int marks; } class topper:public student{ int age; topper(int agelt this age=age; }}; 4) Encapsulation and inheritance* b) Inheritance and polymorphism «} Polymorphism d) Inheritance 9. In multilevel inheritance, which is the most significant ‘eature of OOP used? a] Code efficiency d) Code reusability 10. What is encapsulation in OOP? 2} It is away of combining various data members and member functions that operate on those data men intoa single unit? b) Itis a way of combining various data mer ‘member functions into a single unit which any data Bg )itis@ way of combining various data single unit uctor i DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF CALABAR |ECOND SEMESTER ACADEMIC SESSION: 2021/2022 COURSE TITLE: COMPUTER LAB 28 ‘SESSIONAL EXAMINATION: COURSE CODE: CSC282 INSTRUCTIONS: Answer three Questions 1. (a)With appropriate diagram, explain super class and subclass (b) Write the syntax of a super class and subclass using java program 2, (a) List and Explain the four pillars of object oriented programming (b) Demonstrate the concept of inheritance between Vehicle and Car C lass 3, With appropriate examples illustrate the four pillars of OOP with its syntax 4. Study the following code snippet below and drav’a class diagram from it Class StudentRecord ( Private: char name; Int matricNo, total, Creditunit; Double CGPA; Float GPA; Public: Void getNamepetails(void) Void putDetaits(void) Void getcaPabetail); = Explain the following terms with examples i. Cryptography ii, Encryption ili. Decryption

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