Periods माहवारी

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CHANGES परिवर्तन

Your body will change

आपका शरीर बदलेगा।

Youll grow hair in new places

नई जगहों पर बाल उगाएंगे ।

You might get acne

आपको मुहांसे हो सकते हैं

Your breasts will start developing

आपके स्तन विकसित होने लगेंगे
BASIC FACTS . बुनियादी तथ्य
they occur every 28 days and last for 5 - 7 days
( वे हर 28 दिनों में होते हैं और 5-7 दिनों तक चलते हैं)
PMS - physical and emotional symptoms happening before or
during periods
. (पीएमएस - मासिक धर्म से पहले या उसके दौरान होने वाले शारीरिक और भावनात्मक
menopause - at the age of around 45 - 50 your periods will stop
(रजोनिवृत्ति - लगभग 45 - 50 वर्ष की आयु में आपके मासिक धर्म बंद हो जाएंगे)


ये होते क्यू है।
Every 28 days or so, one of the ovaries releases an
egg that goes to the uterus through the fallopian
tube. At the same time, hormonal changes prepare
the uterus for pregnancy. a thick lining If ovulation
doesn't take place and the egg isn't fertilized, the
lining of the uterus is shed through the vagina. This is
a period.
Uterine Cavity
Fallopian tube

change your pad every

4-6 hours (हर 4-6 घंटे में
अपना पैड बदलें)

wash the pubic area

with soap and water
gently - do not put
soap on the
insides(जघन क्षेत्र को साबुन
और पानी से धीरे से धोएं - अंदर
साबुन न लगाएं)

avoid tight clothes

during menstruation -
buildup of sweat and
moisture increases risk
of vaginal
infections(मासिक धर्म के
दौरान तंग कपड़ों से बचें - पसीने
और नमी के कारण संक्रमण का
खतरा बढ़ जाता है।)
अपना ख्याल के से रखे ।
period pain is common - it
Fallopian tube
can be muscle cramps in
the tummy region and
spread to your back and
thighs - using a heat bag
or a hot bottle or warm
cloth on top of the tummy
region(मासिक धर्म या पेरिओडस
का दर्द आम है - यह पेट में
मांसपेशियों में ऐंठन हो सकता है और
आपकी पीठ और जांघों तक फै ल
सकता है - पेट के क्षेत्र के ऊपर हीट
बैग, गर्म बोतल या गर्म कपड़े का
उपयोग करे )

Cervical canal take painkillers if the pains

too much (यदि दर्द बहुत अधिक
हो तो दर्दनिवारक लें -
ibuproxen or naproxen)
take regular baths and
clean the pubic area
नियमित स्नान करें और जघन क्षेत्र को
साफ करते रहे।

get enough sleep। पर्याप्त नींद

Puberty is the process of physical changes through which a
child's body matures into an adult body
These changes are caused because of hormones

Menstruation, or period, is normal vaginal bleeding that
occurs as part of a woman's monthly cycle.


You bleed more heavily than usual. ज्यादा खून निकाल रहा हो।
soak through more than one pad or tampon every hour
or two. एक दो घंटे मै एक से ज्यादा पद इस्तेमाल हो रहा हो।
Your periods are less than 21 days or more than 35 days
apart. पेरिओडस के बीच मै २१ से काम दिन या ३५ से ज्यादा दिनों का
अन्यत्र होना
You bleed between periods पेरिओडस के बीच मै खून निकलना
You develop severe pain during your period। पेरिओडस के
समय आधिकतर दर्द होना

कोई भी परेशानी हो तो अपने मत पिता को सूचित करे।



Urethra Labia

Vagina Labia

The concept is based on the lack of awareness about menstrual hygiene and
reproductive health concerns among teenage girls.

Parents, especially in rural areas either find it hard to talk about these things
to their daughters or do not have any idea about these topics themselves.

The idea is to make the process of starting a conversation about this topic
easier, more comfortable, and more fun when their daughters start their
periods. So when they will buy a packet of pads (the most widely used
product for periods in the village) they’ll get a small booklet containing the
what and why of periods. It’ll explain why menstrual hygiene matters and
how to take care of themselves during their periods.

This booklet is made keeping in mind it's for the rural background.

Specifically for the village of Thana. Because Thana is where we went to one
of our previous modules and I have knowledge from talking to the teenage
girls and the women in the village about the condition of awareness about
menstrual hygiene.

the colors used are soft pinks, peach, etc. going with the packaging of the
pads and the outer packets. these colors are used because they indicate
softness and sweetness.

I’ve tried to keep the booklet short and compact with the most amount of
knowledge I could put in.

I also talked about how much the kids understand English.

Most girls in 8th and 9th grade could read but understanding English is
another matter that’s why Both English and Hindi have been incorporated in
the booklet.

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