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SECOND TERM EXAM – 2023/2024

Section A: Reading Comprehension (10 marks)

1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
The Mysterious Island
Once upon a time, in a small coastal town, there was a mysterious island that no one dared to explore.
Legend had it that the island was home to magical creatures and hidden treasures. One day, a group of
adventurous friends decided to embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of the island.

a) What did the legend say about the mysterious island? (2 marks)

The legend said that the mysterious island was home to magical creatures and hidden treasures
b) Why did no one dare to explore the island? (2 marks)

No one dared to explore the island because of the prevailing belief in the legend that it was inhabited by
magical creatures and contained hidden treasures, which likely instilled fear and caution in the residents
of the small coastal town.
c) What motivated the group of friends to explore the island? (2 marks)
The group of friends was motivated by their adventurous spirit and curiosity to unravel the mysteries discover what
lay hidden there surrounding the island. Despite the warnings and fears associated with the island, they were eager
to explore and
d) How might the story continue? Write the next 4 lines. (4 marks)

The friends navigated through treacherous waters, Their hearts brimming with excitement and
trepidation. Mystical whispers echoed as they drew closer, Their quest for adventure leading them into
the unknown.
SECOND TERM EXAM – 2023/2024
Section B: Grammar and Vocabulary (50 marks)
2. Circle the verbs in the below passage. Then, underline and label the subject and object. (12
a) Alice reads a magazine every night.
b) The children play soccer after school.
c) Ben eats an apple during the break.
d) The dog chases a ball in the yard.
3. Read the below passage.
Strolling along a quiet country road on my own, I realize I've lost my way. Suddenly, I stumble upon an
old, deserted amusement park. The faded rides and empty stalls give off an eerie vibe. I stand there,
debating whether to explore the abandoned funfair in search of directions or continue my journey in the
hopes of finding someone nearby.
a) Write down three effective adjectives (other than the adjectives mentioned in the passage) to
describe the amusement park. (6 marks)
1. Desolate 2. Decrepit 3. Haunting

b) Write down three similies to describe the amusement park. (12 marks)

1. The deserted amusement park was as silent as a graveyard at midnight.

2. The faded rides stood like forgotten relics from a bygone era

3. The empty stalls stretched out like abandoned dreams along the cracked pavement

c) Correct the following sentences. (8 marks)

a) I enjoy read book very much.
I enjoy reading books very much.
b) They're going to the beach, their going to swim.
They're going to the beach; they're going to swim
c) The dog its sleeping in the sun.
The dog is sleeping in the sun.…………………..
d) The cat sit on the windowsill, watch the birds outside.
The cat sits on the windowsill, watching the birds outside.………..
SECOND TERM EXAM – 2023/2024
4. Read the poem by Jean Binta that reflects Jamaican culture.

Jamaican Market Woman

She trod barefoot upon the earth,
each step like prayer.
With a market basket on her head,
balanced with grace, she'd stride.

In the market square she laid her wares,

exotic fruits and spices rare.
Her voice, a melody, a vibrant song,
calling to those who'd come along.

Faces painted with the sun's embrace,

laughter echoed in that market space.
Unity in diversity, colors unfold,
a tapestry of stories, rich and bold.

a) What does the phrase "exotic fruits and spices rare" suggest about the items the market woman
is selling? (4 marks)

The phrase "exotic fruits and spices rare" suggests that the items the market woman is selling are
uncommon and unique, possibly difficult to find elsewhere..

b) Circle the two synonyms for the word "vibrant" in the line "Her voice, a melody, a vibrant
song". (2 marks)
1. Gloomy 2. Calm 3. Lively 4. Dangerous 5. Energetic 6. Sharp

c) How is the market woman's voice described in the poem? (2 marks)

The market woman's voice is described as "a melody" and "a vibrant song" in the poem…..

d) How is laughter described in the market square, and what does it tell you about the atmosphere
in Jamaican markets? (4 marks)
SECOND TERM EXAM – 2023/2024
Section C: Writing (40 marks)

Write an essay (about 200-250 words) on ONE of the following topics:

● A mysterious portal that transports you to another realm. Describe the strange landscapes,
encounters with mythical creatures, and the journey to find your way back.

● Exploring an abandoned mansion, uncovering its secrets, and solving the mysteries within.

● A spontaneous adventure where you set off to explore a place you've never been before.

● A cold case that has remained unsolved for years. Describe the investigation process and the
theories surrounding the case.

One evening I was in my Room reading a Book about a mythical Island, when I was reading the book in

the middle of the book it felt so Magical I felt that I was there I believed it so much and suddenly a wind

started Blowing around the room and suddenly a Magical portal appeared it was so bright and pink color

and I wanted to check it out so I moved towards it I heard some type of sounds I was curious I went inside

it after I entered the portal I appeared on a high peak mountain and my surroundings were so beautiful the

trees were pink color and there were flying magical Horses and Unicorns I couldn’t believe what I was

seeing I thought I was in a dream in pinched myself but it hurt me and it was not a dream and I went down

the hill and walked through the magical Greenland there were unicorn herds and fairies too I was so

happy and I met some dwarfs I spoke with them and they told that im in magical Oasis and yeah they

could speak they brought me to their small village the houses were so tiny and they treated me with

magical fruits and I was there for 4 days and I missed my family so I decided to go home the dwarfs were

sad but they greeted me goodbye and I went up the mountain and teleported to my home and I checked the
SECOND TERM EXAM – 2023/2024
time it was only five minutes in my world and I told the story to my mom. And that is how I went to a

magical wonderland.

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