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The Process of Community


"We don't accomplish anything in this world alone... and whatever bappens is the
result of the wbole tapestry of one's life and all the weavings of individual tbreads from one
to anotber that creates sometbing."
Sandra Day O'Connor

Learning Objectives
At the end of this unit, the student should be able to:
a. verbalize the process of immersion as a guide for rendering service to the communities;
b. design a community immersion plan of implementation following the process;and
c. internalize the importance of carrying out the steps of community immersion in.series.

Community immersion generally takes on different overlapping phases, similar to

performing community organizing strategies called social preparation phase,integration,
social analysis, program implementation, evaluation and report writing,and termination of
the project.

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1. The students will be divided into groups of 10 members.
2. Each group will be assigned a particular phase to discuss and role play.
3. They then, will be asked to prepare for a creative presentation for a period of 15
minutes where they will properly portray the immersion phase assigned to them. A
seven-minutes allotment will be given to each presenter.
4. After the presentation, indicate the process of community immersion in five minutes by making
the number order.
Question and answer session may serve as the closing activity.Here,a
representative from each group will act as a member of a panel which will provide
answers to questions from the audience (class) should there be points of inquiries
or clarifications in regards the process of community immersion.


The community immersion process is a series of interrelated and intertwined phases
which commences with the' Pre-immersion followed by entering the
Community,Community integration, Community Needs assessment,Program or Project
implementation, and Termination of the Project.

Phase I:Pre-Immersion
This phase regards the identification of the community where the students will be
immersed at. Trainees will have to prepare themselves physically, mentally and spiritually
for many tasks ahead. Trainees must have waivers from their parents or guardians stating
that they are informed of the mandate to undergo the NSTP community immersion. The
school also needs to organize its own manpower,resources and other technical needs.
According to many who have undergone immersion, the activities could be both exciting,
and exhausting.
Aside from preparation of the trainees and the school, the community is primarily the
one to be prepared and informed. With this, trainees must set up criteria in selection of an
area for immersion.

Area Selection
Factors to be considered in area selection:
1. Select our areas.The marginalized sectors re your target clients because they are the ones
needing your assistance more than any other groups

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in the society. Examples of marginalized groups are the youth,women,
slum dwellers, the differently-abled, among others.
2. Local partners must be willing to work and support community project.This goes to say that
we should start with·the people and work with the people.
3. Consider needs and resources within the capability of the students and community
partners. You cannot extend what you do not have in the first place.
4.Places. that is not saturated by other agencies. Supporting agencies are probable resources
waiting to be tapped that can provide additional financial assistance when it comes to projects
that are also within their type of service.
Soliciting their support will also prevent duplication of services and activities. You
have to identify if their schedule of activities coincide with yours so that you will not
confuse the people with your separate identity.There is a danger that people will not
support you if the schedules of your activities overlap with those of an agency that has
long existed in the community before you came.
Through. appropriate communications_and relations with these agencies, they can
most likely be the source of other updated baseline of that data you will need to
understand the community.
5. Stable peace and order situation. You have to put into consideration your own safety when
you conduct your immersion. Some of the salient questions you need to ask are that,“Are the
roads and work area secure to travel on?”“Am I not putting myselfand other members of the
immersion team in danger if we conduct our immersion in this venue?”“Will I and my school
be compromised if I continue to work in this area?”
Sometimes despite the community leaders' commitment to work with the trainees,
when the community in general does not regard their area as having stable peace and
order situation, they themselves will not cooperate because their community issues go
beyond what you can respond to.
Remember, you are also a student and that one of your main.objectives is to learn
and experience community living without disregard to your own safety.
6. Accessibility. Successful community immersion also relies on how quickly and how often you
can visit the community. If you live in Cavite and you happen to have chosen Bulacan as an
immersion area, would it be easy for you to conduct, monitor and evaluate your projects in
the latter area mentioned?
You have to take into account how much time you spend traveling,how much money
you spend for transportation or lodging.There is a chance that you will spend extra effort on
tasks like carrying training materials on the field, etc. that could otherwise be prevented if
you have chosen a much accessible venue for immersin.
If you have been able to select an area for immersion based on the foregoing factors,
you can now proceed to entering the community.

Phase II: Entering the Community

To ensure success in entering the community, it is necessary to have community mapping of the
target area. This will help you identify the geographic coverage of the project. It will also hel point out
the resources that may be used by the trainees in the community and the relationship of people with
these resources (Use Worksheet No.6 for the exercise).
Angelito G. Manalili in his book Community Organizing for People's Empowerment (1990),
remarked that there are different ways of entering the community. Similarly, immersion begins with the
initial steps in community organizing. Anchored on Manalili's concepts, those planning to conduct
community immersion can enter the community thru:
Ostentatious Entry. Complete with banner and a general assembly of the people, the
community ushers in the people who will undergo immersion or outsiders. People naturally
expect more from the outsiders because the latter's identity is boosted.
Banking on the People's Weakness. Outsiders sometimes enter the community through
catching people's attention. At times when community people are in distress, they usually
adhere to outsiders, like during economic crisis, emergency and disaster situations. The
outsiders try to find out which aspect is it that the community will need them for and through
this,they emphasize on how tey could be helpful.
Academic Style of Entry. Communities are often called social laboratories because they are a place
to test the theories learned in classrooms. Academic institutions field some students into the
community to assist the community regarding its concerns. A trialogue between the school, the
students and the community is done to identify the terms to which the community service will be
People-Centered Approach. This approach ultimately believes on the capacity of the
community people to participate and acknowledge whether outsider assistance is really
needed. Users of this type of entering the community invest

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on community relations, believing that both parties are partners to community
development.Key to this type of entry is strong linkage with the peopl in the
When entering the community, the members of the community immersion
team must establish good rapport and relationship with the community people.
Gathering information and doing a background investigation about the situation in
the community may prove to be of great help in pursuing the goal of establishing
linkages in the locality. Ground working can also be an effective mechanism in
knowing the community well. Talk to as many people as possible and document or
record your conversations.
Pay courtesy call to recognized leaders of the community. Make
communications ahead of time of entering the community. Write the community
leader a letter of intention and in turn you should have a letter of acceptance from
them.Whatever type of entry to be used, it is a must to secure a memorandum of
agreement between you and the community.This will set your working parameters.
It is giving due respect to them and formalizing a commitment of the helping

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Phase III:Community Integration
contact and become involved with the community people. This phase is where the
immersion phase gets more personal. The trainees should realize that there is an existing
concern within the community. As the problems of the community become more
apparent,you become aware and validate that you are part of the circle.
Integration may be done through:
a. Border Style. If provisionsallow,the trainees may choose to stay and live-in the
immersion area for a certain period of time. They may live- in the community to pursue
deeper knowledge about the community.However,the 'boarder' or guest status will still
be the regard of the people toward them unless they integrate themselves fully with
community life.
b. Elitist Style. Some trainees tend to stay close to key informants and political players
during their stay in the community. Due to this, their social circle becomes limited and
their interaction is confined to a few people. Immersion activities must always take into
account the involvement of the majority.
c. But the best way is the People-Centered Method of Living with the People.

Phase IV: Community Needs Assessment

Needs assessment, social analysis or,community diagnosis as others refer to,is a
concrete base for the formulation of programs. It reflects the sentiments,
needs,aspirations, and recommendations of the community people. When it is done
properly, it will reflect also the trainees' feeling 'of oneness with the community.They
begin to see that the people's problems also reflect their own.
Needs assessment becomes significant when it is conducted through integration with
the people. Our analysis and assessment should be done with the people.Hence, it does
not merely contain our perceptions, but also of the people's for it to be genuinely pro-
people. Analysis of social situation becomes meaningful if it is used as an instrument for
conscientization. Those immersing in the community must not just make the people
realize their issues but also make them to act on it. Their realization of the problems
should help make the community realize the relation between their local condition and
situation of other communities around them. It is important that the people realize that
they can do something to change their situation for the better.
Assessing the needs of the community is a prelude to effective program offered to
clients. This will ensure solutions to problems, issues and concerns ofthe people in the

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This discussion covers the meaning, importance, steps, and exercises in preparing community needs
assessment instruments that will equip students to prepare similar tool which they will utilize in
measuring the needs of the community assigned to them.

Community Needs Assessment Defined

Community needs assessment is the process wherein problems, issues and concerns of the
community are identified through the use of several tools for assessment.It encourages the participation
of the community, as they are the stakeholders, to the findings in the assessment.

Importance of Needs Assessment

1. Gather information about citizens' attitudes and options in order of importance.
2. Determine how citizens rank issues, problems and opportunities in order of importance or
3. Give citizens a voice in determining policies, goals and priorities.
4. Evaluate current programs and policies.
5. Provide speculations about what people are thinking.
6. Provide speculations about what people really want.

Information to Be Included in Assessing Community Needs

1. Historical Development-refers to data on how the community became what it is today and
provides insights into the kind of resources to collect and weed.

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2. Geographical and Transportation Information - includes information on the community's patterns and
population contributions.
3. Political and Legal Functions - includes strategies for community-based selection [or this may include
strategies that community uses for selecting players in the political sphere].
4. Demographic Data -includes data.on age characteristics, size,race,and transience of population.
5. Economic Data -refers to the economic base, social,cultural, educational,recreational organizations.
This includes the values and social pattern.
1. Geographic Profile
(Data source may come from barangay or city/municipal hall)
a. physical
I. Location/Boundaries (north,east,west,south)
II. Terrain
IIl.Facilities(like clinic/hospital,schools, recreation hall,etc.)
IV. Climate
V. Basic food
b. Cultural
1.History of place and people
Il.Languages being used
III. Peace and order situation
(usual community conflict and/or crime rate)
IV. Clothing (most applicable to rural setting)
Il. Social
(Data comes from survey
a. Total Population
b. Total Number of Household
C. Population distribution by Gender (and Age)
d. Population distribution by Educational Attainment
e. Health and common illnesses
IIl. Economic
a. Age earners in the family
b. Employment
c. Household monthly income
IV. Life Skills
a. Abilities
b. Interests
V. Spiritual Aspect
, Number of people with active membership in the church
(To be continued...)

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VI. Socio-Political Aspect
a. Known social programs or projects and other related community efforts (whether existing
or planned efforts)
b. Expression of satisfaction/dissatisfaction towards current social programs
c.Perceived community problems
d.Recognized community leaders
e. Other agencies, GO's or NGO's that are in the area or that serve the community
Sample of Community Needs Assessment Framework/ Design for Urban and Rural Setting

Methods in Collecting Data for Community Needs Assessment

1. Focused Group Discussion (FGD) with Keyinformants. The keyinformants of the community are people who
hold socially responsible positions such as educators, publicofficials, clergy and business representatives or
those who are active in community events. These are the people who can provide good information that will
guide and give you better understanding on historical issues needed by the community.
2. Community Forum/Assembly. This involves holding of group events that may include the entire community.
It gives visibility to the leaders and raises the status of the community but it requires lots of planning and
publicity.This meeting can be a venue where people can express their needs and be immediately validated by
the rest of the attendees. Participatory action research effectively uses this method.
3. Public Records. Public records like national census will provide data for social and demographic indicators
of the community. Data included are age,gender,educational level, locality, etc. that tend to contribute to
library use.
4. Survey. Survey and questionnaires involve asking individuals in the community about their everyday needs.
This can be implemented through the following:
a. Mailing questionnaires to randomly selected members of the community;
b. Performing telephone survey;
c. Handing out surveys while people are in an assembly;and
d. Posting questionnaires on your public access computer catalog.
An example of this is the Minimum Basic Needs (MBN) Form of the DSWD.

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Steps in Conducting Needs Assessment
1. Establish a working committee to solicit citizen and community involvement and develop a plan of action.
2. List important aspects that are needed to be looked upon. This may also mean identifying the surveyors'
own capability and strength.
3. Identify the population to be surveyed. This also includes making communications with
community leaders and authorities of the identified population to facilitate other procedures.
4. Determine the information that is needed. It may be existing information which must be
collected or it may be information gathered using a survey.Information like demographic
profile may be readily gathered from the barangay,municipal or city records office.
5. Select a random sample of person to survey.A good number of representative population to be surveyed
will contribute to the validity of the information.
6. Develop and pretest a questionnaire. Afterwards, if the questionnaire was found to be a
valid tool for measurement of data, proceed to distributingthe questionnaire for community
7. Collect and collate the information.
8. Analyze the data. This may be done together with the core group members of the
community. Community participation in analyzing gathered data is also important so that they
can feel the ownership of the issues and concerns in their community.
9. Go back to the community for validation of information. This may be done through a
community assembly or simple community group discussion.
10.Finalize the document. Make sure that there are corresponding recommendations for the issues and
concerns found.

The Story OfThe Lone Community Servant

Once there was a communityservant who saw that the problem of poverty in his
community was related to the low wages that a big-shot company was giving to the
residents who worked for it. so, the community worker organized a work stoppage until
“their” demands were given,including a wage hike. He was successful in gathering 100
community people to picket with him. But on the tird night of the strike, he was surprised
to find no one behind him in the picket line... apparently the problem, in. the eyes of the
community people will not be solved through strikes but through a round table discussion
with the management.

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“The community was not consulted of the real method of approaching the problem and so the
community servant was left on his own in the picket line.”

Community Assistance in Assessing Needs

1. Help identify community groups and citizens to be involved in the working committee.
2. Facilitate group discussion to identify important issues and set priorities.
3. Help select the sample to be surveyed and design a system to identify respondents.
4.Provide tested questions from which the working committees choose questions that address the
issues and concerns.
5. Help design a process to distribute and collect survey questionnaires, code,enter and analyze the
resulting data.
6. Provide summary reports of data.
7. Suggest programs to report the results and strategies to solicit community involvement.
8. Work with citizens to identify courses of action based on the information.

Phase V: Program/Project Implementation

Project implementation deals with the actual execution of the plans. This phase of project
development includes, making the final arrangement with the target clients/community partners,
officials involved in the activities, right schedule of each event, day to day activities, and needs of the
clients, manpower each day of the program, monitoring and evaluation plan and other requirements
like social and recreational activities, and the culminating activities of the project.
It must be remembered always that the needs of the clients will be the dominant consideration
throughout the conduct of the projects.
To ensure. the success of the NSTP community service
projects performed by the trainees during their
immersion time, the following must be considered:
program must bé responsive to the needs of the clients;
contribute to the upliftment of the living conditions of the clients;
maximize the resources available in the community;
tap the potentials of the clients and give due recognition;
objectives must be SMART with tangible results that touch the lives of the clients;

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pre-planning, planning stage, implementation, and evaluation;
complete documentation must be observed as basis for reporting and for future studies;
allow them to gain the knowledge, skills and encourage reflective action;and
develop shared commitment among the trainees.
Projects must promote civic consciousness imbued with good citizenship values
of pagkamaka Diyos, pagkamaka tao, pagkamaka bayan and pagkamaka
The following flow of activities will guide NSTP trainces in the implementatin of their project:
a. Pre-immersion Preparation of project proposal based on community
Approval of the proposal

Once the project is approved, the trainees will prepare all

immersion requirements.
Letter of request regarding their immersion to the
community or the partner agency signed by the trainor/
coordinator and approved by the NSTP director.
Community responds to the request by signifying their
acceptance through a letter.

Trainees, based on the identified needs, submit a project

design to the community for approval.
Once approved, trainees will submit a detailed program
schedule of action.

Based on the detailed program approved, the NSTP

trainees will implement the specifics of the activities as
designed.The actual immersion time will last for 8-10
meetings with the clients or partner community. It may
also depend on the design of the project.

b. Actual community In the course of the actual work,coordination,monitoring

immersion and evaluation is done to give immediate action to
problems encountered and make necessary adjustments if
During this stage, trainees are required to make and
complete their journal of events which serves as a reference
in finalizing their tasks. Pictorials are also required to
support the activities undertaken.

(To be continued...)
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C. Presentation of
Each group of trainees will make a narrative report. The
community service presentation of documents during the post evaluation of
outputs the program is about the community service activities
conducted during the immersion time.
d. Monitoring Continuously done to measure effectiveness of activity.
e. Evaluation Each group will be rated as part of the final rating given to
Implementation of the project ends by the time all
requirements have been satisfactorilydone.

Phase VI: Termination of Projects

NSTP trainees are expected to complete their projects in the community in the span of 50-90 hours
as prescribed to the CHED-endorsed Program of Instruction for it to be credited in the training course.
Right at the very start the trainee-implementers must apprise their target participants of the particulars
of the projects undertaken especially in terms of time frame. This will enable their clients or partner
community to prepare for any eventualities should the implementers will terminate the project.
Trainees are advised to inform them with due respect of the status of the project and other details as
maybe deemed necessary. Nevertheless, the trainees may decide to continue with the project if the
endeavor proves worthy of continuation,follow-up or replication. If the proponents and implementers
have decided to pursue and push through with their venture, they can seek the assistance and support
of the school's extension services/community outreach unit just to sustain the project.
If in case trainees lack hours of community immersion or did not perform well,they are bound to
receive an unsatisfactory rating; more so, failure of compliance must be noted. If trainees go beyond the
required number of hours in the commúnity in their conduct of the project for failure to conform or
comply with the requirements of the plan of action formulated, then a similar'poor' rating should be
As trainees, one must learn how to work within the allotted time frame given,for their convenience
and also for the community's sake. If one stays in the community beyond the agreed time, the action
can be construed by the community for something else like, extending more'help (intensified
volunteerism) to them or that they could still ask for their help even beyond their capability. This might
also encourage their dependency on the implementers.
However, it is not really a problem if trainees want to extend their community services in the
community. In fact, NSTP encourages trainees to continue their community work. This time, their
services will already be regarded as their personal commitment to doing voluntary work, separate and
distinct from the NSTP-initiated activities. In step with enjoining NSTP students to eventually becoming

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of the school's NSTP unit or extension services office to ensure the continuity of the
immersion program for volunteers.

Community needs assessment is a means to measure problems, issues and concerns of

a specific locality which could be done by interested group with sponsors to establish
credibility. It involves steps to follow in order to consider well specific areas which will be
included in developing the instruments. It particularly involves the population demographic
areas, economic and social level. It is also designed to gather information and help
determine how best one can respond to the needs of the community, issues or concerns,
and potential areas of intervention.
When the needs are identified the people then must come to an appreciation that there
are needs that exist among them and these are shared by all of them.They should then
visualize their goals and the ideal life they want to achieve and reflect their dreams in life.
Finally,know and make your case...
Needs assessments are a critical part of community organizing practice/development work. It is
essential to ask the question:
How do you know there is a problem?
How do you know there is a need for a particular intervention? Answering this question entails gathering
empirical (objective) and perceptual (subjective) data.
How serious is the problem/need?
How pervasive is it?
How many people do it affect?
Who believes there is a problem/need?
Who is defining the problem/need?

Why at this time?

"A nation is a totality of men united through a

community of fate into a community of character."
Otto Bauer

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Worksheet 2
Community Needs Assessment

Name: Date: Course & Section: Trainor: Rating:

Using the suggested community needs assessment survey questionnaire(found on page 159),
the members of class will be asked to survey the identified community for immersion.
Based on the results of the survey, indicate on the 'space below the needs of community as perceived by the
respondents and in order of their priority.
Provide justification for each felt need by way of presenting data gathered through the survey.
Felt Needs Justification

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Appendix C: Sample of Community Needs
Assessment Questionnaire (As Translated in Filipino)
Pangalan: Petsa:

Pakisagutan lamang po at ibalik sa kinauukulan. Ito ay isināsagawa upang malaman ang kasalukuyang
kalagayan ng inyong barangay.
1. Ilan ang bilang ng pamilyang nakatira sa bahay na ito?
2. Pakilagyan ng bilang. Ilan ang bilang ng mga babaing may edad na sumusunod sa
inyong bahay? (Halimbawa: 3 babae may edad 1-7; 2 babae may edad 22-28)
_edad 1-7 -edad 22-28 -edad 43-49
-edad 8-14 _edad 29-35 _edad 50-56
-edad 15-21 _edad 36-42 _-edad 57-63
_edad 63 pataas
3. Pakilagyan ng bilang. Ilan ang bilang ng mga lalaking may edad na sumusunod sa
inyong bahay? (Halimbawa: 3 lalaki may edad. 1-7; 2 lalaki may edad 22-28)
_edad 1-7 _edad 22-28. _edad 43-49
-edad 8-14 _edad 29-35 edad 50-56
_edad 15-21 _edad 36-42 edad 57-63
-edad 63 pataas
4. Lagyan ng tsek. Ano ang karaniwang nagiging problema ng mga nasa inyong tahanan?
_ May miyembro ng pamilya na walang kakayahan para maghanapbuhay.
_May miyembro ng pamilya na may kakayahan ngunit walang pagkakataon o walang pagpupursigi
sa paghahanapbuhay.
May miyembro ng pamilya na mayroong hanapbuhay ngunit kulang ang kinikita para sa mga
May miyembro ng pamilya na hindi malusog:
-mga anak iba pang miyembro
_ mga buntis (Pakisulat kung sino)
Magulang o tagapangalaga na hindi malawak ang kaalaman sa pag-aalaga ng mga bata.
Mag-asawa na marami at magkakasunod ang anak.

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- Miyembro ng pamilya na naapektuhan ng matinding pagkakasakit.
- Miyembro ng pamilya na naapektuhan sa pagkawala ng hanapbuhay.
-Mag-asawa/magkapamilya na madalas na hindi magkasundo.
-Mga miyembro ng pamilya na madalas hindi magkasundo.
- Mga nahihirapan sa kanilang kalagayan bilang mga magulang na walang asawa o solo
Mga kababaihan na nahihirapang gamitin ang mga pagkakataon o oportunidad para sa pansariing
pag-unlad tulad ng paghahanapbuhay,pag-aaral at iba pa.
Mga huminto o hindi makakapagpatuloy ng pag-aaral tulad ng:
_ama ng tahanan kabataan
_kababaihan -may kapansanan
. Mga kababaihan na dumadanas ng pananakit at kahirapan ng buhay.
Napapabayaang.mga kabataan na nangangailangan ng pag-aaruga ng ibang tao dahil sa
sandaliang pagkawala ng magulang.
_Mga kabataan/anak na biktima ng pananakit at pagmamaltrato.
Mga kabataan/anak na biktima ng pang-aabusong sexual.
Mga kabataan/anak na hindi na nag-aaral, na ang pamilya ay hindi na sila kayang arugain.
.Mga kabataan/anak na may problema sa pag-uugali.
Mga kabataan/anak na may pagkakasala sa batas.
_ Miyembro ng pamilya na may kapansanan na nahihirapang makisama sa ibang kapamilya o
Miyembro ng pamilya na may bisyo. (Ilagay kung anong uri. ng bisyo.)
Miyembro ng pamilya na may kapansanan sa pag-iisip.Nakatatandang miyembro na
nangangailangan ng pakikisalamuha sa ibang tao.
Maduming kapaligiran.
Iba pa.Pakisulat.
5. Pakisulat. Anu-ano ang mga karaniwang nagiging karamdaman/sakit ng mga nasa inyong
tahanan/nakatira sa bahay ninyo?.
_lagnat sakit ng ngipin
neq re nirsipon gnn awnlsnsakit sa balat tulad ng buni,an-an,had-had,
panunuyo ng balat at iba pa.
-ubo nsakit sa bato

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trangkaso -sakit sa puso
sakit ng ulo -sakit sa baga
iba pa.pakisulat.
6. Ilan ang naghahanapbuhay sa inyong tahanan?
1-3_5 iba pa.pakisulat
24 6 -wala
7. Ano ang hanapbuhay ng mga nasa inyong tahanan/nakatira sa bahay ninyo?
_nagtitinda -clerk
guro -pulis
_nurse o caregiver -driver
_nasa call center -may.sariling negosyo
_factory worker -walang may hanapbuhay
iba pa.
8. Pakilagyan ng check. Ano ang kabuuang antas ng kinikita ng inyong buong tahanan o mga
nakatira sa bahay ninyo sa loob ng isang buwan?
!500-999 !4,500-4,999 !8,500-8,999
!1,000-1,499 !5,000-5,499 !9,000-9,499
-!1,500-1,999 !5,500-5,999 19,500-9,999
!2,000-2,499 _!6,000-6,499 !10,000-10,499
!2,500-2,999 !6,500-6,999 !10,500-10,999
_!3,000-3,499 !7,000-7,499 !11,000-11,499

!3,500-3,999 !7,500-7,999 !11,500-11,999

!4,000-4,499 !8,000-8,499 iba pang antas,pakisulat.
9.Lagyan ng check.anu-anong mga kakayahan ang mayroon ang mga nasa inyong tahanan o ang
mga nakatira sa inyong bahay?
-marunong mag-computer
- nakapagsasalita ng iba't ibang wika
-marunong sa sports
-marunong magluto
-marunong manahi
-nagtatanim ng mga halaman
iba pa.Pakisulat.

A Modular Work Text in NSTP 2 for Trainers and Students 161

10.Lagyan ng check. anu-ano ang mga pangangailangang kasanayan o training ng mga nasa inyong
tahanan o mga nakatira sa inyong bahay na mga aktibidad o gawain?
-training sa pagsama sa mga organisasyon at leadership
-training sa pagkumpuni ng sirang kasangkapan (Pakilagay kung anong uri ng pagkumpuni ng
kasangkapan ang nais mong matutunan.

_trainingsa paggawa ng handicraft(Pakilagaykung anonguring handicraft ang nais mong matutunang

gawin. )
-training sa pananahi ng damit, kurtina at iba pa
-training sa pagluluto
-training sa meat processing (tocino, ham at iba pa)
_iba pa.Pakisulat.
11.Lagyan ng check.anu-ano ang mga nalalaman ninyong mga dati o kaya ay kasalukuyang programa
o proyekto ukol sa inyong barangay?
pagpapaganda at paglilinis kapaligiran _medical mission o libreng ng
skills training o mga seminar _ job fair o pagkonsulta sa mga doktor
pagtungo ng iba't ukol sa dagdag
ibang kumpanya sa inyong lugar upang
kaalaman pangkabuhayan
magbigay ng hanapbuhay
mass wedding o maramihang para pagkakasal
pagbibigay ng scholarship makapag-aral
mass baptism o malawakang pagbibinyag sa
tutorial o pagtuturo ng kaalaman sa
mga bata
pagpapautang ng kapital kampanya laban sa droga
mga palaro o liga sa sports feeding program o
pàmimigay ng pagkain iba pa.
12. Lagyan ng check. anu-ano ang mga nakikita ninyong dapat bigyang pansin sa inyong barangay?
-kalinisan at kaayusan ng paligid -kakulangan sa kaalamang
makakatulong sa
-mga kabataang hindi paghahanapbuhay
- problema sa kalusugan ng mga

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makapag-aral tao
iba pa.
13. Lagyan ng check. Sinu-sino ang mga kadalasang nilalapitan niyo kapag mayroon kayong
_ ang barangay captain at iba pang opisyal ng barangay
_mga nakatatanda sa lugar
-mga organisasyon sa loob at paligid ng barangay (Pakisulat ang pangalan ng organisasyon.)
iba pa.Pakisulat.

Mga obserbasyon ng nagbigay ng survey:

Pisikal na kalagayan ng lugar:

Pakikitungo ng mga tao:

iba pang ganap na problema ng mga residente:

A Modular Work Text in NSTP 2 for Trainers and Students 163

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Pangalan ng mag-aaral na nagbigay ng survey:
A Modulat Work Text in NSTP 2 for Trainers and Students
group and

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Worksheet 3

Communiy Needs Assessment

Name: Date:

Course & Section: Trainor: Rating:

Answer the following questions relative to community needs assessment.

1. What is community needs assessment? Why is it important in formulating NSTP projects?

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2. be included in assessing community needs?



3. How are data collected for a meaningful results of community needs assessment?



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Worksheet 5
Gantt Chart of Project

Course & Section: Trainor: Rating:

1. Definition. A Gantt chart is a graphical depiction of a project schedule.It's a type of bar

chart that shows the start and finish dates of several elements of a project that includes
resources, milestones, tasks, and dependencies.
2. Direction. Based on the approved proposal you previously prepared, make an
implementing schedule through a Gantt Chart. This could be an individual or group work.
Discussion on Gantt chart is on page 109 under the topic Tools needed for monitoring purposes.
3. The project that you would be implementing will be held during weekdays.This will be in
conflict with some of your other academic classes also scheduled during the weekdays.
Other groups in the class will be implementing their projects as well so everyone was
already tasked to do something. What can be best done to address this situation? What do
you think the community people will do in response to your action?

A Modular Work Text in NSTP 2 for Trainers and Students 75

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Gantt Chart of activities in community immersion on (name of place)

AN udenis
S rs
c an
a d
n st
antt Chart

k Wk Wk Wk
3 4 1

Submitted by:

Unit Test 3

Course & Section: Trainor: Rating:

Encircle the letter that corresponds to what is identified in each item.

1.The task of identifying the community where the trainees will be immersed.
a. pre-immersion phase c. area selection
b. immersion d. none of the above
2. The kind of entering the community that requires almost a complete parade of banner and general
assembly of people.
a. ostentatious entry c. academic style of entry
b. banking on people's weakness d. people-centered entry
3. It is a continuous process wherein trainees come into direct contact and become involved with
community people.
a. community immersion c. community needs assessment
b. community integration d. all of the above
4. It is the process wherein problems, issues and concerns of the community are identified through the use
of assessment tools.
a. community needs assessment c. community documentation
b. community monitoring d. none of the above
5.The importance of community needs assessment.
a. gather information about citizen's attitudes and options in order of importance
b. determine how citizens rnk issues, problems, goals and priorities
c. evaluate current programs/projects
d. all of the above
6. The areas of focus in identifying needs of the community in general.
a. geographic c. spiritual
b. social, economic and life skills d. all of the above
7.The people who may be able to give very credible and relevant information about the community.
a. key formats c. public records
b. community forum d. survey

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8. A community needs assessment instrument that involves questionnaires being floated to respondents or
asking individuals about the community.
a. survey
b. public records d. assembly
9. The method of processing problem in order not to be left behind on its own.
a. community immersion c. community needs assessment
b. community integration d. community empowerment
10.Documented information that, if updated and validated, can provide data for social and demographic
information about a community.
a. survey sheet c. public records
b. guide questions d.books

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