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Chapter 5

Program libraries
Program libraries are used when software under development and the
programer can utitlies pre routines in their own programs that saving
development time
It helps software development who wishes use dynamic link libraries (dll) in
your own program so these sub routine must available at run time

What are the benefits writing and developing software using program libraries /
libraries sub rotuines
1.It removes need to rewrite routine every single time saving time and cost
2.Needs modular programing several programers can work on same piece of
software the same time
What is dynamic link library files
Software that is been developed is not linked to the libraries until actual run
The dlls are available to several applications at the same time

The benefits of using DLL

DLLs are not loaded in ram util required so memory is saved and software can
run faster
The main program that is developed and compiled only contain link to dynamic
files and will not contain any of the actual coding in the main body
The executable code of the main program much smaller since dll files are only
loaded in memory at run time

What are the drawback of using DDL files

Since the executed code is not self contained all dlls files need to be available
at run time otherwise software may even crash
If any of the ddl files has been changed the could lead to unexpected results
Malicious changes to dll files could be due to result of malware that posses
risk to the main program

There are three types of language translators

. Compiler
. Interpreter
. Assembler

Why do we need translators

Since program instruction written any program language other than machine
code they must be translated before they can be used

What is an assembler
Assembler is a translators that translate program written in assembly language
into machine code
How do assembler store the programs
They store the program in the main memory ready for execution as it translated
or they store the translated program on a storage medium to be used later

What are the characteristic of assembly program

The stored translated program can be executed many times without being
Assembly language programs machine dependent so they are not portable one
type computer to another
Assembly languages programs are often written for task that need to be
speedily executed eg; path of the operation system , central heating system or
controlling a Robot

Compiler translate hight level language into machine code or at once. The
translated program known as object programs these object programs stored on
a storage medium ready to be excuted later
A loader program is needed to load these stored translated programs into main
memory before it can be executed.
The translated program can be executed many times without being retranslated

Interpreters translate and executed high level programs into machine code line
by line.
However no translated programs is generated in main memory.
Every line a program interpreted and then executed each time the program is

Characteristic of high level language

High level languages are machine independent they are portable and can be
run on any type of computer
Provided there’s compiler and interpreter available

What are the simaltry between compliers and interpreters

. They both translate source program written high level language

. They are both machine independent
. Each line of the source program generates many machine code

Compliers are more useful to programmers that produce the stand alone
program that can be execute many time without needing a compiler
However interpreters are more useful in early stages of development

What is the benefits of partial compiling and interpreting

It achievers shorter execution time by using system that partially compiling and
partially interpreting

Integrated development environment

What is an IDE
Ide is used by programers edit the wrtiting and development the programs

What are the features of ide

Source code editor
Compiler and interpreter or both
Run time environment with debugger
Auto documented

What are the features of source editor

Pretty printing - colour code the words in the program
Contact sensitive proms with text completion
Dynamic syntax checking

What are features of run time environment with debugger

Single stepping - to go through the program on line at a time
Break point - to stop the execution of the program at time in the source code
Report window - it shows the logic errors in the program and check that
program work as intended

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