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GDE Workbook Grade 8 Term 4 Geography Teacher Guide Page 1 of 26

WEEK Table of content
WEEK 1 Revise from Term 3
Trade and transport around the world
 Reasons for trade*
 Links between trade and transport – with examples to illustrate
WEEK 2 Trade and transport around the world
Different modes of transport and their uses: sea, air, road, rail and pipeline
WEEK 3 Trade and transport in South Africa *
Major roads, railways, airports and harbours in South Africa (map)
Case study of a selected South African harbour
 Reasons for location
 Main exports and imports
 Specialised ships – such as container ships, tankers, passenger
liners, bulk carriers for specialised cargo
 Links with other transport systems – such as road, rail, pipeline
* The focus here should be on national, as opposed to urban or
regional, patterns of transport use.
WEEK 4 Trade and transport in South Africa
 Advantages and disadvantages of road and rail transport
 Requirements for future transport networks
WEEK 5 People and transport in urban areas
 Public transport systems in urban areas – such as buses and trains
 Private modes of transport – such as mini-bus taxis, cars and
WEEK 6 Transport in urban areas
 Transport issues – such as cost for commuters, traffic congestion
and pollution
 Public transit strategies – such as rapid transport systems,
subsidised public transport, bus and cycle lanes, park and ride,
car-free zones
WEEK 7 Revision & consolidation
WEEK 8 Revision & consolidation


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Term 4: Trade and transport around the world

Reasons for trade*
Links between trade and transport – with examples to illustrate

1.1 Define the term rural settlement. ( 1x1) (1)

Settlement dominated by primary activities
Settlement that does not have many functions 
Are places where there are villages and farms.
Settlements on countryside (Ant relevant answer)

1.2 Identify 4 main activities that people may do in this settlement. ( 4x1) (4)
Farming 
Mining 
Fishing 
Forestry 

1.3 Outline the function of the activities mentioned in 1.2 above 4x2 (8)
Farming settlement-producing food from the land. 
Mining settlement- to assist people with employment. 
Fishing settlement- processing fish. 
Forestry settlement- supply people with wood. 

1.4 State whether the statement is True or False ( 1x1) (1)

Rural settlement is multifunctional.
False. 

1.5 Differentiate between commercial and subsistence farming. ( 2x2) (4)

Commercial farming- farming whereby people will plant crops and rear
animals and sell them for profit
Subsistence farming- farming whereby people will farm in order to have
food and eat with their families. 

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Different modes of transport and their uses: sea, air, road, rail and pipeline

2.1 Study the figure below and answer the questions set:

2.1.1 Choose the type of transport to match the statement below. Write only ( 4x1) (4)
the number in picture above e.g. 5 in the provided space. L1

a)Transport that travels long distances across the countries and is relatively
cheap. 4

b) It transports light and very valuable goods. __2__

c) It transports perishable goods such as frozen or chilled food. __1__

d) Promote cheap international trade . __3__

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2.1.2 The common form of transport on land is by road. Discuss TWO advantages
and TWO disadvantages of road transport
TWO advantages (2x2 )
 Road transport helps to facilitate the movement of goods even in L2
remote areas
 It is flexible in nature (move from door to door)

TWO disadvantages :
 It is time-consuming (2x2 )
 Transportation can be delated due to accidents
 Protests can delay delivery (Any relevant answer)

2.2 Refer to the following graph showing changes in transport costs over

Costs over distance

2.2.1 Interpret which of the THREE types of transport shown are cheapest over:

a) short distances ________ Road transport ________________ 1x2 (2)

b) medium distances - _____ Rail transport ________________ 1x2 (2)
c) long distances - _______ Maritime transport ____________ 1x2 (2)

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2.2.2 Suggest why sea transport has such high initial costs. 1x2 (2)
It deals with International trade- import and export duties (taxes) of bulk

2.2.3 What major type of transport is not shown on this graph? 1x1 (1)
Air transport

2.2.4 What type of transport would you use for each of the following products? In
each case, justify your answer.

a) Sending a crate of books to your cousin in New Zealand 2x1 (2)

Air transport – so it reach the place faster cause is far
Water transport – so it reach the place and it is cheaper
b) Sending fresh flowers to your mother in Malawi for her birthday. 2x1 (2)
Air transport  - so the flowers they don’t get damaged

2.3 Match Column A with B by writing the correct answer in Column C.e.g 6. K (5)
Column A Column B Column C

1.Fastest mode of transport A.Railway 1. D

2. It is very flexible in nature B.Road 2. B

3.Flexible in transporting gas and liquid C. Water 3. E

4. It promotes international trade D.Airplane 4. C

5. Not suitable for hilly areas E.Pipeline 5. A

2.4 Write a paragraph of about 8 lines on the relationship between transport and 4x2 (8)
 Mobility determines the price of transport
 Demand and supply also will influence the cost. 
 Capacity of the transport also influence the price
 Fuel cost also can determine the price  (Any other relevant

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3.1 Study the map below on major roads, railways, airports and harbours in South
Africa and answer the question that follows:

Major roads, railways, airports and harbours in South Africa

3.1.1 What is a National Road? 1x1 (1)

A road that links different major places in South Africa
3.1.2 What resource that was discovered in Johannesburg that led to the original 1x1 (1)
growth of the city?
3.1.3 Where are the major transport centres located in South Africa? 1x2 (2)
Along the major towns (trade routes)

At places where goods are found or produced

3.1.4 What made coastal cities grow/bigger? 2x2 (4)

Located were the natural harbours existed
Where ships could stop and deliver or collect goods

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3.1.5 Name the international airports in the following cities: Johannesburg 2x1 (2)
OR Tambo International Airport Durban

King Shaka International Airport

3.1.6 List 3 (THREE) regional airports in South Africa. 3x1 (3)
 Polokwane
 Pietermaritzburg
 Kruger International (Any other relevant answer)

3.1.7 List 3 (THREE) major harbours found in South Africa. 3x1 (3)
 Richards Bay
 Durban
 East London
 Port Elizabeth
 Cape Town
 Saldanha Bay (Any other relevant answer)

3.2 Study the map below on transport links from Port Elizabeth and answer
the questions that follow:

Transport links from Port Elizabeth

3.2.1 Define the term trade. 1x2 (2)

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Exchange of goods and services L2

3.2.2 Name TWO (2)goods that are imported and TWO (2) exported that pass Port 4x1 (4)
Elizabeth harbour
Exports: cars and car parts, manganese ore, agricultural products. 
Imports: agricultural products (wheat) , petroleum products
(Any other relevant answer)

3.2.3 Provide TWO (2) reasons why so many of the imported goods are transported 2x2 (4)
in containers?
Ease of transportation; ease of handling, speed of processing
through customs.  (Any other relevant answer)
3.2.4 What is the advantage of being able to load containers directly from railway or 1x2 (2)
trucks onto container ships?
Easy of handling
Containers can be packed elsewhere and placed directly on ships
without too much handling
(Any other relevant answer)


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Advantages and disadvantages of road and rail transport
Requirements for future transport networks

4.1 Study the sources below and answer the questions that follow:

4.1 Classify each of the statements in the correct place in table below : 6x2 (12
Goods cannot be delivered to specific addresses;
easy to communicate with a driver;
ideal for short distances;
goods can be hijacked;
ideal for transporting coal;
not good for courier deliveries;
very little chances of accident;
very large carrying capacity;
careless driver can damage goods;
bad weather causes delay;
inconvenient for people living in rural areas;
ideal for transporting perishables.

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Road Rail

Advantages Easy to communicate Ideal for transporting coal

with a driver Very little chances of
Ideal for short accident
distances Very large carrying
Ideal for transporting capacity

Disadvantage Goods can be hijacked Goods cannot be delivered

s Careless driver can to specific addresses
damage goods Not good for courier
Bad weather causes deliveries
delay Inconvenient for people
living in rural areas

4.2 Study the following photos of transport and answer the questions that follow:

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4.2.1 What type of cargo is carried by this goods train? 1x1 (1)
Coal L1

4.2.2 Explain reason for your answer to question 4.2.1. 1x2 (2)
Goods trains can handle large volumes of goods. This is an advantage of L2
bulk goods (Any other relevant answer)

4.2.3 Which port in KwaZulu-Natal is mostly used for transporting this cargo in 1+2 (3)
4.2.1? Provide reason for your answer. L2

Richards Bay is South Africa's bulk port and is one of the largest and
most efficient ports of its kind in the world. 
It is built for the export of coal.
Richards Bay specializes in bulk cargo like coal
The site was chosen because it is the closest possible port to the
Mpumalanga coalfields (Any other relevant answer)

4.3 Railway infrastructure in most South African cities covers only the older parts of 4x2 (8)
cities and has not kept up with the city development. Write a paragraph L3
explaining how would you overcome this problem if you were a city transport
 Try to build new railways in the new parts of the city and try to
connect existing railway services with a modern BRT system
 Establish a full integrated system so that a commuter can make
one journey using one card and move from trains to taxi to buses

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easily. 
 Improve security to make rail transport safer
 Introduce a park and ride system so that number of privately
owned cars is kept to a minimum in the city centres and the railway
system is used to its fullest capacity
 Encourage the public to cycle to the railway stations by
introducing cycle lanes
 Subsidize public rail transport to facilitate the poorest people’s
transport. (Any other relevant answer)

4.4 Requirements for future transport networks

4.4.1 Define the term integrated transport systems 1x1 (1)
A system where passengers and goods can move easily between modes
of transport and the packing methods, and the changeover points are
designed for that purpose

4.4.2 Explain why an integrated transport system is what all modern harbors are 2x2 (4)
trying to achieve. L2
Modern harbors are busy and need to handle cargo quickly
It cost a lot to keep a ship waiting so goods handling needs to be fast
It also cost money to load and reload goods so moving them directly
across modes of transport and into ship easy desirable. (Any other
relevant answer)

4.5 Study the following pictures and answer questions below

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4.5.1 What is the transport network? 1x2 (2)
The links and connections between all the transport modes that allow the
movement and flow of people and goods in an area

4.5.2 Why is it important that the transport network integrates the different modes of 1x2 (2)
transport? L2

Commodities and passengers require different forms of transport for

different parts of the same journey 

No integration it would make the journey very difficult. (Any other relevant

4.5.3 Explain how an integrated ticketing system will improve transport around South 2x2 (4)
African cities. L2

An integrated ticketing system will allow for free movement of people from
one mode of transport to the next without the need to queue for tickets at
each stop in their journey

Passengers will move directly from the train to the bus and use the same
prepaid ticket when boarding

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5.1.1 Define the following concepts:

a) Public transport 1x2 (2)

Public transport is transport used by all people in a community or
society 
b) Private transport 1x2 (2)
Private transport is transport owned by individuals or companies 
5.1.2 Provide examples of the types transport in 5.1.1 2x2 (4)
Public buses, trains, taxis, aeroplanes, rickshaw 

Motor vehicles such as cars and private jets, horses

5.1.3 Use the tables below to list and describe 4 advantages and 4 disadvantages 16x (32)
of public transport and private transport.
2 L2

Advantages of public transport Disadvantages of public transport

Less expensive than private transport Overcrowding

Runs on a pre-determined time schedule Safety and health risks
so a person can plan his/her trip
accordingly 
Less stressful than driving own car as Only travel at the times set in the bus
commuters don’t have to struggle schedules, which could be inconvinient
through traffic
Don’t have parking problems and/or Delays or interrupted services. e.g.
expenses strikes

No responsibility for the maintenance Pollution from exhaust fumes (Any other
and running costs (Any other relevant relevant answer)

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Advantages of private transport Disadvantages of private transport
No restriction on where and when the car High cost fuel
can be driven 

You can stop at anytime Responsibility of maintenance and running

cost for the owner

Easy to manoevre through traffic Pollution- cars can cause pollution

Park at place of work or destination Traffic congestion 
without having to walk – quicker than
public transport
Individual has all the control. (Any other Delays caused by unforeseen
relevant answer) circumstances such as strikes (Any other
relevant answer)

5.1.4 In a paragraph of 8 lines briefly discuss why governments encourage the use 4x2 (8)
of public transport.
To make it easy for people in urban areas to get to work and to school.
To reduce traffic congestion on the roads. 
To reduce pollution in cities. 
To create jobs for people in urban areas running transport services. 
To link into existing transport networkssuch as taxi ranks and
(Any other relevant answer)


6.1 Refer to the sources below and answer questions set:


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6.1.1 Name the cheapest mode of transport from source A-G 1x1 (1)
D/ train 
6.1.2 Which is the most expensive means of transport from the list above? 1x1 (1)
A / Gautrain 

6.1.3 Group the SEVEN categories of means of transport between private and 7x1 (7)

A G

6.2 Refer to the graph below and answer the following questions:

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6.2.1 Define the term traffic congestion 1x2 (2)
It is the time when there are too many/ overconcentration vehicles on the
road resulting to slow movement of cars. 

6.2.2 During which time of the day where traffic congestion is at the lowest? 1x2 (2)
12h00-4h00 
6.2.3 During which times of the day do we experience high traffic congestion? 2x2 (4)
6H00-7H00 and 15h00-16-00
6.2.4 Provide TWO reasons for traffic congestion during the times mentioned in 6.2.3 2x2 (4)
People are rushing to and from work 
Parents taking children to school 
6.2.5 Provide THREE causes of traffic congestion 3x2 (6)
Too many cars on the road 
Inefficient traffic system to slow down the flow of traffic 
Traffic lights not working (loadshedding) 
One lane road system
Lanes converted to be used by buses (Any other relevant answer)
6.2.6 Loadshedding has become a huge problem these days. In a paragraph of 4x2 (8)
about 8 lines explain the impact of loadshedding on the roads.
Loadshedding results to traffic congestion 
Results to accidents as other drivers are impatient and do not stop
on the stop signs
Results to the late arrivals in workplaces and schools
At night streets are dark results to accidents and high jacking 

6.3 Refer to the source below about transport issues and answer questions set:

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6.3.1 Name 2 types of pollution resulting from the picture. 2x1 (2)
Air pollution
Noise pollution 

6.3.2 Explain the impact of this type of pollution to: 3x2 (6)
(a) Human health : Cause respiratory problems ie asthma, bronchitis

(b) Drivers: Obstruct driver’s view/ Can cause accidents 

(c) Environment: Air pollution can damage crops and trees in a variety of
Contribute to climate change and global warming/acid rain
(Any other relevant answer)

6.3.3 Suggest THREE solutions to the pollution problem stated in 6.3.2 above. 3x2 (6)
More people should use public transport 
Shift to electric vehicles 
Fines drivers with cars which emit carbon monoxide 

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6.4 Refer to the sources below and answer the following questions:

6.4.1 Identify the TWO pictures above 2x1 (2)

Rea Vaya bus transit 
Gautrain rail transit
6.4.2 Why does the public transport in South Africa have to be improved? 1x2 (2)
Due to increase in population in the provinces results to traffic
congestion  (Any other relevant answer)
6.4.4 Write a paragraph of 6-8 lines and explain the advantages of having a 4x2 (8)
Gautrain as a rail transit system operating between Johannesburg and Pretoria
Reduces accidents due to tired drivers
Reduces traffic congestion between Pretoria and Johannesburg
Shortened travelling time
Can manage time of your travelling


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7.1 Refer to the map below showing the main ports & harbours of South Africa:


7.1.1 Gauteng is South Africa’s most industrialised province and is responsible for 2x1 (2)
large bulk of South Africa’s manufactured goods. Which TWO harbours are
mostly used for goods in and out of Gauteng?

Durban 
Richards Bay 

7.1.2 South Africa has 2789km of coastline. Name TWO benefits of having such a 2x1 (2)
large coastline to the country?
 It allows for ports around the coast of the country and thus not
restricted to one side of the country. 
 It gives you easier access to markets on either direction of the
country. 
7.1.3 Rearrange the above ports & harbours from largest to smallest. 7x1 (7)
1. Durban. 
2. Richards Bay
3. Cape Town. 
4. Saldanha Bay. 
5. Gqeberha. 
6. East London. 
7. Mossel Bay. 
7.1.4 South Africa’s neighbours Swaziland & Lesotho are landlocked and thus are 2x2 (4)
reliant on South Africa’s ports & harbours. How does this benefit South Africa? L3

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Discuss TWO benefits.

Economic benefit – South Africa will receive income from these

countries for the use of their ports 
Better Diplomatic relations – it will be of the interest of these states to
keep a good relationship with South Africa due to their economic
dependance on SA’s ports & harbours. 

7.2 Study the map below which shows the location of the Port of Saldanha.

7.2.1 In which province is the Port of Saldanha located? 1x1 (1)

Western Cape 

7.2.2 Saldanha port is part of the Sishen- Saldanha project where raw materials 1x1 (1)
produced at Sishen is exported from Saldanha.
L1 What material is extracted at Sishen?
Iron Ore  How are these materials transported to Saldanha from Sishen? 1x1 (1)
By rail  Saldanha port is a deep-water port. What benefit is it to have this 1x2 (2)
kind of port in South Africa? L2

It allows large ships with big hulls to enter the harbour thus allowing a
larger loading capacity  

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7.3 Refer to the diagram below which shows the movement of good in and out of South Africa:

7.3.1 List the different modes of transport illustrated on the diagram above on how 3x1 (3)
goods are moved in and out of the country.
Ships. P
Trains/Rail. P
Trucks/Road P

7.3.2 Which mode/s of transport is used to transport goods from ports & harbours to 1x2 (2)
inland ports?
Rail. P
Road. P

7.3.3 How are goods & materials packaged for transport to customers? 1x1 (1)
Shipping Containers are used. P
7.3.4 South Africa’s inland rail network has been hampered by cable theft and 3x2 (6)
vandalism. Discuss how has this impacted the country in terms of its economy,
commuters & environment.

Economy: No rail network now meant goods had to be transported by

road. PP
This has become more expensive as a result.

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Expensive maintenance of roads (Any other relevant answer)

Commuters: Rail transport was cheaper than taxis. This has now
resulted in commuters having to pay more to get to places of
work. PP
Environment: More trucks on the road meant more pollution from these
vehicles. PP
Increase in Greenhouse gases.
Damaged roads (Any other relevant answer)

7.4 As part of Gauteng’s 25-year integrated transport master plan, the below listed factors
were identified as essential strategies needed to ensure that public transport becomes
effective & sustainable: Refer to the figure below and answer the questions that follow:

7.4.1 What is a major challenge currently experienced due to commuter travel 1x2 (2)
Everyone goes to work and school at the same time – this has resulted
in traffic congestion and a greater demand & pressure on road/rail
infrastructure. PP
7.4.2 Explain possible measures that can be introduced to change travel patterns 2x2 (4)
amongst commuters.
Introduce flexible working hours. PP
Encourage working from home. PP

7.4.3 Describe TWO measures that the province can do to encourage a shift from 2x2 (4)
motorized to non-motorised transport.
Bicycle lanes PP
Incentives for the public to use bicycles such as tax breaks. PP

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7.4.4 Which public mode of transport was negatively impacted by the Covid19 1x1 (1)
Rail transport P

7.4.5 Explain how commuters were impacted by the non-functioning of this mode of 2x2 (4)
transported once Covid19 restrictions were lifted.
Greater cost to use taxis as opposed to trains. PP
More traffic congestion due to greater demand on road going vehicles.

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