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Jawaban 1

a. I was born in Bandung In 2004, January 27th, Tuesday.

b. In my family there is a father, mother, grandmother, grandfather and a brother who is three
years apart in age.

c. At that time, the Bandung area was very cool, with lots of rice fields and gardens.

d. Prices on the market at that time were cheap and cheap.

e. I go to school at SDN 04 Cicalengka near my house.

f. I have many friends near my house.

g. When I was little, I was often invited to play with my uncle and aunt.

h. In 2019 I finished junior high school then I continued high school in Majalengka.

i. After finishing high school I returned to Bandung Cicalengka in July 2022.

j. and now I am continuing my studies at the Open University.

Jawaban 2

a. Me: excuse me, do you sell mangoes here?

She: Yes, we sell mangoes here. How many fruits do you need?

Me: How much does one kilogram of mango cost here?

She: One kilogram costs fifteen thousand rupiah

Me: That seems a little too high, doesn't it? Can you lower it a bit? Maybe ten thousand

She: OK, then. Since you are our first buyer today, I will reduce it to just twelve thousand
rupiah, ma'am, for one kilogram.

Me: This can't just be ten thousand, right ma'am?

She: Sorry ma'am, the price has gone down.

Me: Yes, I'll just take one kilogram

She: OK ma'am, here it is.

Me: Yes, thank you very much.

She: Same, ma'am.

b. Me : Wow, look at that dress

Trader: Welcome, sis. How can I help you today?

Me: I was just passing by but then the clothes you were selling caught my attention. The
dress is so beautiful!

Trader: Thank you, Sis. Everything is actually made locally.

Me: How much is that one?

Trader: Because it is made with manual and local stitching, the price is a little more
expensive. The price is eight hundred thousand rupiah.

Me : I can buy that. Do you accept debit cards?

Trader: Yes, Sis. You will only buy that one dress?

Me: Yes, please

Trader: Here it is, Sis. Thank you for shopping with us.

Jawaban 3

When I was little, my parents introduced me to transportation.

When I was little, the means of transportation that I often used were public transportation,
cars or what we know as public transportation or transport.

After that, when I was a teenager, I started to experience various types of transportation,
starting from learning to ride a motorbike in the first grade of junior high school and trying to
travel from Bandung to other destinations by train, bus and other cars until now. That's my
brief story about the means of transportation that have been implemented.

There are many benefits from this means of transportation, including being a means of
carrying out daily activities. Apart from that, transportation can be a means of earning
sustenance or living and so on.

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