8Cb-The Gas Exchange System

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A. Answer the following:

1. What do the bellows and bladder in Mayow’s model represent?
Answer:Bellows-Rib Cage/Diaphragm/ Muscles
2. What do muscles in the diaphragm do to cause inhalation?
Answer: They contract (breathing in) and relax (breathing out)
3. How are cells in the gas exchange system specialised to keep the lungs clean?
Answer: There are cells that produce mucus to trap dirt etc., and there are ciliated
epithelial cells,which have cilia to sweep the dirty mucus away.

4. What happens during gas exchange in the lungs?

Answer: There is movement of oxygen from the air in the lungs into the blood and
a movement of carbon dioxide in the opposite direction.

5. (a) What is diffusion?

Answer: The overall movement of particles from an area where there are a lot of
particles to an area where there are fewer of them.
(b) What causes some oxygen molecules to move into the blood and other
molecules to move out of it?
Answer: Molecules move in all directions, so by chance some will move in one
direction and others will move in the opposite direction.
6. In order list the organs through which air passes when we inhale.
Answer: Mouth /Nose →trachea→bronchi→lungs

7. Explain what effect a decrease in lung surface area would have on the speed of
gas exchange.
Answer: It would decrease the speed of gas exchange because there would be less
area / room for the gas molecules to get from one side of the lung to the other.

8. Explain why gas exchange can be reduced in smokers.

Answer: The cilia do not work and so mucus builds up.This increases the
distance through which gases have to move to pass between blood and air in the
lungs and/or this reduces the amount of surface area for gas exchange,because
some of it is blocked.
9. Draw a neat labelled diagram of an alveolus.

10.Write three labels that could be added to the last drawing in diagram A,explaining
why air leaves the bladder when the bellows are closed.

(Diagram for reference only)

Label-1: The bellows are pushed together

Label-2:The air pressure inside the bellows is increased.
Label-3:The pressure inside the bellows pushes air out of the bladder,which deflates.As
it deflates the air pressure inside the bellow falls. It carries on falling until the pressure
inside the bellows is the same as the atmospheric pressure.

11.Draw a neat labelled diagram of ciliated epithelial cells.

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