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Real-time Analytics

with Azure,
DataZen, PowerBI
& Stream Analytics
Rui Quintino

Data Platform Airlift

21 de Outubro \\ Microsoft Lisbon Experience
Real-Time Analytics & Business Intelligence
• Why?
• How?
Real-Time Analytics in Microsoft Data Platform:
#Datazen #SqlServer
#SignalR #EventHubs #ServiceBus
(note: also very relevant , but not covered : AzureML, APS,
Storm, Spark, HDInsight,…)
• Q&A
Transformative opportunity
Information Shift to cheaper, Increasingly
explosion, faster computing, data-savvy
new insights on demand workforce

of the world’s data has been created
45% 5X
of total IT spend will be Companies that use analytics
over the last two years alone1 cloud-related by 20202 are 5x more likely to make decisions
faster than competitors3

1. IDC. 2. Josh Waldo Senior Director, Cloud Partner Strategy, Microsoft. 3. Bain & Company, The Value of Big Data: How Analytics Differentiates Winners, 2013.
The ROI of Data
Key Opportunity $674
Areas Productivity
Includes strategic
planning, human
Operations $486
The formula
Organizations can realize
billion [data + analytics + people ]
capital management, Includes demand
Return on Data in several IT optimization and supply chain
key areas… Return
logistics Return

on Data on Data


$1.6 trillion
$235 Customer
Return on Data
Includes service,
billion Facing $158
Includes customer
research and
development Return acquisition, retention,
innovation on Data support and pricing
on Data

Source: IDC Study: Realizing the Data Dividend, 2014.

What are customers wanting to do?
Who is using Real-Time Analytics
Microsoft Botnet Analytics – Architecture



Partners / Subscribers

Internet with Azure Azure

[Sinkhole] Machine Learning HDInsight
billions of devices SQL Server

Analytics Visualizations
Platform System Excel & Power BI & insights

• Processing 200M+ transactions per day and growing

• 566,773,255 calls a day from over 25 million distinct IP address
• Query results returned in under 2 seconds
Real-Time Analytics at Microsoft
Microsoft Xbox team enhances game for HALO customers

The situation The solution The benefits The process

The HALO contest promotion Non-technical employees The team quickly uncovered and Analyze raw data
team wanted to use data to processed & analyzed raw data in addressed the unexpected
create a better gamer experience Real-Time to answer their (cheating), while also using 
for customers playing the new questions, using familiar and insights to update and improve Identify trends
HALO 4. powerful tools gamer experience.

Make updates

Improve CSAT

The tools
Excel SQL Server

Windows Azure HD Insight

1-Real-time Analytics with #Azure #Datazen
• Elastic Scale & Load
• the *amazing* Azure platform
• Datazen platform
• Powerfull /easy to build Dashboards
• Public viewer available
• Multi platform /device render engine
• Licensing
• Challenges
• Closed product, no Real-time support, scale
2-#PowerBI real-time dashboards
• #PowerBI-State of art analytics platform
• Rest API enabled
• Near zero-development realtime dashboards
• Low throughput scenarios,
• ~hundred/rows /sec
• Team/Enterprise-no public sharing (yet)
3-Real-time #PowerBI #Azure #StreamAnalytics
• IoT
• Huge capacity for ingestion: event hubs
• Huge capacity for live stream analytics
• Rapid Development, configure in minutes
• Elastic scale with Azure, Fully managed
• Realtime dashboards with PowerBI
• Realtime dashboards with SignalR/HTML5
Try SQL Server
2016 CTP2

Free Azure
Use Power BI for Free

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