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Digital_MASS_Question_November 2023
VLSI Training Services
Setting standards in VLSI Design

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Copyright © 2023 Maven Silicon 2
VLSI Training Services
Setting standards in VLSI Design

1. Find out how many unique functions (Outputs) can be derived for a combinational
circuit with N inputs. Also determine how many of them are self dual functions?

For a combinational circuit with 2 i/ps, we can get 2"2 = 4 different combinations as
shown below

For 4 combinations of i/ps we can get 2" 4 unique outputs as shown below.

In general,

For n i/ps we will get 2" n combination of i/ps.

For 2"n combinations, we get (22A") unique o/p functions.

Let's calculate the number of self-dual functions.

For a combinational circuit with 2 i/ps, we can get 2" (2-1) = 2 Mutually exclusive terms i.e
(0,2) & (1,3)

With 2 pairs we can get 2 " 2 = 4 Self dual functions as shown below.
(Note: you can choose any value (O or 1) for terms O & 3, but term 1 & 2 are dependant)

With 2A (n-1) pairs, we will get 22A(n-l) self-dual functions

Copyright © 2023 Maven Silicon 3

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