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Chapter II


This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, conclusion and others.
Those that were included in this chapter helps in familiarizing information that are
relevant and similar to the present study.

Foreign Literatures

Bird, Gisladottir, and Dominey-Howes (2020) give an in-depth overview of

the many ways for such as communities in disaster planning. The authors point
out the need of educating communities about upcoming disasters and training
them how to deal with its negative effects. The research shows that it is really
important to make sure that people in the community know how to get ready for
disasters. When people have more knowledge and are involved in preparing, it
can help them respond better and recover faster after a disaster. So, the study
says that we should focus on increasing awareness and involvement in the
community to make sure everyone is prepared.

"A Review of the Literature on Community Resilience and Disaster" by

Mayer, B. (2019). This book focuses on the strength and recovery of
communities after disasters occur. The author reviews various books and studies
written by experts in the field. They discuss how communities can become more
resilient and better prepared to handle disasters. The book emphasizes the
importance of community involvement, cooperation, and preparedness in building
resilience. It explores different aspects of community resilience, such as social
connections, resource management, and effective communication during times of
crisis. The book provides valuable insights into how people and communities can
bounce back and thrive after facing disasters.

In the review by Smith (2022), they looked at different research studies

and writings about getting ready and responding to disasters. They wanted to
find out the best ways to prepare and respond when a disaster happens. Smith
studied many sources to find common themes, challenges, and good practices
for being prepared for disasters. The review showed that it's important to take
proactive steps like assessing risks, making emergency plans, and involving the
students or youth, and community to be more resilient to disasters.

Base on World Bank. (2021). Disasters can be incredibly damaging,

leaving students feeling lost and unsure of how to rebuild their self when disaster
comes. Thankfully, there are resources and knowledge available to help youth to
recover and get back on their feet. This information can be found in various
forms, including guides and studies, which offer insights and strategies for
successful disaster rehabilitation.

A Review of the Literature on Community Resilience and Disaster by

Paton, Johnston, and Houghton (2019). This review looks at how experts and
professionals think about and apply the idea of community resilience in the face
of disasters. It provides insights into what researchers have found recently in this
field. The book helps us understand how communities can become stronger and
more prepared to handle disasters. By studying the literature, we can learn from
the experiences and knowledge of others to improve our own community's

Local Literatures

According to the M. Mamon, R. Suba, I. Son, Disaster risk reduction

knowledge of Grade 11 students: Impact of senior high school disaster education
in the Philippines (2020). Stated that there is a high percentage of students who
understood some disaster-related concepts and ideas. Even though Grade 11
students are ready, prepared, adapted and aware on the risks inflicted by
disasters, they found that students still have high-disaster risk perception. So
that, implementing projects that helps student to be prepared and aware must be

Philippines Ready to rebuild: Disaster rehabilitation and recovery planning

guide workbook. Unknown (2022). Rehabilitation and recovery plays a very
important role in this preparation as (i) it can address the longer-term needs and
challenges that makes a community vulnerable; and (ii) it provides the
opportunity to increase the capacity of the youth to cope and reduce the risk of
future emergencies. Informed by the lessons learned from previous disasters,
locally and globally, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Council (NDRRRMC).

Land use planning strategies on watershed management and disaster

reduction in the Philippines by Paragas, V. S., Manzano Jr., J. A. and
Cacanindin, D. C. (2019). The journal appears to be about the critical condition of
watershed areas in the Philippines, particularly focusing on Northern Mindanao,
and the factors contributing to their degradation, such as deforestation and
improper land use. It also discusses the challenges in implementing laws for
watershed protection and preservation, as well as the potential solutions
including government projects with community and people’s participation and
proper funding for rehabilitation efforts.

"Development of vulnerability assessment framework for disaster risk

reduction at three levels of geopolitical units in the Philippines" by Robileos, R.
C., Chiuhsiang, L., Senoro, D. B., Ney, F. P. (2020). It explains about how having
limited resources, like money or access to healthcare, can make it harder for
people to rebuild after a disaster. For example, imagine a person's house getting
damaged in a flood.They might be more likely to experience flooding again. Also,
if that particular individual doesn't have enough money to fix their house or can't
get help from a doctor, it might take longer to get back to normal.

An analysis on the economic resilience and vulnerability of local

economies in the Philippines to hydrometeorological disasters, by Gerwyn P.
Enerlan (2023). The journal seems to be about Philippines' regions from 2000 to
2018 found varying economic resilience and vulnerability due to disasters.
Factors like family savings and access to safe water affected disaster impact
positively, while vulnerability factors included disaster frequency, rainfall, and
forest loss. Enhancing economic resilience can help reduce disaster impact,
highlighting the need to improve conditions in vulnerable areas.

Foreign Studies

Kedia, Ratcliff, O'Connor, Oluic, Rose, Freeman, and Rainwater-Lovett

(2020), highlight the importance of being aware of the situation when responding
to disasters. When response agencies have limited time and resources, they
need to quickly collect, study, and share useful information. This helps them
make smart decisions as the situation changes. The study also says that it is
important for response agencies to have technology that helps students
understand what's happening in real-time. This way, they can use the information
to meet their needs and make good choices.

"Examining Themes in Disaster Resilience Literature and Practice since

2012," (2018) review at how things have gotten better in understanding and
reducing the risks of disasters since 2012. They discuss about the main things
that people have been studying and doing to be ready for disasters. This study
gives important information about how things have changed in disaster
resilience. It shows that people who have been through disasters are more ready
for the future and more worried about it as well.

The literature review "A Review of Crisis and Disaster Research: Trends
and Progress" by Quarantelli and Dynes (2021) focuses on crisis and disaster
studies from 2001 to 2020. The authors discuss major trends and developments
in the area throughout this time period. This study provides some understanding
of the tasks done to find and understand significant developments in crisis and
disaster research.

The study "Pre-disaster planning and preparedness for floods and

droughts" by Raikes, J., Smith, T. F., Jacobson, C., & Baldwin, C. (2019) is all
about getting ready before disasters like floods and droughts happen. It looks at
how governments and organizations plan and prepare for these types of
disasters. The study gives an overview of how the risks of disasters are managed
and talks about the differences between managing floods and managing
droughts. It also looks at the things that can make it difficult to plan and prepare
for disasters before they happen. By understanding these barriers, the study
aims to help improve the way governments and our school’s plan and get ready
for disasters. The goal is to make sure that youth and our communities are better
prepared and can respond effectively when it comes to disaster.

In a study done by Al-Rousan, Rubenstein, and Wallace (2023), they

looked at how things like age, where students live and how prepared they are for
disasters affect how much they know about disasters. They found that when
students know more about disasters, they are better at staying safe and dealing
with them. This study is important because it shows that knowing about disasters
is really important, especially for young people. The findings could give important
knowledge for improving awareness at Holy Face of Jesus Lyceum San Jose
Incorporated, with a specific focus on the students.

Local Studies

Big problems like floods, earthquakes, and storms can cause a lot of
damage. But there are ways to make them less harmful, like using mitigation.
This means taking steps beforehand to reduce the risk and severity of future
disasters. A 2022 "Greenhouse gas mitigation potential of Alternate Wetting
production at national scale—A modeling case study for the Philippines" by
Kraus et al. Teaches us different ways to do mitigation. One way is to identify
areas prone to dangers like floods or earthquakes and avoid building important
things there. Another way is to build houses and buildings that can withstand
strong winds or shaking from earthquakes. We can also set up warning systems
to tell people about dangers early and teach everyone what to do to stay safe
before a disaster happens. By working together and doing all these things,
communities can become stronger and safer against potential problems.

According to Gerwyn Enerlan, (2022). An analysis on the economic

resilience and vulnerability of local economies in the Philippines to
hydrometeorological disasters. Stated that the vulnerability variables frequency of
hydrometeorological disasters, rainfall volume, and loss of forest cover contribute
to the impact of disasters. The results showed that the different regions can
minimize the impact of disaster by increasing their economic resilience.

According to the study done by L. G. Ipong, E. E. Ongy, and M. C. Bales,

massive impact on the lives and livelihood of the people affected because of
magnitude 6.5 earthquake. These impacts on the community were amplified due
to absence of hazard mitigation practices and poor emergency preparedness
practices of the affected community.

As the Philippines particularly prone to typhoons and other disasters,

emergency preparedness and disaster risk reduction initiatives will remain
essential for the resilience of the Filipino people. (Retrived by: Relief Web, 2019).
Shows how important it is for communities and students to be involved in getting
ready for disasters. They looked at a lot of research and found that when people
in a community take part in preparing for disasters, it helps make the community
stronger. This means they can handle disasters better. When people join in and
do things to get ready, they become more aware of the risks and can respond
better when a disaster happens. Working together as a team also helps the
community because they can use their knowledge, skills, and resources to make
good plans for dealing with disasters.

Based on Philippines: National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

Plan By unknown (2020). The researcher presume that strengthening the
disaster and climate risk governance by clarifying the roles, accountabilities,
strategies, and activities of disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM)
stakeholders at all levels can have an enormous help.

In recent books and studies, experts like Bird, Gisladottir, and Dominey-
Howes (2020) and Kedia, Ratcliff, O'Connor, Oluic, Rose, Freeman, and
Rainwater-Lovett (2020) talk about the importance of knowing about disasters
and being ready for them. They emphasize the need for communities to learn
about upcoming disasters and how to deal with them. When people have more
knowledge and are involved in preparing, it can help them respond better and
recover faster after a disaster (Bird, Gisladottir, and Dominey-Howes, 2020). The
books also highlight the importance of response agencies having real-time
technology to understand what's happening and make informed decisions (Kedia,
Ratcliff, O'Connor, Oluic, Rose, Freeman, and Rainwater-Lovett, 2020).
Quarantelli and Dynes (2021) provide insights into major trends and
developments in crisis and disaster research. Mayer (2019) and an unknown
author (2021) focus on community resilience and the importance of community
involvement, cooperation, and preparedness in disaster planning. The books also
discuss the significance of rehabilitation and vulnerability in the aftermath of
disasters, as highlighted by the World Bank (2021). Mitigation measures are also
discussed as effective ways to reduce the risk and severity of disasters. Studies
by Al-Rousan, Rubenstein, and Wallace (2023), Paton, Johnston, and Houghton
(2020), Raikes, Smith, Jacobson, and Baldwin (2019), and Brown, Johnson, and
Lee (2023) further support the importance of awareness, involvement, and
preparedness in disaster management. Overall, these books and studies provide
valuable insights into various aspects of disaster management and highlight the
need for proactive measures to ensure community resilience and preparedness.

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