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BUSN 401- E-Business

Basic Information

Course Title: E- Business

Code: BUSN 401
Hours: Lecture: 3 Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisite: None
Academic Year / Level: Year: 3 Term: 1
1- Course Description and Overall Objectives:

This course describes the basic principles of e-business technologies. Upon the
completion of this course, students should have a good working knowledge of e-business
concepts, applications and technologies (e.g. e-business infrastructure, technology
required for e-business, e-business marketplace, e-Commerce, B2B e-business, e-
business strategy, e-procurement, customer relationship management and service
implementation and optimization).

Course Objectives:
The course aims to provide students with the basic business knowledge necessary for
Business student. The course strives to enable students to:

A. Recognize the e-business concepts and how it is different from e-commerce.

B. Recognize the e-business models and infrastructure. Students will learn how e-
business concepts are applied to different fields.
C. Moreover, this course will inspire students with online business ideas and
motivate them to apply what they learned in the real life.
D. Analyze the potential impacts of different e-Business strategies; the ability to
evaluate the effects of business issues in relation to various e-Business models.
E. Be aware of the e-Business environment, the identification of contemporary e-
Business issues, and the evaluation of their implications for organizations.

2-Intended Learning Outcomes of the Course


(A) Through knowledge and understanding, students will be able to:

(K1) Recognize e-Commerce and e-Business and their types.

(K2) Define the e-Marketplaces.
(K3) Identify the main e-Business Models.
(K4) Acquire knowledge about some innovative e-Business systems
(K5) Specify the requirements for starting an online business.

(B) Through intellectual skills, students will be able to:

(I1) Explain how to conduct online business
(I2) Compare between e-Commerce and e-Business and their types
(I3) Compare the different e-Business models
(I4) Explain the key management issues associated with implementing
E- Business strategies.
(I5) Explain the importance of the security, legal, ethical and privacy issues
and understand how they may impact a firm’s E-Business strategy.
(I3) Analyze the needed steps for setting up and maintaining a successful e-

(C) Through professional and practical skills, students will be able to:

(P1) Think critically and analytically to introduce new successful business

(P2) Prepare and present a case study of successful e-Business stories
(P3) Develop an e-Business plan.
(P1) Apply e -business concepts to different fields, such as: education, banking,

(D)Through general and transferable skills, students will be able to:

(G1) Work in a group in order to design a new online business idea.

(G2) Expresses ideas clearly in oral, written and visual work
(G3) Build up baseline knowledge for further study and research in Electronic
Business and Information Technology fields
3-Course Outline:

Week Number 1: Introduction to E- Business and E- Commerce

Week Number 2: Market place Analysis for E- Commerce

Week Number 3: Internet Business Models

Week Number 4: E- Business Strategy

Week Number 5: E- Business environment.

Week Number 6: Continue E- Business Strategy

Week Number 7: First Assessment (Lecture will continue after the assessment)

Week Number 8: Supply Chain Management

Week Number 9: Continue: Supply Chain Management

Week Number 10: E- Procurement

Week Number 11: E- Procurement

Week Number 12: Second Assessment + E -marketing

Week Number 13: E -marketing

Week Number 14: Customer Relationship Management

Week Number 15: E- business service implementations and optimization

Week Number 16: Final Examination

4-Teaching and Learning Methods:

The course uses lectures, direct reading, case studies, group discussion and presentation.
5-Student Assessment Methods, Schedule and

Start Submit
Assessment Weight
Type Week Week
No. %
No. No.

1 First Assessment 1 7 30
2 Second Assessment 8 12 20
Assignments 4 12 10
3 Final Examination 16 40
Total 100

6-List of References:

(a) Course Notes:

Notes will be distributed to the students throughout the semester.

(b) Essential Books (Text Books):

Chaffy, D., E- business & Commerce Management, Marketing insights limited,

Harlow, England, 5th Edition, 2012.
(c) Recommended Books:

Trites, G. and Boritz, J., e Business: A Canadian Perspective for a Networked

World Pearson, Toronto Canada, 4th Edition, 2013.

(d) General References:

Afuah, A., Business Model Innovation: Concepts, Analysis, and Cases, 2014.

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