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Here's a more detailed breakdown of what you need to learn for each aspect of the
Operating Systems (OS) practical assignments:

1. *C Programming*:

- Basic Syntax: Understand the syntax of C programming language including variables, data types,
operators, and expressions.

- Control Structures: Master control structures like if-else statements, loops (for, while, do-while),
and switch-case statements.

- Functions: Learn how to define and use functions in C for code modularity and reusability.

- Pointers: Understand the concept of pointers and how to use them for dynamic memory
allocation, passing by reference, and working with arrays and strings.

- File Handling: Learn how to open, read, write, and close files using file handling functions like
fopen, fread, fwrite, and fclose.

- Memory Management: Understand dynamic memory allocation functions like malloc, calloc,
realloc, and free for managing memory in C programs.

- System Calls: Gain knowledge of system calls and how to use them for interacting with the
operating system, performing tasks like file I/O, process management, and memory allocation.

2. *Linux Commands*:

- File Manipulation: Learn basic commands like echo, ls, cat, touch, and mkdir for creating, viewing,
and manipulating files and directories.

- Text Processing: Understand commands like grep and sed for searching and manipulating text in

- Control Structures: Learn how to use loops, conditional statements, and command substitution in
shell scripts for automation and scripting tasks.

3. *Shell Scripting*:

- Scripting Basics: Master shell scripting concepts such as variables, arrays, loops (for, while),
conditional statements (if-else), and functions.

- Command-Line Arguments: Understand how to process command-line arguments passed to shell

scripts using special variables like $1, $2, etc.

- File Manipulation: Learn how to perform file operations like reading, writing, appending, and
deleting files using shell scripts.

- Process Management: Understand how to start, stop, and manage processes using shell scripts.

- System Administration: Learn how to automate system administration tasks like user
management, backup, and monitoring using shell scripts.
4. *Process Control System Calls*:

- Process Creation: Understand the FORK system call for creating new processes in C.

- Process Execution: Learn about the EXECVE system call for executing programs in the context of a
new process.

- Process Termination: Understand how processes can terminate and how the WAIT system call is
used to wait for child processes to finish execution.

- Zombie and Orphan Processes: Understand the concepts of zombie and orphan processes and
how to handle them in C programs using proper process management techniques.

5. *CPU Scheduling Algorithms*:

- Shortest Job First (Preemptive): Implement the Shortest Job First scheduling algorithm with
preemption in C. Understand how it selects the process with the shortest burst time for execution.

- Round Robin: Implement the Round Robin scheduling algorithm in C with different arrival times
for processes. Understand how it allocates CPU time to processes in a time-sliced manner.

6. *Thread Synchronization*:

- Counting Semaphores: Learn how to use counting semaphores to control access to shared
resources in multithreaded programs. Implement solutions to synchronization problems like the
producer-consumer problem using counting semaphores.

- Mutex (Mutual Exclusion): Understand how mutexes are used to achieve mutual exclusion in
multithreaded programs. Implement solutions to synchronization problems like the reader-writer
problem using mutexes.

7. *Deadlock Avoidance Algorithm*:

- Banker's Algorithm: Implement the Banker's Algorithm for deadlock avoidance in C. Understand
how it allocates resources to processes in a safe manner to prevent deadlock situations.

8. *Page Replacement Algorithms*:

- First Come First Serve (FCFS): Implement the First Come First Serve page replacement algorithm in
C for managing memory pages.

- Least Recently Used (LRU): Implement the Least Recently Used page replacement algorithm in C
for managing memory pages based on the least recently used page.

- Optimal: Implement the Optimal page replacement algorithm in C for managing memory pages by
selecting the page that will not be used for the longest period of time in the future.
9. *Interprocess Communication (IPC)*:

- FIFOs: Implement FIFOs (named pipes) in C for full-duplex communication between two
independent processes. Understand how to create, write to, and read from named pipes in C

- Shared Memory: Implement shared memory communication using System V IPC mechanisms in C.
Understand how to create shared memory segments, attach them to processes, and share data
between processes using shared memory.

10. *Disk Scheduling Algorithms*:

- Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF): Implement the SSTF disk scheduling algorithm in C for minimizing
disk arm movement by selecting the request with the shortest seek time.

- SCAN: Implement the SCAN disk scheduling algorithm in C for servicing disk requests by moving
the disk arm in one direction until it reaches the end, then reversing direction.

- C-Look: Implement the C-Look disk scheduling algorithm in C for servicing disk requests by
moving the disk arm only in one direction and stopping at the last request, then wrapping around to
the first request.

11. *System Call Implementation*:

- Kernel Space Programming: Learn how to write and embed custom system calls in the Linux
kernel source code in C.

- Kernel Compilation: Understand the process of compiling and building the Linux kernel with
custom system calls.

- User Space Programming: Implement user-space programs in C that use the embedded system
calls to perform kernel-level operations or access kernel resources.

By mastering these detailed aspects of programming and libraries, you'll be fully prepared to tackle
the OS practical assignments effectively and demonstrate a thorough understanding of operating
system concepts and implementations.

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