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Before discussing the third article of r.

a 7836, let me first introduce myself, I am Sophia hermoso and now we will
begin to learn what is the third article all about. So, the overview of the third article consists of the whole
registration process of becoming a license teacher here in the Philippines. To summarize, the discussion of article 3
will revolve on the journey of becoming a license teacher, what will the board passers benefit from it as well as
what misconducts can revoke the license holder.
In section 13, it discusses what type of examination the applicants will undergo which is a written type of
examination. It also discusses the date of the examination which is held at least once a year at a given place and
date that is to be determined by the Commission. The date of the examination is usually held within march or
September. And it is specified that the license is a requirement before the person must be allowed to practice as a
professional teacher here in the Philippines that is why it is important to take up the examination. Article 13 briefly
explains the what, when and why questions of the examinee.

Moving on, section 14 discusses the scope of examination. What are the contents that the examinees are going to
expect when they take the examination. The examination coverage may differ as for elementary level it only
consists of 40% topics from general education and 60% from professional education. While in secondary level, the
area of coverage is 20% from General education, 40% from Professional Education and the remaining 40% is for the
area of specialization which can be English, science, Filipino, mathematics, mapeh or social sciences. So, the
preparation that the examinees usually do is they enroll on review centers or they self-study since review centers
can be a bit pricey.
Section 15 provides what are the requirements needed so that the applicant can take the exam. (just read).

After the examination was taken, section 16 discusses the report of the revealing of the results. Let’s dissect what
does section 16 means. The board is required to compile and finalize the results of each candidate’s performance
within 120 days after the test. The Board must submit the scores or ratings achieved by every candidate to the prc.
The PRC, which oversees and regulates the profession or field in question, needs to review and approve the
reported ratings. This process ensures transparency and standardization in evaluating candidates' competency
and eligibility.

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