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Enhancing Trust-Based Interface Management in International Engineering-

Procurement-Construction Projects

Article in Journal of Construction Engineering and Management · September 2017

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001351


69 2,537

6 authors, including:

Wenxin Shen Wenzhe Tang

Beijing Jiaotong University Tsinghua University


Shuli Wang Colin F. Duffield

Tsinghua University University of Melbourne


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Enhancing Trust-Based Interface
Management in International
Engineering-Procurement-Construction Projects
Wenxin Shen 1; Wenzhe Tang, A.M.ASCE 2; Shuli Wang, Ph.D. 3;
Colin F. Duffield 4; Felix Kin Peng Hui 5; and Richun You 6
Downloaded from by University of Michigan on 06/22/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Abstract: The engineering-procurement-construction (EPC) method is gaining more acceptance worldwide as a project delivery strategy
due to the construction efficiencies gained through making one organization responsible for integration of the processes of design, procure-
ment, and construction. Such EPC projects are not without their difficulties—for example, the time pressures frequently brought by over-
lapping design, procurement, and construction increase uncertainty and complexity in managing the multiple interfaces between different
interacting stakeholders. This paper aims to quantitatively and systematically examine how trust, openness, and communication interrelate to
improve interface management performance in international EPC projects. A conceptual model is developed and tested with data collected
from a questionnaire survey and interviews. The path analysis demonstrates that trust not only can be directly conducive to interface
management but also has a positive impact on interface management through enhanced interorganizational openness and communication.
Social network analysis visualizes contractors’ industrial relations and reveals different impacts of stakeholders in trust and interface net-
works of international EPC contractors. This study advances previous research by developing a systematic framework on the basis of trust
for understanding and promoting interface management. Understanding the in-depth underlying interrelations of trust, openness, and com-
munication can contribute to improving alignment between stakeholders and to appropriately applying interface management in practice.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001351. © 2017 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Engineer-procure-construct; Interface management; Trust; Information sharing; Communication; Social network;
Organizational boundary; Contracting.

Introduction more difficult to control and manage interfaces when in project

execution (Lee et al. 2006).
The engineering-procurement-construction (EPC) method is gain- Interface management is associated with managing com-
ing acceptance worldwide (Hale et al. 2009). With a fast-track mon boundaries between or among interacting organizations/
lifecycle, the EPC method can achieve lower costs and a reduced stakeholders, systems, and project phases (Lin 2013). The
project duration by integrating the design, procurement, and con- Construction Industry Institute (CII) created a research team to
struction processes (Back and Moreau 2000). However, the adop- study interface management in 2012 and defined it as the “manage-
tion of concurrent design, procurement, and construction increases ment of communications, relationships, and deliverables among
the uncertainties and complexities of EPC projects, which makes it two or more interface stakeholders” (CII 2014). It has been con-
sidered an effective way to improve stakeholder alignment, enhance
Doctoral Candidate, Institute of Project Management and Construc- communication and coordination, and reduce potential conflicts
tion Technology, State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, and transaction costs in advance (Nooteboom 2004). Projects with
Tsinghua Univ., Beijing 100084, China. systematic interface management are likely to have better cost
Associate Professor, Institute of Project Management and Construc- performance (Shokri et al. 2015a, b). Implementing interface
tion Technology, State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, management can improve partnering between project stakeholders
Tsinghua Univ., Beijing 100084, China (corresponding author). E-mail: throughout overlapping phases and prevent the problems that stem from incomplete information and miscommunication (Chen et al.
Research Engineer, Electric Power Planning and Engineering Institute
2008). Moreover, interface management can achieve its fullest po-
of China, Beijing 100120, China; Institute of Project Management and
Construction Technology, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing 100084, China. tential in an EPC project because it can be applied and coordinated
Professor, Dept. of Infrastructure Engineering, Univ. of Melbourne, extensively given its high degree of integration of design, procure-
Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia. ment, and construction (Shokri et al. 2014; Chen et al. 2010).
Senior Research Fellow, Dept. of Infrastructure Engineering, Univ. of Managing the inherent interdependencies between organiza-
Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia. tions in projects requires a high degree of trust-based coordina-
Doctoral Candidate, Institute of Project Management and Construc- tion, sharing and exchanging information, and solving emerging
tion Technology, State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, conflicts (Galbraith 1973). Existing studies agree that interface
Tsinghua Univ., Beijing 100084, China.
management, which is an information- and relational-processing
Note. This manuscript was submitted on October 6, 2016; approved on
March 14, 2017; published online on June 21, 2017. Discussion period activity, is closely related to trust, openness, and communication
open until November 21, 2017; separate discussions must be submitted (Chen et al. 2008). However, comprehension of the relation-
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Construction ships among trust, openness, and communication is descriptive
Engineering and Management, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9364. and qualitative, and limited research illustrates their multilateral

© ASCE 04017061-1 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2017, 143(9): 04017061

relationships using quantitative approaches. To address this gap,
a conceptual model is established and empirically tested to reveal
the cause-effect relationships among trust, openness, communica-
tion, and their effect on interface management performance in
EPC projects in a systematic manner. By drawing a holistic picture,
understanding of the in-depth underlying interrelations of trust,
openness, and communication can contribute to fully maximizing
the potential benefits of interface management and to appropriately
apply interface management in practice. Fig. 1. Conceptual model for interface management in EPC projects

Conceptual Model of Interface Management

developed to investigate the cause-effect relationships among
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Literature Review these ideals on the theoretical basis of previous studies (Ceric
2016, 2015; Manu et al. 2015; Brewer and Strahorn 2012;
An interface is formed in the course of interrelation and interaction Jäger 2008; Tang et al. 2006; Kadefors 2004; Crowley and
among different organizations and stakeholders. An organizational Karim 1995; Williamson 1979), as shown in Fig. 1. The objective
interface is a reciprocal relation between interdependent entities of this model is to improve interface management by achieving a
(Brown 1983). Interfaces have been classified into different cat- greater level of trust, openness, and communication among
egories such as internal, external, physical, contractual, organiza- stakeholders.
tional, static, and dynamic (Chen et al. 2007; Pavitt and Gibb
2003; Morris 1983). The focus in this research will be on inter-
organizational interfaces in EPC projects. Previous studies have Trust
identified inaccurate and inefficient information exchange as the In the construction industry, the ideal of trust between stakeholders
main reason for interface issues (Huang et al. 2008; Miles and is receiving more and more attention (Ceric 2015; Manu et al. 2015;
Ballard 2002; Al-Hammad 2000). Insufficient and inefficient com- Kadefors 2004; Bonet et al. 2000; Sarker et al. 1998). Trust, com-
munication hinders interface information from effectively flowing munication, and commitment are of great importance in developing
and being exchanged across organizational boundaries, which a collaborative culture in construction (Gorse and Emmitt 2003).
can result in poor interface management performance (Chen Trust can even be thought of as a route to successful project man-
et al. 2008). agement (Brewer and Strahorn 2012). One important objective of
Network theory is another way to consider interface manage- interface management is to reduce risks and transaction costs
ment in EPC projects. Diverse project stakeholders, such as own- caused by information asymmetry between parties in business in-
ers, contractors, designers, engineers, suppliers, local government, teractions (Jäger 2008). Specifically, EPC project contracts are nor-
financial organizations, and local residents (Wang et al. 2013; mally signed on the basis of conceptual design, leaving high
Tang et al. 2008), with their complicated interfaces are fundamen- uncertainties, and EPC activities in project implementation are
tally a social network. In this network, members’ close interac- reciprocally interdependent. In this circumstance, in which uncer-
tions can enhance free flow and exchange of resources (such tainty and interdependency coexist, a critical driver for project par-
as information, knowledge, technologies, money, and materials). ticipants to effectively interact is trust (Schoorman et al. 2007).
This entails the establishment of links that are not constrained Thus, trust is one of the most important strategies for addressing
by organizational boundaries to ensure the efficient transmission information asymmetry existing between parties (Ceric 2016),
of the required resources among organizations (Nadler and and can be considered an essential component in managing inter-
Tushman 1997). organizational relationships and developing satisfactory working
The networks of construction projects, however, tend to be less boundaries among interdependent project parties (Rousseau et al.
cohesive and unstable because they are mainly one-off and tempo- 1998).
rary, being disbanded at the end of a project (Kadefors 2004). It is From the perspective of the principal-agent theory, dealing with
therefore a challenge to increase the cohesion of an EPC project’s information asymmetry is closely related to aligning the interests of
social network. To deal with the complex interface issue, it is both agents and principals (Akerlof 1970; Stiglitz and Weiss 1981;
essential to improve interorganizational activities and govern the Eisenhardt 1989). Trust among owners, contractors, designers, and
relationships and interactions between parties, which can be pro- suppliers in construction projects can be explained by this theory
moted by partnering (Tang et al. 2006). With the core concept (Turner and Müller 2004; Jäger 2008). The establishment of trust
of win-win, partnering allows the active and effective exchange can help develop confidence among parties and encourage them to
of resources through diverse channels (Hong et al. 2012). By es- exchange ideas and resources. A climate of trust enables project
tablishing a long-term commitment among project participants, actors to make their organizational boundaries more flexible and
partnering creates the potential for development of a shared culture permeable, which allows active interorganizational exchange and
and a cooperative atmosphere that disregards organizational boun- communication (Crowley and Karim 1995). Within an environment
daries. Developing partnering relationships should be based on of trust, project participants can spontaneously engage in sharing
trust, openness, communication, common interests, and a mutual useful information and working cooperatively to realize their
understanding of the individual expectations of project participants common goals, which can considerably reduce transaction costs
(CII 1991). and avoid opportunistic behavior during the process of interaction
Nevertheless, the specific aspects of partnering that directly im- (Williamson 1979). The benefits of trust can be achieved through
prove interface management have not been comprehensively stud- promoting communication among stakeholders and thus improving
ied. There is a need to better understand how trust, openness, and project performance—for example, saving construction costs and
communication are interrelated to improve interface management reducing project risks (Cheung et al. 2013; Tang et al. 2007). Trust
performance in EPC projects. Thus, a conceptual model has been is also the base for project participants to form long-term partnering

© ASCE 04017061-2 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2017, 143(9): 04017061

relationships for achieving strategic benefits, such as reducing own- issues and, should problems arise, is also a key element of conflict
ers’ transaction costs when selecting competent contractors, and resolution (Crowley and Karim 1995). Consistent, cross-functional
expanding the market share for contractors to win more jobs communication assists in interface conflicts being identified and
(Morgan and Hunt 1994; Wang et al. 2016). tracked early (Wright 1997). When interface problems occur, effec-
tive and direct communication can help project participants analyze
the causes and jointly seek solutions (Dettman and Bayer 2012).
Openness Effective information flow, relying on high communication quality
Openness is the extent to which project participants share their between project stakeholders, can play a mediating role in the re-
ideas with other stakeholders without suspecting hidden motives lationship between trust and project performance (Cheung et al.
that other stakeholders might have and without hiding key infor- 2013).
mation (Suprapto et al. 2014; Tang et al. 2006). It is widely
acknowledged that openness between project participants is based
on trust, mutual commitment, and shared vision (Anvuur and Interface Management Performance
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Kumaraswamy 2007; Bresnen and Marshall 2000). Different from Compared with the traditional method of design-bid-build (DBB),
trust, which is attitudinal in nature (Cheung et al. 2003), openness more uncertainties and complexities remain in the EPC approach,
focuses on unrestricted and transparent access to information and which may make it riskier, especially for contractors (Öztaş and
knowledge (Peter and Deimann 2013). Tightly organized interfaces Ökmen 2004). Interface management is a proven approach em-
with closed external boundaries not only limit project participants ployed to respond to dynamic changes, reduce risks (Chen et al.
from interacting with each other freely and openly; they also pre- 2007), and mitigate the adverse influence of project complexity in
vent information from being transmitted accurately and in a timely EPC projects (Ahn et al. 2016). Good interface management
way, which is detrimental to smooth implementation of projects performance not only aids uncertainty reduction by standardizing
(Crowley and Karim 1995). handling processes and workflows for diverse interfaces but also
An open climate makes organizational boundaries more per- enhances complex relationships in the social network by improv-
meable and flexible. Openness is an ideal condition for efficient ing coordination and cooperation of project stakeholders. Poor
communication and for sharing information and resources,
interface management performance and interface mismatches
thereby encouraging project participants to cooperatively deal with
are often responsible for delays and excessive rework (Chen
interface-related issues (Amabile et al. 2004). Openness gives peo-
et al. 2007).
ple from different organizations access to the necessary resources
It is expected that trust, openness, and communication will assist
and information to execute the project, thus preventing interface
in achieving good interface management performance in terms of
issues from arising.
quality, time, and cost. Trust between parties is the cornerstone of
As one of the benefits of openness, exchange of integration in-
interface management. Based on trust and mutual commitment,
formation across organizational boundaries can contribute to sav-
project participants are more likely to be open to sharing their val-
ing time and money (Back and Moreau 2000). The open sharing of
information also discourages people from behaving opportunisti- ued resources, enabling more permeable and flexible organizational
cally (Hargadon and Sutton 1997), resulting in reduced project risk boundaries. But having the willingness to be open is not sufficient
and uncertainty projects (Wong and Cheung 2005). Project defini- to realize good interface management performance. Actions such as
tion in EPC contracts is normally unclear because such contracts establishing effective communication channels that adapt to organi-
are prepared on the basis of conceptual design and incomplete in- zational structure and characteristics are required to convey accu-
formation, leaving many internal uncertainties (Love et al. 2011). rate and comprehensive interface information and to facilitate
Open sharing of information between contractors and designers is efficient information exchange. Designing moderate interface
essential to keeping design documents accurate and uniform. This mechanisms for multidisciplinary and multiorganizational commu-
mutual information feedback between contractors and designers nication among parities is essential to achieving timely communi-
can help optimize design, minimize rework, and improve construct- cation, coordination, and cooperation.
ability (Wang et al. 2016). Information sharing among project par-
ticipants leads to substantial transaction cost reduction because less
Empirical Research Questions
money is spent to obtain necessary information for decision
making. Exploring factors that have an impact on interorganization interface
management, and how they interact to promote high interface man-
agement performance, is the central aspect of the model concept.
Communication Specifically, this study aims to examine the following research
Communication refers to the flow of data, information, knowledge, questions:
experience, and ideas between project participants, which requires • What is the level of trust between contractors and the interface-
management of various interfaces and interconnections (Tang et al. related stakeholders in EPC projects?
2006). Communication is considered to be vital for delivering proj- • What is the degree of openness between contractors and the
ects successfully and has a great impact on the performance of con- interface-related stakeholders in EPC projects?
struction projects (Bakens et al. 2005). Because valued information • What is the level of communication efficiency between
and resources exist in different organizations involving project de- contractors and the interface-related stakeholders in EPC
livery, establishing links across organizational boundaries to ensure projects?
that they flow efficiently between organizations is essential (Nadler • What is the level of interface management performance in EPC
and Tushman 1997). projects?
Efficient communication promotes cooperation and collabora- • What are the interrelations among these themes?
tion among project participants on the basis of trust (Sarker Answering these questions can broaden existing, currently lim-
et al. 1998), which is critical to interface management (Shokri ited, understanding of how these factors interrelate with the inter-
et al. 2012). Sound communication assists in preventing interface organizational interfaces in EPC projects.

© ASCE 04017061-3 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2017, 143(9): 04017061

Research Methodology interaction and flow of information among project participants,
using the data collected from the second part of the questionnaire
Triangulated Approach for Data Collection regarding the degree of interface management and trust between
contractors and different stakeholders.
A questionnaire survey was selected as the principal method for
collecting quantitative data. It was complemented by interviews
for further learning the views of the selected respondents (Love Survey Results
et al. 2002). The questionnaire (see Appendix S1) was developed
from the conceptual model and included two parts. The first part Trust
was to extract general information about respondents such as posi-
tions, involved projects, and working experience. In the second To understand the level of trust between project stakeholders in
part, respondents were required to evaluate the following status EPC projects, the respondents were required to rate the level of trust
on a five-point Likert scale based on their experience in delivering by responding on a five-point Likert scale (1 ¼ very low and 5 ¼
EPC projects: (1) level of trust with stakeholders, (2) degree of very high). The results are given in Table 1.
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openness with stakeholders, (3) level of communication with stake- Referring to the table, Cronbach’s alpha value for the level of
holders, and (4) performance of interface management with trust is 0.868, which indicates that the internal consistency reliabil-
stakeholders. ity of the data is good (Sharma 1996). The top three scores are
Because Chinese contractors are becoming more and more ac- given to trust between contractors and owners, trust between
tive in the international market [65 were listed as among the top 250 contractors and suppliers, and trust between contractors and design-
international contractors in 2015 (ENR 2015)], they were chosen as ers, which demonstrates that international EPC contractors have
questionnaire respondents. A total of 165 questionnaires were sent confidence in suppliers, owners, and designers. The score of trust
out to international EPC contractors in China either by mail or de- between contractors and local residents is the lowest, indicating that
livered in hand. After excluding two invalid questionnaires, 107 contractors’ relations with stakeholders indirectly involved in proj-
effective questionnaires were returned with an acceptable response ects is relatively weak.
rate of 64.8%. On average, the respondents had 13 years of work
experience in the construction industry, with rich knowledge and Openness
skills in executing international EPC projects.
After completion of the questionnaires, semistructured inter- Table 2 summarizes the degree of openness between stakeholders
views were conducted to obtain more detailed information about evaluated by respondents on a Likert scale of 1 (very low) to 5 (very
interface management in practice. Forty-two respondents with more high). Cronbach’s alpha value for the degree of openness is 0.887
(Table 2), which indicates that the internal consistency reliability of
than 10 years of experience in construction and holding senior
the data is good (Sharma 1996). The degree of openness between
company positions such as project manager were selected to inter-
contractors and designers receives the highest, followed by open-
view. Questions from the questionnaire were used as the interview
ness between contractors and suppliers, which demonstrates that
framework, and the respondents further explained their views on
contractors, designers, and suppliers in international EPC projects
specific questions based on their experience. The outcomes of the
have a high degree of openness with each other. This is because
face-to-face interviews were used to interpret the survey results for a
designers, suppliers, and contractors are the key members of the
deeper understanding of interface management in EPC projects.
project team and are reciprocally interdependent in the business
chain. Dealing with multiple interface issues requires project par-
Data Analysis Techniques ticipants to be open to sharing information and resources, which
can merge their organizational boundaries and, consequently,
The collected data were analyzed employing Statistical Package for
Social Science (SPSS 19.0) and UCINET. The data analysis tech-
Table 1. Level of Trust between Contractors and Project Stakeholders
niques adopted in this study included (1) ranking cases, (2) reliabil-
ity test, (3) Pearson correlation, (4) path analysis, and (5) social Trust Rating Rank Cronbach’s α
network analysis. Contractors–owners 4.02 1 0.868
Means of samples and ranking cases were applied to reveal the Contractors–suppliers 4.02 1
level of trust, openness, communication, and interface management Contractors–designers 4.00 3
in delivering EPC projects. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used Contractors–local government 3.74 4
to assess the reliability and validity of the data, with the hurdles Contractors–consultants 3.71 5
0.7 ≤ α < 0.8 (acceptable), 0.8 ≤ α < 0.9 (good), and α ≥ 0.9 (ex- Contractors–financial organizations 3.71 6
cellent) (Sharma 1996). Pearson correlation analysis was employed Contractors–subcontractors 3.60 7
Contractors–local residents 3.52 8
for measuring the strength of association between interface man-
agement performance of different stakeholders. Path analysis
was applied to validate the relationships in the conceptual model.
Table 2. Degree of Openness between Contractors and Stakeholders
Social network analysis (SNA) is regarded as a powerful way to
exhibit interrelationships between individuals or organizations by Openness Rating Rank Cronbach’s α
capturing and visualizing the social network structure and interac- Contractors–designers 3.94 1 0.887
tions among multiple stakeholders (Bourne and Walker 2006; Cova Contractors–suppliers 3.83 2
and Salle 2006; Rowley 1997). It can be used to compresence and Contractors–owners 3.77 3
analyze interface management in construction projects viathe Contractors–consultants 3.69 4
sociogram, which is a mathematical technique to formulate inter- Contractors–financial organizations 3.67 5
actions between actors (Shokri et al. 2015a, b). Because interface Contractors–local residents 3.61 6
issues are fundamentally related to social networks, SNA was ap- Contractors–local government 3.58 7
Contractors–subcontractors 3.52 8
plied in this research as a quantitative method to reflect the dynamic

© ASCE 04017061-4 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2017, 143(9): 04017061

Table 3. Efficiency of Communication between Contractors and as the best (4.00), and the performance of interface management
Stakeholders between contractors and suppliers (3.95) and between contractors
Communication Rating Rank Cronbach’s α and subcontractors (3.85) rank second and third, respectively,
demonstrating that interface management performance among con-
Contractors–designers 3.99 1 0.884
Contractors–suppliers 3.83 2 tractors, designers, suppliers, and subcontractors is high. Interface
Contractors–owners 3.74 3 management performance between contractors and local residents
Contractors–consultants 3.74 4 scores the lowest (3.25), indicating much room for improvement.
Contractors–financial organizations 3.70 5 Pearson correlation was performed to understand the relation-
Contractors–local residents 3.61 6 ships between contractors and interface-related stakeholders,
Contractors–subcontractors 3.54 7 with the results presented in Table 4. The interface management
Contractors–local government 3.52 8 performance correlation between contractors and stakeholders is
statistically significant (p < 0.05). However, the correlations for
“contractors–financial organizations” and “contractors–designers,”
and “contractors–financial organizations” and “contractors–
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significantly enhance work efficiency. The score of openness be-

tween contractors and subcontractors is the lowest (3.52), indicating subcontractors” are not significant. These positive correlations
that there is still much room for contractors to improve openness with show that the interface between contractors and individual stake-
subcontractors. holders can affect interactions between contractors and other stake-
holders. For example, the project managers interviewed indicated
that good coordination with the Export-Import Bank of China allow
Communication them to efficiently assist owners in obtaining export credits, which
Table 3 summarizes the efficiency of communication between not only give impetus to a project but also enhance relationships
stakeholders, rated by respondents on a Likert five-point scale rang- between contractors and owners. The results of the correlations
ing from 1 (low) to 5 (high). also reveal that project stakeholders interweave with each other
According to the table, Cronbach’s alpha value of the efficiency and that networking exists in all project delivery processes.
of communication is 0.884, indicating that there is a good level of
internal data consistency (Sharma 1996). Communication between
contractors and designers (3.99) receives the highest score, fol- Testing the Model
lowed by contractors and suppliers (3.83); communication between
contractors and local government scores the lowest (3.52). These
Path Analysis
results indicate contractors’ emphasis on communicating efficiently
with their main partners—namely, designers and suppliers. It is not To test the relationships among trust, openness, communication,
surprising that contractors have the lowest communication effi- and interface management performance as developed in the model
ciency with local government. In some circumstances, in dealing (Fig. 1), path analysis was applied with the results shown in Table 5.
with issues such as permitting and land use, the contractor needs First, openness is highly correlated with trust [β ¼ 0.900
the help of local government. However, because of the long appro- (p < 0.01)]. Second, trust and openness are positively related to
val process and bureaucracy, the efficiency of local government is communication [β ¼ 0.303 (p < 0.01) and β ¼ 0.663 (p < 0.01),
usually low, which is a potential political risk for international proj- respectively], with trust, openness, and communication collec-
ects (Du et al. 2016). tively predicting interface management performance [β ¼ 0.314
(p < 0.05), β ¼ −0.058 (p > 0.05), and β ¼ 0.542 (p < 0.01),
respectively]. Third, the effect that openness exerts on interface
Interface Management Performance management performance has decreased from the original β ¼
The performance of interface management in EPC projects is rated 0.732 to β ¼ 0.058, demonstrating that openness between stake-
on a five-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (poor) to 5 (good) and is holders influences interface management performance by enhanc-
tabulated in the second column of Table 4. ing communication. Fourth, the effect that trust exerts on interface
Cronbach’s alpha value for the performance of interface man- management performance has decreased from the original β ¼
agement between stakeholders is 0.881 (Table 4), indicating good 0.749 to β ¼ 0.314, demonstrating the partial mediation effect
internal consistency reliability (Sharma 1996). The performance of of communication between trust and interface management
interface management between contractors and designers is ranked performance.

Table 4. Performance and Correlations of Interface Management between Contractors and Stakeholders
Interface Rating Rank C–D C–S C–SU C–C C–O C–FO C–LG C–LR
C-D 4.00 1 1 — — — — — — —
C-S 3.95 2 0.597a 1 — — — — — —
C-SU 3.85 3 0.585a 0.511a 1 — — — — —
C-C 3.78 4 0.318a 0.475a 0.214b 1 — — — —
C-O 3.68 5 0.476a 0.353a 0.530a 0.473a 1 — — —
C-FO 3.41 6 0.158 0.345a 0.144 0.647a 0.319a 1 — —
C-LG 3.36 7 0.422a 0.346a 0.529a 0.459a 0.610a 0.396a 1 —
C-LR 3.25 8 0.446a 0.347a 0.333a 0.253a 0.287a 0.468a 0.540a 1
Note: C–C = contractors–consultants; C–D = contractors–designers; C–FO = contractors–financial organizations; C–LG = contractors–local government;
C–LR = contractors–local residents; C–O = contractors–owners; C–SU = contractors–subcontractors; C–S = contractors–suppliers.
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed).
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed).

© ASCE 04017061-5 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2017, 143(9): 04017061

Table 5. Test of Relationships among Trust, Openness, Communication, Table 6. Centralities of the Interface and Trust Networks
and Interface Management (IM)
Independent Dependent
Degree Closeness Betweenness
Step variable variable R2a β t
Network type Trust Interface Trust Interface Trust Interface
1 Trust Openness 0.808 0.900a 21.169
2 Trust Communication 0.808 0.899a 21.044 Owners 0.746 0.553 0.644 0.498 0.154 0.099
Openness Communication 0.873 0.935a 27.032 Suppliers 0.746 0.746 0.644 0.616 0.183 0.186
3 Trust Communication 0.890 0.303a 4.085 Designers 0.728 0.737 0.630 0.610 0.161 0.169
Openness — — 0.663a 8.950 Consultants 0.588 0.614 0.535 0.530 0.072 0.122
4 Trust IM performance 0.557 0.749a 11.590 Local government 0.561 0.412 0.521 0.437 0.084 0.033
Openness IM performance 0.531 0.732a 10.994 Financial organizations 0.553 0.439 0.516 0.447 0.087 0.041
Communication IM performance 0.589 0.770a 12.373 Subcontractors 0.491 0.658 0.485 0.556 0.053 0.120
5 Trust IM performance 0.369 0.314b 2.064 Local residents 0.482 0.325 0.481 0.406 0.056 0.021
Openness — — −0.058 −0.309
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Communication — — 0.542a 2.901

way to reveal the complex interactions among project participants
Note: R2a = adjust R2 ; β = standardized regression coefficient.
p < 0.01. and pinpoint the key network players.
p < 0.05. Compared with a one-mode network that studies same sets of
entities, such as person by person and organization by organization,
the two-mode network aims to explore the relations between differ-
ent sets of entities, such as persons and organizations (Borgatti
2009). This study adopted the two-mode network to analyze rela-
tions between questionnaire respondents and project stakeholders
using measures of centrality and network visualization.

Measures of Centrality
Centrality is a concept used to measure the prominence of an actor
in a network (Freeman 1978). If an actor’s centrality is high, he or
Fig. 2. Final model for interface management in international EPC she has strong influence or power in the network. The three most
projects; *Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed); common measures of centrality are (1) degree, indicating the num-
** Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed) ber of direct connections to an actor; (2) closeness, capturing
how independent an actor is from the communications flow and
measured by the number of an actor’s indirect connections; and
(3) betweeness, assessing the power or capability of an actor by
As shown in Fig. 2, trust influences interface management per-
calculating how often he or she travels a path between two non-
formance by driving openness and effective communication. The
connected nodes” (Freeman 1978). A person with high betweeness
path analysis results validate the paths shown in Fig. 1. Path 1:
centrality occupies a brokerage position and can be considered a
trust → interface management performance; Path 2: trust →
gatekeeper or broker who has the power of to control the resources
communication → interface management performance; and Path 3:
and information flowing through the network (Krackhardt 1992).
trust → openness → communication → interface management per-
Table 6 scores the three centralities s of the trust and interface
formance. The first and second paths indicate that trust not only is
networks of EPC contractors and project stakeholders. It shows
directly conducive to good interface management performance but
that, in a trust network, owners, suppliers, and designers are the
also has a positive impact on interface management performance
top three in all three types of centrality, demonstrating that they
through enhanced communication. The third path shows that trust are highly reliable from the perspective of international EPC con-
has a significant impact on openness and that openness exerts its tractors. This also suggests that EPC contractors have high confi-
influence on interface management performance through improved dence that owners will meet their commitments and that designers
communication. These paths demonstrate that communication plays and suppliers can competently carry out their assigned project
a partial mediation role in the relationship between trust and inter- tasks. Comparatively, in an interface network, suppliers, designers,
face management performance, but plays a full mediation role be- and subcontractors are the top three in the three types of centrality,
tween openness and interface management performance. The although subcontractors rank fourth in betweenness centrality. This
results indicate that establishing effective communication channels is quite reasonable because international EPC contractors, design-
that adapt to a project’s characteristics and delivery processes is ers, suppliers, and subcontractors are team members and have high
essential for trust and openness to facilitate interface management connectivity with each other in project-implementing processes.
performance. Notably, suppliers play significant roles in EPC contractors’
trust and interface networks. Good relationships with key suppliers
can help contractors obtain cost-effective materials and equipment
Social Network Analysis
in global markets. This is is particularly important when consider-
Construction projects are multidisciplinary and multiorganiza- ing that a large proportion of EPC projects’ costs are related to
tional. As the results in Table 4 reveal, the interwoven relationships material and equipment, especially in large-scale and technically
among stakeholders fundamentally represent a social network. Be- complex projects such as hydropower (Azambuja et al. 2014;
cause of the dynamic and one-off nature of construction projects, Du et al. 2016). As shown in Table 6, suppliers are first in both
the networks in the construction industry are normally less cohesive trust and interface networks regarding degree, closeness, and
and unstable than those in the manufacturing industry (Chinowsky betweeness centralities, indicating that EPC contractors have estab-
et al. 2008), and the interactions among project stakeholders in lished high levels of trust-based cooperation with suppliers to im-
these networks are complicated. Social network analysis is an ideal prove international EPC project performance.

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Table 7. Spearman Correlations among Stakeholder Rankings in Centralities
Trust network Interface network
Centrality Degree Closeness Betweeness Degree Closeness Betweeness
Degree 1.000 — — 1.000 — —
Closeness 1.000a 1.000 — 1.000a 1.000 —
Betweeness 0.838a 0.838a 1.000 0.976a 0.976a 1.000
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed).

To explore whether there is consensus among the stakeholders’ respondents have trust relationships with those stakeholders
rankings in different centralities, Spearman rank correlation coef- (Borgatti and Everett 1997). The rules of interpreting the interface
ficients were calculated and are summarized in Table 7. The results network (Fig. 4) are similar to those for the trust network. The po-
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show that in both networks, the correlation coefficients among sitions of actors indicate the number of their linkages to others: the
degree, closeness, and betweenness centralities are higher than 0.8 actors with more ties to others are located in the center, whereas
(at p < 0.01), indicating that they are significantly correlated with those with fewer ties are scattered around the periphery.
each other. As shown in Fig. 3, in the trust network the owners, designers,
and suppliers are located in the center of the sociogram, suggesting
Sociograms of International EPC Contractor Trust and that EPC contractors’ trust relationships with these three stakehold-
Interface Networks ers are most influential. This is in tune with the survey results in
Based on degree centralities, this study used two-mode network Table 1, where trust between EPC contractors and these three stake-
analysis for visualizing the relations between international EPC holders is ranked at the top. The interviewed project managers con-
contractors and project stakeholders to further understand trust firmed the significant impacts of building trust relationship with
and interface networks. The results are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, these stakeholders, saying, for example, “In the bidding stage,
which represent the multidimensional scaling of the trust and many of our jobs were largely attributed to owners’ trust based
interface networks of EPC contractors, respectively. The 107 ques- on our good industry reputation or our past successful cooperation
tionnaire respondents are represented by round nodes, and 8 stake- experiences, and in the implementing stage, we highly relied on
holders in EPC projects are represented by square nodes. The trust-worthy designers and suppliers to help us fulfill the EPC
relations between actors (the respondents and the stakeholders) project tasks.” Other stakeholders such as local residents are located
are represented by links (Wasserman and Faust 1994; Pryke relatively far from the center of the interface network, indicating
2004). Each node is sized according to the actor’s betweenness cen- that EPC contractors’ trust relationships with these stakeholders
trality, which is a measure of the extent to which the actor controls need to be gradually developed.
the interaction of others. In the trust network (Fig. 3), (1) the nodes In Fig. 4, it is observed that the eight stakeholders can be
representing the stakeholders are close to each other if they have grouped into four clusters. The first cluster, consisting of designers,
trust relationships with almost the same respondents; (2) the nodes suppliers, and subcontractors, is located in the core of the socio-
representing the respondents are located close to each other if they gram, illustrating that EPC contractors interact most frequently
have trust relationships with almost the same stakeholders; and with these stakeholders. This makes intuitive sense because EPC
(3) the stakeholder nodes are close to the respondent nodes if those contractors take total responsibility for carrying out engineering,

Fig. 3. Sociogram of trust network of international EPC contractors and stakeholders

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Fig. 4. Sociogram of interface network of international EPC contractors and stakeholders

procurement, and construction, and designers, suppliers, and sub- dealing with transaction costs arising from uncertainty and oppor-
contractors are the essential upstream and downstream partners in tunism (Williamson 1979; Zaheer et al. 1998; Cheung and Pang
the business chain. This is in line with the survey results in Table 4, 2013). Fig. 2 shows that trust can both directly enhance openness
where the performance of interface management between EPC con- and influence communication to improve interface management
tractors and these three stakeholders is ranked at the top. performance, showing that it can reduce information asymmetry
The second cluster includes two nodes representing owners and and lower monitoring costs by promoting openness and effective
consultants. As the owner’s agents, consultants represent the own- communication among stakeholders.
ers by sending orders to contractors and approving design, equip- It is notable that trust, openness, communication, and inter-
ment manufacture, and construction options (Tang et al. 2009). face management performance of “contractors–designers” and
Therefore, in many circumstances consultants’ behaviors are con- “contractors–suppliers” are all ranked in the top three in Tables 1–4,
sidered the owners’ organizational behavior from the perspective of demonstrating that EPC contractors perform well with designers
EPC contractors. This explains why the two nodes are near each and suppliers in terms of interface management. The results of social
other in the interface network (Fig. 4). network analysis can explain the critical roles of designers and
The third cluster in Fig. 4 includes local governments and finan- suppliers in the networks of international EPC contractors.
cial organizations. Local government exercises permitting power As shown in Table 6 and Figs. 3 and 4, suppliers have the high-
over a project by evaluating its influence on the economy, society, est centralities and are located in the center of the trust and interface
and the environment. Financial organizations, such as the Export- networks, showing that their ties spread out among various
Import Bank of China, normally require local governments’ secu- international EPC contractors. The results support the proposi-
rity for loans to develop a project. From the perspective of tion that procurement risk management is critical in delivering
international EPC contractors, interactions with these two stake- international large-scale, technically complex EPC projects be-
holders are less frequent than they are for the first and the second cause procurement costs account for a large share of total project
clusters. However, local governments and financial organizations investment (Azambuja et al. 2014; Du et al. 2016). By establishing
can largely decide whether or not a project will proceed. long-term trust-based cooperative relationships with suppliers
Local residents are located peripherally with the lowest central- worldwide, contractors can use their global channels to reduce
ity in the network of EPC contractors (Fig. 4), indicating that logistical uncertainties caused by long-distance transportation
contractors’ ties with local residents are relatively weak. Local res- and thereby reduce equipment and materials delivery time and cost.
idents’ low participation can be attributed to the lack of a mecha-
The interviewed project managers indicated that they prefer major
nism to incorporate community needs into the project development
equipment suppliers from the home country based on their success-
process. Besides, local governments and owners are more critical in
ful cooperative experiences with them. Choosing these suppliers
dealing with the issues such as land acquisition and resident reset-
lowers the costs stable and cost-effective equipment and materials
tlement, whereas EPC contractors mainly focus on building local
and reduces problems associated with the equipment design–
infrastructure and protecting the environment.
manufacturing–installation interface.
Designers also have high centralities and are located in the
Discussion center of the networks (Table 6 and Fig. 4), demonstrating their
strong role in delivering EPC projects. EPC contracts signed
The results of this research have confirmed and advanced the between contractors and owners are normally based on conceptual
conclusions of previous studies and have broad theoretical and design, leaving high uncertainties in the early stages of project
practical implications. Testing the model of interface management implementation. Interviewed project managers confirmed that it
in EPC projects supports the belief in trust’s prominent role in is critical for contractors to create interface conversations between

© ASCE 04017061-8 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2017, 143(9): 04017061

designers and involved participants such as owners, consultants, international EPC projects is that various stakeholders and concur-
suppliers, and local residents in order to clearly interpret the rent design, procurement, and construction processes increase
owners’ requirements, consider social and environmental issues, complexities and difficulties in management interface. However,
specify technical standards, and choose feasible design options current studies lack a systematic way to identify the underlying fac-
through multiple communication channels. This study shows that tors in interface management performance or to analyze how these
the more project participants communicate, the more they under- factors are interrelated. In this study, a conceptual model was es-
stand each other’s needs and potential problems, which can prevent tablished on the basis of a literature review and empirically tested
issues arising from incomplete information (Gainey and Klass with data collected from questionnaires and interviews. This re-
2003). For example, a contractor in Indonesia discovered that a pre- search reveals that trust, openness, and communication play a criti-
liminary design might lead to much higher construction costs than cal role in improving interface management in EPC projects, and it
represented by the bidding price. Open communication between the depicts their multilateral relationships. The main findings of this
designer and the contractor enabled them to integrate each other’s research are discussed next.
design and construction expertise to jointly achieve an optimum The survey outcomes outline the status of EPC contractors’ in-
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and cost-effective design option that saved approximately US terface management regarding trust, openness and communication.
$50 million. This case is in line with the finding that effective com- The results demonstrate that, on the basis of trust and openness,
munication has a strong influence on the optimization of design EPC contractors have developed good relationships with the main
options and design change management (Wang et al. 2016). project stakeholders such as owners, and are able to communicate
It is also notable that owners’ positions in the trust network dif- efficiently with key EPC team members such as designers and
fer from their positions in the interface network. Whereas designers suppliers.
and suppliers occupy central positions in both networks, owners are Path analysis of the conceptual model reveals three critical paths
in the core of the trust network (Fig. 3) but are relatively far from from trust to interface management performance: (1) trust → interface
the center of the interface network (Fig. 4). This discrepancy can be management performance; (2) trust → communication → interface
explained by the final model (Fig. 2), in which interface manage- management performance; and (3) trust → openness → communi-
ment performance is influenced not only by trust but also by open- cation → interface management performance (Fig. 2). These paths
ness and communication. Because EPC contractors take sole demonstrate that communication plays a partial mediation role in
responsibility for carrying out EPC tasks, owners are not actively the relationship between trust and interface management perfor-
involved in routine jobs. This is different from DBB projects, in mance but a full mediation role between openness and interface
which contractors need to interact with owners frequently in deal- management performance.
ing with design errors and omissions, unforeseen site conditions, Social network analysis allows visualization of relations be-
equipment and materials quality problems, and other relevant issues tween international EPC contractors and project stakeholders to
(Pishdad-Bozorgi and Garza 2012; Tang et al. 2013). further understand trust and interface networks. In the trust network
The findings from this study have broad practical implications (Fig. 3), owners, designers, and suppliers are located in the center
for improving the management of complicated interorganizational of the sociogram, suggesting that EPC contractors’ trust relation-
interfaces in international EPC projects. They can be translated into ships with these three stakeholders are the most influential. In the
the practical strategies discussed next. interface network (Fig. 4), from the perspective of international
First, the interface management model (Fig. 2) shows that build- EPC contractors, project stakeholders are grouped into four clus-
ing trust is fundamental to openness, communication, and interface ters. The first cluster, consisting of designers, suppliers, and sub-
management performance. This means that contractors should es- contractors, is located in the core of the sociogram, illustrating that
tablish trust-based partnering relationships with stakeholders by EPC contractors interact most frequently with these stakeholders,
creating a cooperative climate, allocating risks/rewards equitably, who are essential upstream and downstream partners in the busi-
and enhancing team building in project implementation. ness chain. The second cluster includes owners and consultants;
Second, the study reveals communication’s direct mediational in many circumstances, consultants represent owners in orders
effects on interface management performance. This suggests that to contractors and design, equipment manufacture, and construc-
building formal and informal communication channels that adapt to tion option approval. The third cluster includes local governments
EPC project characteristics and delivery processes should be empha- and financial organizations, which, in controlling project permis-
sized to create trust and good interface management performance. sion and financial support, largely decide whether or not a project
Third, because openness is a significant element in improving will proceed. Local residents are at the periphery of the sociogram
interface management, measures should be taken to increase infor- with the lowest centrality in the EPC contractor network (Fig. 4),
mation sharing and traceabilityto reduce information asymmetry indicating that international EPC contractors’ ties with local resi-
and conflicts arising from opportunistic behavior. dents are relatively weak.
Forth, the results of social network analysis highlight that con- It is noteworthy that owners’ positions differ between the trust
tractors’ ties with local residents are relatively weak. Measures network and the interface network. Owners locate in the core of the
should be adopted to enhance local participation in dealing with trust network, whereas they are relatively far from the center of the
social and environmental issues related to EPC projects, thereby interface network. This can be explained by the difference between
incorporating community needs into project development. EPC projects and DBB projects: in EPC projects contractors take
sole responsibility for tasks, in which owners are not actively
Conclusions The findings suggest broad practical strategies to improve
management of complicated interorganizational interfaces in
international EPC projects. These include (1) building close inter-
organizational links and social networks with various project stake-
The engineering-procurement-construction (EPC) method is gain- holders to resolve problems of resource restriction; (2) promoting
ing acceptance worldwide because of its high efficiency and inte- partnering among participants on the basis of trust and equitable
grative solutions (Hale et al. 2009). A key challenge in delivering risk/reward allocation to facilitate information sharing, mitigate

© ASCE 04017061-9 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2017, 143(9): 04017061

the impacts of uncertainty, and reduce conflicts caused by oppor- Acknowledgments
tunistic behaviors; (3) establishing effective communication chan-
nels congruent with the project characteristics and EPC processes Many thanks are offered to the National Natural Science Founda-
to bridge trust and good interface management performance; and tion of China (Grant Nos. 51379104, 51579135, 51079070,
(4) enhancing local residents’ participation in dealing with social 50539130, and 70671058), the State Key Laboratory of Hydro-
and environmental issues related to EPC projects, thereby incorpo- science and Engineering (Grant Nos. 2013-KY-5, 2015-KY-5,
rating local community needs into project development. and 2009-ZY-7), and the Major Science and Technology Research
Project of Power China (Grant Nos. DJ-ZDZX-2015-01-02,
DJ-ZDZX-2015-01-07). Special thanks are also given to the
Contributions to the Body of Knowledge respondents for their generous contributions during the survey.
This study provides evidence of interdisciplinary connections
among knowledge areas of trust, openness, communication, and Supplemental Data
interface management, thus contributing to the body of knowledge
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