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The Marcus Garvey and Universal

Negro Improvement Association

Papers, Volume XIII: The Caribbean
Diaspora, 1921-1922, Volume 13 Marcus
Garvey (Editor)
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Caribbean Series
Caribbean Series

National Endowment for the Humanities
National Historical Publications and Records Commission
James S. Coleman African Studies Center,
University of California, Los Angeles

Ahmanson Foundation
Ford Foundation
Rockefeller Foundation
UCLA Foundation

Fitzroy Baptiste†
Richard Blackett
O. Nigel Bolland
Philippe Bourgois
Bridget Brereton
Patrick Bryan
Ronald N. Harpelle
Richard Hart
Winston James
Rupert Lewis
Hollis R. Lynch
Colin Palmer
Stephan Palmié
Brenda Gayle Plummer
K. W. J. Post
J. R. Ralph Casimir
(Source: MGPP JRRC)

Volume XIII
The Caribbean Diaspora

Robert A. Hill, Editor in Chief

John Dixon, Associate Editor
Mariela Haro Rodríguez, Assistant Editor
Anthony Yuen, Assistant Editor


Durham and London
The preparation of this volume was made possible in part by grants from the
National Endowment for the Humanities, an independent federal agency, and
the National Historical Publications and Records commission. Production of
the volume has also been supported by grants from the Ahmanson Foundation,
the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the UCLA Foundation.

Duke University Press gratefully acknowledges the support of the National

Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), which provided
funds toward the production of this book.

Documents in this volume from the Public Record Office are © British Crown
copyright material and are published by permission of the Controller of Her
Majesty’s Stationery Office.

The volume was designed by Linda M. Robertson and set in Galliard and
Stempel Garamond type. Photographs and illustrations were digitized using
a Xerox DocuImage 620s scanner and an Epson Perfection 1650 scanner.

Copyright © 2016 Duke University Press.

Cataloging-in-Publication data on file with the Library of Congress.

ISBN 978-0-8223-6116-9 (cloth)

ISBN 978-0-8223-7428-2 (e-book)
Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper f

Rosanne Adderley Alana Johnson

Peter D. Ashdown Simon Jones-Hendrickson
Patrick L. Baker Greg LaMotta
Phillippe Bourgois Michael Louis
Bridget Brereton Susan Lowes
O. Nigel Bolland Marc McLeod
David Browne Melanie Newton
Marcelo Bucheli Ira P. Philip
Carla Burnett Brenda Gayle Plummer
Marcia Burrowes Lara Elizabeth Putnam
Kim D. Butler Glen Richards
Aviva Chomsky Bonham Richardson
Michael Conniff Reinaldo L. Román
Edward L. Cox D. Gail Saunders
Juanita De Barros Cleve McD. Scott
Dario A. Euraque Mimi Sheller
Helen Francis-Seaman Richard Smith
Humberto Garcia-Muñiz Peter Szok
Jorge L. Giovannetti-Torres Melisse Thomas-Bailey
Julia Greene Nigel Westmaas
Frank Guridy Kevin A. Yelvington
Ronald N. Harpelle


MAPS xxxi







Repository Symbols lix
Manuscript Collection Symbols lxi
Descriptive Symbols lxii
Abbreviations of Published Works lxii
Other Symbols and Abbreviations lxiv



ca. 6 August “100% Negro” to the Negro World 3

ca. 6 August Article in the Negro World 4

7 August Henry O. Mattos to the Negro World 6

7 August Percival C. James, General Secretary, 7

UNIA Céspedes Division, to the Negro World


8 August Arthur Geo. Burkley to Osiris de Bourg 11

10 August N. C. Frederick et al., UNIA Majuba La Brea 11

Division, to J. R. Ralph Casimir

11 August Alonza Lynch, General Secretary, UNIA 13

Cristóbal Division, to the Negro World

12 August Reprint of Dominica Guardian Article 14

12 August Jabez L. Clarke, General Secretary, UNIA 21

Havana Division, to William H. Ferris,
Literary Editor, Negro World

13 August Article in the Workman 22

15 August Circular Letter from Winston S. Churchill, 24

Secretary of State, Colonial Office

18 August J. C. Wyke et al., UNIA Dominica División, 26

to J. R. Ralph Casimir

18 August John H. Pilgrim, Secretary, UNIA Colón 27

Division, to the Negro World

18 August James Fraser, Secretary, UNIA Santa Marta 28

Division, to Fred A. Toote

ca. 20 August I. S. Lahoodie to the Negro World 29

ca. 20 August J. A. H. Thorpe to the Negro World 30

20 August Article in the Workman 31

26 August Gilbert E. A. Grindle, Assistant Under Secretary 32

of State, Colonial Office, to the Under Secretary
of State, Foreign Office
4 August Samuel Augustus Richards
to the King of England 33

27 August “Iconoclast” to the Workman 34

31 August Richard A. Bennett to Wiliam H. Ferris, 36

Literary Editor, Negro World


2 September F. A. Ogilvie to the Negro World 38

3 September “An Onlooker” to the Negro World 39

3 September Reverend Joseph U. Osborne, Executive 40

Secretary, UNIA Puerto Padre Division,
to the Negro World

3 September Editorial in the Workman 41

3 September Memorandum from Major G. M. Kincade, 43

Provost Marshal, San Pedro de Macorís,
to the Chief of Municipal Police,
San Pedro de Macorís

5 September Thomas Duruo, et al., to Rear Admiral 43

Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor,
Dominican Republic

7 September UNIA and ACL Santo Domingo Division 48

to the Crusader

9 September J. R. Ralph Casimir in the Negro World 50

10 September “Iconoclast” to the Workman 55

ca. 10 September James Benjamin Yearwood, Assistant 56

Secretary General, UNIA, to H. R. P. George
in the Workman

15 September Fernando Escobar, Royal Consulate 57

of the Netherlands, Dominican Republic,
to Lieutenant-Colonel F. A. Ramsey, Officer in
Charge, Department of Justice and Public
12 September James Cooks
to Fernando Escobar 60

16 September J. R. Ralph Casimir in the Crusader 62

18 September E. Brice, British Consul, Santiago de Cuba, 66

to the Municipal Mayor, Santiago de Cuba


19 September Fred A. Toote, Secretary General, UNIA, 68

to J. R. Ralph Casimir

21 September C. A. Reid to the Workman 69

23 September Harold D. Clum, U.S. Consul, Santiago 70

de Cuba, to John R. Putnam, U.S. Consul,

24 September Luis G. Guzmán, Permanent Secretary, Industria 72

Lodge No. 3551, to Rear Admiral Samuel S.
Robison, Military Governor, Dominican Republic

24 September “A Genuine Friend of the Negro Race” 74

to the Workman

26 September Alfred Dunbavin, et al., to Rear Admiral 75

Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor,
Dominican Republic

26 September P. Premdas, Acting Assistant Secretary, 77

Black Star Line, to J. R. Ralph Casimir

28 September Robert S. F. Blake, Chaplain, UNIA 78

Banes Division, to William H. Ferris,
Literary Editor, Negro World

29 September Philander L. Cable, U.S. Chargé d’Affaires, 79

Havana, to Guillermo Patterson,
Subsecretary of State, Cuba

30 September Eduardo V. Morales, UNIA Commissioner 80

to Cuba, to William H. Ferris, Literary Editor,
Negro World

30 September Philander L. Cable, U.S. Chargé d’Affaires, Havana, 81

to Charles Evans Hughes, U.S. Secretary of State

30 September Rowland Sperling, Assistant Secretary, 82

Foreign Office, to Auckland C. Geddes,
British Ambassador to the United States
26 September Gilbert E. A. Grindle,
Assistant Under Secretary of State,
Colonial Office, to the Under Secretary of State,
Foreign Office 82


14 July Eyre Hutson, Governor, British

Honduras, to Winston S. Churchill, Secretary
of State, Colonial Office 83
2 July Report by H. J. Cavenaugh,
Superintendent, British Honduras Police 84
3 July Report by H. J. Cavenaugh,
Superintendent, British Honduras Police 85
4 July Report by H. J. Cavenaugh,
Superintendent, British Honduras Police 86
5 July Report by H. McDonald, Assistant
Superintendent, British Honduras Police 87
5 July Report of Interview with
Marcus Garvey by Eyre Hutson,
Governor, British Honduras 89

ca. 1 October Rachel E. Butler to the Negro World 93

1 October “Iconoclast” to the Workman 94

4 October Circular Letter by Winston S. Churchill, 95

Secretary of State, Colonial Office
15 August Lieutenant-Colonel Des Voeux,
Officer Administering the Government,
Bermuda, to Winston S. Churchill,
Secretary of State, Colonial Office 96
4 August Reverend Richard H. Tobitt
to General James Willcocks, Governor,
Bermuda 97
25 July Reverend Richard H. Tobitt
to Winston S. Churchill, Secretary of State,
Colonial Office 98

ca. 8 October Article in the Negro World 99

8 October Philip Van Putten of UNIA San Pedro de Macorís

Branch No. 26 to the Negro World 101

8 October R. H. Thompson to the Workman 103

9 October P. E. Plunkett to the Negro World 104

ca. 10 October W. Stennett in the Negro World 107

11 October Cyril V. Briggs to J. R. Ralph Casimir 109


13 October W. Noel Robinson to William H. Ferris 112

17 October Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Harllee, 112

District Commander, Eastern District,
Dominican Republic, to Brigadier General
Harry Lee, Commanding General,
Second Brigade, U.S. Marine Corps
ca. 30 September List of UNIA Members 113

22 October Eduardo V. Morales to M. A. Figueroa, 114

Spanish Section Editor, Negro World

24 October R. M. R. Nelson to the Negro World 115

25 October Ezel Vanderhorst, Secretary, UNIA Santo 116

Domingo Division, to James Benjamin
Yearwood, Assistant Secretary-General, UNIA

28 October Lieutenant-Colonel William. C. Harllee, 118

District Commander, Eastern District,
Dominican Republic, to Brigadier General
Harry Lee, Commanding General,
Second Brigade, U.S. Marine Corps
25 October Interview with John Sydney
de Bourg 118

ca. 29 October Charles S. McKenye [McKenzie] 121

to the Negro World

31 October H. Leonard Ivey, Secretary, UNIA El Porvenir 122

Division, to the Negro World

31 October Letter from UNIA Penal Division No. 260 125

to the Officers and Members
of the UNIA Roseau Division

1 November C. K. Ledger, British Chargé d’Affaires, 126

Santo Domingo, to Lieutenant-Colonel
F. A. Ramsey, Officer in Charge, Department
of Justice and Public Instruction

5 November J. L. Linwood in the Negro World 129


8 November Theodore Roosevelt Jr., Assistant Secretary, 130

U.S. Navy, to Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison,
Military Governor, Dominican Republic
2 November UNIA and ACL to Theodore
Roosevelt Jr., Assistant Secretary, U.S. Navy 130

11 November Augustus Luis, President, UNIA St. Thomas 132

Division, to the Negro World

12 November Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, 133

Military Governor, Dominican Republic,
to Ezel Vanderhorst, Secretary, UNIA
Santo Domingo Division, et al.

ca. 20 November M. A. Labega to the Negro World 134

23 November Article in the Panama Star and Herald 136

ca. 26 November F. Gregoire to the Negro World 137

26 November Article in the Workman 138

ca. 26 November J. Gilman Horsford, Acting President, 148

UNIA San Juan Division, to the Negro World

1 December Samuel Percival Radway, et. al., 149

to the District Attorney, Camagüey
Provincial Court

3 December Article in the Workman 150

ca. 10 December E. A. Scarlett, Third Vice-President, 157

UNIA Morón Division, to the Negro World

12 December John Sydney de Bourg to the Senatorial 160

Commission of Inquiry for the
Dominican Republic
ca. 12 December Report on U.S. Marine Corps
in San Pedro de Macorís 161
ca. 12 December Statement of Zachariah Rawlins
and David Hicks 163
ca. 12 December Statement of Joseph Welch 164
ca. 12 December Report on Treatment of UNIA
San Pedro de Macorís Division Members 165


21 September Statement of Charge Brought

Against UNIA San Pedro de Macorís Division
Members 173
4 November Military Government
Deportation Order 176
ca. 4 November Signatures and Addresses
of Those Imprisoned 178

13 December Attlee Pomerene, U.S. Senator, 178

to John Sydney de Bourg

16 December John Sydney de Bourg to Rear Admiral 179

Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor,
Dominican Republic

17 December Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military 180

Governor, Dominican Republic, to Brigadier
General Harry Lee, Commanding General,
Second Brigade, U.S. Marine Corps

19 December John Sydney de Bourg to Lieutenant- 181

Commander R. M. Warfield, Commissioner,
Department of Agriculture and Immigration

20 December H. S. Blair, Division Manager, United Fruit 182

Company, to Victor M. Cutter, Vice-President,
United Fruit Company

20 December Edward H. Bouello to the Negro World 183

21 December J. R. Ralph Casimir to the Negro World 184

29 December Statement of Joseph Thomas 186

29 December Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Harllee, 188

District Commander, Eastern District,
Dominican Republic, to Brigadier General
Harry Lee, Commanding General, Second
Brigade, U.S. Marines Corps
21 September Major G. M. Kincade,
Provost Marshal, San Pedro de Macorís,
to William C. Harllee, District Commander,
Eastern District, Dominican Republic 190


30 December Second Lieutenant James E. Whitmire, 193

U.S. Marine Corps, to Lieutenant-Colonel
William C. Harllee, District Commander,
Eastern District, Dominican Republic

31 December Telegram from Henry Clay von Struve, 194

U.S. Consul, Antilla, to the Black Star Line


3 January Richard S. Dunbar to the Negro World 195

5 January “G. F. B.” in the Clarion 196

5 January Eduardo V. Morales to the Negro World 198

5 January Brigadier General Harry Lee, Commanding 200

General, Second Brigade, U.S. Marine Corps,
to Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison,
Military Governor, Dominican Republic
September 1921 African Blood Brotherhood
Supreme Council Bulletin 201

5 January Frederick G. A. Butler, Finance Officer, 202

Foreign Office, to C. K. Ledger
25 November 1921 John Sydney de Bourg
to Winston S. Churchill, Secretary of State,
Colonial Office 203

ca. 7 January I. Augustus Brown in the Negro World 208

10 January Brigadier General Harry Lee, Acting 209

Military Governor, Dominican Republic,
to the Department of Interior and Police

14 January Lieutenant-Colonel F. A. Ramsey, 210

Officer in Charge, Department of Justice
and Public Instruction, to Fernando A. Brea,
Procurador Fiscal [District Attorney],
Macorís-Seybo Judicial District,
San Pedro de Macorís

ca. 14 January Joseph E. Gadbsy to the Workman 211


14 January Telegram from Marcus Garvey to Edgar West 213

16 January Edgar W. Bridgewater, Reporting Secretary, 214

UNIA San Pedro de Macorís Division,
to John Sydney de Bourg

17 January Emiliano García B., Chief, San Pedro de 215

Macorís, to Fernando A. Brea, Procurador
Fiscal [District Attorney], Macorís-Seybo
Judicial District, San Pedro de Macorís

18 January Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Harllee, District 217

Commander, Eastern District, Dominican
Republic, to Brigadier General Harry Lee,
Commanding General, Second Brigade,
U.S. Marines Corps

18 January Brigadier General Harry Lee, Acting Military 218

Governor, Dominican Republic, to J. I. Bowman

18 January Juez Alcade [Town Judge], San Pedro de Macorís, 219

to Fernando A. Brea, Procurador Fiscal
[District Attorney], Macorís-Seybo Judicial
District, San Pedro de Macorís

19 January D. Erastus Thorpe, President, UNIA Tela 220

Divison, to the Negro World

19 January Fernando A. Brea, Procurador Fiscal [District 221

Attorney], Macorís-Seybo Judicial District,
San Pedro de Macorís, to Lieutenant-Colonel
F. A. Ramsey, Officer in Charge, Department
of Justice and Public Instruction
19 January Emiliano García B., Chief,
San Pedro de Macorís Police,
to Juan Félix Peguere, Governor
of the Province, Santo Domingo 223
19 January Report by Emiliano García B.,
Chief, San Pedro de Macorís Police 223

20 January Juan Félix Peguere, Governor of the Province, 224

Santo Domingo, to Emiliano García B., Chief,
San Pedro de Macorís Police


20 January Juez Alcalde [Town Judge], San Pedro de 225

Macorís, to Juan Félix Peguere,
Governor of the Province, Santo Domingo

20 January Emiliano García B., Chief, San Pedro de 226

Macorís Police, to Juan Félix Peguere,
Governor of the Province, Santo Domingo

26 January J. A. Keloo, Executive Secretary, UNIA Banes 226

Division, to Eduardo V. Morales

27 January A. B. C. in the Listín Diario 227

ca. 28 January Louis I. Gonzales to the Negro World 228

28 January Editorial in the Workman 229

31 January Brigadier General Harry Lee, Acting Military 231

Governor, Dominican Republic, to Theodore
Roosevelt Jr., Assistant Secretary, U.S. Navy

31 January John Grayson-Carey, Charles A. Henry, 232

and W. J. E. Butler, to John Sydney de Bourg

4 February Oshbourne E. Moodie, UNIA Talamanca 234

Valley Division, to the Negro World

10 February S. J. Josephs to the Negro World 235

ca. 11 February J. R. Ralph Casimir to the Negro World 236

11 February J. L. Barnes, President, UNIA Tampico 237

Division, to the Negro World

15 February “Civis Africanus” in the Negro World 238

ca. 18 February Amy Broaster, Emily Chandler, and Caroline 239

Gray, UNIA Puerto Barrios and Los Amates
Divisions, to the Negro World

18 February John Sydney de Bourg to Rear Admiral 241

Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor,
Dominican Republic


ca. 16 February Statement of Charges

against John Sydney de Bourg 247

20 February Mrs. Anthony, Acting General Secretary, 248

UNIA St. Thomas Division, to the Negro World

23 February John Sydney de Bourg to Warren G. Harding, 249

U.S. President

24 February Jabez L. Clarke, General Secretary, UNIA 251

Havana Division, to Marcus Garvey

ca. 25 February Joseph Crooke to the Negro World 252

25 February Article in the Workman 254

27 February John Sydney de Bourg to Rear Admiral 256

Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor,
Dominican Republic

28 February Agness Holness, Lady President, UNIA Havana 260

Division, to Marcus Garvey

6 March Petition from John Sydney de Bourg 260

to Warren G. Harding, U.S. President
16 February William C. Harllee, District
Commander, Eastern District, Dominican
Republic, to Major G. M. Kincade, Provost
Marshal, San Pedor de Macorís 263

9 March Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, 264

Military Governor, Dominican Republic,
to John Sydney de Bourg

11 March Article in the Workman 265

13 March John Sydney de Bourg to Rear Admiral 267

Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor,
Dominican Republic

14 March Report by Brigadier General Harry Lee, 268

Commanding General, Second Brigade,
U.S. Marine Corps


14 March W. L. Hurley, Office of the Under Secretary, 268

U. S. State Department, to William J. Burns,
Director, Bureau of Investigation
21 February William W. Russell
to Charles Evans Hughes, U.S. Secretary
of State 269

17 March John Sydney de Bourg to Rear Admiral 270

Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor,
Dominican Republic

20 March Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military 272

Governor, to the Department of Agriculture
and Immigration

21 March Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military 272

Governor, to John Sydney de Bourg

21 March Declaration by Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, 273

Military Governor, Dominican Republic

22 March Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, 274

Military Governor, Dominican Republic,
to John Sydney de Bourg

23 March Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military 275

Governor, Dominican Republic, to Theodore
Roosevelt Jr., Assistant Secretary, U.S. Navy

29 March W. L. Hurley, Office of the Under Secretary, 276

U.S. State Department, to William J. Burns,
Director, Bureau of Investigation
9 March A. C. Frost, U.S. Consul,
Guatemala City, to Charles Evans Hughes,
U.S. Secretary of State 277

31 March William J. Burns, Director, Bureau of 278

Investigation, to W. L. Hurley, Office
of the Under Secretary, U.S. State Department

6 April Colonel L. H. Moses, Officer Administering 278

the Affairs of the Department of the Interior
and Police, Dominican Republic, to Rear Admiral
Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor,
Dominican Republic


8 April S. Philip to J. R. Ralph Casimir 279

20 April Draft Letter from Winston S. Churchill 282

Secretary of State, Colonial Office,
to Wilfred Collet, Governor, British Guiana
ca. April Petition by Members of the UNIA
British Guiana Division 285

20 April H. N. Huggins, President, UNIA St. Vincent 292

Division, to J. R. Ralph Casimir

ca. 22 April Sidney L. M’Lean to Marcus Garvey 293

25 April Minutes of UNIA Meetings in Panama City 294

18 May H. N. Huggins, President, UNIA St. Vincent 296

Division, to J. R. Ralph Casimir

20 May Editorial in the Negro World 296

ca. 27 May Article in the Negro World 298

31 May F. Gregoire to the Workman 299

3 June Article by Casper Holstein, President, Virgin Islands 300

Congressional Council, in the Negro World

ca. 10 June Article in the Negro World 309

ca. 17 June Gustavius Timothy Marigot in the Negro World 311

17 June Mary Philip to J. R. Ralph Casimir 313

17 June Mary Philip to the UNIA Roseau Division 313

17 June Article in the Negro World 314

24 June Poem by J. R. Ralph Casimir 316

6 July Wilfred Collet, Governor, British Guiana, 318

to Winston S. Churchill, Secretary of State,
Colonial Office

11 July José Martinez in the Negro World 320


15 July Casper Holstein, President, Virgin Islands 322

Congressional Council, in the Negro World

15 July Antonio Beltrán Rentas to the Negro World 326

17 July John Sydney de Bourg to Charles Evans 327

Hughes, U.S. Secretary of State
14 February U.S. Immigration Form 329

21 July Enid H. Lamos, Corresponding Secretary, UNIA, 332

to J. R. Ralph Casimir

25 July Lyllian M. Galloway, Manager, Universal 333

Publishing House, to J. R. Ralph Casimir

28 July H. N. Huggins, President, UNIA St. Vincent 333

Division, to J. R. Ralph Casimir

28 July Alfredo Prince, Ex-President, UNIA San Juan 334

Division, to Enrique Colón Baerga, Editor,
La Correspondencia de Puerto Rico

30 July Article in the Savannah Tribune 335

2 August Article in El Mundo 339

5 August Casper Holstein, President, Virgin Islands 340

Congressional Council, to the Negro World

8 August E. G. Adams, Superintendent of Agriculture, 342

United Fruit Company, Panama, to H. S. Blair,
Division Manager, United Fruit Company

10 August Jaime A. Bishop, President, UNIA San Juan 344

Division, to Romualdo Real, Editor, El Mundo

12 August Article in the Central American Express 345

ca. 14 August Article in the Workman 347

14 August Conrado Rosario, Secretary General, UNIA 348

San Juan Division, to José Coll Vidal, Editor,
La Democracia


15 August J. D. W. Ross to the Negro World 350

15 August Editorial in La Correspondencia de Puerto Rico 351

15 August Editorial in La Democracia 353

15 August Article in La Democracia 359

16 August Jaime A. Bishop, President, UNIA San Juan 360

Division, to Salvador Brau González, Editor,
El Tiempo

16 August Conrado Rosario, Secretary General, UNIA 361

San Juan Division, to José Coll Vidal, Editor,
La Democracia

18 August J. Ananda to El Mundo 362

22 August Article in La Correspondencia de Puerto Rico 363

26 August Editorial in the Workman 364

28 August E. E. Mair, Circulation Manager, 366

Negro World, to J. R. Ralph Casimir

31 August Article in the Labour Leader 367

ca. August Poem by Prince John 368



J. R. Ralph Casimir’s UNIA Dues Card 54

Payment made by Henry Clay von Struve to Sydney Tullock 195
D. J. Steyn-Pavré, Consul-General for the Netherlands,
New York, to W. E. B. Du Bois, 13 April 1922 281
Minutes 284
John Sydney de Bourg Naturalization Petition, 14 February 1921 331
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mm. (Ironside) © Harbour UTV; 11Dec72; LP43440.

Shadow soldiers. A Harbour UTV production. 53 min., sd., color,
16 mm. (Ironside) © Harbour UTV; 18Dec72; LP43441.
Gifts and long letters. A production of Mark 7, Ltd. Produced in
association with Universal Studios. 26 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
(Adam 12) © Adam 12 Productions; 17Dec72; LP43442.

Vendetta. A production of Mark 7, Ltd. Produced in association
with Universal Studios. 26 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Adam 12) ©
Adam 12 Productions; 15Oct72; LP43443.

Dirt duel. A production of Mark 7, Ltd. Produced in association
with Universal Studios. 26 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Adam 12) ©
Adam 12 Productions; 9Sep72; LP43444.

Badge heavy. A production of Mark 7, Ltd. Produced in association
with Universal Studios. 26 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Adam 12) ©
Adam 12 Productions; 23Oct72; LP43445.

Harry nobody. A production of Mark 7, Ltd. Produced in
association with Universal Studios. 26 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
(Adam 12) © Adam 12 Productions; 5Nov72; LP43446.

Training wheels. A production of Mark 7, Ltd. Produced in
association with Universal Studios. 26 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
(Adam 12) © Adam 12 Productions; 8Oct72; LP43447.

O’Brien’s stand. A production of Mark 7, Ltd. Produced in
association with Universal Studios. 26 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
(Adam 12) © Adam 12 Productions; 29Oct72; LP43448.

Lost and found. A production of Mark 7, Ltd. Produced in
association with Universal Studios. 26 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
(Adam 12) © Adam 12 Productions; 1Oct72; LP43449.

The Late baby. A production of Mark 7, Ltd. Produced in
association with Universal Studios. 26 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
(Adam 12) © Adam 12 Productions; 16Sep72; LP43450.

Airdrop. A production of Mark 7, Ltd. Produced in association with
Universal Studios. 26 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Adam 12) © Adam 12
Productions; 24Sep72; LP43451.

The Chaser. A production of Mark 7, Ltd. Produced in association
with Universal Studios. 26 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Adam 12) ©
Adam 12 Productions; 3Dec72; LP43452.

The Surprise. A production of Mark 7, Ltd. Produced in association
with Universal Studios. 26 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Adam 12) ©
Adam 12 Productions; 12Nov72; LP43453.

Hot spell. A production of Mark 7, Ltd. Produced in association
with Universal Studios. 26 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Adam 12) ©
Adam 12 Productions; 11Dec72; LP43454.
A Fragile possession. Produced with cooperation of the American
Academy of Family Physicians. 53 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Marcus
Welby, M. D.) © Universal City Studios, Inc.; 12Sep72; LP43455.

Love is when they say they need you. Produced with cooperation of
the American Academy of Family Physicians. 53 min., sd., color, 16
mm. (Marcus Welby, M. D.) © Universal City Studios, Inc.; 19Sep72;

We’ll walk out of here together. Produced with cooperation of the
American Academy of Family Physicians. 53 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
(Marcus Welby, M. D.) © Universal City Studios, Inc.; 26Sep72;

In sickness and in health. Produced with cooperation of the
American Academy of Family Physicians. 53 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
(Marcus Welby, M. D.) © Universal City Studios, Inc.; 3Oct72;

House of mirrors. Produced with cooperation of the American
Academy of Family Physicians. 53 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Marcus
Welby, M. D.) © Universal City Studios, Inc.; 10Oct72; LP43459.

He could sell iceboxes to Eskimos. Produced with cooperation of
the American Academy of Family Physicians. 53 min., sd., color, 16
mm. (Marcus Welby, M. D.) © Universal City Studios, Inc.; 17Oct72;
The Wednesday game. Produced with cooperation of the American
Academy of Family Physicians. 53 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Marcus
Welby, M. D.) © Universal City Studios, Inc.; 24Oct72; LP43461.

Don and Denise. Produced with cooperation of the American
Academy of Family Physicians. 53 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Marcus
Welby, M. D.) © Universal City Studios, Inc.; 31Oct72; LP43462.

Please don’t send flowers. Produced with cooperation of the
American Academy of Family Physicians. 53 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
(Marcus Welby, M. D.) © Universal City Studios, Inc.; 14Nov72;

With a shout, not a whimper. Produced with cooperation of the
American Academy of Family Physicians. 53 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
(Marcus Welby, M. D.) © Universal City Studios, Inc.; 21Nov72;

Jason be nimble, Jason be quick. Produced with cooperation of the
American Academy of Family Physicians. 53 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
(Marcus Welby, M. D.) © Universal City Studios, Inc.; 28Nov72;

Unto the next generation. Produced with cooperation of the
American Academy of Family Physicians. 53 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
(Marcus Welby, M. D.) © Universal City Studios, Inc.; 5Dec72;
Heartbeat for yesterday. Produced with cooperation of the
American Academy of Family Physicians. 53 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
(Marcus Welby, M. D.) © Universal City Studios, Inc.; 12Dec72;

Dinner of herbs. Produced with cooperation of the American
Academy of Family Physicians. 53 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Marcus
Welby, M. D.) © Universal City Studios, Inc.; 19Dec72; LP43468.

English logic static control program. 690 min., sd., color,
videotape (3/4 inch) © Ford Motor Company; 6Jun73; LP43469.

Big Jake. 109 min., sd., color, 35 mm., Panavision. © Batjac
Productions, Inc.; 24May71; LP43470.

Question of guilt. An Alfra production. Produced in association
with MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) ©
Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 3Jan73; LP43471.

The Judgement. An Alfra production. Produced in association with
MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) © Metro
Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 10Jan73; LP43472.

End of the line; formerly Brush with death. An Alfra production.
Produced in association with MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
(Medical Center) © Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 17Jan73; LP43473.

Between two fires. An Alfra production. Produced in association
with MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) ©
Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 24Jan73; LP43474.

Night cry. An Alfra production. Produced in association with
MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) © Metro
Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 31Jan73; LP43475.

No margin for error. An Alfra production. Produced in association
with MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) ©
Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 7Feb73; LP43476.

Impact. An Alfra production. Produced in association with MGM-
TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) © Metro Goldwyn
Mayer, Inc.; 14Feb73; LP43477.

Fatal memory. An Alfra production. Produced in association with
MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) © Metro
Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 21Feb73; LP43478.

The Vortex. An Alfra production. Produced in association with
MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) © Metro
Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 28Feb73; LP43479.
Vision of doom. An Alfra production. Produced in association with
MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) © Metro
Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 13Sep72; LP43480.

Cycle of peril. An Alfra production. Produced in association with
MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) © Metro
Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 20Sep72; LP43481.

Condemned. An Alfra production. Produced in association with
MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) © Metro
Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 27Sep72; LP43482.

The Torn man. An Alfra production. Produced in association with
MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) © Metro
Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 11Oct72; LP43483.

A Wall of silence. An Alfra production. Produced in association
with MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) ©
Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 4Oct72; LP43484.

The Betrayed. An Alfra production. Produced in association with
MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) © Metro
Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 18Oct72; LP43485.

Doctor and Mister Harper. An Alfra production. Produced in
association with MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical
Center) © Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 25Oct72; LP43486.

The Fallen. An Alfra production. Produced in association with
MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) © Metro
Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 1Nov72; LP43487.

Tio Taco, M. D. An Alfra production. Produced in association with
MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) © Metro
Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 8Nov72; LP43488.

The Outcast. An Alfra production. Produced in association with
MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) © Metro
Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 15Nov72; LP43489.

No sanctuary. An Alfra production. Produced in association with
MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) © Metro
Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 22Nov72; LP43490.

The Gladiator. An Alfra production. Produced in association with
MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) © Metro
Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 29Nov72; LP43491.

No way out. An Alfra production. Produced in association with
MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) © Metro
Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 6Dec72; LP43492.
A Game for one player. An Alfra production. Produced in
association with MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical
Center) © Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 13Dec72; LP43493.

Pressure point. An Alfra production. Produced in association with
MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Medical Center) © Metro
Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 20Dec72; LP43494.

As the tumbleweed turns. 7 min., sd., color, 35 mm. (Hoot Kloot)
© United Artists Corporation; 8Apr74 (in notice: 1973); LP43495.

Hunt for a lonely girl. Universal Studios. 80 min., sd., color, 16
mm. (Cool million) (NBC Wednesday mystery movie) © Universal
City Studios, Inc.; 25Oct72; LP43496.

Assault on Gavaloni. Universal Studios. 80 mm., sd., color, 16 mm.
(Cool million) (NBC Wednesday mystery movie) © Universal City
Studios, Inc.; 22Nov72; LP43497.

The Abduction of Bayard Barnes. Universal Studios. 80 min., sd.,
color, 16 mm. (Cool million) (NBC Wednesday mystery movie) ©
Universal City Studios, Inc.; 6Dec72; LP43498.

The Million dollar misunderstanding. Universal Studios. 80 min.,
sd., color, 16 mm. (Cool million) (NBC Wednesday mystery movie) ©
Universal City Studios, Inc.; 20Dec72; LP43499.

Milton Berle is the life of the party. Lucille Ball Productions, Inc.
27 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball Productions,
Inc.; 11Feb74 (in notice: 1973); LP43500.

Mary Jane’s boyfriend. Lucille Ball Productions, Inc. 27 min., sd.,
color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball Productions, Inc.;
18Feb74 (in notice: 1973); LP43501.

Lucy Carter meets Lucille Ball. Lucille Ball Productions, Inc. 27
min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball Productions,
Inc.; 4Mar74 (in notice: 1973); LP43502.

Lucy the sheriff. Lucille Ball Productions, Inc. 27 min., sd., color,
16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball Productions, Inc.; 28Jan74 (in
notice: 1973); LP43503.

Lucy is a birdsitter. Lucille Ball Productions, Inc. 27 min., sd.,
color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball Productions, Inc.; 7Jan74
(in notice: 1975); LP43504.

Meanwhile back at the office. Lucille Ball Productions, Inc. 27
min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball Productions,
Inc.; 14Jan74 (in notice: 1973); LP43505.
Lucy is N. G. as R. N. Lucille Ball Productions, Inc. 27 min., sd.,
color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball Productions, Inc.;
21Jan74 (in notice: 1973); LP43506.

Lucy and Phil Harris strike up the band. Lucille Ball Productions,
Inc. 27 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball
Productions, Inc.; 25Feb74; LP43507.

Lucy fights the system. Lucille Ball Productions, Inc. 27 min., sd.,
color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball Productions, Inc.;
18Mar74; LP43508.

Where is my wandering mother tonight? Lucille Ball Productions,
Inc. 27 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball
Productions, Inc.; 11Mar74; LP43509.

Lucy and Danny Thomas. Lucille Ball Productions, Inc. 27 min.,
sd., color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball Productions, Inc.;
10Sep73; LP43510.

Lucy plays cops and robbers. Lucille Ball Productions, Inc. 27
min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball Productions,
Inc.; 26Nov73; LP43511.

Lucy the peacemaker. Lucille Ball Productions, Inc. 27 min., sd.,
color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball Productions, Inc.;
24Sep73; LP43512.

The Big game. Lucille Ball Productions, Inc. 27 min., sd., color, 16
mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball Productions, Inc.; 17Sep73;

Lucy the wealthy widow. Lucille Ball Productions, Inc. 27 min., sd.,
color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball Productions, Inc.; 1Oct73;

The Bow Wow Boutique. Lucille Ball Productions, Inc. 27 min., sd.,
color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball Productions, Inc.; 8Oct73;

Lucy’s tenant. Lucille Ball Productions, Inc. 27 min., sd., color, 16
mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball Productions, Inc.; 22Oct73;

Lucy gives Eddie Albert the old song and dance. Lucille Ball
Productions, Inc. 27 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille
Ball Productions, Inc.; 15Oct73; LP43517.

Lucy and Andy Griffith. Lucille Ball Productions, Inc. 27 min., sd.,
color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball Productions, Inc.;
29Oct73; LP43518.
Lucy and Joan Rivers do jury duty. Lucille Ball Productions, Inc.
27 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball Productions,
Inc.; 5Nov73; LP43519.

Tipsy through the tulips. Lucille Ball Productions, Inc. 27 min., sd.,
color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball Productions, Inc.;
12Nov73; LP43520.

The Carters meet Frankie Avalon. Lucille Ball Productions, Inc. 27
min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball Productions,
Inc.; 19Nov73; LP43521.

Harry catches goldfever. Lucille Ball Productions, Inc. 27 min., sd.,
color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) © Lucille Ball Productions, Inc.;
3Dec73; LP43522.

Lucy and Chuck Connors have a surprise slumber party. Lucille
Ball Productions, Inc. 27 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Here’s Lucy) ©
Lucille Ball Productions, Inc.; 17Dec73; LP43523.

Conscience. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Mouse factory) NM:
additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions; 14Sep72;

Ben Franklin. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Mouse factory) NM:
additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions; 5Sep72;

Automobiles. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Mouse factory) NM:
additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions; 30Oct72;

Lions. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm, (The Mouse factory) NM:
additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions; 22Sep72;

Cats. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Mouse factory) NM:
additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions 24Oct72;

Homes. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Mouse factory) NM:
additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions; 7Sep72;

Penguins. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Mouse factory) NM:
additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions; 29Sep72;

Knights of old. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Mouse factory)
NM: additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions; 22Sep72;
Mice. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Mouse factory) NM:
additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions; 16Oct72;

Elephants. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Mouse factory) NM:
additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions; 13Oct72;

The Wheel. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Mouse factory) NM:
additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions; 7Sep72;

Winter fun. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Mouse factory) NM:
additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions; 6Oct72;

Pluto. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Mouse factory) NM:
additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions; 29Sep72;

Trains. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Mouse factory) NM:
additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions; 14Sep72;

Dancing. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Mouse factory) NM:
additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions; 30Oct72;

Tugboats. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Mouse factory) NM:
additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions; 24Oct72;

Noah’s ark. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Mouse factory) NM:
additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions; 22Sep72;

Bullfighting. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Mouse factory) NM:
additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions; 14Sep72;

Mickey and the beanstalk. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Mouse
factory) NM: additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions;
24Oct72; LP43542.

Reluctant dragon. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Mouse factory)
NM: additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions; 1Nov72;

Mickey Mouse. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Mouse factory)
NM: additions & compilation. © Walt Disney Productions; 29Sep72;

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