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ait School 1, Block Mast Ye Time: wer angeart frag, ay feet ) of Pla ion of National Hnportane under an Act of Pashaent (Ministry of Edveauon, Goverment oF India) SEZ Inara Tae Ne Dela 10802 Student Rott No. 835° er of Building Engineering & Management December 2022 ar = IHL Semeste BEM 3.05 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 2hrs Maximum Marks: 50 (The student should write his/her Roll No. on the top of the Question Paper immediately upon receipt) NOTE: 1. Attempt any FIVE questions 2. All questions carry equal marks (The student should wnte his/her Roll No. on the top of the Question Paper immediately upon receipt) Qu. as. ye. JAowards its growth as well as for the employees? Explain the various steps for conducting training in an organization and assess its effectiveness. | Q7. Explain the role of leadership in the effective management of human resources in project management organizations. How management team would lead their Project Management Organization. Explain how top management should be held accountable for the leadership role? lotion ro ERG Gr bastion List down the classical and contemporary theories of motivation with their peculiar characteristics. Explain Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory with respect to role of a Project Manager in a construction organization tee & Adualy? Write short notes on any TWO of the following: & (a) Maslow’s Need Priority Model and zeal for undertaking Leadership position (b) Role of Communication in Motivation, especially in multi-stakeholder construction projects es of communication and how they take a prominent role in various stages of the project Suva ~ Su ‘ What are the various types of Interpersonal Communication? Discuss the usefulness ‘of Interpersonal Communication with respect to the growth of an organization. Explain ways to cultivate such skills in professional management positions. How conducting training is beneficial to the project management organization xplain empathy and compassion in relation to an organization with suitable examples. Highlight major challenges for exercising empathy and compassion instead of sympathy in case of an organizational work environment. What are the key comporients“ofEffective Listening? What is the importaigé’ of" listening habits in an. organizational work environment? How does listening completes the communication,process. Illustrate in a construction project setting 8% In a building construction project scenario, discuss employee empowerment asa motivational aspect of Project-level Human Resource Management, Can this be used an effective tool for motivation? Explain. . phys SCHOOL OF PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURE (An “Institution of National importance” under an Act of Parliament ) 4, BLOCK B, INDRAPRASTHA ESTATE, NEW DELHI - 110002 MBEM December, 2018 ll Semester BEM E-4 Human Resource Management Maximum Marks:100 Time: 3hrs (Write your Roll No. on the top of immediately on receipt of the question paper) Note: 1. Answer any 5 questions. 2. All Question Carry Equal Marks. S.No. | Question Marks Q1_| Explain motivation concepts in detail with specific examples from the organizational responsibilities undertaken as construction project 20 managers. Q2 | What communication challenges are faced by the professional teams engaged in construction projects? What can be done te ensure effective 20 team participation? Q3 | How do you distinguish between the typical role of a Project Manager and 20 Leadership role in a project? How would you transform your approach to fit into the profile of a Leader in this context? Q4 | Enlist problems of Human Resource Management in construction industry and how they can be linked to quality, safety and productivity issues. What | processes would you consider effective to improve the situation in Project environment? Give an account of the Passive, Aggressive & Assertive human behavior. Explain the importance of Assertive behavior in managing human resource 20 in construction projects with illustrative examples. Q6 | What are the common mistakes in meetings? Explain the concept of “Six Thinking Hats” in conducting effective meetings with illustrative examples. | 2° What is the purpose of Performance Appraisal of an employee? What are the major attributes that need to be appraised of a Project Coordinator responsible for managing Design, Procurement & Construction stage of 20 Building Projects? Q7 Q8 | What is staff acquisition plan? If you are a senior manager in the Project Management Consultancy firm, how would you plan to acquire project 20 team members for a residential construction project of 1 lakh sqft in Delhi? SCHOOL OF PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURE (An “Institution of National Importance” under an Act of Parliament) 4, BLOCK B, INDRAPRASTHA ESTATE, NEW DELHI ~ 110002 MBEM Human Resources Management (BEM 3.05) Internal Assessment (Assignment) Semester- II December 2021 Tine: 2 hours (Write your Roll No, on each page of the answer sheet) Note: Attempt ALL questions. All questions carry equal marks. Qa @. (i. Q2 (i). i). Explain the role of leadership in effective management of human resources in project management organizations. How the management team leads their Project Management organization and how top management is held accountable for the leadership role? Write short notes on the following: a) Qualities of an effective project leader b) Key characteristics of a project leader Highlight the typical problems faced in project management organization in relation to ethics and conflict of interest and what are the ways to address them? Explain with examples SCHOOL OF PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURE (An “Institution of National Importance” under an Act of Parliament) 4, BLOCK B, INDRAPRASTHA ESTATE, NEW DELHI — 110002 MBEM Human Resources Management (BEM 3.05) External Examination Semester II December 2021 ‘Time: 1 hour and 30 tes (Write your Roll No. on each page of the answer sheet) Section A S* Answer ALL in the section A a4 @ Ina building construction project scenario, discuss employee empowerment as a motivational aspect of Human Resource Management, Asa Project Manager, you need to prepare a progress report of a high-rise residential project. What according to you would be the framework to make it as a good report? Explain with examples Section B Answer ANY THREE questions in the section B Qu Q2 Q3 (i). Write short notes on any two: a) Self-esteem and self-actualization. ) Problems in Interpersonal Communication ©) Role of Communication in Motivation (i). What are the various types of Interpersonal Communication in Human Resource ‘Management? Elaborate any two of them Explain the role and usefulness of the following with respect to a project management organization a) Human motivation b) Interpersonal Communication List down the various theories of motivation? Explain Maslow’s Need Priority Model in relation to the employee involvement in an organization Explain empathy and compassion in relation to an organization with suitable examples, Highlight major challenges for exercising empathy and compassion instead of sympathy in case of an organizational work environment. What are the key components of Effective Listening? What is the importance of listening habits in an organizational work environment?

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