Script Video HW1

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Script video HW1.

Most: collab and teamwork, adaptability, time-management

Least: technology, effective communication, research skill

Hello Ms. Anna, my name is Van Anh. I will begin my talk with 3 skills I feel most confident out of 22
essentials ones given. The first and also my most confident skill is collaboration and teamwork. As a
student in secondary and high school, I was assigned various kinds of group work projects, sometimes
divided into new groups randomly. Especially, in high school, beside group assignments on class every
subject, I was also a core member of two clubs at the same time, which facilitated me to work and meet
different students with different personality traits. I confidently say that I am a responsible person so
whoever I work with, I believe that I would be a reliable member. These experiences also provided me
valuable opportunity to develop a good ability to adapt to new environment and manage my time
effectively. I always try my best to follow the norm and integrate with new people and new
environments. Cuz I know that if I do not upgrade myself to adapt, others will do that and I will be left
behind. Moreover, being a provident person, I use my calendar to remind me of the deadlines, therefore,
I could organize my time logically to meet the deadline with good enough quantity. Regarding my least
confident skills, I must admit that I am not really good at using technology becuz I found it quite
complicated, however, recently I continue to learn and improve this skill significantly. Although at high
school, I did lots of projects requiring research ability, it is still hard for me at the university level due to
professional standard and reference required. The third skill that I am not good enough at is effective
communication. Despite making conversation quite easily with me, I think to communicate with others
efficiently, I need more. For eg, how to convince or make the listeners pay attention, understand, and
feel enthusiastic with what I convey. This is also what I expect to gain after this course. Moreover,
improving my weakness in doing reference or how to write reports professionally is another desire cuz I
believe it would be helpful for me in my uni path as well as my upcoming career. To purchase these aims,
I need to concentrate on every class to understand deeply knowledge that you deliver. Also, I must
complete the hw assigned on time which could help me to know how to apply the theory on class
practically and develop various other basic skills through each assignment such as presenting, reading, or
even editing when doing capstone project. Besides learning and gaining essential skills, what I want is
enlarging my friend circle to learn from them and share enjoyable moment with them to have an
unforgettable uni life.

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