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Thinking like a data

Developing a rigorous, reective
attitude & critical eye…
What questions do we need to
ask of the data we encounter?

1. Where does the data come


ASS113-2: Exploring Data 2: Jonny Hunt. Week 2.

What questions do we need to
ask of the data we encounter?

1. 1. Where does the data come from?

2. 2. Who analysed the data?
3. 3. What is missing?

ASS113-2: Exploring Data 2: Jonny Hunt. Week 2.

What man needs to mark 28
“ days…?

ASS113-2: Exploring Data 2: Jonny Hunt. Week 2.

ASS113-2: Exploring Data 2: Jonny Hunt. Week 2.
What questions do we need to ask
of the data we encounter?
What issues can you spot?

ASS113-2: Exploring Data 2: Jonny Hunt. Week 2.

These questions are what we call:
Critical appraisal
The Mail on Sunday 23rd January 2022.

ASS113-2: Exploring Data 2: Jonny Hunt. Week 2.

Correlation does not equal causation:

Correlation: Positive correlation

Describes patterns in
mutual relationships
between variables. So if
one variable changes,
the other one tends to,
and vice versa – it Negative correlation
doesn’t matter which
one we start with…

ASS113-2: Exploring Data 2: Jonny Hunt. Week 2.

Correlation does not equal causation:

Causation: The law of large

Goes a step further and numbers:
describes relationships The larger a random
between variable that sample is the closest
have an action and average should be to the
direction. A causes B true population.
(not the other way

ASS113-2: Exploring Data 2: Jonny Hunt. Week 2.

What is validity?

Internal validity Construct External validity

Considers whether your data validity Considers whether the
analysis actually reects the ;ndings can be
Considers whether the
relationship or e9ect you are generalisable to other
variable or measures you
interested in. settings.
have included accurately
Removal of confounding reect the constructs or
factors. concepts they are intended Lab tests often have high
to represent. internal validity, but
sometimes struggles with
external validity.

Considers the accuracy in
the reporting of methods
and analysis.

ASS113-2: Exploring Data 2: Jonny Hunt. Week 2.

ASS113-2: Exploring Data 2: Jonny Hunt. Week 2.
Choosing a theoretical framework to guide your analysis:

Ontology Epistemology
Theories about the nature of Theories about the nature of
reality or being knowledge

Realism Critical Realism Relativism

A pre-social reality exists A pre-social reality exists but Reality is dependent on the
that we can access through we can only ever partially ways we come to know it.
research know it

Explanation from Braun and Clarke (2013) Successful Qualitative Research – A practice guide for beginners.
Testing Hypotheses – Requires a researcher to formulate 2

Hypothesis Whilst interested in the Hypothesis must

alternative hypothesis, you
Is a belief or argument actually test the null be
based on intuition, hypothesis. After analysing ◦ Falsi;able or testable
experience or previous the data you will either
research – what you expect reject or fail to reject the ◦ Logical
to happen. null hypothesis. ◦ Succinct (expressed
Alternative (h1): Don’t write: proven null ◦ Speci;c.
hypothesis as with more
there is a relationship data you may later be able "hypotheses must be
between A&B to reject the null hypothesis. articulated in such as way
that specic study can
determine if the hypothesis
Null (h0): is untrue.”
Karl Popper (2002)
There is no relationship
between A&B
ASS113-2: Exploring Data 2: Jonny Hunt. Week 2.

Read: Watch:
Chapter 2: Thinking like a data Crash course: Study Hall: Episode 2.
analyst pp.16-31 Misconceptions in Data Analysis:
Bergin, T (2018) Data Analysis:
Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed (10 minutes long)
Methods. Sage.
Chapter 2: Ten fundamentals of During the seminars you will
qualitative research, pp:19-41 be given the opportunity to
practice all of the elements of
Braun and Clarke (2013) Successful your portfolio. Attendance is
Qualitative Research – A practice in your best interest.
guide for beginners. Sage

ASS113-2: Exploring Data 2: Jonny Hunt. Week 2.

Speak to your seminar lead.


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