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DIRECTOR: These annotations are for

the director as he must give direction

EDITOR: the Script as a whole is the work of the editor who is in to all of the present actors either if
charge of designing the mains stories from episodes because
they are protagonist or extras
without one a TV show or movie has no purpose or direction
because without those directions its
which can lead to a complete disaster. they must also be very
quite possible that they can get
creative to be able to make new and more interesting show confused and maker many other
premises or they can get stuck in monotony.
mistakes and to add more they have
to be in charge of props, head
dressing, vestuary and other thing to
keep the show continuity and that it
can make sense, it is a tough work.

ACTORS:They are the voice of the

script. By this i mean that they are in
charge of studying their script and
being able to show those emotions
or feelings which cannot simply be
read. Of course they don't have to do
it all correctly at the first try because
there are always better takes in
which an actor can really show off
their skills so its not a simple and
plain job to just read a script as in a
HAIR AND MAKEUP: to a scene
like this there must be
professional designers who have
been fairly elected to show their
make up skills and be able to give
some characters their unique
looks or extras what they also
need to look like. An example in
which makeup artist really show
off are in horror films who really
give their best to make an unique
and detailed view. However to
shows like FRIENDS it will be
basic makeup or hairstyles that
portrays the characters.
they don't have a lot of presence
on the script they are a quite
important part on an script
because they handle the sound
levels and have to put the correct
sound in the perfect situation
such as the average laugh track
in this sitcom or like many others
in the past or the future but this
does not convey only to sound
effects because it can also relate
to music or soundtracks and
there have been moments in
which these were really spot on
and all thanks to the sound
department workers.
PROP DEPARTMENT: The example of the prop
would have been everything that is not human
on the set because it is clear that the show is
not recorded on an actual restaurant or flat in
New York as all is a proof of a well detailed
scenario on a studio the people working for
props department really give their best to
portray a feeling of normality and in other
special cases a scene of pure human magic in
scenarios that looks out of the human world
which can really relate to Guillermo Del Toro
and his magical works

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