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Food Research International 105 (2018) 743–751

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Genetic relatedness, antimicrobial resistance and biofilm formation of T

Salmonella isolated from naturally contaminated poultry and their
processing environment in northern Malaysia
Li-Oon Chuaha, Ahamed-Kamal Shamila Syuhadaa, Ismail Mohamad Suhaimib,

Tajudin Farah Hanimb, Gulam Rusula,
Food Technology Division, School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Minden, Penang, Malaysia
Food Safety and Quality Control Laboratory, Km 1, Jalan Abi Tok Hashim, 01000 Kangar, Perlis, Malaysia


Keywords: We investigated the genetic relatedness, antibiotic resistance and biofilm-producing ability of 114 strains of
Salmonella enterica Salmonella, belonged to three serotypes (Corvallis, Brancaster and Albany), isolated from naturally contaminated
Persistent poultry and their environment in wet markets and smale-scale processing plant from northern Malaysia. Pulsed-
Multidrug resistance (MDR) field gel electrophoresis revealed that Salmonella strains isolated from various wet markets were clonally related,
suggesting the widespread dissemination of these three serotypes in northern Malaysia. All except one strain of
Wet market
Salmonella were resistant to more than two classes of antibiotics, hence regarded as multidrug resistant (MDR).
Resistance to sulphonamide (96.5%), ampicillin (89.5%), tetracycline (85.1%), chloramphenicol (75.4%), tri-
methoprim (68.4%), trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (67.5%), streptomycin (58.8%) and nalidixic acid (44.4%)
were observed. Resistance determinants, floR, cmlA, tetA, tetB, tetG, temB, blaPSE-1, sul1, sul2, qnrA, qnrS, strA and
aadA were detected by PCR among MDR Salmonella strains. Seventy-six strains (66.7%) harboured class-I in-
tegrons. The gene cassettes identified were dfrA1, dfrA12, aadA2 and an open reading frame orfC with unknown
function. All Salmonella strains produced biofilm and 69.3% of them were strong biofilm-producers. Our findings
suggested that most likely, persistent Salmonella colonises various sites in the processing environment by pro-
ducing biofilm, which leads to their widespread dissemination in wet markets located in northern Malaysia.

1. Introduction previous study suggested that Salmonella thrives in the poultry pro-
cessing environment in wet markets and small-scale processing plant
Wet markets are very common and popular in Asian countries. A (SCPP) in northern Malaysia (Nidaullah et al., 2017).
variety of fresh produce, animal products (live or slaughtered poultry, High humidity or moisture content in the environment of wet
beef, and pork) and seafoods are available in wet markets which are markets and poultry processing plants favours the formation of bac-
sold at ambient temperature and exposed to the environment. Despite terial biofilm. Biofilms may harbour pathogenic bacteria and being
the ban on the slaughtering of live birds in wet markets by the National hydrophobic in nature are resistant to the action of detergents or sa-
Council of Malaysian government (Anonymous, 2013), slaughtering of nitizing agents (Marin, Hernandiz, & Lainez, 2009). Salmonella spp. are
live birds in wet market is a common practise in Malaysia (MyCC, able to form biofilms on plastic, cement and stainless steel (Joseph,
2014), as consumer prefer freshly slaughtered chicken rather than Otta, Karunasagar, & Karunasagar, 2001; Steenackers, Hermans,
frozen or chill. Various studies have reported on high prevalence of Vanderleyden, & De Keersmaecker, 2012). Various researchers have
Salmonella in poultry samples obtained from wet markets, indicating reported the presence of biofilm-forming Salmonella serotypes on the
that both poultry and the wet market environment are consistently surfaces of equipment, and plants where food animals are slaughtered
contaminated with Salmonella (Adzitey, Rusul, & Huda, 2012; and processed (Marin et al., 2009), these serotypes are also known to
Arumugaswamy, Rusul, Abdul Hamid, & Cheah, 1995; Rusul, Khair, have colonised surfaces and equipment in food processing premises
Radu, Cheah, & Yassin, 1996; Shafini, Son, Mahyudin, Rukayadi, & (Finn et al., 2013; Shi & Zhu, 2009). Biofilm formation is considered as
Tuan Zainazor, 2017; Van, Moutafis, Istivan, Tran, & Coloe, 2007). Our an environmental adaptation strategy by microorganism, as it provides

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (L.-O. Chuah), (A.-K. Shamila Syuhada), (I. Mohamad Suhaimi), (T. Farah Hanim), (G. Rusul).
Received 24 August 2017; Received in revised form 22 November 2017; Accepted 25 November 2017
Available online 27 November 2017
0963-9969/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L.-O. Chuah et al. Food Research International 105 (2018) 743–751

protection to the bacterial cells against various environmental chal- (BioRad, Hercules, CA) with 0.5 × Tris-Borate EDTA buffer. The gel
lenges such as desiccation (Spector & Kenyon, 2012; Vestby, Møretrø, was run for 20 h at 14 °C using a linear ramp of 2.16–63.8 s at 6 V/cm.
Ballance, Langsrud, & Nesse, 2009), pH and osmotic changes (Giaouris, XbaI-digested Salmonella Braenderup H9812 was used as the DNA size
Chorianopoulos, & Nychas, 2005), disinfectants (Marin et al., 2009), marker. PFGE gel were stained with GelRed™ Nucleic acid gel stain
antimicrobial agents (Tabak, Scher, Chikindas, & Yaron, 2009) and UV (Biotium, USA) and viewed using Gel Doc XR+ System (Bio-Rad, USA).
light radiation (El-Azizi & Khardori, 2016). PFGE data were processed using Bionumerics software version 7.0
Another major food safety and health concern is the emergence of (Applied Maths, Kortrijk, Belgium), with the extent of variability de-
multidrug-resistant (MDR) foodborne pathogens (Benacer, Thong, termined by the DICE coefficient. Clustering of the fingerprints was
Watanabe, & Puthucheary, 2010; Thong & Modarressi, 2011; Turki, based on the unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages
Ouzari, Mehri, Ben Aissa, & Hassen, 2012; Wasyl & Hoszowski, 2012). clustering system (UPGMA) with a position tolerance of 1.0%. Simi-
Antibiotics are extensively used in poultry farming as prophylaxis, larity coefficient of 0.80 was selected as cut-off values for strain clus-
therapeutics and growth promoters. In developing countries, the reg- tering as previously described (Ngoi, Lindstedt, Watanabe, & Thong,
ulation and enforcement in the application of antibiotics as growth 2013).
promoters is lacking and increase in antimicrobial resistance among
Enterobacteriaceae over the years is evident (Nhung, Cuong, Thwaites, 2.3. Antibiotic resistance profiling
& Carrique-Mas, 2016). Since poultry is a major source of Salmonella
spp., the rampant utilisation of antibiotics in poultry farming may 2.3.1. Agar disk diffusion assay
contribute to the emergence and widespread distribution of MDR Sal- The antibiotic resistance was determined by performing the agar
monella (Landers, Cohen, Wittum, & Larson, 2012). The horizontal disk diffusion assay using commercially available antibiotic disks
transfer and acquisition of antibiotic resistance determinants in Sal- (Oxoid, Basingstoke, UK) on Mueller-Hinton agar (Oxoid, Basingstoke,
monella isolated from poultry has been reported worldwide and in UK) according to the guidelines of the CLSI (2013). Escherichia coli
Malaysia (Fricke et al., 2009; Gunell et al., 2009; Łukasz Mąka, 2016; ATCC 25922 was employed as a positive control. Thirteen antibiotics
Van et al., 2007). This is of great concern as antibiotic resistance in (β-lactams: ampicillin 10 μg, ampicillin-sulbactam 10/10 μg, cepha-
Salmonella render antibiotics used for treatment of salmonellosis in- lothin 30 μg and ceftriaxone 30 μg; aminoglycosides: gentamicin 10 μg
effective (Collard et al., 2007). and streptomycin 10 μg; tetracyclines: tetracycline 30 μg; fluor-
Researchers have highlighted that poultry sold in Malaysia is fre- oquinolones: ciprofloxacin 5 μg; quinolones: nalidixic acid 30 μg; folate
quently contaminated with Salmonella, however, these studies often pathway inhibitors: sulphamethoxazole/trimethoprim 1.25/23.75 μg,
focused on the prevalence at the retail level (Ong, Muniandy, How, Yip, sulphonamide 300 μg and trimethoprim 5 μg; phenicols: chlor-
& Lim, 2014). Longitudinal studies investigating the pathways for the amphenicol 30 μg) were selected. The diameter of inhibition zones was
dissemination of Salmonella, their antibiotic resistance profiles and measured and interpreted as resistant by referring to breakpoints sug-
biofilm-forming ability are lacking or seldom performed. So in this gested by CLSI (2013). Multiple antibiotics resistance (MAR) index was
study, the genetic relatedness of Salmonella strains isolated from poultry calculated and interpreted as described by Krumperman (1983). Sal-
samples and environment of wet markets and SCPP in northern states of monella strains classified as intermediate susceptible on the basis of
Malaysia (Penang and Perlis) were undertaken to investigate the dis- inhibition zone were considered as sensitive for MAR as well as re-
semination and origin or source of these Salmonella strains. In addition, sistance spectrum. Strain that was resistant to more than two types of
the antibiotic resistance profiles and the genetic determinants in these antibiotic was regarded as multidrug resistant (MDR) (Abia, Ubomba-
Salmonella strains were also determined. Also, the ability of various Jaswa, & Momba, 2015). Strains having a MAR index of (≤ 0.2) in-
Salmonella serotypes to colonise the contact surfaces of wet markets and dicates that strains were rarely or never exposed to antibiotics and vice
SCPP were determined by examining their ability to form biofilms. versa.

2. Materials and methods 2.3.2. Detection of antibiotic resistance genes and integrons using PCR
Genomic DNA was prepared by using phenol-chloroform extraction
2.1. Salmonella strains method, adapted from dos Santos et al. (2001) with modifications.
Briefly, 1 mL of 18 h culture of each Salmonella strain was centrifuged
Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica strains used in this study were and the cell pellets were resuspended in 200 μL of TE buffer (25 mM
previously isolated from a total of 182 poultry and environmental Tris-HCl, 10 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) containing 10 mg/mL of lysozyme
samples collected from wet markets and SCPP located in Penang and (Vivantis, Malaysia). After lysis, 100 μL of 15% (w/v) sodium dodecyl
Perlis, the northern states of Malaysia. Seventeen different Salmonella sulphate was added and incubated at 55 °C for 5–10 min. Subsequently,
serotypes were isolated and the predominant serotypes were S. ser. 100 μL of ice-cooled 3 M sodium acetate (pH 5.2) was added and the
Albany, S. ser. Brancaster and S. ser. Corvallis (Nidaullah et al., 2017). mixture was centrifuged at 13,000 ×g for 10 min at 4 °C. DNA ex-
In this study, 114 representative strains of these three predominant traction was performed by deproteinising the DNA-containing super-
serotypes, S. Albany (n = 53), S. Brancaster (n = 35) and S. Corvallis natant using an equal volume of phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol
(n = 26), were randomly selected for the following studies described solution (25:24:1), and precipitating the DNA using two volumes of ice-
below. Twenty-four and 90 Salmonella strains were isolated from cooled absolute ethanol. The DNA pellets were dried and suspended in
poultry and environment samples, respectively. Sixty-nine and 45 Sal- 100 μL of TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0). Plasmid
monella strains were obtained from wet markets in Penang and Perlis, DNA was extracted using the Wizard® Plus SV Minipreps DNA Pur-
respectively. ification System (Promega, Madison, USA) according to manufacturer's
2.2. Determination of genetic relatedness using pulsed-field gel PCR reaction mixtures were prepared as described by Benacer et al.
electrophoresis (2010) and amplification was performed using a TProfessional Standard
Gradient96 Thermocyler (Biometra, Germany). The presence of anti-
Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was conducted according to biotic resistance genes conferring to resistance against β-lactams, ami-
the standard operating protocol described by PulseNet, CDC (2017). noglycosides, tetracyclines, quinolones, sulphonamides and chlor-
DNA of Salmonella strains were digested with 50 U of restriction en- amphenicol, was detected using primers previously reported (Table 1).
zyme XbaI (Vivantis, Malaysia), at 37 °C for 2 h. DNA electrophoresis The presence of intl1, intl2 and intl3 genes in those multidrug-resistant
was performed on 1% (w/v) agarose gel in a CHEF Mapper system (MDR) Salmonella strains were also performed as previously described

L.-O. Chuah et al. Food Research International 105 (2018) 743–751

Table 1
Primer sequences and PCR amplification conditions for detection of different antibiotic resistant genes.

Genes Primer sequence (5′-3′) PCR conditions Size (bp) Reference

temAa F: ATGAGTATTCAACATTTCCG 94 °C (3 min); 30 cycles of 94 °C (30 s), 62 °C (30 s) and 72 °C 867 Benacer et al. (2010)
R: CTGACAGTTACCAATGCTTA (1 min); 72 °C (7 min)
blaPSE-1 F: TGCTTCGCAACTATGACTAC 95 °C (10 min); 30 cycles of 95 °C (30 s), 55 °C (1 min) and 72 °C 438 Chen et al. (2004)
R: AGCCTGTGTTTGAGCTAGAT (1 min); 72 °C (7 min)
blaOXA-1 F: ACACAATACATATCAACTTCGC 94 °C (5 min); 35 cycles of 94 °C (1 min), 58 °C (1 min) and 72 °C 813 Yao, Qian, Chen, Wang, and Huang (2007)
R: AGTGTGTTTAGAATGGTGATC (1 min); 72 °C (10 min)
blaCTX-1 F: ATGTGCAGYACCAGTAARGT 94 °C (7 min); 35 cycles of 94 °C (50 s), 50 °C (40 s) and 72 °C 593 Pagani et al. (2003)
R: TGGGTRAARTARGTSACCAGA (1 min); 72 °C (8 min)
blaSHV-1 F: TTATCTCCCTGTTAGCCACC 94 °C (10 min); 35 cycles of 94 °C (30 s), 50 °C (30 s) and 72 °C 795 Weill et al. (2004)
R: GATTTGCTGATTTCGCTCGG (1 min); 72 °C (10 min)
blaCMY-2 F: GCACTTAGCCACCTATACGGCAG 94 °C (5 min); 25 cycles of 94 °C (45 s), 58 °C (45 s) and 72 °C 758 Archambault et al. (2006)
R: GCTTTTCAAGAATGCGCCAGG (1 min); 72 °C (10 min)
blaTEMc F: ATGAGTATTCAACATTTCCG 94 °C (3 min); 30 cycles of 94 °C (30 s), 53 °C (30 s) and 72 °C 859 Benacer et al. (2010)
R: ACCAATGCTTAATCAGTGAG (1 min); 72 °C (7 min)
strB F: ATCGTCAAGGGATTGAAACC 95 °C (5 min); 40 cycles of 95 °C (1 min), 53 °C (30 s) and 72 °C 509 Gebreyes and Altier (2002)
R: GGATCGTAGAACATATTGGC (1 min); 72 °C (10 min)
aadA F: ATCCTTCGGCGCGATTTTG 94 °C (3 min); 30 cycles of 94 °C (30 s), 62 °C (30 s) and 72 °C 282 Benacer et al. (2010)
R: GCAGCGCAATGACATTCTTG (1 min); 72 °C (7 min)
qnrAd F: ATTTCTCACGCCAGGATTTG 94 °C (4 min); 32 cycles of 94 °C (45 s), 53 °C (45 s) and 72 °C 516 Gay et al. (2006)
R: GATCGGCAAAGGTTAGGTCA (60 s); 72 °C (7 min)
sul1c F: CTTCGATGAGAGCCGGCGGC 94 °C (3 min); 30 cycles of 94 °C (30 s), 53 °C (30 s) and 72 °C 435 Benacer et al. (2010)
R: GCAAGGCGGAAACCCGCGCC (1 min); 72 °C (7 min)
cat1 F: CTTGTCGCCTTGCGTATAAT 95 °C (10 min); 30 cycles of 95 °C (30 s), 55 °C (1 min) and 72 °C 508 Chen et al. (2004)
R: ATCCCAATGGCATCGTAAAG (1 min); 72 °C (7 min)
Intl1 F: GGTCAAGGATCTGGATTTGG 94 °C (12 min); 30 cycles of 94 °C (30 s), 62 °C (30 s) and 72 °C 443 Machado et al. (2005); Thong and
R: ACATGCGTGTAAATCATCGTC (1 min); 72 °C (8 min) Modarressi (2011)
Intl3 F: AGTGGGTGGCGAATGAGTG 94 °C (12 min); 30 cycles of 94 °C (30 s), 60 °C (30 s) and 72 °C 563
R: TGTTCTTGTATCGGCAGGTG (1 min); 72 °C (8 min)
5′CS 3′CS F: GGCATCCAAGCAGCAAG 94 °C (10 min); 35 cycles of 94 °C (1 min), 55 °C (1 min) and 72 °C variable Levesque et al. (1995)
R: AAGCAGACTTGACCTGA (5 min); 72 °C (5 min)

Multiplex PCR I.
Multiplex PCR II.
Multiplex PCR III.
Multiplex PCR IV.

(Machado et al., 2005; Thong & Modarressi, 2011), using primers listed PCR amplification when plasmid DNA were used as template, to show
in Table 1. The PCR products were subjected to 1.5% (w/v) agarose gel that choromosomal DNA contamination did not occur during the
electrophoresis and 100 bp molecular ladders (Promega, Madison, USA) plasmid DNA extraction. The PCR amplicons (variable sizes) were
was used to estimate the size of PCR products. The PCR products were purified by Wizard® SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System (Promega, Ma-
stained with EZ-Vision® One DNA dye (Amresco, USA) for direct vi- dison, WI, USA) according to the manufacturer's instructions. Sequen-
sualization after electrophoresis. cing of the purified fragments were performed by a commercial la-
Detection of the class 1 integrons on both the total genomic DNA boratory (1st BASE laboratories, Selangor, Malaysia) using the same
and plasmid DNA was conducted among all intl1-positive strains by primer set and processed using BioEdit software. The identity was de-
using 5′CS/3′CS primers (Table 1), as previously described (Levesque, termined by comparing the sequences to those in GenBank using
Piche, Larose, & Roy, 1995). The 16S rRNA primers were included in BLASTN (Johnson et al., 2008) available at the National Center for

L.-O. Chuah et al. Food Research International 105 (2018) 743–751

Biotechnology Information (NCBI, Bethesda, MD, USA). Mata Ayer wet market which is located in Perlis were grouped together
in Cluster 2. Our previous study suggested the dissemination of
2.4. Biofilm-forming ability of Salmonella strains Salmonella serotypes in wet market and processing plants occur due to
cross contamination between poultry and its processing environment,
2.4.1. Determination of biofilm morphotypes as Salmonella was detected in whole and cut chicken, utensils and
The biofilm morphotype for all strains of three Salmonella serotypes equipment used along the processing line, as well as drain water and
were determined by observing the morphological colony characteristics floor around the wet markets and SCPP (Nidaullah et al., 2017). In this
of each isolate on Congo red agar plates as previously described study, the results obtained from PFGE clustering further support the
(Karaca, Akcelik, & Akcelik, 2013; Malcova, Hradecka, Karpiskova, & observation that cross-contamination between poultry sold in the wet
Rychlik, 2008), with minor modification. Briefly, 10 μL of overnight markets and their processing environment occurs and the contamina-
culture were placed onto Luria Bertani (LB) agar plate without NaCl tion was due to the same Salmonella serotypes.
(yeast extract 5 g/L, bacteriological tryptone 10 g/L, bacteriological Furthermore, we also reported that S. Corvallis, S. Brancaster and S.
agar 15 g/L; Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) containing 80 mg/L Congo Albany have probably spread clonally in northern Malaysia as
Red (Sigma-Aldrich, USA). The agar plates were incubated at 28 °C and Salmonella strains of the serotypes isolated from different wet markets
the colony morphology was observed after 48–96 h of incubation. The in these states were genetically related. Ngoi et al. (2013) reported that
experiment was performed in duplicate. S. Typhimurium isolated from zoonotic, food and clinical sources from
various states in Malaysia were clonally related. Baggesen, Sandvang,
2.4.2. Quantification of biofilm formation and Aarestrup (2000) also reported that based on PFGE clustering, 136
The ability of Salmonella strains to form biofilms on polystyrene was strains of zoonotic and clinical strains S. Typhimurium DT104 isolated
determined by crystal violet binding assay as previously described from Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, and Italy were
(Karaca et al., 2013), with minor modifications. Briefly, overnight clonally related, suggesting the widespread dissemination of this clone
culture of Salmonella strains were diluted 100 fold in Tryptic Soy Broth in different parts of the world.
(TSB). Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium ATCC The poultry supply chain in Peninsula Malaysia involves farming of
13311 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538P were employed as posi- broilers (integrator-operated and independent broiler farmers), and
tive controls. TSB without cells served as negative control. A hundred marketing/supply of life birds to large- or small-scale processing plants
microlitre of each suspension was transferred to polystyrene 96 well and wet markets. In local wet markets, the sellers obtained live or
plates and incubated statically for 48 h at 28 °C. After incubation, the slaughtered birds from independent wholesalers, which normally
unbound or loosely bound cells were removed. The plates were gently supply poultry locally and to a lesser extent, between cities (MyCC,
washed once with sterile distilled water and dried. Cell fixation was 2014). According to the Malaysian Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-
performed by adding 130 μL of ice-cooled 100% methanol to each well, operatives and Consumerism, there is no licensed poultry wholesaler in
incubated for 10 min at − 20 °C and aspirated. Then, 130 μL of 1% (w/ Perlis but there are 36 wholesalers in Penang (as of September 2013)
v) cystral violet (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) was added to each well (MyCC, 2014). The high genetic relatedness among Salmonella strains
and incubated for 30 min. The staining liquid was discarded and the from various wet markets in northern states in Peninsula Malaysia may
plates were gently washed with sterile distilled water for three times. be due to the sourcing of poultry from the same farm, as well as cross-
The dye bound to the adherent cells was solubilised by adding 130 μL of contamination occurring during transportation which leads to the dis-
ethanol: acetone (80:20; v:v) to each well. The optical density at semination of Salmonella from farm to market. A comprehensive survey
595 nm (OD595) was measured by using Multiskan GO Microplate sampling broiler farms will provide concrete evidence on the dis-
Spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific, USA). The experiment was semination of Salmonella.
performed in triplicate. The biofilm-forming abilities of the Salmonella
strains were categorised into different categories by comparing the OD 3.2. Antibiotic resistance profiling
values of the tested strains and the negative control (ODc). No biofilm
producer: OD ≤ ODc; weak biofilm producer: ODc < In this study, all Salmonella strains except for one strain of S.
OD ≤ (2 × ODc); moderate biofilm producer: (2 × ODc) < Corvallis (99.1%) were multidrug resistant [Table 1 in (Chuah, Shamila
OD ≤ (4 × ODc); strong biofilm producer: (4 × ODc) < OD. Syuhada, Mohamad Suhaimi, Farah Hanim, & Rusul, 2017]. Salmonella
Corvallis strains were resistant to 2–7 antibiotics (MAR index = 0.33),
3. Results and discussion while S. Brancaster and S. Albany were resistant to 3–8 (MAR
index = 0.44) and 3–10 (MAR index = 0.57), respectively (Table 2).
3.1. Genetic relatedness of Salmonella strains Resistance to sulphonamide (96.5%), ampicillin (89.5%), tetracycline
(85.1%), chloramphenicol (75.4%), trimethoprim (68.4%), trimetho-
Ten Salmonella strains were untypable using PFGE. Dendrogram prim-sulfamethoxazole (67.5%), streptomycin (58.8%) and nalidixic
obtained from PFGE typing and cluster analysis of 104 Salmonella acid (44.4%) were observed (Table 2). Similar observations have also
strains based on the 80% similarity coefficient is shown in Fig. 1. In this been made by other researchers (Ngoi et al., 2013; Soomro et al., 2010).
study, Salmonella strains were clustered according to serotypes, at si- According to the National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau of Malaysia,
milarity coefficient of 0.71, 0.72 and 0.68 for S. Corvallis, S. Brancaster antibiotics approved and generally used in animal husbandry includes
and S. Albany, respectively. Salmonella Corvallis and S. Brancaster β-lactams (ampicillin, amoxycillin), tetracycline, sulphonamides (sul-
strains were both grouped into three clusters with no singleton while S. famethazine, sulfadiazine), aminoglycoside (gentamicin, neomycin),
Albany strains were grouped into two clusters and four singletons. macrolide, fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins (Hamid, 2012); among
PFGE typing demonstrated highly homogenous profiles among Salmo- these some of the antibiotics are regarded as critically important for
nella serotypes isolated from poultry sold in wet markets and their human health and their use in veterinary industry should be restricted
processing environments in northern Malaysia. (FAO/WHO/OIE, 2008). Even though chloramphenicol was banned in
In this study, high genetic relatedness was observed among veterinary sector in Malaysia (Hamid, 2012), in this study, high per-
Salmonella strains from various sampling point at the same market in- centage of chloramphenicol-resistant Salmonella strains were isolated
dicating the prevalence of these clones in the environment. For in- from poultry (70.8%) and its processing environments (76.7%). The
stance, S. Albany isolated from chicken cuts, food contact surfaces high chloramphenicol resistance among Salmonella serotypes isolated
(knife, drum and cutting board) and environmental samples (apron, from chicken is most probably due to long term and frequent use of
bench wash water, drain water, drain swab and floor) obtained from chloramphenicol in poultry farming in Malaysia.

L.-O. Chuah et al. Food Research International 105 (2018) 743–751

Fig. 1. Genetic relatedness and antibiotic resistance in the predominant Salmonella strains isolated from naturally contaminated poultry and their processing environment. Grouping of
PFGE fingerprints were performed by the unweighted pair group method using arithmetric averages clustering algorithm (UPGMA), with a position tolerance of 1.0%. Dotted line
represents the similarity coefficient of 0.80. Strains showing similarity coefficient ≥ 0.80 were grouped together and considered as not significantly different. PFGE clusters of S.
Corvallis, S. Brancaster and S. Albany were presented in capital Roman alphabets, Roman numerals and numbers. Abbreviations: CN, gentamicin 10 μg; S, streptomycin 10 μg; AMP,
ampicillin 10 μg; CRO, ceftriaxone 30 μg; KF, cephalothin 30 μg; SAM, ampicillin-sulbactam 10/10 μg; CIP, ciprofloxacin 5 μg; NA, nalidixic acid 30 μg; C, chloramphenicol 30 μg; SXT,
sulphamethoxazole/trimethoprim 1.25/23.75 μg; W, trimethoprim 5 μg; S3, sulphonamide 300 μg; TE, tetracycline 30 μg.

Different antibiotic resistance profiles were observed among the chloramphenicol-trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim-sul-
three predominant serotypes [Fig. 1 and Table 1 in (Chuah et al., 2017]. phonamide-tetracycline and ampicillin-nalidixic acid-chloramphenicol-
The most common antibiogram among S. Corvallis strains was strep- trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim-sulphonamide-tetra-
tomycin-ampicillin-sulphonamide-tetracycline, while ampicillin- cycline among S. Brancaster and S. Albany strains, respectively [Table 1

L.-O. Chuah et al. Food Research International 105 (2018) 743–751

Table 2 114 Salmonella strains harboured one to nine antibiotic resistance genes
Number (%) of antibiotic-resistant strains of S. Corvallis, S. Brancaster and S. Albany [Table S1 in (Chuah et al., 2017]. Recently, a draft genome sequence of
isolated from naturally contaminated poultry and their processing environment in
MDR S. Brancaster, isolated from chicken meat obtained in a wet
northern Malaysia against members of six different classes of antibiotics.
market in Malaysia showed that this strain harboured genes conferring
Antibiotics Number (%) of resistant strains resistance to phenicols, sulphonamides, tetracyclines, aminoglycosides,
fluoroquinolones, macrolides and trimethoprim (Chin, Yu, Ang, Yin, &
S. Corvallis S. Brancaster S. Albany Total Chan, 2017). Similar findings were reported in this study. Our results
(n = 26) (n = 35) (n = 53) (n = 114)
showed the presence of resistance genes conferring phenotypic re-
β-lactams sistance against chloramphenicol (floR and cmlA), tetracycline (tetA,
Ampicillin 16 (61.5) 35 (100.0) 51 (96.2) 102 (89.5) tetB and tetG), sulphonamides (sul1 and sul2), ampicillin (temB), β-lac-
Ampicillin-sulbactam 2 (7.7) 3 (8.6) 9 (17.0) 14 (9.7) tamase (blaPSE-1) and aminoglycosides (strA and aadA), which corre-
Cephalothin 1 (3.8) 0 (0.0) 11 (20.8) 12 (10.5)
sponds to the phenotypic resistance observed in this study (Table 3).
Ceftriaxone 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Antibiotic resistance genes detected in this study are potentially
transferrable such as blaPSE-1, sul1, floR, aadA and tetG, which are often
Gentamicin 0 (0.0) 1 (2.9) 6 (11.3) 7 (6.1)
Streptomycin 22 (84.6) 17 (48.6) 28 (52.8) 67 (58.8) located on the Salmonella Genomic Island 1, while floR, strA, aadA, sul1,
Tetracycline 25 (96.2) 31 (88.6) 41 (77.4) 97 (85.1) sul2, tetA and qnr genes are usually found on plasmids (Glenn et al.,
Quinolones 2011; Jacoby, Strahilevitz, & Hooper, 2014).
Ciprofloxacin 1 (3.8) 0 (0.0) 3 (5.7) 4 (3.5) Discrepancy between phenotypic and genotypic resistance, how-
Nalidixic acid 2 (7.7) 1 (2.9) 49 (92.5) 52 (45.6) ever, was observed in nalidixic acid (Fig. 1 and Table 3). The presence
Folate pathway inhibitors of qnrS and qnrA were reported in 23/26 and 10/26 strains of S. Cor-
Sulphamethoxazole/ 4 (15.4) 26 (74.3) 47 (88.7) 77 (67.5) vallis, respectively, while phenotypic resistance to nalidixic acid was
trimethoprim observed in only two strains of S. Corvallis. As for S. Brancaster, 34/35
Trimethoprim 4 (15.4) 26 (74.3) 48 (90.6) 78 (68.4)
strains harboured qnrS while phenotypic resistance to nalidixic acid
Sulphonamide 26 (100.0) 31 (88.6) 53 (100.0) 110 (96.5)
Chloramphenicol 8 (30.8) 30 (85.7) 48 (90.6) 86 (75.4) was observed in only one strain. The presence of these plasmid-medi-
MAR 0.33 0.44 0.57 ated genes in nalidixic acid-sensitive strains of S. Corvallis and S.
Brancaster were mainly due to qnr genes which confers low level re-
sistance to quinolone leading to decrease in susceptibility, which does
in (Chuah et al., 2017]. Resistance to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, not exceed the CLSI breakpoint (Xu et al., 2007). These genes none-
trimethoprim and chloramphenicol was detected in most of S. Albany theless assist in the selection of higher-level resistance against quino-
and S. Brancaster strains, while most of S. Corvallis strains were sus- lones (Gunell et al., 2009; Jacoby et al., 2014) and their presence in
ceptible to these antibiotics. Most of S. Albany strains (n = 49) were pathogens further complicates treatment. Most S. Albany strains
resistant to nalidixic acid, while S. Brancaster and S. Corvallis strains (92.5%) were phenotypically resistant to nalidixic acid, but only 14/53
were susceptible to this antibiotic (Table 2). The high prevalence of (26.4%) of the strains harboured qnrA and/or qnrS. The discrepancy
MDR Salmonella isolated from poultry sold in wet markets is alarming between phenotypic and genotypic resistance might be attributed to the
as various studies have reported on the transmission of mobile genetic presence of other genes responsible for phenotypic resistance, which
determinants (such as plasmids, transposons and gene cassettes in in- were not being detected in this study (Jacoby et al., 2014).
tegrons) and resistant pathogens from poultry to human (Economou & Our findings showed that certain genes conferring phenotypic an-
Gousia, 2015; Thong et al., 2002; van den Bogaard, London, Driessen, & tibiotic resistance were serovar-specific (Table 3). For examples, high
Stobberingh, 2001). percentage of resistance to sulphonamides was detected in all three
In order to investigate the potential dissemination of antibiotic re- Salmonella serotypes, however most of the S. Corvallis strains har-
sistance determinants in poultry and its processing environments in boured sul2, whereas S. Albany strains harboured sul1. Similarly, all
northern Malaysia, antibiotic resistance genes harboured by Salmonella tetracycline-resistant S. Corvallis and S. Brancaster strains harboured
strains and the presence of integrons were determined (Table 3). All only tetA, whereas both tetG and tetA conferred phenotypic resistance in

Table 3
Determination of antibiotic resistance determinant harboured by S. Corvallis, S. Brancaster and S. Albany strains isolated from naturally contaminated poultry and processing en-
vironment in northern Malaysia.

Antibiotic class Resistance gene S. Corvallis (n = 26) S. Brancaster (n = 35) S. Albany (n = 53) Total (n = 114)

β-Lactamase blaPSE-1 7 10 39 56
Ampicillin temB 7 30 26 63
Streptomycin strA 17 7 20 44
aadA 1 6 16 23
strA + aadA 1 3 11 15
Sulphonamide sul1 5 6 46 57
sul2 20 11 9 40
sul1 + sul2 3 4 8 15
Nalidixic acid qnrA 10 0 2 12
qnrS 23 34 13 70
qnrA + qnrS 9 0 1 10
Tetracycline tetA 22 32 17 71
tetB 1 0 0 1
tetG 0 0 21 21
tetA + tetB 1 0 0 1
Chloramphenicol floR 16 33 51 100
cmlA 11 7 42 60
floR + cmlA 11 7 41 59
Integrase intl-1 6 25 45 76

L.-O. Chuah et al. Food Research International 105 (2018) 743–751

S. Albany. Interestingly, antibiotic resistance gene specific to certain Table 5

PFGE cluster was also observed [Table S1 in (Chuah et al., 2017]. Our Biofilm morphotypes and biofilm forming ability of the predominant Salmonella serovars.
results showed that most of the ampicillin-resistant S. Albany strains
Salmonella serovars No. of CRA morphotypea Biofilm forming ability
grouped in Cluster 1, harboured temB but not blaPSE-1, whereas most of isolate (no. of isolate) (%)b
those grouped in Cluster 2 harboured blaPSE-1 but not temB. Similarly, S.
Albany strains grouped in Cluster 1 harboured only tetA, while tetG was Strong Moderate
only detected in S. Albany strains grouped in Cluster 2. Moreover, aadA
S. Corvallis (poultry) 4 rdar (4) 3 (75.0) 1 (25.0)
was detected in S. Albany strains grouped in Cluster 1, but not in S. Corvallis 22 rdar (20), srad (2) 14 8 (36.4)
Cluster 2. (environment) (63.6)
Our results suggest the acquisition and horizontal transfer of anti- S. Brancaster 11 rdar (11) 7 (63.6) 4 (36.4)
biotic resistance genes in Salmonella isolated from poultry and its pro- (poultry)
S. Brancaster 24 rdar (23), srad (1) 14 10 (41.7)
cessing environment are mediated via integrons. Table 3 shows that the
(environment) (58.3)
integrase gene was detected in 76/114 Salmonella strains. All Salmonella S. Albany (poultry) 9 rdar (9) 8 (88.9) 1 (11.1)
strains positive for integrase gene harboured intl-1. None of the Sal- S. Albany 44 rdar (44) 33 11 (25.0)
monella strains carried intl-2 or intl-3. High prevalence of intl-1 was (environment) (75.0)
Total 114 rdar (111), srad (3) 79 35 (30.7)
observed in both S. Albany (84.9%) and S. Brancaster (71.4%)strains,
but not among S. Corvallis (23.1%) strains. These results agree with
antibiotic resistance profiles exhibited by Salmonella serotypes with a
Congo Red Agar (CRA) morphotypes (i) rdar (red, dry and rough): produced both
highest MAR index as observed in S. Albany and compared to S. Cor- curli fimbriae and cellulose; (ii) bdar (brown, dry and rough): produced only curli fim-
vallis which had the lowest MAR. Among the 76 intl1-positive strains, briae; (iii) srad (smooth, red and dry): inverse production of curli fimbriae and cellulose;
class 1 integrons with variable regions (size ranging from 0.8 to 1.9 kb) (iv) sbam (smooth, brown and mucoid): not produced neither cellulose nor curli fimbriae
but overproduced capsular polysaccharide; (v) saw (smooth and wet): not produced
were detected in 63 strains, while the rest of the serotypes did not
neither fimbriae nor cellulose.
harbour gene cassette (Table 4). Three integron profiles (IP) were b
No biofilm producer: OD ≤ ODc; weak biofilm producer: ODc < OD ≤ (2 × ODc);
identified and designated as IP-I (1.2 kb), IP-II (1.9 kb) and IP-III moderate biofilm producer: (2 × ODc) < OD ≤ (4 × ODc); strong biofilm producer:
(1.2 + 0.8 kb), respectively. IP-I was the most prevalent (60/63 strains) (4 × ODc) < OD.
and was observed in S. Corvallis, S. Brancaster and S. Albany. IP-II was
detected in one strain of S. Brancaster, while IP-III was detected in one production of extracellular matrices such as curli fimbriae and cellulose
strain each of S. Corvallis and S. Brancaster, respectively (Table 4). DNA (Anriany, Sahu, Wessels, McCann, & Joseph, 2006; Malcova et al.,
sequencing of the PCR amplicons revealed the variable regions for the 2008; Turki et al., 2012).
gene cassettes encoding dfrA1 and dfrA12 conferred resistance to tri- In this study, two biofilm morphotypes were detected on Congo red
methoprim, aadA2 conferred resistance to streptomycin, and an open agar, 111/114 strains exhibited rdar morphotype, while three were srad
reading frame (ORF) orfC encodes membrane protein. A 200 bp frag- morphotypes (Table 5). Other researchers have reported that for Sal-
ment which contained an ORF segment of the purG gene which encoded monella, the rdar colony morphotype were highly resistant to desicca-
for phosphoribosylformylglycinamide synthetase, was also detected in tion attributed to their ability to produce both curli fimbriae and cel-
two intl1-positive Salmonella strains. Amplification of plasmid DNA lulose (White, Gibson, Kim, Kay, & Surette, 2006). The biofilm-forming
using 16S rRNA primers produced no band for all intl1-positive strains, ability of these Salmonella strains was further supported by the crystal
indicating that all integrons in this study were located on plasmids binding assay which showed that 79/114 strains (69.3%) were strong
(results not shown). biofilm producers while the rest were medium biofilm producers
(Table 5). Highest ability to form biofilm was observed among S. Al-
3.3. Biofilm-forming ability of Salmonella strains bany strains (77.4%), followed by S. Corvallis (65.4%) and S. Bran-
caster (60.0%).
Our study also reports on the possible occurrence of persistent Nair et al. (2015) reported moderate biofilm-producing ability in
Salmonella in wet markets and SCPP in northern Malaysia, as reflected Salmonella isolated from poultry and environmental samples obtained
by the high genetic relatedness among Salmonella strains from wet from various parts of India. Similarly, Zadernowska and Chajęcka-
markets located in Penang and Perlis. Various researchers have also Wierzchowska (2017) reported that none of the Salmonella isolated
reported on the occurrence of persistent pathogens in food processing from meats sold in local wet markets in Poland was strong biofilm
premises (Dominguez et al., 2009; Sheth et al., 2011; Thong et al., producer, seven strains each demonstrated moderate or low ability, and
2002). The occurrence of persistent pathogens can be attributed to the 2/16 strains were unable to form biofilm. It is alarming to note that in
formation of biofilms which provide a heaven for the survival of these this study, most of 24 Salmonella strains from chicken samples were
pathogens. Experiments were performed to determine the ability of strong biofilm producers. Salmonella enterica is reported to be able to
Salmonella serotypes to form biofilms. Biofilm-forming Salmonella were form biofilms on material commonly encountered in food-processing
grouped into four distinct morphotypes (namely rdar, bdar, srad and premises, such as plastic, stainless steel and cement (Joseph et al.,
sbam) based on their biofilm-forming ability and the extracellular 2001). Cells in biofilm are more resistant and can be a source of con-
structures contributing to biofilm formation. Strong biofilm formation tinuous contamination. Our findings showed that the formation of
in Salmonella is usually associated with rugose (rdar) phenotype and the biofilm on food contact surfaces or food processing equipment leads to
adaptation and is a long-term survival strategy adopted by MDR Sal-
Table 4 monella at various sites in wet markets and poultry processing plants in
Distribution of class 1 integron in multidrug-resistant Salmonella serovars. northern Malaysia.

Integron Size (kb) Genes No. of isolates Percentage

cassettes (n = 63) profile
Profile (IP) 4. Conclusion

IP-I 1.2 dfrA1, orfC 60 95.2 The results obtained in this study demonstrated that clonally-related
IP-II 1.9 dfrA12-orf- 1 1.7
Salmonella serotypes which were resistant to multiple antibiotics were
IP-III 1.2 + 0.8 dfrA1, orfC 2 3.3 frequently present in poultry meats and their processing environments
in northern Malaysia. Our findings suggested that likely the persistent

L.-O. Chuah et al. Food Research International 105 (2018) 743–751

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