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Universal Human Values


I'm Shubham Khatri, and today I want to share with you my journey of self-discovery, self-
improvement, and the transformative experience I had through the Understanding and Harnessing
Values (UHV) program. This journey has reshaped my perspectives, values, and aspirations for the

About Myself and My Purpose:

I've always been a curious individual, constantly questioning the world around me and seeking deeper
meanings in life. My purpose has been to understand myself better, to find happiness, and to contribute
positively to the world around me. Before UHV, I was searching for direction, often feeling lost and
overwhelmed by life's complexities.

My Questions About Life and Self-Development:

I had numerous questions about life, happiness, and prosperity. I wondered about the formula for a
fulfilling life and how to achieve a state of lasting happiness and prosperity. My efforts for self-
development were scattered, lacking a clear path or methodology.

Understanding Assumptions, Feelings, and Thoughts Before and After UHV:

Before UHV, my understanding of life was limited by my assumptions, cultural influences, and past
experiences. I held certain 'sanskar' or deep-rooted beliefs that shaped my feelings and thoughts. After
participating in the UHV program, I underwent a significant transformation. I began to question my
assumptions, challenge my beliefs, and open myself up to new perspectives and possibilities.

Shifts in Living Before and After UHV:

Several incidents stand out that highlight the shifts in my living before and after UHV:

1. Family and Friends: Before UHV, I often took my family and friends for granted, not fully
appreciating their importance in my life. After UHV, I developed a deeper understanding and
appreciation for them, nurturing stronger and more meaningful relationships.

2. Attitude Towards Participation: Previously, I was hesitant to participate in family affairs, events,
and initiatives of the institution, community, and society. After UHV, I became more proactive,
engaging actively in various activities and contributing positively to my community.

3. Environmental Engagement: Before UHV, I was indifferent to environmental issues. After UHV,
I became more conscious of the need to preserve, enrich, and protect our environment, adopting
sustainable practices and promoting environmental awareness.
Future Plans and Commitment Regarding UHV Proposal:

My future plans revolve around continuing my journey of self-discovery and personal growth,
integrating the valuable lessons and insights gained from the UHV program into my daily life. I am
committed to promoting the principles of UHV and contributing to creating a more harmonious,
compassionate, and sustainable world.

About My Family, Friends, and Peers:

My family has been my pillar of strength, supporting me unconditionally throughout my journey. My

friends and peers have also played a significant role, inspiring me, challenging me, and helping me

About My Teachers and Learning Habits:

I am grateful to my teachers for their guidance, wisdom, and encouragement. They have nurtured my
learning habits, fostering a love for lifelong learning, curiosity, and critical thinking.

About My Attitude Towards Participation:

I now understand the importance of active participation in family affairs, institutional events, and
community initiatives. I believe that collective action can bring about positive change and make a
difference in the world.

Engagement in Environmental Preservation:

I have become actively involved in promoting environmental preservation, adopting sustainable

practices, and raising awareness about the importance of protecting our planet for future generations.

Exploration and Understanding Through UHV Proposals and Interactions:

Through the exploration of UHV proposals and interactions, I have gained valuable insights into human
values, ethics, and principles that guide our actions and decisions. I have learned the importance of
empathy, compassion, integrity, and responsibility in shaping a meaningful and fulfilling life.


In conclusion, the UHV program has been a transformative experience for me, helping me to understand
myself better, develop a deeper appreciation for life, and commit to making a positive difference in the
world. I am excited about the future and look forward to continuing my journey of self-discovery,
growth, and contribution.

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