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Universal Human Values


I am Sajal Tandon, hailing from Mumbai, currently immersed in my journey through a

Bachelor's program in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). While academics are a
significant part of my life, I also find fulfillment in exploring the diverse realms of gaming
and music. Gaming offers me an escape into captivating virtual worlds, while music serves as
a source of inspiration and emotional expression. As I navigate through this journey, my
aspiration is to continuously enhance my skills and gain knowledge in new domains,
leveraging my experiences and passions to make a meaningful impact.

My purpose and state of being

My purpose in life is to continuously grow, learn, and contribute positively to the world
around me. I believe that each day presents new opportunities for personal and professional
development, and I am committed to embracing these opportunities with enthusiasm and

At this moment, I find myself in a state of constant exploration and growth. I am eager to
learn from the experiences that life brings my way, whether they are challenges or moments
of joy. By remaining open to new lessons and perspectives, I strive to cultivate a mindset of
curiosity and resilience.


From my point of view, prosperity means having enough money to live comfortably and
achieve my goals. It also includes being healthy and feeling good, both physically and
mentally. Additionally, prosperity involves having good relationships with family and
friends, as well as feeling like I belong in my community. It's also about growing and
learning new things, as well as finding meaning and satisfaction in what I do. Lastly,
prosperity is about helping others and making a positive difference in the world around me.
Overall, prosperity is about feeling happy, healthy, and fulfilled in all areas of life.

In my view, happiness stems from finding fulfillment in both my academic pursuits and my
leisure activities. Whether delving into complex coding challenges or immersing myself in
the captivating worlds of video games, each experience contributes to my overall sense of
contentment. Similarly, music serves as a source of solace and inspiration, allowing me to
express myself in ways that words often cannot.Moreover, I see happiness as a catalyst for
personal growth and achievement. When I am in a state of happiness, I feel more motivated,
creative, and resilient in the face of challenges. It enables me to approach tasks with a
positive mindset and to embrace setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth.

Formula for life

From my perspective, the formula for life is about finding balance, purpose, and fulfillment.
It involves prioritizing what truly matters, whether it's relationships, personal growth, or
making a positive impact. It's about setting goals, overcoming challenges, and learning from
experiences. Additionally, it's essential to cultivate resilience, adaptability, and a positive
mindset to navigate life's ups and downs. Ultimately, the formula for life is unique to each
individual and evolves over time as we gain wisdom and insight.

About my family and friends

My family and friends mean the world to me. They are the ones who stand by me through
thick and thin, offering unwavering support, love, and companionship. Whether it's
celebrating achievements or providing a shoulder to lean on during tough times, their
presence brings immense joy and comfort to my life. Likewise, my peers play a vital role in
my journey. Together, we share experiences, exchange ideas, and motivate each other to
strive for excellence. Their camaraderie fosters a sense of community and belonging that
enriches my academic and personal endeavors.

About my teachers and my learning habits

My teachers play a fundamental role in my academic journey, serving as mentors who not
only impart knowledge but also inspire and guide me towards success. Their unwavering
dedication, expertise, and encouragement create a nurturing environment where I can thrive
and reach my full potential. I am deeply grateful for their commitment to fostering a
supportive and engaging learning atmosphere, where curiosity is celebrated, questions are
welcomed, and knowledge is shared openly.

Furthermore, I recognize the profound impact of cultivating effective learning habits to

enhance my educational experience. Through discipline, perseverance, and a growth mindset,
I endeavor to approach each learning opportunity with enthusiasm and determination. I
prioritize active engagement in my studies, seeking out diverse perspectives, and leveraging
resources to broaden my knowledge and skill set.

About my attitude towards participating - in family affairs, in events and initiatives of

the institution, community, society.

Active participation in family affairs, institutional events, and community initiatives is deeply
ingrained in my values and beliefs. Within my family, I prioritize involvement as a means of
fostering strong bonds and nurturing a supportive environment. Whether it's contributing
ideas during discussions, assisting with household responsibilities, or simply spending quality
time together, I recognize the importance of being present and engaged in familial matters.

Similarly, within the institutional and community settings, I approach participation with
enthusiasm and a sense of responsibility. I see it as an opportunity to contribute meaningfully,
connect with others, and make a positive impact.

About my engagement in the preservation (enrichment, protection and right utilisation)

of our environment.

My engagement in the preservation, enrichment, protection, and responsible utilization of our

environment is driven by a deep sense of responsibility and stewardship towards the planet
we call home. I recognize the critical importance of safeguarding our natural resources and
biodiversity for current and future generations.

To this end, I actively participate in various environmental initiatives and practices aimed at
reducing my ecological footprint and promoting sustainability. Whether it's advocating for
eco-friendly practices in my daily life, such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and using
alternative transportation methods, or participating in community clean-up events and tree
planting drives, I am committed to taking concrete actions to protect and nurture our

What I could explore, and understand through exploration of the UHV proposals, and

Exploring proposals and engaging with Universal Human Values (UHV) offers me a
profound opportunity to delve into fundamental aspects of humanity, ethics, and societal

By delving into UHV proposals, I can gain insights into the core principles that underpin
human dignity, compassion, and social justice. These proposals often outline strategies,
initiatives, and policies aimed at promoting equality, respect, and inclusivity across diverse
communities. Through the examination of UHV proposals, I deepen my understanding of the
challenges and opportunities inherent in fostering a culture of empathy, integrity, and mutual
respect within society.

My questions about life and my efforts for self-development (including UHV)

As I navigate life's twists and turns, I often find myself contemplating some of its biggest
mysteries. Questions about why we're here and what truly brings us happiness occupy my
thoughts. But alongside these deep musings, I'm also focusing on my own personal growth
journey. That means throwing myself into my studies in computer science and engineering,
exploring hobbies like gaming and music, and learning from the relationships I build along
the way. Guiding me through it all are values like kindness and honesty, principles I hold
dear as I strive to become the best version of myself. Even when things get tough, I'm
determined to keep pushing forward, aiming for a life that feels meaningful and hoping to
inspire others to do the same.

Understanding/assumptions/sanskar, feelings and thoughts before UHV and after UHV

Before embracing Universal Human Values (UHV), I had a limited understanding of the
broader principles guiding human behavior and interactions. My moral compass was
influenced by cultural norms, personal experiences, and societal expectations. I harbored
assumptions about human nature and societal dynamics, often shaped by biased narratives
and stereotypes. My cultural conditioning, deeply ingrained from upbringing and societal
influences, contributed to my worldview and behavior patterns.

Emotionally, I experienced uncertainty and moral ambiguity, grappling with conflicting

feelings and ethical dilemmas. My thoughts were often rationalized, prioritizing self-interest
and societal norms over universal principles. However, upon embracing UHV, I underwent
significant transformations in my perspective and approach to life.

Now, I have a deeper understanding of the inherent dignity and worth of every individual. I
recognize the importance of empathy, compassion, and respect in fostering harmonious
relationships and societal cohesion. I challenge my preconceived assumptions and biases,
striving to be open-minded and receptive to diverse perspectives.

While cultural conditioning remains influential, I endeavor to transcend cultural barriers and
embrace universal principles of justice, fairness, and integrity. I cultivate empathy and
compassion towards others, fostering deeper, more meaningful relationships based on mutual
respect and understanding. My thoughts are aligned with principles of ethical conduct and
moral responsibility, prioritizing the common good and seeking to contribute positively to
society. Through embracing UHV, I continue to evolve and grow, aspiring to live a life of
purpose and meaning while inspiring others to do the same.
Shifts in living before UHV and after UHV
Before embracing Universal Human Values (UHV), my approach to life was often driven by
self-interest and societal norms rather than principles of empathy and compassion. Here are a
few incidents that highlight the shifts in my living before and after embracing UHV:
Self-Centered Decision Making:
Before UHV: I recall a time when I made a decision solely based on personal gain without
considering its impact on others. My focus was primarily on advancing my own interests,
even if it meant disregarding the needs or well-being of those around me.
After UHV: Embracing UHV prompted a shift in my decision-making process. I began to
consider the broader implications of my actions and prioritize the well-being of others. Rather
than solely focusing on self-interest, I now strive to make decisions that align with principles
of empathy and integrity.
Lack of Empathy in Interactions:
Before UHV: In my interactions with others, I sometimes lacked empathy and failed to
consider their perspectives or feelings. I may have been quick to judge or dismiss their
experiences without taking the time to understand their viewpoints.
After UHV: With a deeper understanding of UHV principles such as empathy and
compassion, I approach interactions with a greater sense of empathy and understanding. I
actively listen to others, seek to understand their perspectives, and respond with kindness and

Future plans and Commitment re. UHV Proposal

In my future plans, I am committed to further integrating Universal Human Values (UHV)
into both my personal and professional endeavors. Here's a proposal outlining my
commitments regarding UHV:
Continued Education and Advocacy:
I am committed to deepening my understanding of UHV through ongoing education and self-
reflection. This includes engaging in relevant courses, workshops, and literature to broaden
my knowledge and perspective.
Additionally, I will actively advocate for the promotion of UHV principles within my
academic institution and community. This may involve organizing awareness campaigns,
workshops, or events to foster dialogue and understanding around the importance of UHV.
Integration into Career Path:
As I pursue my career in Computer Science and Engineering, I am dedicated to integrating
UHV principles into my professional life. This entails prioritizing ethical practices, social
responsibility, and inclusivity in all aspects of my work.I aim to collaborate with like-minded
professionals and organizations that share a commitment to UHV, seeking opportunities to
contribute positively to projects and initiatives that align with these values.

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