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Algorithm for Radar System


GROUP MATES: Reeja, Ayun Meerab

1. **Identify the Problem**: Design an Intruder Alert Radar System using IR

obstacle avoidance module, servo motor, and buzzer module to detect and alert
about intruders in a designated area.

2. **Analyze the Problem**: Understand the requirements of detecting intruders

using IR obstacle avoidance, servo motor for direction adjustment, and buzzer
for alarm.

3. **Design the Algorithm**:

- Initialize the system components (IR obstacle avoidance module, servo motor,
- Set up the servo motor to sweep the detection area.
- Continuously scan the area using the IR obstacle avoidance module.
- If an obstacle is detected:
- Stop the servo motor.
- Activate the buzzer to sound the alarm.
- Record the location of the detected intruder.
- Resume scanning after a certain interval.

4. **Select Appropriate Tools and Technologies**:

- Choose a microcontroller platform compatible with the IR obstacle avoidance
module, servo motor, and buzzer module (e.g., Arduino).
- Utilize appropriate libraries for interfacing with the components.

5. **Implement the Algorithm**:

- Write the code to initialize and control the components.
- Implement the logic for continuous scanning and detecting obstacles.
- Define actions to take upon detecting an intruder (e.g., stopping the servo
motor, activating the buzzer).
- Ensure proper error handling and safety measures.
6. **Test the Algorithm**:
- Run the system in a controlled environment to simulate intruder scenarios.
- Verify that the system accurately detects intruders and triggers the alarm.
- Test for reliability and robustness under various conditions.

7. **Optimize the Algorithm**:

- Refine the code to improve efficiency and performance.
- Optimize the scanning algorithm to reduce response time.
- Fine-tune sensor thresholds and detection parameters.

8. **Document the Algorithm**:

- Document the system architecture, including component connections and
- Provide clear instructions for assembling the hardware and uploading the
- Include explanations of the algorithm's logic and implementation details.
- Document any troubleshooting tips and known limitations.

This algorithm outlines the steps to create an Intruder Alert Radar System using
IR obstacle avoidance, servo motor, and buzzer modules, ensuring effective
detection and alerting capabilities.
Algorithm for Radar System
GROUP MATES: Reeja, Ayun Meerab

Here's an algorithm for the Intruder Alert Radar System using IR obstacle

### Algorithm for Intruder Alert Radar System using IR Obstacle Avoidance

#### Materials Required:

- Arduino UNO with USB cable (1)
- Keyes IR sensor module (1)
- Buzzer (1)
- Servo motor (1)
- Mini breadboard - 17 x 10 pins (1)
- Jumper Wires – male-to-male - 10 cm (5)
- Jumper Wires – male-to-female - 30 cm (6)
- Scissors (1) – For paper tape cutting
- Double tape (1) – This is a shared resource
- Paper tape (1) – This is a shared resource

#### Phase 1: Planning the Solutions

1. **Empathize & Define:**

- Discuss the role of technology in improving security and surveillance.
- Understand the basic working of the IR sensor module and servo motor.
- Develop necessary assumptions for the project.

2. **Ideate/Design:**
- Divide students into groups and provide them with a piece of paper.
- Instruct groups to design a program for the radar system.
- Sample program layout:
- Read the output voltage from the IR sensor using Arduino.
- Make the servo motor rotate in a continuous rotary motion.
- If the IR sensor is triggered, turn 'ON' the buzzer; otherwise, keep it 'OFF'.
- Encourage creativity but provide guidance if needed.
- Have groups present their solutions to the class with a Q&A session.

#### Phase 2: Algorithm Implementation

1. **Initialize Components:**
- Set up Arduino UNO, IR sensor module, servo motor, and buzzer.
- Connect components according to the circuit diagram.

2. **Setup Function:**
- Define pin modes for IR sensor output, servo motor control, and buzzer.
- Set initial servo position and buzzer state.

3. **Main Loop:**
- Enter a continuous loop.
- Read the output voltage from the IR sensor.
- Map the sensor values to detect obstacles within a specified range.

4. **Obstacle Detection:**
- If an obstacle is detected:
- Rotate the servo motor to the corresponding angle.
- Activate the buzzer to sound the alarm.
- Record the intrusion event.

5. **No Obstacle Detected:**

- If no obstacle is detected:
- Keep the servo motor rotating smoothly.
- Keep the buzzer turned off.

6. **Delay and Repeat:**

- Add a delay between readings to control the scanning frequency.
- Repeat the loop indefinitely.
#### Phase 3: Testing and Optimization

1. **Testing:**
- Upload the code to Arduino and assemble the hardware setup.
- Test the system in a controlled environment to verify its functionality.
- Ensure the radar detects obstacles accurately and triggers the alarm.

2. **Optimization:**
- Fine-tune sensor thresholds and servo motor rotation speed.
- Optimize code for efficiency and responsiveness.
- Test the system under various conditions to ensure reliability.

#### Phase 4: Documentation

1. **System Architecture:**
- Document the hardware setup and circuit connections.
- Provide a detailed explanation of each component's role in the system.

2. **Code Explanation:**
- Document the algorithm's logic and implementation details.
- Include comments within the code to explain key sections and functions.

Here's an algorithm for the Intruder Alert Radar System using IR obstacle

### Algorithm for Intruder Alert Radar System using IR Obstacle Avoidance

#### Materials Required:

- Arduino UNO with USB cable (1)
- Keyes IR sensor module (1)
- Buzzer (1)
- Servo motor (1)
- Mini breadboard - 17 x 10 pins (1)
- Jumper Wires – male-to-male - 10 cm (5)
- Jumper Wires – male-to-female - 30 cm (6)
- Scissors (1) – For paper tape cutting
- Double tape (1) – This is a shared resource
- Paper tape (1) – This is a shared resource

#### Phase 1: Planning the Solutions

1. **Empathize & Define:**

- Discuss the role of technology in improving security and surveillance.
- Understand the basic working of the IR sensor module and servo motor.
- Develop necessary assumptions for the project.

2. **Ideate/Design:**
- Divide students into groups and provide them with a piece of paper.
- Instruct groups to design a program for the radar system.
- Sample program layout:
- Read the output voltage from the IR sensor using Arduino.
- Make the servo motor rotate in a continuous rotary motion.
- If the IR sensor is triggered, turn 'ON' the buzzer; otherwise, keep it 'OFF'.
- Encourage creativity but provide guidance if needed.
- Have groups present their solutions to the class with a Q&A session.

#### Phase 2: Algorithm Implementation

1. **Initialize Components:**
- Set up Arduino UNO, IR sensor module, servo motor, and buzzer.
- Connect components according to the circuit diagram.

2. **Setup Function:**
- Define pin modes for IR sensor output, servo motor control, and buzzer.
- Set initial servo position and buzzer state.

3. **Main Loop:**
- Enter a continuous loop.
- Read the output voltage from the IR sensor.
- Map the sensor values to detect obstacles within a specified range.

4. **Obstacle Detection:**
- If an obstacle is detected:
- Rotate the servo motor to the corresponding angle.
- Activate the buzzer to sound the alarm.
- Record the intrusion event.

5. **No Obstacle Detected:**

- If no obstacle is detected:
- Keep the servo motor rotating smoothly.
- Keep the buzzer turned off.

6. **Delay and Repeat:**

- Add a delay between readings to control the scanning frequency.
- Repeat the loop indefinitely.

#### Phase 3: Testing and Optimization

1. **Testing:**
- Upload the code to Arduino and assemble the hardware setup.
- Test the system in a controlled environment to verify its functionality.
- Ensure the radar detects obstacles accurately and triggers the alarm.

2. **Optimization:**
- Fine-tune sensor thresholds and servo motor rotation speed.
- Optimize code for efficiency and responsiveness.
- Test the system under various conditions to ensure reliability.

#### Phase 4: Documentation

1. **System Architecture:**
- Document the hardware setup and circuit connections.
- Provide a detailed explanation of each component's role in the system.
2. **Code Explanation:**
- Document the algorithm's logic and implementation details.
- Include comments within the code to explain key sections and functions.

3. **Assembly Instructions:**
- Provide step-by-step instructions for assembling the hardware components.
- Include diagrams or images to aid assembly.

4. **Troubleshooting Guide:**
- Document common issues and troubleshooting steps.
- Provide solutions for potential challenges students might encounter.

This algorithm outlines the process of designing, implementing, testing, and

documenting an Intruder Alert Radar System using IR obstacle avoidance. It
ensures the security of the school's IT lab by detecting intrusions and alerting
the security personnel promptly.

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