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WARNING: If there are conflicts between a stated word and the number/amount/figure described, the
stated/spelled word shall prevail. Should there be conflicts between two (2.0) stated quantities, the higher
figure shall prevail.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For this examination in this subject, the Examinee shall be allowed to make full
use open books) ONLY of Printed Rule VII and Rule VIII of the 2004 Revised Implementing Rules and
Regulations (IRR) of the Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1096, otherwise known as the 1977 National
Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP). The printed copy shall be subject to inspection during the
examination. This will be confiscated in the event that any markings are found thereon.

A. PROJECT NO. 1 TITLE and General Description

A Proposed Permanent Evacuation Center/Covered Multipurpose Court


Due to the risks posed by the nearby Taal volcano and recent studies indicating that typhoons that
traverse the Philippines have gotten more devastating over the past two decades, the local
government of a municipality in Batangas has approved the construction of a covered
multipurpose court that will also function as an evacuation center on a vacant property owned by
the local government.

The project will be a one-storey structure with a frontage of 50 meters and a footprint of 1,500
square meters. Its simple, rectangular floor plan can be divided into three sections, adjacent to each
other, to form a rectangular footprint: the east section, the center section, and the west section.

The center section is the biggest of the three sections and is sandwiched between the east section
and the west section. It has a depth of 30 meters and an area of 1,020 square meters. It is mostly an
open floor and contains the multipurpose court. It is a tall space, with a clear height of at least 6
meters from the finish floor line to the bottom of the lowest roof beam. The only built-up portion
of the mostly-open center section is a 5-meter-deep, 30-meter-wide area located on the north end.
This built-up portion contains a stage at the center, measuring 5 x 10 meters. On the east side of
the stage is a 5 x 10 meter storage room, while on the west side of the stage is a 5 x 10 meter
clinic. The open floor has court markings for basketball, volleyball, and badminton games. During
times of disasters or emergencies, this open floor can accommodate about 100 evacuation tents.

The adjacent east section has an area of 240 square meters is 30 meters deep. It is composed of 4
areas that are all 8 meters wide. At the south end, facing the road is the 40 square meter reception
area. Adjacent to it is the 80 square meter mess hall which can seat about 60 people at a time. To
the north of the mess hall is the 40 square meter kitchen. And located on the northernmost end of
the east section is the male toilet which contains 8 water closets, 4 urinals, 8 lavatories, and 10
shower stalls. The reception area and the mess hall are separated only by a PVC accordion

Meanwhile, the west section has the same overall dimensions and area as the east section. It is
adjacent to the central section and contains 4 areas. On the north end is the female toilet, which
measures 8 x 10 meters and contains 14 water closets, 13 shower stalls, and 8 lavatories. Adjacent
to it is the family area measuring 8 x 10 meters, which contains a play area for children, a
breastfeeding room, and two conjugal sleeping rooms. To the south of the family area is a 5 x 8
meter storage room. And completing the west section is the admin room on the front side, facing
the road and measuring 5 x 8 meters. The two conjugal sleeping rooms have entrances facing the

The central section will have a taller roof than either the east or the west section, with a roof apex
of about 9 meters reckoned from the finish floor line.
The site is an inside lot with a depth of 40 meters and an area of 3,600 sqm. It is facing a 15-meter-
wide local street on the south side. The western 40% of the lot will be left open and will serve as a
parking lot. The building will have the following setbacks from the property lines: 6 meters from
the front property line, 4 meters from the rear property line, 4 meters from the east property line,
and sufficient setback from the west property line to leave sufficient space for the aforementioned
parking lot on the west side of the property. Based on the municipality’s land use plan, the lot is
zoned as ‘General Institutional.’


To design a building that can function both as an evacuation center and a covered court, at the
lowest cost possible.
WARNING: If there are conflicts between a stated word and the number/amount/figure described, the
stated/spelled word shall prevail. Should there be conflicts between two (2.0) stated quantities, the higher
figure shall prevail.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For this examination in this subject, the Examinee shall be allowed to make full
use open books) ONLY of Printed Rule VII and Rule VIII of the 2004 Revised Implementing Rules and
Regulations (IRR) of the Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1096, otherwise known as the 1977 National
Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP). The printed copy shall be subject to inspection during the
examination. This will be confiscated in the event that any markings are found thereon.

A. PROJECT NO. 2 TITLE and General Description

A Proposed Two-Storey Public Market Building


The local government has approved the demolition of the current public market in order to
construct a new, two-storey public market building to replace it.

The new public market building will have a footprint of 1,506.72 sqm. and will house the stalls for
wet goods on the ground level and the stalls for the dry goods on the second level. Both levels
follow exactly the same layout and are connected by four sets of staircases, one each corner of the
building. The north and south sides are aisles, flanked by the aforementioned staircases that are
located at the corners of the building.

The floor plate can be divided into six bays that are 25.80 long each. The six bays are adjacent to
each other and are joined together along their long sides. The four bays in the middle are identical
and are 9.40 meters wide. The outer bays are mirror images of each other and are one meter wider
than the middle bays.

The middle bays have 2.40-meter-wide hallways on the north and south side (parallel to the east-
west axis) and a 2.40-meter-wide aisle running down the middle of the bay, oriented along the
north-south axis. The remaining space inside the bay are for market stalls that each measure 3.50 x
3.50 meters. In each bay, there are 6 adjacent stalls on each side, for a total of 12 stalls in each bay.

The two outer bays are exact mirror images of each other. Each outer bay’s outer corners (which
are also the outer corners of the entire building) contain a staircase measuring 2.40 x 4.50 meters.
There are four such staircases inside the building in total. Each outer bay also has a 2.40-meter-
wide aisle located approximately in the middle. On the inner long side of each outer bay are 6
market stalls, arranged in a similar fashion as the market stalls of the inner bays. On the outer long
side of each outer bay, however, are 6 modules each measuring 3.50 wide x 4.50 long. Of these 6
modules, the two middle ones will be used as public restrooms, while the rest will be enclosed
rentable storage rooms.


The site is an inside lot with a frontage of 70 meters and an area of 3,640 sqm. On the south is a
14-meter-wide RROW. It is set back 6.20 meters from the road. The two side setbacks measure
5.80 meters and serve as driveways to the service parking lot at the back. Customers are expected
to park at the vacant government property across the street. The site is zoned as C-2.

The entire north side of the property contains a linear, unpaved strip that is 2 meters wide. It will
be landscaped with low-maintenance plants and trees and will be the only unpaved portion of the
entire property.

To design a public market building that is efficient, low-cost, sanitary, and easy to maintain.
1. Project No. 1. What is the maximum allowable footprint for the project, assuming firewalls will
not be used?
a. 1,800 sqm. d. 3,000 sqm.
b. 2,160 sqm. e. None of these
c. 2,838 sqm.

2. Project No. 1. What is the maximum allowable height for the project?
a. 6 meters d. 21 meters
b. 10 meters e. None of these
c. 15 meters

3. Project No. 1. Assume that the RROW servicing the property was only 4 meters wide. What would
be the maximum allowable height for the project?
a. 6 meters d. 21 meters
b. 10 meters e. None of these
c. 15 meters

4. Project No. 1. Assume that the RROW servicing the property was only 3 meters wide. What would
be the maximum allowable height for the project?
a. 6 meters d. 21 meters
b. 10 meters e. None of these
c. 15 meters

5. Project No. 1. Which of the following has the largest floor area?
a. Clinic d. Kitchen
b. Admin e. Reception
c. Mess Hall

6. Project No. 1. How long is the long side of the multipurpose court?
a. 25 meters d. 50 meters
b. 30 meters e. None of these
c. 34 meters

7. Project No. 1. What are the dimensions of mess hall?

a. 8.00 x 10.00 m. d. 8.00 x 12.00 m.
b. 10.00 x 12.00 m. e. 5.00 x 10.00 m.
c. 4.00 x 20.00 m.

8. Project No. 1. Based on Table VII.1, what is the maximum TGFA for this project if the project will
have firewalls?
a. 6,480 sqm. d. 12,600 sqm.
b. 9,000 sqm. e. None of these
c. 10,800 sqm.

9. Project No. 1. Based on Table VII.1, what is the maximum TGFA for this project if the project will
not have firewalls?
a. 6,480 sqm. d. 12,600 sqm.
b. 9,000 sqm. e. None of these
c. 10,800 sqm.

10. Project No. 1. What is the maximum FLAR allowed for the project?
a. 1.50 d. 3.50
b. 2.50 e. None of these
c. 3.00
11. Project No. 1. What is the maximum GFA allowed, based on the maximum allowable FLAR?
a. 5,400 d. 12,600
b. 9,000 e. None of these
c. 10,800

12. Project No. 1. What is the minimum rear setback required for the site?
a. 1.50 m. d. 5.00 m.
b. 2.00 m. e. 6.00 m.
c. 3.00 m.

13. Project No. 1. What is the minimum front setback required for the site?
a. 2.00 m. d. 6.00 m.
b. 3.00 m. e. 8.00 m.
c. 5.00 m.

14. Project No. 1. What is the minimum side setback required for the site?
a. 1.50 m. d. 5.00 m.
b. 2.00 m. e. 6.00 m.
c. 3.00 m.

15. Project No. 1. According to the Badminton World Federation, what is the standard size of a singles
badminton court?
a. 17 ft. x 44 ft. c. 20 ft. x 44 ft.
b. 17 ft. x 46 ft. d. 20 ft. x 46 ft.

16. Project No. 1. According to the Badminton World Federation, what is the standard size of a
doubles badminton court?
a. 17 ft. x 44 ft. c. 20 ft. x 44 ft.
b. 17 ft. x 46 ft. d. 20 ft. x 46 ft.

17. Project No. 1. What is the standard size of a volleyball court?

a. 9 x 18 meters c. 9 x 20 meters
b. 10 x 20 meters d. 9 x 22 meters

18. Project No. 1. In volleyball, how high is the top of the net from the floor?
a. 1.84-2.03 meters c. 2.64-2.83 meters
b. 2.24-2.43 meters d. 3.04-3.24 meters

19. Project No. 1. In badminton, how high is the top of the net from the floor?
a. About 4 feet c. About 6 feet
b. About 5 feet d. About 7 feet

20. Project No. 1. What is the minimum height clearance (headroom or ceiling height) required for a
volleyball court?
a. 5 meters c. 7 meters
b. 6 meters d. 8 meters

21. Project No. 1. The volleyball court is surrounded by a free zone. Based on international standards,
what is the minimum uniform width of this free zone?
a. 0.50 meter on all sides of the c. 2 meters on all sides of the court
court d. 3 meters on all sides of the court
b. 1 meter on all sides of the court

22. Project No. 1. For FIVB, World, and Official volleyball competitions, which is not an acceptable
finish surface for the volleyball court?
a. Wood c. Polished concrete
b. Synthetic surface d. All of these are acceptable.
23. Project No. 1. In a hospital room with a ceiling height of 3 meters, how many air changes per hour
is required, based on the Building Code?
a. 3 d. 1
b. 2 e. ¾
c. 1 ½

24. Project No. 1. For a hospital room serving 2 persons, how many cubic meters of fresh air must be
supplied per minute at the minimum, based on the requirements of the Building Code?
a. 0.29 cubic meters per minute d. 0.86 cubic meters per minute
b. 0.43 cubic meters per minute e. None of these
c. 0.58 cubic meters per minute

25. Project No. 1. In hospital design, what is the recommended minimum width of corridors to ensure
free movement of patients whether on beds, stretchers, or wheelchairs, as well as equipment?
a. 1.20 meters d. 2.44 meters
b. 1.80 meters e. 3.00 meters
c. 2.00 meters

26. Project No. 1. This zone of the hospital contains areas that provide nursing care and management
of patients (nursing service). This zone is private but is accessible to guests.
a. Outer Zone d. Deep Zone
b. Second Zone e. Service Zone
c. Inner Zone

27. Project No. 1. This zone of the hospital contains areas that are immediately accessible to the
public, like emergency service, outpatient service, and administrative service. This zone is located
near the entrance of the hospital.
a. Outer Zone d. Deep Zone
b. Second Zone e. Service Zone
c. Inner Zone

28. Project No. 1. This zone of the hospital contains surgical service, delivery service, nursery, and
intensive care.
a. Outer Zone d. Deep Zone
b. Second Zone e. Service Zone
c. Inner Zone

29. Project No. 1. In a five-storey hospital, where should the emergency service be located?
a. The ground floor d. The fourth floor
b. The second floor e. The fifth floor
c. The third floor

30. Project No. 1. In a hospital patient rooms, how much clear space should be allocated per bed to
ensure sufficient space for the bed, space for the occasional visitor, and space for passage of
a. 2.52 sqm. per bed d. 8.50 sqm. per bed
b. 3.26 sqm. per bed e. 12.00 sqm. per bed
c. 7.43 sqm. per bed

31. Project No. 1. A hospital that contains extra facilities like departmentalized clinical services, a
respiratory unit, general ICU, neonatal ICU (NICU), high-risk pregnancy unit, and a dental clinic
a. Level 1 hospital d. General hospital
b. Level 2 hospital e. Specialty hospital
c. Level 3 hospital
32. Project No. 1. A hospital that provides services for all kinds of illnesses, diseases, injuries or
deformities. It provides medical and surgical care to the sick and uninjured, maternity, newborn
and child care.
a. Level 1 hospital d. General hospital
b. Level 2 hospital e. Specialty hospital
c. Level 3 hospital

33. Project No. 1. Assume that 50% of the parking lot, which occupies the western 40% of the lot, is
unpaved, and that all other yards are paved. What is the actual USA?
a. 360 sqm. d. 1440 sqm.
b. 720 sqm. e. 2100 sqm.
c. 1050 sqm.

34. Project No. 1. Assume that 50% of the parking lot, which occupies the western 40% of the lot, is
unpaved, and that all other yards are paved. What is the actual ISA?
a. 720 sqm. d. 2160 sqm.
b. 1380 sqm. e. 2880 sqm.
c. 2100 sqm.

35. Project No. 1. Assume that 50% of the parking lot, which occupies the western 40% of the lot, is
unpaved, and that all other yards are paved. What is the actual TOSL?
a. 720 sqm. d. 2100 sqm.
b. 1380 sqm. e. 2880 sqm.
c. 1440 sqm.

36. Project No. 1. Assume that 25% of the parking lot, which occupies the western 40% of the lot, is
unpaved, and that all other yards are paved. What is the actual TOSL?
a. 360 sqm. d. 2100 sqm.
b. 1020 sqm. e. 2880 sqm.
c. 1740 sqm.

37. Project No. 1. Assume that 50% of the parking lot, which occupies the western 40% of the lot, is
unpaved, and that all other yards are paved. What is the actual construction area?
a. 1020 sqm. d. 2880 sqm.
b. 1740 sqm. e. 3240 sqm.
c. 2100 sqm.

38. Project No. 1. Assume that 25% of the parking lot, which occupies the western 40% of the lot, is
unpaved, and that all other yards are paved. What is the actual construction area?
a. 1020 sqm. d. 2880 sqm.
b. 1740 sqm. e. 3240 sqm.
c. 2100 sqm.

39. Project No. 1. Assume that 25% of the parking lot, which occupies the western 40% of the lot, is
unpaved, and that all other yards are paved. What is the maximum allowable construction area?
a. 1020 sqm. d. 2880 sqm.
b. 1740 sqm. e. None of these
c. 2100 sqm.

40. Project No. 1. How many parking spaces at the minimum are required for a public, 500-bed
a. 20 d. 100
b. 42 e. None of these
c. 50
41. Project No. 1. What is the AMVB for the project, assuming that angular planes from the center of
the RROW will not be applied to this project?
a. 9,000 cubic meters d. 32,400 cubic meters
b. 14,190 cubic meters e. None of these
c. 27,000 cubic meters

42. Project No. 1. According to the NBC, what is the maximum slope of the street/carriageway that a
sidewalk may follow?
a. 1:6 d. 1:14
b. 1:10 e. None of these
c. 1:12

43. Project No. 1. According to the Department of Health, what is the acceptable noise level range in
decibels for bedrooms and sleeping quarters?
a. 20-30 dB d. 45-60 dB
b. 35-40 dB e. None of these
c. 35-45 dB

44. Project No. 1. In the NBC, the number of required car parking slots for a sports complex depends
a. The overall footprint of the sports complex
b. The area in square meters of the spectator area
c. The maximum number of spectators
d. The area in square meters of the playing area/court
e. The number of bleachers

45. Project No. 1. What is the actual FLAR of the project? Assume that the storage rooms are part of
the GFA.
a. 0.42 d. 2.50
b. 0.71 e. None of these
c. 2.40

46. Project No. 1. The local government approved the construction of a second structure, which will
function as a health center, within the same property. It will be built within the open area that is
currently the parking lot for the existing covered court. What is the maximum footprint allowed for
this second structure?
a. 100 sqm. d. 450 sqm.
b. 300 sqm. e. 600 sqm.
c. 400 sqm.

47. Project No. 1. Based on the Fire Code, what is the minimum fire resistance rating of hospital
corridor walls?
a. 30 minutes d. 1.50 hours
b. 45 minutes e. 2.00 hours
c. 1.00 hour

48. Project No. 1. According to the Fire Code, up to how many floors above the level of exit discharge
may the operating rooms and ICUs be located?
a. Up to 2 floors above the level of exit discharge
b. Up to 3 floors above the level of exit discharge
c. Up to 5 floors above the level of exit discharge
d. Up to 7 floors above the level of exit discharge
e. These may only be located at the level of exit discharge, and never above it
49. Project No. 1. According to the Fire Code, up to how many floors below the level of exit discharge
may the operating rooms and ICUs be located?
a. Up to 1 floor below the level of exit discharge
b. Up to 2 floors below the level of exit discharge
c. Up to 3 floors below the level of exit discharge
d. Up to 5 floors below the level of exit discharge
e. These may only be located at the level of exit discharge, and never below it

50. Project No. 1. Health care occupancies in buildings housing other occupancies shall be completely
separated from them by noncombustible construction having at least ____ fire resistance rating.
a. 30 minutes
b. 1.00 hour
c. 2.00 hours
d. 3.00 hours
e. Health care occupancies cannot be located in buildings housing other occupancies.

51. Project No. 2. What is the depth of the lot?

a. 50 m. d. 60 m.
b. 52 m. e. 62 m.
c. 54 m.
52. Project No. 2. What is the length of the building?
a. About 25 m. d. About 60 m.
b. About 40 m. e. None of these
c. About 50 m.
53. Project No. 2. What is the width of the building?
a. About 25 m. d. About 55 m.
b. About 40 m. e. None of these
c. About 50 m.
54. Project No. 2. What is the area of each market stall?
a. About 8 sqm. d. About 14 sqm.
b. About 10 sqm. e. About 16 sqm.
c. About 12 sqm.
55. Project No. 2. What is the area of each rentable storage room?
a. About 8 sqm. d. About 14 sqm.
b. About 10 sqm. e. About 16 sqm.
c. About 12 sqm.
56. Project No. 2. How much of the ground floor do the hallways/aisles occupy?
a. About 25% d. About 55%
b. About 35% e. None of these
c. About 45%
57. Project No. 2. What is the actual PSO of the project?
a. About 30% d. About 60%
b. About 40% e. None of these
c. About 50%

58. Project No. 2. What is the maximum allowable height for the project?
a. 6 floors d. Both A and B
b. 18 meters e. Both B and C
c. 5 floors

59. Project No. 2. Assume that the term ‘customer area’ includes all hallways and market stalls only.
How many customer parking spaces are required for this project?
a. About 10 slots d. About 40 slots
b. About 20 slots e. About 50 slots
c. About 30 slots
60. Project No. 2. Assume that the RROW servicing the property was only 4 meters wide. What would
be the maximum allowable height for the project?
a. 6 meters d. 21 meters
b. 10 meters e. None of these
c. 15 meters

61. Project No. 2. Assume that the RROW servicing the property was only 3 meters wide. What would
be the maximum allowable height for the project?
a. 6 meters d. 21 meters
b. 10 meters e. None of these
c. 15 meters
62. Project No. 2. What is the actual USA of this project?
a. About 50 sqm. d. About 350 sqm.
b. About 150 sqm. e. None of these
c. About 250 sqm.
63. Project No. 2. What is the actual ISA of this project?
a. About 1000 sqm. d. About 2500 sqm.
b. About 1500 sqm. e. None of these
c. About 2000 sqm.
64. Project No. 2. What is the actual construction area of this project?
a. About 2000 sqm. d. About 3500 sqm.
b. About 2500 sqm. e. None of these
c. About 3000 sqm.
65. Project No. 2. What is the actual TOSL of the project?
a. About 1500 sqm. d. About 2400 sqm.
b. About 1800 sqm. e. None of these
c. About 2100 sqm.

66. Project No. 2. Based on Table VII.1, what is the maximum TGFA for this project if the project will
have firewalls?
a. 30,576 sqm. d. 37,128 sqm.
b. 32,760 sqm. e. None of these
c. 34,944 sqm.
67. Project No. 2. Based on Table VII.1, what is the maximum TGFA for this project if the project will
not have firewalls?
a. 30,576 sqm. d. 37,128 sqm.
b. 32,760 sqm. e. None of these
c. 34,944 sqm.
68. Project No. 2. What is the maximum FLAR allowed for the project, if it will not have firewalls?
a. 3.00 d. 34.00
b. 3.60 e. None of these
c. 9.00
69. Project No. 2. What is the maximum FLAR allowed for the project, if it will have firewalls?
a. 3.00 d. 34.00
b. 3.60 e. None of these
c. 9.00

70. Project No. 2. What is the maximum GFA allowed, based on the maximum allowable FLAR?
a. 10,290 sqm. d. 123,760 sqm.
b. 13,104 sqm. e. None of these
c. 32,760 sqm.

71. Project No. 2. What is the minimum rear setback required for the site?
a. 1.50 m. d. 5.00 m.
b. 2.00 m. e. 6.00 m.
c. 3.00 m.
72. Project No. 2. What is the minimum front setback required for the site?
a. 2.00 m. d. 6.00 m.
b. 3.00 m. e. 8.00 m.
c. 5.00 m.

73. Project No. 2. What is the minimum side setback required for the site?
a. 1.50 m. d. 5.00 m.
b. 2.00 m. e. 6.00 m.
c. 3.00 m.
74. Project No. 2. Assume that in addition to the landscaping strip on the north side of the lot, 50% of
the front yard will also be landscaped and thus converted into an unpaved lot area. What is the
actual USA?
a. About 5% d. About 20%
b. About 10% e. None of these
c. About 15%
75. Project No. 2. Assume that in addition to the landscaping strip on the north side of the lot, 50% of
the front yard will also be landscaped and thus converted into an unpaved lot area. What is the
actual ISA?
a. About 10% d. About 50%
b. About 20% e. None of these
c. About 40%
76. Project No. 2. Assume that in addition to the landscaping strip on the north side of the lot, 50% of
the front yard will also be landscaped and thus converted into an unpaved lot area. What is the
actual TOSL?
a. About 1500 sqm. d. About 2400 sqm.
b. About 1800 sqm. e. None of these
c. About 2100 sqm.
77. Project No. 2. Based on the NBC, what is the recommended minimum lot area for this project?
a. 204 sqm. d. 600 sqm.
b. 301 sqm. e. None of these
c. 365 sqm.
78. Project No. 2. Based on the NBC, what is the recommended minimum lot frontage for this project?
a. 14 meters d. 25 meters
b. 17 meters e. None of these
c. 20 meters
79. Project No. 2. What is the maximum allowable PSO assuming the project will not have firewalls?
a. About 50% d. About 80%
b. About 70% e. None of these
c. About 75%
80. Project No. 2. How much is the minimum required open space?
a. 50% d. 20%
b. 30% e. None of these
c. 25%
81. Project No. 2. How much of required open space may be turned into paved open space?
a. 20% d. 80%
b. 40% e. 100%
c. 60%
82. Project No. 2. How much of lot area may be turned into paved open space?
a. 5% d. 20%
b. 10% e. 25%
c. 15%
83. Project No. 2. What is the minimum USA?
a. 5% d. 20%
b. 10% e. None of these
c. 15%
84. Project No. 2. What is the maximum USA?
a. 5% d. 20%
b. 10% e. None of these
c. 15%

85. Project No. 2. In the NBC, the number of required car parking slots for a public market depends
a. The overall footprint of the public market
b. The number of stalls
c. The size of the customer area
d. The ratio of wet goods stalls to the dry goods stalls
e. None of the above
86. Project No. 2. Based on DPWH guidelines, what is the minimum distance required between the
public market and a school?
a. 20 meters d. 75 meters
b. 30 meters e. 100 meters
c. 50 meters
87. Project No. 2. What is the recommended PSOmax for public market projects, according to the
a. 40% d. 80%
b. 70% e. 85%
c. 75%
88. Project No. 2. According to DPWH recommendations, how much of the total floor area in a public
market building should be allocated to circulation?
a. About 10% d. About 40%
b. About 20% e. About 50%
c. About 30%
89. Project No. 2. According to DPWH recommendations, how much of the total floor area in a public
market building should be allocated to facilities and offices?
a. About 7% d. About 30%
b. About 15% e. About 50%
c. About 25%
90. Project No. 2. What is the recommended minimum ceiling height for this project in meters?
a. 2.70 for the ground level, 2.40 for the second level
b. 2.70 for both levels
c. 3.00 for both levels
d. 4.50 for both levels
e. 6.00 for both levels
91. Project No. 2. How many faucets should be provided in the fish and eatery section of a public
a. One 12mm faucet in each stall
b. Two 12mm faucets in each stall
c. One 12mm faucet for every 2 stalls
d. One 12mm faucet for every 5 stalls
e. It’s up to the vendors to decide
92. Project No. 2. How many faucets should be provided in the vegetable section of a public market?
a. One 12mm faucet in each stall
b. Two 12mm faucets in each stall
c. One 12mm faucet for every 2 stalls
d. One 12mm faucet for every 5 stalls
e. It’s up to the vendors to decide
93. Project No. 2. For design purposes, how many liters of water per day must be assumed for each
a. 120 liters per day d. 480 liters per day
b. 240 liters per day e. None of these
c. 360 liters per day
94. Project No. 2. According to the DPWH, what is the minimum width of a carriageway serving a
public market?
a. 7 meters d. 12 meters
b. 9 meters e. 14 meters
c. 10 meters
95. Project No. 2. Which market stalls are typically the largest?
a. Vegetables d. General/sari-sari
b. Fruits e. Carinderia
c. Meats
96. Project No. 2. When it comes to market stall sizes, deviations from the standard size should be
done in what increments?
a. Increments of 1.00 x 1.00 m. d. Increments of 1.80 x 1.80 m.
b. Increments of 1.20 x 1.20 m. e. None of these
c. Increments of 1.50 x 1.50 m.
97. Project No. 2. The recommended minimum width for counter aisles in a public market building is
a. 1.00-1.50 meters d. 2.00-3.50 meters
b. 1.50-2.00 meters e. None of these
c. 2.00-2.50 meters
98. Project No. 2. The recommended minimum width for primary aisles in a public market building is
a. 1.00-1.50 meters d. 2.00-3.50 meters
b. 1.50-2.00 meters e. None of these
c. 2.00-2.50 meters
99. Project No. 2. What is the recommended ceiling finish for the dry goods stalls of the market?
a. Wire mesh d. Either A or B
b. Cyclone wire e. Either B or C
c. Gypsum
100. Project No. 2. What is the ideal slope of the site for a public market building?
a. About 1% d. About 8%
b. About 3% e. About 10%
c. About 5%

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