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Instruction to Connect PM with CMS

(through Built-in Wi-Fi Module)
Ver. 1.0
Derek Xie

Applicable models:
iM60, iM70 multi-parameter patient monitor

Tel: 86 -755-268 99914 Fax: 86 -755 -26898330 www.edan .co m. cn

Address:3/F-B,Nanshan Medical Equipments Part, Nanhai Rd 1019#, Nanshan,Shenzhen, 518067 P.R.China

1. Preparation
1.1 Hardware needed
z Network cable (depending on the total sets PM connected)

Figure 1 Network Cable

z Portable wireless router (with power supply cable)

Figure 2 Portable Wireless Router

z USB sentinel

Figure 3 USB Sentinel

Tel: 86 -755-268 99914 Fax: 86 -755 -26898330 www.edan .co m. cn

Address:3/F-B,Nanshan Medical Equipments Part, Nanhai Rd 1019#, Nanshan,Shenzhen, 518067 P.R.China

1.2 Software needed

z MFM-CMS software (latest version accordingly)

2. Connecting Procedures
2.1 Install the MFM-CMS software:
z Double click the icon to run the setup.

z In the MSM-CMS Setup interface, click the icon (marked below) to go on the

Figure 4 MFM‐CMS Setup

z Click “Next” to continue the installation procedures, select destination folders

for software and database respectively. It will take a while though, so please be

Figure 5 MFM‐CMS Installation

Tel: 86 -755-268 99914 Fax: 86 -755 -26898330 www.edan .co m. cn

Address:3/F-B,Nanshan Medical Equipments Part, Nanhai Rd 1019#, Nanshan,Shenzhen, 518067 P.R.China

2..2 Build-upp portable wireless

w routter connectiion:
z Connnect wireleess router to PC with poower supplyy cord and nnetwork cab ble,
press “R
Restore” buttton on the back for neearly 5 secon
nds in orderr to reset to

gure 6 Wireless Router
R Restore

z Set IP
I address of PC throuugh the path
Control Panel → Network
N an
nd Internet → Networrk and Sharring Centre
Change IP t 192.168..1.37
I address to:

gure 7 IP Addresss Setting

Note: Please do remem mber that the first three seegments of IP

P address should be set ass
“192.168..1”, while thee last segmennt can not be set
s as “1” in order
o to avoidd IP conflictiion.

Tel: 86 -7755-268 999914 Faxx: 86 -755 -2 26898330 www.eddan .co m. cn

Addreess:3/F-B,Nanshan Medical Equipments Part,
P Nanhai Rd
R 1019#, Nannshan,Shenzhhen, 518067 P..R.China

z To enter wireless router setup interface on the browser with address

“”, input “admin” as user name and password. For the first wireless
router, select working mode as “Access Point”.

Figure 8 Selectable Working Modes

z Set “SSID” as well as the “Authentication Methods” accordingly. Click

“Apply” and wait till the proceeding comes to an end.

Figure 9 SSID Setup

Tel: 86 -755-268 99914 Fax: 86 -755 -26898330 www.edan .co m. cn

Address:3/F-B,Nanshan Medical Equipments Part, Nanhai Rd 1019#, Nanshan,Shenzhen, 518067 P.R.China

2.3 Connect PM to CMS:

z Make sure that the wireless router which had been set in “Access Point”
working mode is connected to PC with network cable and power supply cable.
Plug in the USB sentinel.

Figure 10 PC Configuration

z Turn patient monitor on, enter Menu → Maintenance → User Maintain,

input the password “ABC”, then select “Network Maintain” in this interface.

Figure 11 User Maintain Interface

Tel: 86 -755-268 99914 Fax: 86 -755 -26898330 www.edan .co m. cn

Address:3/F-B,Nanshan Medical Equipments Part, Nanhai Rd 1019#, Nanshan,Shenzhen, 518067 P.R.China

z Change the Network Type to “Wireless”, set Server IP as the same IP address
of PC’s ( Enter “Config” setup interface then.

Figure 12 Network Maintain Interface

z Find out the “SSID” of the wireless router in “Access Point” working mode,
input the password (if it had been set), then double click to build up the connection.
All the setting of PM has been completed so far.

Figure 13 Wireless Setup

Note: Set the rest of PM in the same steps. Change Bed No. to distinguish from each other.

Tel: 86 -755-268 99914 Fax: 86 -755 -26898330 www.edan .co m. cn

Address:3/F-B,Nanshan Medical Equipments Part, Nanhai Rd 1019#, Nanshan,Shenzhen, 518067 P.R.China

3. Verification
*Run MFM-CMS software, a few seconds later, parameter value and waveforms will be displayed
on the main screen.

Figure 14 MFM‐CMS Main Screen

Tel: 86 -755-268 99914 Fax: 86 -755 -26898330 www.edan .co m. cn

Address:3/F-B,Nanshan Medical Equipments Part, Nanhai Rd 1019#, Nanshan,Shenzhen, 518067 P.R.China

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