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1. Specify concept health till a WHO from the point of view of the individually - theoretical approach. . A state of an organism of the man, at which it is capable to fulfil the biological and social functions . A state of an organism of the man, when all his functions are balanced with an environment *. The state of complete social, biological and psychological well-being of the man with absence illness or physical defects D. The statistical concept, which is characterized by the complex of demographic metrics, case rate, physical development, physical inability and frequency prepatological states . An interval, in which oscillation of biological processes hold an organism at a level of a functional optimum 2. Specify concept health from the point of view of the population approach . A state of an organism of the man, at which it is capable to fulfil the biological and social functions . A state of an organism of the man, when all his functions are balanced with an environment . State of complete social, biological and psychological wellbeing of the man with absence illnesses or physical defects. *D. The statistical concept, which is characterized by the complex of demographic metrics, case rate, physical development, physical inability and frequency prepathological states . An interval, in which oscillation of biological processes hold an organism at a level of a functional optimum 3. Specify major factors defining a state health of the population: *. The social- economic, genetic, ecological and medical factors . Quality composition of power supply, case rate, mortality, birth rate . Geographical layout, climatic features, urbanization D. Ethnical . A level of a lethality 4. What sorts of sanitary supervision realizes the sanitary epidemiological service: . Scheduled sanitary supervision *. Preventive and current sanitary supervision . Current sanitary supervision D. Preventive sanitary supervision . Complex sanitary supervision 5. At action any harmful factor on an organism distinguish the big spectrum of the biological answers. Below what biological answer is absence of action of the harmful factor on an organism. . Mortality. . Case rate. . Physiological signs of illness. D. Physiological and other signs of a unknown nature *. Accumulation pollutants in organs and tissues. 6. The level of health of the population depends on mode of life and social-economic factors (in %): . 25-34 % B. 35-44 % C. 10-15 % *D. 45-54 % . 55-64 % 7. The level of health of the population depends on size and quality of a medical care (in %): . 5-7 % B. 14-16 % *. 8-10 % D. 11-13 % . 17-20 % 8. The level of health of the population depends on the genetic factors (in %):

. 12-17 % *.18-23 % C. 24-30 % D. 30-35 % . 35-40 % 9. What metrics of health of the population first of all is worsened under influence of environmental pollution? . Demographic B. Physical development of children *. Case rates D. Invalidity . Quality of a urgent medical care to the population 10. How are named the hygienic specifications of contents of harmful substances in the various environments (air, water, ground) A. MPD B. MPL *. MPC D. BCO . MUD 11. What main purpose of hygienic normalization of the harmful factors of an environment: *. Limitation of the harmful factors up to safe for the man of levels . Development of nature protection measures concerning contamination . Exception of operation of the harmful factors on an organism of the man D. Saving operation ecosystem . Detection of the most responsive organisms 12. As the hygienic specification of the harmful factor in the environment is named: *. A level, which is not causing pathological changes in an organism of the man . Level, causing inappreciable changes in an organism of the man . Level, which is not causing of authentic changes in a state of health of the population D. Level, not causing pathological changes for animal . Level, which is not causing of diseases the man 13. To the ecological factors, which influence on alive organisms, concern: *. Abiotic, biotic, anthropogenous . Converted and irreversible changes in ecosystem . Contamination of water, air, ground, products D. Chemical, biological, physical . Information, social 14. To the ecopathology of the population concern: . Diseases, most badly which are giving in to treatment *. Diseases, stimulated by ecological conditions . Most frequently meeting diseases in the given terrain D. Hidden flowing past diseases . Diseases hitting the majority of the population 15. In case of unfavorable levels of metrics of health of the population optimization what factors can give maximal effect? . Ecological *. A mode of life C. Size of a medical care D. Quality of a medical care . Medico-biological 16. In conditions of residing in large industrial city the boosted level of a case rate of children is scored. Term the most significant group of the factors, which shapes a level of health of the child. . Genetic predisposition *. Quality of an environment . Natural-climatic conditions D. An mode of life . Level of health services

17. In conditions of the occupied item on the man some unfavorable factors simultaneously operate: atmospheric contamination of various chemical composition, noise, electromagnetic radiation and some other. The action of these harmful factors is characterized as: . Complex *B. Combined C. Combinated D. Mixed . Additive 18. What metrics are necessary for analyzing to the doctor hygienist at carrying out of expertise of the project to make conclusion about correspondence of natural lighting to the hygienic requirements according to the operating sanitary legislation. Specify the optimal answer. *. Light coefficient, coefficient of deepening, coefficient of natural illumination, angle of incidence, corner of a hole . Angle of incidence, corner of a hole, coefficient of deepening, light coefficient . Coefficient of natural illumination, light coefficient, coefficient of deepening D. Light coefficient, coefficient of deepening, corner of a hole . Light coefficient 19. There are different target approaches to definition of concept health: phylosophical, individual health, population health. Give definitions of this concept from the point of view of the population approach. *. The statistical concept, which characterized by the complex of demographic metrics, case rate, physical development, physical inability and frequency prepathological states . A state of an organism of the man, at which it is capable to fulfil the biological and social functions . A state of an organism of the man, if all his functions are balanced with an environment D. State of complete social, biological and psychological wellbeing of the man with absence of illness or physical defects . An interval, in boundaries that the oscillations of biological processes hold an organism at a level of a functional optimum 20. A quantitative metric of the factor of an environment, which is safe from the point of view of saving vital activity of the man and population health and future generations has received a title: . Hygienic factor B. The sanitary specification *. The hygienic specification D. Level of safe influence . Parameter of minimum safety 21. A index of a harmfulness, which at installation of the hygienic specification shows at minimum concentrations (doses) influence on an organism or environment has title: *. A limiting index of a harmfulness . Index of a toxicity . Index of sanitary safety D. General hygienic index of a harmfulness . Hygienic index of unfavorable influence 22. As a level of harmful influence of the unfavorable factor on an organism, which is determined as minimal reasonable at installation of its hygienic specification, it is necessary to count: *. Accumulation of contamination in organs and tissues, which will not call any physiological or biochemical deviations in their function state (V level) . Mortality ( level) . Specific disease ( level) . Not specific tags of pathological shifts ( level) . Temporary and partial physiological deviations of a unknown nature (V level) 23. Features of hygienic normalization of the essential factors of an environment, which is founded on dependence of biological effects on a dose, are: . Definition at least of one hygienic specification (level of harmful operation) . Definition at least of one hygienic specification (level of useful operation) . Definition least of two hygienic specifications (level of useful and harmful operation) D. Definition of two and more hygienic specifications (useful, minimal safe and harmful operation) *. Definition at least of two hygienic specifications (level of safe and harmful operation) 24. The multiplicity of exceeding MPC of toxic substance in free air makes 100. What changes in a state of health of the population it is necessary to expect? . Expressed physiological shifts in organs and systems . Increase of a specific and not specific case rate *. Acute poisonings D. Change in a state of health on separate function metrics . Lethal poisonings among children 25. What is not criterion of reliability of links between effect of the factors of an environment and violation of a state of health of the population: *. Non-observance of the hygienic specifications. . Force of statistical link between the investigated factor and observed changes in a state of health. . Specificity of link. D. Presence of dependence exposure - effect. . Biological verisimilitude of link. 26. For carrying out of researches of influence of quality of an environment on health of the population we take the particular territories identical on quantitative sex and age composition of the population, social, economic and home conditions distinguished only by a level of contamination of the environment are selected. How such territories are named? . Zone of researches. * B. Zones of observation. . Zone of inspection. D. Ecological zones. . Zone of the description. 27. Under the complaints of the population living in district of allocation of industrial association "Chimvolokno" the tests of free air on a contents pollutants are researched. What integral criterion characterizes intensity and character of combined action of all collection of the harmful impurities, present in free air? . Marginal ejection . Marginal concentration . Approximately valid concentration D. Metric of contamination *. Marginal contamination 28. At definition of influence of quality of free air on health of the population take into account a degree of danger of pollution of free air. At what degree of danger of contamination of free air it is possible to expect increase of frequency of a specific and nonspecific case rate, cases of acute poisoning, rise of mortality? A. weakly dangerous B. moderately dangerous C. dangerous D. *Very dangerous E. rather dangerous 29. At laboratory research of a ground of agricultural field is placed, that the contents of the isomers of chlorine-organic pesticide GCCH is 2,2 mg/kg. Estimate possible consequences for health of such contamination of a ground, if MPC of isomers GCCH makes 0,1 mg/kg. A. minimal physiological violations B. essential physiological violations C. acute poisonings D. * increasing of a common case rate and case rate under the separate nosological forms and groups of illnesses E. chronic poisonings

30. In free air of the occupied item B. permanently is found out maleinic anhydrid in concentrations, exceeding its daily average MPC in 3 times. Define character of effect on an organism of the man at respiratory arrival of this pollutant. A. acute specific. B. acute nonspecific. C. *chronic specific. D. chronic nonspecific. E. deterioration of sanitary - home conditions of life of the population. 2005 31.There is increasing level of manganese in atmospheric air, drinking water and agricultural food. What possible actions of factors on the population health can be? A. Additional B. Combined C. *Complex D. Synergistic C. Separate 2006-2008 32. Atmospheric air of industrial centre is contaminated the following pollutants of metallurgical plants: sulphuric, nitric, metal, carbon oxides that have negative influence upon the inhabitants' health. The effect of these hazards can be characterized as: A. Complex B. Combined *C. Combination D. Mixed E. Associated 33. Poorly refined wastes of an industrial plant are usually thrown into the river which supplies drinking water. It causes perishing of some microorganisms, disturbs processes of water self-purification and worsens its quality that can have negative influence upon people's health. How is this effect of environmental factors called? A. Complex B. Combined C. Associated *D. Indirect E. Direct 34. Not enough cleared waste products of industrial factory are thrown down in the river; water of which is used for a household - drinkable water-supply. It is cause the death of some microorganisms, violation of processes of water self-treated and worsening of its quality, that can have a negative influence on health of people. How is named this action of environment factors? A. Combined B. Direct C. Indirect D. * Combination E. Complex during 2 days. They were stored in the refrigerator. They were not undergone for repeated heat processing. The cooker-in-chief was hospitalized with acute paraproctitis. Which of microorganisms could become the reason of poisoning? . Proteus vulgaris *. Pathogenic strains of E. coli . Halophyllic vibrios D. Streptococcus . Staphylococcus Test 3. Some inhabitants of Odessa are hospitalized to infectious department with acute gastroenteritis. They associate this disease with eating mildly salted fish. Vibrio parahaemolyticus is found in patients defecations. What measures of prophylaxis should be recommended? . Undergo salty fish to heat processing before eating . Preventive antibiotic therapy *. Don t eat mildly home-made salted fish D. Salt fish during several days before eating . Bacteriophage is used as preventive measure Test 4. During investigation of a case of alimentary poisoning the diagnosis was defined: alimentary toxinfection, which was caused by parahemolytic vibrio. Which of listed products can be a probable reason of this poisoning? *. Seafood. . Pasteurized milk . . Sausage. D. Tinned mushrooms. . Grapes. Test 5. During investigation of alimentary poisoning the diagnosis was defined: the poisoning by amanita palloides (toad stool). What toxicant contained in mushroom could become a reason of poisoning? . Gelvelic acid. *. Amanitotoxin. . Girometrin. D. Solanine. . Fasin. Test 6. The case of common alimentary poisoning was detected among children of a school. The reason was cakes with cream. These cakes were stored at the cooking block with disturbance of temperature regime. Which of methods is the most effective and real in prophylaxis of staphylococcal toxicosis? . Liquidation of staphylococci carriage among the workers of cooking block . Liquidation of staphylococci carriage among animals *. Prevention of staphylococci reproduction of in food and production of toxin D. Exception of foodstuff contamination by staphylococci . Following the modes of thermal processing of meals Test 7. The inspection of pigs carcasses define: the surface of meat is red, cut is slightly wet, stain on a filter paper does not remain, elasticity is normal, fat is white with yellowish shade, hard, in a compression is chopped. Trichinellae are found in muscles of tongues, of diaphragms ,of chewing ,of intercostals . What need to do with meat? . Use for meal *. Technical utilization . Use for meal after boiling D. Use for meal after processing by antiseptic remedies . Give for cattle nutrition Test 8. 20 kg of pork are excepted from the grocer at the market. A surface of a slit of meat is brilliant, consistence is dense, fat is hard, smell is usual, color is red, of a meat extract - 6,0. On a slit of meat (an area 40 cm2) 5 pork measles are found. Give sanitary-hygienic conclusion about quality of the product. . Good-quality (suitable without limitations) . Good-quality (suitable with limitations) *. No good- quality D. Conditionally suitable


Test 1. 20 schoolchildren of village school were poisoned by food in autumn. The poisoning had such symptoms as subfebrile temperature, nausea, vomiting, and colic pains (spasms) in abdomen. Symptoms have arisen in 1-3 hours after breakfast (pancakes with sour cream were). A reason of disease became home-made sour cream. What microorganism was a reason of disease? *. Staphylococcus . Streptococcus . Bacterium of a sort Proteus D. Pathogenic strains of E. coli . Cl. perfringens Test 2. 32 children of kindergarten have alimentary poisoning. The reason of disease is meat frikkadels, which were stored

. Adulterated Test 9. Which from following diseases has a basic feature such as gastroenteritis and an incubation period 2-4 hours? . Cholera . Botulism . Salmonellosis *D. Staphylococcal alimentary poisoning . Escherichiosis Test 10. Andres is an 8-years-old boy. He was hospitalized with complaints of periodic occurrence of blood and oxalates in urine. The diagnosis Dysmetabolic nephropathy, hyperoxaluria was defined. What product should be removed from meal for preventing formation of oxalic stones? *. Cocoa, strong tea . Pear, plum, dried apricots . Meat products D. Potatoes, cabbage . White bread Test 11. Diseases have begun suddenly in 2-3 hours after eating curds, not subjected to heat processing. Children have such symptoms as vomiting, abdominal pain, liquid stool, paleness of skin, in some of them inconsiderable (to 370C) fever. The clinical manifestations were 1 day. What is the most probable diagnosis? . Poisoning with salts of heavy metals . Bacterial toxicosis . Acute intestinal infection D. Mycotoxicosis *. Alimentary toxinfection Test 12. Mr. X. picked mushrooms in wood, fried them and ate. Strong abdominal pains, vomiting, bloody diarrhea suddenly appeared in 12 hours. By the end of the first day of the disease there were jaundice, enlargement of liver, oliguria, convulsions. The death was on the third day. What could cause of disease? *. A poisoning by amanita palloides . Overcooling . Poisoning with preservants of margarine D. Poisoning with fly-agarics . Poisoning with unknown mushrooms Test 13.The patient has disbacteriosis. What synthesis is broke? . Synthesis of Vitamin A . Synthesis of Vitamin 1 . Synthesis of Vitamin C D. Synthesis of Vitamin D * . Synthesis of Vitamin K Test 14.Mrs. is 43-years-old woman. She is sick with pulmonary tuberculosis. Treatment by Isoniazidum resulted in deficiency vitamin B6. What biochemical process can be disturbed? . Process of DNA translation *. Metabolism of aminoacids . Synthesis of glycogen D. Tissue respiration . Cycle of tricarbonic acids Test 15. An 80-years-old patient complains of increased appetite, thirst, polyuria, worsening condition after reception of sweet. What is disease in this case? . Hypercorticoidism . Diabetes insipidus . Hypothyroidism *D. Diabetes mellitus . Hyperthyroidism Test 16. There was a case of alimentary toxinfection among the military men. Meat was stored without cooling within a day and was cooked by large pieces within 15 minutes. Offer a radical measure of prophylaxis of similar diseases. . Correction of meal, exception of perishable food. . Control of military men health . The analysis of smears from kitchen equipment *D. Prevention of getting products contaminated by microorganisms into organisms, correct storage and heat processing . Increased vitaminization of cooked dishes Test 17. The doctor was visited a patient with exuberant weight. There are a bread products, cream products, pork, cheese, cottage cheese, carrots, cabbage, fruit in patient diet. The endocrine disorders in a patient are absent. Give recommendations for correction of diet. . Restrict protein products (cheese, cottage cheese) in a diet *. Restrict carbohydrates and fat products (bread, cream, pork) . Restrict the use of vegetables D. Restrict the use of fruit . Include macaroni products in a ration Test 18. A 55-years-old patient has atherosclerosis. He prefers fatty and sweet nutrition: fatty meat, sugar, candy. What is role of meal in this disease? . Etiological *. A risk factor . Pathogenetic D. Factor of transmission . Secondary Test 19. The patient has such complaints as stomatorrhagia, nasal bleedings, swelling of lower extremities. Objectively: the resistance of capillaries is reduced, in a blood hypochromic anemia. There are bread, meat canned food, concentrates from a various cereals in a diet of the patient. Offer measure of prophylaxis of this disease. *. Satisfaction of physiological need in vitamin C . Inclusion of products, rich in vitamin 1 in a diet . Enrichment of a ration by vitamin D. Usage of fish fat . UV irradiation Test 20. During medical examination of a group of the population in 30% of persons the increased body mass (5-14 % above the norm) is detected, Kettles index is 26. For normalization of body mass for this group of persons it is necessary to reduce a contents of: *. Bread products . Vegetables . Fruit D. Milk and dairy products . Meat and fish products Test 21. The patient complains of increased fatigability and worsening of vision. During examination the symptoms of vitamin insufficiency are detected: adipose seborrhea near nostril, in nasolabial folds, in area of forehead and ears, angulitis and pericorneal dilation of vessels. These manifestations are the most probably associated with: . Polyhypovitaminosis . 6 - hypovitaminosis . - hypovitaminosis D. 1 - hypovitaminosis *. 2 - hypovitaminosis Test 22. During expertise of a beef 2 pork measles on area 40 2 are found out meat. According to medical-biological indexes of safety such meat belongs to group of products: *. Nonstandard, conditional - suitable . Nonstandard, under alimentary value . Nonstandard according to organoleptic properties D. Standard . Unsuitable for the purposes of meal Test 23. A patient suffers from a peptic ulcer of stomach in a phase of decreasing aggravation. What diet is necessary indicated to support processes of reparation of gastric mucosa and normalization of gastric secretion? *. Diet 1 . Diet 2. . Diet 3. D. Diet 4. . Diet 5

Test 24. A case of alimentary bacterial poisoning took place on July 20 in a family after the use of fried cutlets from veal (calf was sick within a week and killed without veterinary permission). Main symptoms of disease are an incubation interval 12-16 hours, high temperature, strong pains in area of stomach, vomiting, frequent liquid stool, weakness, headache. The most probable agent of the given poisoning is: . Enterotoxigenic staphylococci . Pathogenic serotypes of E. coli *. Salmonella D. Cl. botulinum . Bacteria of sort Proteus Test 25. The test of milk was done in laboratory. Following results are got: color - whitish, smell - without peculiarities, taste - characteristic for milk, density - 1,034, acidity 35 0 Terner, fat content - 3,2 %. Define a degree of quality of milk. . Milk is bad quality B. Milk is good quality . Milk is of the reduced quality D. Milk is adulterated *. Milk is conditionaly - suitable Test 26. During of medical examination the doctor has paid attention to student (stature is 162 cm and weight is 59 kg), He complained of lost ability to legible vision of surrounding subjects at evening time. Xeroderma, hyperkeratosis is observed. Such contents of main vitamins as vitamin A - 0,5 mg, vitamin 1-2,0 mg, vitamin B2 -2,5 mg, vitamin B6 -2 mg, vitamin C - 70 mg are detected in his daily menu. Define the diagnosis of disease. . 1 - hypovitaminosis . 2 - hypovitaminosis C. 6 - hypovitaminosis *D. A - hypovitaminosis . C - hypovitaminosis Test 27. The parents with 10-years-old boy visited the doctor. The boy complains of general weakness, fast fatigability, irritability, decreasing serviceability. Objectively: stomatorrhagia, petechia on extremities. What vitamin is shorted in this case? . A B. Thiamin . Riboflavin *D. Ascorbic acid . Vitamin D Test 28. Milk from animal with clinical manifestations of brucellosis was bought. What way of processing of milk is the most effective in this case? . Usage in forage for animal . Boiling during 5 minutes . Pasteurization of milk before the use D. Usage without limitations *. Extermination Test 29. 11 children got ill in 7-8 hours after dinner. Complaints appeared suddenly: nausea, vomiting, liquid stool, weakness, malaise, temperature is 37,2-37,80C. The patients recovered within several days. A dinner was prepared cooker. He was sick with steatites. What is the most probable diagnosis? . flotoxicosis B. Salmonellosis . Botulism *D. Staphylococcal toxicosis . Escherichiosis Test 30. A woman is 25-years-old. She nurses baby. Her diet contains 1000 mg of calcium, 1300 mg of phosphorus and 20 mg of iron lactate per a day. How is it necessary to modify content of mineral substances in her diet? *. to increase a content of phosphorus B. to reduce a content of calcium . to increase a content of calcium D. to decrease a content of phosphorus . to increase a content of iron lactate Test 31. A 5-years-old boy was hospitalized with signs: increased sweating, hyper salivation, lacrimatiom, profuse diarrhea, cerebral disorders, dizziness, confusion of consciousness, excitation, delirium, hallucination, gait of drunk man. It was determined, that the child together with his parents on the eve gathered mushrooms in a wood. What has caused an alimentary poisoning? *. Fly agarics B. Cep . False honey agarics D. Belladonna . Amanita palloides Test 32. The patient . with the diagnosis diphyllobotriasis is hospitalized in treatment-and-prophylactic establishment. A reason of the disease can be the use of bad heat processing of such meat as: . Pork . Mutton *. Fish D. Beef . Chicken Test 33. The milk is sold at the market from the flasks. A smell and taste of milk are usual, color is white, tinge is blue, density is 1,015, and fat is 2 %. Acidity is 15 0. The extraneous impurities are absent. Define quality of milk. . Milk is adulterated, skimmed . Milk is stale . Milk is of doubtful freshness *D. Milk is adulterated by dilution by water . Milk is fresh, good quality Test 34. The high level of cardiovascular pathology is registered in children and women of fertile age in a region during many years. There are the following clinical signs: asthenovegetative syndrome, extrasystole, disorder of atrioventricular conductivity, diffuse-sclerotic, metabolic disorders and hypertrophy of myocardium, increasing activity of blood glutaktinperoxidase and gastric acidity. Deficient of microelement was defined in food. What is this microelement? *. Selenium . Manganese . Cooper D. Zinc . Cobalt Test 35. The student cooked soup for dinner with mushrooms, which were picked in the wood. Such symptoms as vomiting, diarrhea, thirst, convulsions in gastrocnemius muscles appear at night. A pain in liver, jaundice, and sleepiness joined later. The death has come due to cardiac failure. Define poisonous mushroom caused lethal outcome. *. Amanita palloides B. Champignon C. Fly-agarics D. False honey agarics . Cep Test 36. A 3-year-old child has symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, dyspnea, cyanosis, low BP, weakness, murmur in the head, disorder of vision, nettle rash. These signs appeared after usage of a lot of strawberries, which were bought at the market. What chemical substances may cause this poisoning? . Potassium *B. Nitric C. Phosphates D. Lead . Strontium Test 37. Children ate berries, picked flowers during a walk in a wood. Later one of children felt the dryness in mouth, sleepiness. Objective: excitation, visual hallucinations, redness of skin, hoarse voice, sharp mydriasis, unintentional act of a defecation and urination. Pulse 150 /minute, respiration is difficult, delayed. He ate canned aubergines at home. What is a reason of poisoning? . Botulism *. Thorn apple C. Allergic reaction D. Mezereon . Belladonna

Test 38. A 46-year-old patient with the complaints of diplopia, worsening vision, difficult respiration, and tickle in a throat was hospitalized. He got sick acutely 12 hours ago. He ate canned mushrooms. OD: paleness, wide pupils with weak reaction to light, dryness in a mouth, disorder of swallowing, bradycardia, bradypnea, meteorism, retention of stool, muscular force is sharply decreased. What is disease in this case? . Alimentary toxinfection B. Salmonellosis . Poisoning with mushrooms D. Paratyphoid A *. Botulism Test 39. A patient with Diabetes mellitus needs to decrease the body weight. What products should be left in meal? . Butter *. Vegetable oil . Alcohol D. White bread . Lard Test 40. A 55-year-old patient complains of strong joint pains. The stones in renal cups and rise of a level of urinary acid in blood are revealed. What is the most important peculiarity of a diet in this disease? . Increase of nonreplacable amino acids . Intensification of vitaminized nutrition *. Exception of meat meal D. Increase of carbohydrates in nutrition . Exception of rich nutrition Test 41. Inspection of student's hostel discovered: 17-22-yearsold students live in rooms (3-4 students per a room), temperature of air in the room is 14-15C, and humidity is 60 %. The students have dinner in students eating-house 1 time per a day, breakfast and supper are cooked by students themselves. The students go in for sport. There is a disco at a hostel. What are energy expenditures (in %) for digestion in mixed 3-timesa-day feeding? . 2-5 % from common daily caloricity. . 5-10 % from basal metabolism. . 10-12 % from a common daily caloricity. *D. 10-12 % from basal metabolism. . 12-15 % of a common daily caloricity. Test 42. Three persons of family H. got ill in 6 hours after celebratory dinner. They complain of: nausea, vomiting, liquid stool, general weakness, temperature is 37,2-37,80C. The patients were recovered in 1-2 days. The diagnosis staphylococcal toxicosis - was determined on the base of clinical signs and laboratory data. What of products and dishes could be more probable reason of poisoning? . Mashed potatoes B. Salad of vegetables *. Cakes with cream D. Meat cutlets . smoked fish Test 43. A 35-years-old patient has acute hepatitis in the phase of recovery with disorder of hepatic function and bile ducts without accompanying diseases of stomach and intestine. For normalize functions of liver and bile ducts, cholesterol and fat metabolism the ration should be enriched with: . Protein B. Extractives C. Fat *D. Lipotropic substances . Carbohydrates Test 44. The family of 4 persons came to the village from the region, where the intestinal diseases are registered. Mushrooms picked by children in the wood were eaten during dinner. Rice water-shaped diarrhea, permanent vomiting, sharp abdominal pains, strong thirst, weakness, convulsive twitching of gastrocnemius muscles has begun in 12 hours at night. OD: rapid pulse to 140 beats per a minute, the skin elasticity is reduced, low voice, Bp is 100/50 mm.m.c. What diagnosis is the most probable? . Poisoning with mushrooms B. Cholera C. Dysentery *D. Toxicoinfection, choleric form . Fulminate form of ulcerative colitis Test 45. A 30-years-old woman got ill suddenly, in 0,5 hours after the eating cake with a cream. The sharp pain in upper part of abdomen, nausea and vomiting occurred. OD: temperature 360C, skin is pale, frequency of respiration 20/min., pulse 100/min., BP - 95/65 mm.m.c. Cardiac sounds are loud. The tongue is dry, abdomen is not inflated, tender in epigastrium. Signs of irritation of peritoneum are not revealed. What measure should be the first to begin treatment? . Administration of enterosorbent Cerucal *. Gastric lavage D. Intravenous rehydration . Antibiotic therapy B. Introduction of

Test 46. A driver was admitted to ICU with sharply expressed general intoxication, hepatorenal failure and high level of blood transaminases. A patient ate mushrooms, which were bought at occasional seller 3 days ago. The symptoms of disease have appeared in 12 hours after eating. What mushrooms caused alimentary poisoning most probably? *. Amanita palloides B. A mushroom - umbrella . Cep D. False honey agaric . Fly-agaric red Test 47. An 8-months child has mental and physical development retardation. What amino acid necessary eliminates from childs diet? . Tyrosine B. Leucine C. Tryptophan *D. Phenylalanine . Histidine Test 48. Sharp abdominal pains and repeated diarrhea with mucus appeared in 3-5 hours after meal. Nausea, single vomiting, weakness, loss of appetite were too. What is the most probable reason of these manifestations? . Chronic pancreatitis *B. Alimentary intoxication . Coloenteritis D. Hyperacid state of stomach . Chronic gastritis Test 49. A patient has a rickets-shaped disease needing correction of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. The patient takes remedies of vitamin D for a long time. The signs of intoxication by vitamin D developed: decrease of appetite, nausea, headache, weakness, disorder of sleep, increase of body temperature, appearance of hyaline cylinders, protein, leucocytes in urine. What vitamin decreases toxic action of vitamin D? *. Vitamin A B. Cyanocobalamin C. Vitamin D. Riboflavin . Vitamin K Test 50. A 34-years-old patient has constant vomiting, rice water diarrhea. He used unknown alcoholic drinks and mushrooms. He came 3 days ago from the district, where was intestinal infection. OD: temperature is 35,60C, BP is not determined, the skin is dry, pale, the skin folds are not straitened, filiform pulse, and cardial sounds are weakened. What diagnosis is the most probable? . Rotaviral gastroenteritis B. Poisoning with mushrooms . Poisoning with ersatz alcohol *D. Cholera . Salmonellosis Test 51. A 45-year-old woman was hospitalized on the 2-d day of illness with the complaints of weakness, diplopia, and dryness in the mouth, constipations. She ate smoked pork of home cooking 3 days prior to illness. OD: skin is pale, consciousness is clear, temperature - 37,20C; pulse 68/min., BP - 120/80 mm.m.c, the reaction to light be retarded, ptosis, horizontal nystagmus, paresis of soft palate on the right. The sensitivity is not disordered. Meningeal signs are absent. What is the most effective treatment? *. Antibotulinic antitoxic Serum . Sulfonamides + enzymes of GIT . Saline solutions + sorbents D. Antibiotics + Prednisolonum . Antiviral + antihistamine

Test 52. There was a poor harvest of grain-crops in farm . The part of crop was left in the field because of poor weather conditions. Farmers gathered a grain in spring of the next year after smelting snow and utilized it as forages for animal, but several farmers used in meal after easy drying. The cases of disease among the adult population and children with signs of the severe form of angina have occurred soon. The patients complained of feeling of burning sensation in oral cavity, pain at the swallowing, malaise, weakness, and dizziness. The analysis of blood: decrease of hemoglobin, erythrocytes, neutrophils, and thrombocytes. What is the most probable diagnosis? . phlotoxicosis . Poisoning by mercury pesticides . Poisoning by drunk bread D. Ergotism *. Fusariosis Test 53. The doctor of polyclinic was called to the family, where all persons of family got ill simultaneously: mother, father and 6-year child. All complained of nausea, general weakness, dizziness, vomiting, pains in area of stomach, headache. OD: skin was pale, pulse was weak and slow, and jaundice of skin, sclera and entire body has appeared in the child on 2-d day. The whole family was hospitalized. All recovered after treatment. Sanitary - epidemiological investigation defined that the disease began in 8 hours after eating mushrooms sold by a private person at the market. What mushrooms caused the alimentary poisoning? *. Strochok B. Amanita palloides . Fly-agaric red D. False honey agaric . Champignon Test 54. A 52-years-old woman was hospitalized with complaints of the muscular weakness, headache, diplopia, flies before eyes, dryness in the mouth, compression and constriction in the chest, hampered respiration, difficulty of swallowing. OD: temperature is 35,60C, pulse is 92/min., and BP is 170/90 mm.m.c. She ate dairy products, tinned cucumbers of home cooking, smoked fish. The patient has strong stress 3 days ago. What is the diagnosis? *. Botulism B. Influenza . Hypertensia D. Alimentary toxic infection . Bacterial toxicosis Test 55. The patient has the complex of signs: diarrhea, dementia, and dermatitis. What medicine should be included into the treatment complex? . Cobalamin *B. Nicotinamide C. Pantothenate D. Riboflavin . Thiamine pyrophosphate Test 56. After eating canned meat the patient has the following signs: diplopia, strong headache, disorder of swallowing, palpitation, muscle weakness. What is the diagnosis? . Insult B. Gastroenteritis *C. Botulism D. Typhoid . Tetanus Test 57. The patient . is hospitalized with the diagnosis opisthorchiasis. A reason of this disease is eating insufficiently fried (boiled): *. Fish B. Mutton C. Pork D. Beef . Chicken Test 58. The patient . is hospitalized with the diagnosis taeniorhynchosis. A reason of this disease is eating insufficiently boiled (fried): . Mutton *. Beef C. Pork D. Meat of bird . Meat of rabbit Test 59. The patient Z. has uraturia and urolithiasis. What substances should be decreased in ration? . Essential oils B. Oxalic acid C. Salt D. Free fluid *. Purines Test 60. What medicine should be introduced to patients with botulism for treatment this disease? . Anatoxin B. Bacteriophages C. Antibiotics D. Sulfanilamidums *. Antitoxic Serum Test 61. The man suffers from spread atherosclerosis with disorder of blood circulation disorder. What optimal ratio of main nutrients will you recommend? . P:F:C = 1:1:4 B. P:F:C = 1:1:5 . P:F:C = 1:1,3:4 *D. P:F:C = 1:0,5:3 . P:F:C = 1:2:3 Test 62. A 4-years-old and a 6-years-old children from one family were hospitalized in May with complaints of nausea, tickle in throat, vomiting, and frequent liquid stool. The disease began soon after eating potatoes boiled with peel. There are a lot of sprouted and greened potatoes among vegetables were ate by this family. What is the most probable causal factor of a poisoning? . Fasin . mygdalin *. Solanine D. Unknown . Hydrocyanic acid Test 63. The cases of endemic goiter are registered among the population of region M. Define the most simple and effective method of endemic goiter prophylaxis among the population. . Iodination of drinking water *B. The iodinated cooking salt . Deactivation of water D. Usage of alcohol solution of Iodine . Iodinated tea Test 64. Cases have become frequent when some people drink milk and than they complaint of abdominal distention, spasms, pains and diarrhea. These signs arise in 1-4 hours after drinking a glass of milk. What component of milk caused this disease? . Glucose * B. Lactose C. Maltose D. Saccharose . Fructose Test 65. A 35-years-old woman has diagnosis: alimentaryconstitutional obesity of stage. The patient does not observe the rules of balanced diet: frequently overeats, last meal is held 10-15 minutes before sleep, prefers food rich in fat and carbohydrates. What of listed nutritional risk factors is the main for obesity? *. Energy surplus of nutrition . Increased use of carbohydrates . Increased use of fats D. Insufficiency use of cellulose . Disorder of nutrition regime Test 66. 2 Trichinellae are revealed at microscopy of pork in 24 sections. The meat should be subjected: *. Technical utilization . Boiling by small pieces . Strong freezing D. Processing on sausage products . Realization through the network of public catering Test 67. The fat content in milk is 1,2 %, density is 1,010. Define the type of milk falsification: . Pasteurization * B. Skimming of cream and addition of water . Addition of starch D. Addition of soda . Boiling and skimming of cream Test 68. Basal metabolism of student is 900 kcal, energy expenditures on all kinds of activity during a day is 2100 kcal. Define energy value of students meal. *. 3090 kcal /day B. 900 kcal /day C. 2100 kcal D. 90 kcal . 1545 kcal

Test 69. The patient has hemeralopia. The diet contents some of vegetable products: spring onions - 50 g; red sweet pepper 100 g; lettuce - 100 g; green peas - 50 g; sea-buckthorn 100 g. What of listed products is necessary first of all? A. . Spring onions B. *. Pepper red sweet C. . Lettuce D. D. Green peas E. . Sea-buckthorn Test 70. There was alimentary poisoning in the factory eatinghouse. The clinical signs specified to staphylococcal etiology. 15 persons got ill. What materials from the patients should be sent for research in the laboratory for confirmation of alimentary poisoning? A. . Urine B. . Cerebrospinal fluid C. *. Vomiting masses D. D. Blood (clinical analysis) E. . Blood on hemoculture Test 71. The 12-years-old boy with his family was in the wood. The parents took tinned fish, vegetable. In a wood the boy has fallen & struck a head. At home a boy complained of pharyngalgia. In several days the state has worsened. The complaints of vision disorders have appeared: scales before eyes, nausea, and constipation. The case of diphtheria was registered at school. OD: the dilation of pupils, ptosis of eyelids, disorder of swallowing, hoarse voice, indistinct speech. What is the most probable diagnosis? . Vernal encephalitis *. Botulism . Diphtheria D. Cranium-cerebral trauma . Follicular angina Test 72. 5 tests of cows milk from various barrels were delivered on the milk-check station from the city central market for definition of milk quality. A main index of milk quality is density. The researches were carried out by the instrument lactodensimeter in milk temperature 200C. What density corresponds to this milk? *. 1,030 . 1,024 . 1,025 D. 1,026 . 1,022 Test 73. The patient N. endured double pneumonia. He got intensive antibacterial therapy and dysbacteriosis of intestine is occurred. What changes are purposeful in patients diet? *A. Increase of sour-dairy products (kefir, yoghurt) B. Increase of products, rich in cellulose C. Increase of meat products D. Increase of products, rich in fat E. Increase of vegetable oils Test 74. During sanitary inspection of eating-house, the doctor forbid realization of dishes, because of high risk of alimentary poisoning. What of listed products are forbidden for realizing in the organized collectives? *A. Aspic jellies B. Borsch and soups on meat broth C. Lactic porridges D. Tinned meat and fish E. Smoked sausages Test 75. 20 cows with positive tuberculal reaction were revealed during veterinary inspection at a cattle-farm. Define possibility of usage of milk from such animal: *A. Usage for meal after pasteurization at temperature 850C during 30 minutes B. Usage for meal without preliminary processing without limitations C. Usage for feeding of animals D. Technical utilization E. Destruction Test 76. A patient . has disorder of purine metabolism, which manifested with acute arthritis of first interphalangeal joint. Give the most optimal recommendations for the patients diet. *A. To restrict the usage of meat and leguminous products B. To restrict the usage of dairy products C. To restrict the usage of free fluid D. To restrict the usage bread and macaroni products. E. To restrict the usage of vegetables and fruits Test 77. Nutritional prophylaxis of the remote effects of action of radiation is based on decrease of processes peroxide oxidations. What from the listed substances need to be reduced in a diet, as prooxidantes? A. A tocopherol B. Acid ascorbinicum C. Bete-Carotinum D. Selenium E. *Calciferous Test 78. The level of nutrition of Ukraine population is characterized by considerable deficit of the majority of micronutrients: vitamins and mineral substances, the most of all is vitamin C. What products provide the need of the population of Ukraine in ascorbic acid? *A. Cabbage, potatoes B. Sweet pepper, eggplant C. Oranges, lemons D. Tomato, carrots E. Black currant, sea-buckthorn Test 79. In 1 hour after feeding a baby by diary mixture the following signs occurred: cyanosis of lips & mucous coats, nails, face, nausea, hyper salivation, pain in abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea. A pediatrist has revealed the signs of cardiac and pulmonary failure in the child. During investigation is defined that the diary mixture was cooked on water, which was took from well. What is diagnosis? *A. Nitrate-nitrite intoxication B. Alimentary toxic infection C. Staphylococcal toxicosis D. Alimentary poisoning by chlorine-organic pesticides E. Alimentary poisoning with heavy metals Test 80. Medical examination defined that 10% of the mendrivers have the increased body mass (IBM=39,3 the mass of a body is 65% higher than norm). What energy status is held according to Kettles index: *A. besity of III degree B. The normal energy status (adequate meal) C. Obesity of I degree D. Obesity of II degree E. Obesity of IV degree Test 81.Disorder of color perception, conjunctivitis, dryness and desquamation of skin, pigmentation and fragility of nails, keratinization of skin in the field of elbow and knee joints were revealed during cadets medical examination. What products need increase in a diet first of all? *A. Carrot B. Buckwheat croup C. Meat D. Fish E. Bread of bran

Test 82. A 32-years-old woman with complaints of disorder of menstrual cycle, frequent diarrhea, edema around eyes visited the doctor. OD: skin is pale, hypochromic anemia, reticulocytosis. The woman tells that she follows the vegetarian diet. These clinical manifestations are associated with deficiency of *A. Copper B. Ferrum C. Manganese D. Magnesium E. Iodine Test 83. The patient . had in-ward treatment a propos of urolithiasis in a phase of exacerbation. What products should be completely eliminated from patients ration for a period of exacerbation? *A. ilk B. Black bread C. Vegetable soups D. Boiled meat E. Vegetable oil Test 84. The patient has disorder of vision in evening time. The doctor determined the diagnosis hemeralopia. What vitamin deficiency is this phenomenon associated with? *A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin B 1 C. Vitamin C D. Vitamin D E. Vitamin PP Test 85. Surgeon A. is 29-years-old. His daily ration contains 90 g of protein (39 g of them animal origin), 101 g of fats, 412 g of carbohydrates. The daily caloricity is 3000 kcl. Give recommendation to modify a diet. *A. To increase content of animal protein B. To increase a caloricity of a ration C. To increase a content of carbohydrates D. To increase a content of protein E. To decrease a content of fats. Test 86. The results of the analysis of milk are: content of Cesium 137 - 55 B/kg, Strontium-90 - 15 B/kg. Define the most correct variant of the conclusion: *A. ilk can be used without limitations B. Suitable for processing in dry milk C. Suitable for manufacture of the condensed milk D. Suitable for manufacture of kefir E. Suitable for manufacture of hard cottage cheese Test 87. The group of person, which has contact with nonorganic compositions was revealed during regular medical examination of factory workers. What diet must this group of the workers get? . Diet 1 *. Diet 3 . Sour-dairy products and pectin D. Vitaminized medicine . Milk as the protective product Test 88. A 25-years-old woman-computer operator has daily energy expenditures 2000 kcal (I group of labor intensity, CPA 1,4), content of protein - 40 g, fats - 55 g, carbohydrates 320 g. What is necessary correction of the diet? *. Increases of contents of proteins . Decrease of contents of fats . Increase of contents of fats D. Decreases of contents of protein . Decrease of contents of carbohydrates Test 89. Doctors daily energy expenditures are 3000 kcal. The content of fats, of carbohydrates, of mineral substances, of vitamins in a diet are corresponded to physiological need. Content of protein is 60 g, in which animal protein 20 g. Define content of protein in doctors ration. . Sufficient B. It is necessary 3000:1008:4=60 g . Balanced (animal protein - 1/3) *D. Insufficient and unbalanced, because it is necessary 3000:10012:4=90 g and animal protein - 55 % - 49,5 g . Surplus, because it is necessary 52 g (3000:1007:4), from them of an animal parentage - 12,5 g (25%) Test 90. At regular medical examination of the factory workers the group of the men of III group of physical activity (intensity of work) is defined. How many kcal (kJ) should contain a diet of workers of this group to support energy homeostasis? A. 2100-24500 kcal (8792-10258 kJ) B. 2500-2800 kcal (10467-11723 kJ) *. 2950-3300 kcal (12351-13816 kJ) D. 3400-3850 kcal (14235-16119 kJ) . 3750-4200 kcal (15701-17585 kJ) Test 91. The student has devices: Geigers counter, Ebers counter, Krotovs apparatus, Mishuks apparatus, Ebers apparatus. What apparatus can he use for definition of meat quality? *A. Ebers apparatus B. Ebers counter C. Geigers counter D. Mishuks apparatus E. Krotovs apparatus Test 92.A patient has cramps, salivation, & miosis and sharp inhibition of blood cholinesterase. The diagnosis is: A. Poisoning with carbon tetrachloride B. *Poisoning with chlorophos C. Poisoning with mercury dichloride D. Poisoning with alcohol E. Poisoning with mushrooms HYGIENE OF NUTRITION (2005) 1. Doctor gave recommendation to the patient with a diagnosis Infarct of myocardium. Recommendation: to drink 50 - 75 ml of different drinks 7-8 times per day in the first 2 days. What from drinks is forbidden used to the patient? A. *Grape juice B. Decoction of wild rose C. Semisweet tea D. Mineral alkaline waters without gas E. Rare kissel 2. Patient X. was hospitalized with a diagnosis: urolithiasis. The chemical analysis: stone consist from salts of urinary acid (urats). What products must be decreased in food at this pathology?

A. B. C. D. E.

Corn products Dairy products *Meats products Eggs products Green-stuffs and fruit

3. Canned goods were brought in child's camp of rest. The external examination of canned goods: cans have deep dents, at pressure incurve in side, not immediately go back into initial position, a blight is not present, cans is smeared by technical fat. Define a bombage. A. Physical and chemical B. Chemical C. Biological D. Mixed E. *Physical 4. A baby is 9 months old. He has a delay of development of teeth and delay of terms of closing of cranial fontanel, weakness and sweating. What type of hypovitaminosis is in this case?

A. B. C. D. E.

Hypovitaminosis C *Hypovitaminosis D Hypovitaminosis B1 Hypovitaminosis B6 Hypovitaminosis A

5. Two children (age 4 and 6 years) are hospitalized from one family with complaints about nausea, vomiting, and frequent liquid defecating. The disease began soon after the use of potato, which cooked in peel. Examination of the potato used in food by family discovered much germinating and green potato. The most probable causal factor of poisoning: A. Fagin B. Fazin C. Amygdalin A. *C- Hypovitaminosis B. Hypovitaminosis C. B1 Hypovitaminosis D. B2 Hypovitaminosis E. B6 Hypovitaminosis 12. A girl was hospitalized. Objective: the temperature of body 36,00C, skin and mucous membranes are pale, girl has general adynamia, she languidly answers on questions, mydrriatic pupil, the reaction on light is decrease, voice is hoarse, the mucous membrane of mouth is dry, water is outpoured through a nose, two days there was no defecation. She ate porridge buckwheat, borsch, meat dumplings, fried eggs, smoked sausage, cucumbers of the home canning, fried potato. What disease is the most probably?

D. E.

*Solanin Hydrocyanic acid

6. A patient was hospitalized with complaints about worsening of vision (fog is in eyes, doubling), disorder of swallowing. A doctor set a diagnosis Botulism . The day before the patient ate milk, cheese, curd, can meat of home preparation, green vegetables. What product can be reason of the food poisoning? A. *Can meat of home preparation B. Milk C. Curd (raw) D. Groats E. Green vegetables 7. The bacteriological laboratory of SES did the test of cream and confectionery products from the confectioners shop. Research founded a presence of coagulative staphylococcus in 0,01 g of the product. What is the main source of contamination of cream by pathogenic staphylococcus? A. Butter B. Condensed milk C. Flour D. Sugar or castor sugar E. *Workers of shop 8. A woman is 55 years old. Her complaints are diarrhea, decorticating and pigmentation of the opened areas of body (neck, brushes and feet), overirritation and anxiety. What vitamin insufficiency is in this case? A. Retinol B. *Nicotine acid C. Thiamine D. Riboflavin E. Pantothen 9. General symptoms of disease were founded during inspection of group of persons, which live on same territory: darkly-yellow pigmentation of enamel of teeth, diffuse osteoporosis of bone, ossification of ligaments, ossification of joints. Surplus of what microelement in products or drinking water can be the reason?

A. B. C. D. E.

*Botulism Salmonelles Staphylococcus intoxication Dyskinesia constipation Infectious encephalopathy

13. Germinating or becoming green potato has a bitters taste. What poisonous substances that contained in such potato, can be source of food poisoning? A. Gelvelov acid B. Fasine C. *Solanine D. Muscarine E. Muskaridine 14. What gastroenterology diet is used as an alimentary medical factor during complex therapy? A. 5 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. * 1 15. Disease is began suddenly in 2 3 hours after the use in food the curd that prepared from sour milk, in child's preschool establishment. All patients had the abundant frequent vomiting, stomachache, liquid defecating, and pallor of skin. Some patients had increase temperature (not more 37,3 0 C). The clinical displays passed for a daylong. What is the most possible diagnosis? A. Sharp intestinal infection B. *Staphylococcus toxicosis C. Food toxic infection D. Mycotoxicosis E. Poisoning by salts of heavy metals 16. The patient 45 years old. His diagnose is a hypomotoric dyskinesia of thick intestine. How can change a food ration with the purpose increase motoric function of intestine? A. To increase an amount of vegetative proteins, dairy products, calcium in hypoenergetic diet B. To increase an amount of vegetable, soul-milk products and tannic matters in a rational diet. C. To increase an amount of vegetative proteins, animals fat, potassium in a rational diet D. *To increase an amount of food fibers and soul-milk products in a rational diet E. To increase an amount of animals fat and magnesium in a reducing protein vegetable diet 17. 40 children (younger 1 year)became ill simultaneously. Symptoms: general weakness, cyanosis of skin and mucous membranes. Children ate the artificial milk mixtures conducted by water from a well. Clinical laboratory researches exposed methemoglobin in blood of children. What chemical contamination of water could be the reason of development the toxic cyanosis? A. *Nitrates B. Aluminum

A. B. C. D. E.

*Fluorine Copper Nickel Iodine Cesium

10. In child's preschool establishment such foods are included in a menu: porridge with milk, macaronis with forcemeat, lettuce from cucumbers, kissel, bread. What from dishes is necessary to withdraw from menu? A. Bread rye B. Porridge with milk C. Kissel D. *Macaronis with a forcemeat E. Lettuce from cucumbers 11. A girl is 14 years old. Her daily feed ration contains: the vitamin is 1,5 mgs, the vitamin B1 is 1,8 mgs, vitamin B2 2,0 mgs, the vitamin B6 is 2,0 mgs, the vitamin C 20 mgs. Her physical examination: a girl has middle mass of body, physical development is harmonious, biological age corresponds to the calendar, mucous membranes and skin without the changes. The girl has often sharp respiratory-viral diseases after which is observed numerous points hemorrhage in the places of friction of clothes (cuffs, elastics, belts). Name a correct diagnose.


C. D. E.

Lead Arsenic Iron 18. Vomiting, diarrhea, thirst, cramps, pain in area of liver, icterus, somnolence, multiplying a liver, oliguria were in a patient after eating mushrooms. Death was on the third days at the phenomena of cardiac insufficiency. Define a mushroom.

A. B. C. D. E.

*Treatment prophylactic Rational Preventive Dietary Treatment

A. B. C. D. E.

Champignon *Amanita phalloides Fly-agaric Woolly milk cap Morels

19. Test 69. The patient has hemeralopia. The diet contents some of vegetable products: spring onions; red sweet pepper; lettuce; green peas, liver. What of listed products is necessary first of all? A. Spring onions B. *Liver C. Lettuce D. Green peas E. Red sweet pepper 20. During of medical examination the doctor has paid attention to student (stature is 176 cm and weight is 68 kg, 24 years old), He complained of lost ability to legible vision of surrounding subjects at evening time. Xeroderma, hyperkeratosis is observed. Such contents of main vitamins as vitamin A - 0,5 mg, vitamin 1-2, 0 mg, vitamin B2 -2,5 mg, vitamin B6 -2 mg, vitamin C - 70 mg are detected in his daily menu. Define the diagnosis of disease. A. 1 - hypovitaminosis . 2 - hypovitaminosis C. 6 - hypovitaminosis *D. A - hypovitaminosis . C hypovitaminosis 21. A patient has an irregular feed. He has decline of capacity, sharp sense of hunger and fatigue, periodic headache. What interval between the receptions food a doctor must recommend to him?

25. In June during medical examination of population at 27 % persons were defined decrease of capacity and increase fatigue. Objective: edematous friable gums, bleeding during massage. What is the most probably diagnosis? A. B1 -Hypovitaminosis B. Paradontosis C. A-Hypovitaminosis D. *C - Hypovitaminosis E. Polyhypovitaminosis 26. A patient has complaints the decrease of capacity, fatigue. Objectively: edematous and friable, soft gums. What research is the most expedient to use for defining of reason of disease? A. Activity of seroplasmin is in the serum of blood B. Night adaptation C. *Urine excretion of vitamin C D. Contents of vitamin of is in the serum of blood E. Urine excretion of vitamin A 27. At physical examination of population 27 % of persons were found out the signs of C-vitamin insufficiency: edematous, friable and soft gums, bleeding during massage, on skin is follicle hyperkeratinization without dryness of skin. What products must be in diet for treatment? A. Bread products B. Meat and fishes products C. Daily and eggs products D. *Vegetable and fruit E. Sweet products 28. A patients mass of body is higher than a norm on 40 % at the index of Ketle 29. Mass of body of patient is estimated as: A. 1st degree of obesity B. Superfluous mass of body C. *2nd degree of obesity D. 3d degree of obesity E. 4 degree of obesity 29. At physical examination of workers of cotton factory 30 % of persons was found with increase of body mass on 5-14 % from normal. The index of Ketle is from 22 to 25. For normalization of body mass at this group of persons in a ration, is necessary to decrease: A. *Mono- and disaccharides

A. B. C. D. E.

6 7 hour 5 6 hour *3 4 hour 7 8 hour 8 9 hour

22. The group of workers, who suffer by the chronic diseases stomach - intestinal tract is taken on a clinical account at a periodic medical examination. What type of processing meal is contraindicated to these patients?

A. B. C. D. E.

*Fry Boiling Extinguishing Baking Blanched

B. C. D. E.

Proteins Fats Polysaccharides Food fibres

23. Periodic physical examination found workers, who suffer by the cardiac- vessels diseases. What nutrient must be included in diet?

A. B. C. D. E.

Protein *PNSFA Fat Mono- and disaccharide Artificial sugar

30. Workers of factory have the contact with radionuclides and ionizing radiation. This group of workers must receive the treatment-and -prophylactic nutrition: A. *Treatment-and -prophylactic ration 1 B. Dairy products and pectin C. Milk as protective product D. Vitamins preparations E. Treatment-and -prophylactic 3 31. There was the flash of food poisoning with the clinical picture of food toxicoinfection in town X. . What factor is necessary founded in the selected food? A. *Microbial contamination B. Eksotoxin C. Aflotoxin

24. Four groups of workers are selected during medical examination: healthy, risk group, patients with the chronic nonspecific diseases and workers with the harmful condition of work. What nutrition is for workers with the harmful condition of work?






35 %, supper - 25 % E. 4 times: breakfast - 25 %, second breakfast - 10 %, dinner - 40 %, supper - 25 % 38. The case of food poisoning was characterized with the classic clinical picture of Botulism. The day before all patients ate borsch, chops, boiled sausage, can vegetable marrow of home preparation, jam from apricots, ice-cream. What product is the most probably caused poisoning? A. Jam B. Chops C. Ice-cream D. Boiled sausage E. *Can vegetable marrow of home preparation 39. The patients diagnosis is atherosclerosis. A doctor recommended a treatment, which included the dietotherapy. It was directed on removing cholesterol from an organism. What is the anti-atherosclerotic substance? A. Hemicelluloses

32. A patient is hospitalized with the diagnosis Diphyllobothriasis . What fish is the reason of disease? A. *A river carp B. A see perch C. A see halibut D. A tuna E. Flounder 33. A patient is on stationary treatment with a diagnosis hypertensive illness of 2-B stage. Anamnesis: he works in factory, work is related to nervously emotional loadings. What from products do not excite the nervous system and can be in his ration ? Mushroom decoctions Meat-broth *Milk Vegetable decoctions Drinks with gas

A. B. C. D. E.

B. C. D. E.

Cellulose from vegetables *Pectin Cellulose Lignin

34. A patient complained on pain in an epigastric area, especially after rough and fat food. A doctor diagnosed gastritis with secretor insufficiency in the phase of indemnification. The doctor gave dietetics recommendations. What food is necessary included in his ration? A. *Soups with meat and fish broth

40. A man 60 years old. He has the pale of skin, gums bleeding, and petechia. Laboratory: blood -110 g/l, Er-3, 8 x 1012/l, CI - 0,9, the amount of vitamin C in the blood serum and in day's urine is decrease. Power value of day's ration of nutrition, day's amount of proteins, fats; carbohydrates are normal for a man. The content ascorbic acid is 30 mgs in a ration. What product must be included in ration?

B. C. D. E.

Milk Fats of animal origin Fishes can foods Vegetable oil

A. B. C. D. E.

*Blackberry Liver Home curd Baked potato Carrot

35. A patient complains on pain in joints. Anamnesis; a patient gives like meat and fat food. His diagnosis is gout. What products or diet are recommended to the patient? A. Meat of youths animals and birds

41. A seaman has cheilitis, angulit, and dry skin. Mass of body is normal. How is needed to estimate food status of seaman?

B. C. D. E.

*Milk and vegetable diet Liver Bobs Fats of animal

36. For organization of health resort nutrition for persons which suffered during Chernobyl catastrophe, nutrients must be included, which are competitors with radionuclides and prevent their absorption in a gastrointestinal tract. What are these nutrients? A. Oil soluble vitamins, animal proteins B. Iron, zinc, unprotective carbonhydratess

A. B. C. D. E.

Increase *Insufficient Adequate Usual Optimum

42. Student is 20 years old. She has an acute caries. Her body mass is 55 kg. Her ration: 40 g protein, 50 g fat and insufficient amount of calcium. What products must be in a ration?

C. D. E.

Vegetable oil, food fibers *Potassium (K), calcium (Ca). Food fibers Magnesium. Phosphorus. Vegetable proteins

A. B. C. D. E.

Carrot Meat Kidney bean *Curd Honey

37. A woman is 55 years old. She has pulmonary dyspnea during walking. Her stature is 159 sm, weight77 kg .She sit all her workday, and the method of her life is not mobile, without the physical activity. Feeds regularly: on breakfast of porridge, tea or coffee with open sandwiches; dinner in restaurant_always consists from three dishes; the supper in home hot dish and tea with cake. She like sweet. What diet must recommend to the patient in her age? A. 4 times: breakfast - 35 %, second breakfast - 15 %, dinner 35 %, supper - 15 % B. 4 times: breakfast - 25 %, second breakfast - 15 %, dinner 45 %, supper - 15 % C. 4 times: breakfast - 30 %, second breakfast 10 %, dinner 35 %, supper 25 % D.*4 times: breakfast - 25 %, second breakfast - 15 %, dinner -

43.Trichanella was found during examining meat in one of two tests of muscles from the legs of diaphragm . Your suggestions in relation to the use of this meat: A. To freeze to 12 0 C

B. C. D. E.

To burn To boil thoroughly at 1,5 atm presser. To salt in a 10% solution salt *Technical utilization

44. The patient has urate diathesis and signs of hypovitaminosis A. The vegetable diet was recommended: onion, a pepper is red sweet, lettuce; a pea is green, carrot. What from the products is the basic source of carotin?


A. B. C. D. E.

*Carrot A pepper is red sweet Lettuce A pea is green A onion

of carbohydrates, 15 mgs of vitamin C, 0,6 mgs of Thiamin (B1). A ration is not balanced on:

A. B. C. D. E.

Protein * Vitamin C Fat Carbohydrates Thiamin

45. A woman is 23 years old. She is accountant. Her diet: proteins: fats: carbohydrates _- 1:1,1:5,6. What correction is necessary in the ration?

A. B. C. D. E.

To multiply maintenance of fats *To decrease the amount of carbohydrates To multiply maintenance of albumens The correction is not needed To increase the amount of carbohydrates

52. This is discovered at the analysis of students diet in a sanatorium-preventive clinic: calorie content of breakfast is 40 % daily caloric, dinner 40% and supper 20 %. What must be done for hygienical optimization of students diet ? A. *Decrease calorie content of breakfast B. Decrease calorie content of supper C. Decrease calorie content of dinner D. Increase calorie content of supper E. Increase calorie content of breakfast 53. A patient is on stationary treatment with a diagnosis: Acute Cholecystitis. His feeding irregularly, he gives advantage to fat and carbohydrate food uses the sharp seasonings. What from foods is forbidden to use to the patient? A. Nonfat types of fish B. Soups C. Omelette D. Sweet fruit juices E. *Biscuit 54. During laboratory diagnostics of group flash of "Botulism" in the town N, botulinic toxin is exposed as type E in product and biological material from patients. What product is prepared with violation of hygienic rules?

46. A man has geographical tong. These symptoms say about insufficient of :

A. B. C. D. E.

Vitamin of *Vitamins of group B Vitamin of C Vitamin of Vitamin of

47. The children began to complaint about nausea, vomiting, and small pain in epigastria in 45 hours after dinner at boarding school. Children ate potato soup with meat broth, pancakes with meat, fruit compote from fruit on dinner . Pancakes were with boiled meat, which was mince on a meat grinder by the cooker, which suffers by a panaritium, and heat treatment was not added. What is diagnosis in this case? A. Aflotoxicosis

B. C. D. E.

Botulism Salmonelesis Esherichiosis *Staphylococcus intoxication

A. B. C. D. E.

Vegetable Meat and meats products *Fish and fish products Bird and chicken Cake

48.The flash of food poisoning is registered. Diagnosis "Botulism" is set on the basis of clinical picture of disease. What from products is necessary took for the analysis for confirmation of diagnosis?

A. B. C. D. E.

Cabbage Potato Milk is pasteurized Meat is boiled *Can foods

55. A patient is on stationary treatment with a diagnosis: Acute pancreatitis. A doctor allowed to the patient to eat on the third day after hunger regime: A. Milk B. Soup from chicken meat C. Chops D. *Alkaline mineral water without gas E. Vine juice 56. The clinical urine examination found increase amount of calcium salts of phosphoric acid. The patients food ration: rye and wheat bread, macaroons, vegetable oil and butter, mashed potatoes, milk, curd, coffee, tea, decoction of wild rose, kissel. The caloric of food corresponds to the daily energy allowance. What needs to be limited in a ration?

49. The home flash of the food poisoning was with symptoms of gastroenteritis and intoxications in May. What is the reason of the poisoning, if such products were included in day's ration of family members: macaronis, germinating and green potato, cabbage, beet, carrot, vegetable oil, tea, sugar? A. *Solanine B. Fazin C. Temulin

A. B. C. D. E.

Kissel *Milk and curd Macaroons and bread Decoction of wild rose and kissel Coffee and tea

D. E.

Muscarine Muscaridin

50. A patient ate canned mushrooms three days ago . He has disorder of vision (diplopia, mydriasis), disorder of speech, violations of swallowing. What food poisoning takes place? A. Poisoning of mushrooms B. Food toxicoinfection C. Fuzariotoxicosis

D. E.

* Botulism Poisoning by salts of lead The ration of adult man: 30g of protein, 37 g of fat, 137 g

57. A woman is 60 years old with normal mass of body. She gets with day's ration: 50 g of protein, 70 g of fat, and 300 g of carbohydrates. Grain products, enough greenvegetable, but limited amounts of milk and dairy products, in spring sorrel and pie plant prevail in a ration . What disease can develop? A. *Osteoporosis B. Atherosclerosis C. Obesities D. Hypertensive illness E. Urolithiasis 58. The analysis of day's set of products is conducted in child's preschool establishment. Menu: milk, butter, meat,


mushrooms, fish. By what from the transferred products is it necessary to withdraw from menu of child's preschool establishment? *Mushrooms Fish Meat Butter from the transferred products and food can be the most reason of this poisoning?

A. B. C. D. E.

A. B. C. D. E.

Pasteurized milk *Sea products Sausage Can mushrooms Vine

Milk 59. What criteria is the following complex of signs: size of body and organs, mass, ossification of skeleton, tooth development, development of endocrine glands, degree of pubescence?

A. B. C. D. E.

Food status *Biological age Genetic development Psychical development Sexual development

66. On a diary farm the tests of milk were selected for examination of maintenance chlorine-organic pesticide (lindan). In a toxicological laboratory was found, that the maintenance of lindan exceeded MPK in 4 times. Give a conclusion about quality of milk.

60. What vitamin is deficient, if present such complaints as rapid fatigue, a bad appetite, constipations, polyneuritis. The patient eats white bread, macaronis wares, refined sugar, polished rice and others like that.

A. B. C. D. E.

Falsified Good quality Conditionally suitable *Bad quality Biologically valuable product

A. B. C. D. E.

Caciferols Riboflavin Retinol * Thiamin Nicotine acid

67. A patient is hospitalized in treatment and prophylactic establishment with diagnosis Trichinellosis. The usage of what product with insufficient culinary treatment is a reason of this disease?

61. Food toxicoinfection can be caused by a presence in food products: A. Dysentery

A. B. C. D. E.

*Pork Fish Mutton Beef Chicken

B. C. D. E.

Staphylococcus Choleric vibrion Botulism *Proteus

68. During the laboratory research of maintenance of radionuclides (caesium-137, strontium-90) in milk and potato from local farm, the increase MPC of caesium-137 in milk was found out. What from the technological receptions with the purpose of diminishing of radionuclides maintenance in milk is the most effective? A. Processing of milk on soft cheese

62. Physical examination of drivers (men): 10 % persons have increase of optimum body mass on 65 %. (IMB is 39,3 kg/m2 of body mass). What energy status persons have?

A. B. C. D. E.

Obesity of 4th degree Normal energy status (adequate feed) Obesity of 1st degree Obesity of 2nd degree *Obesity of 3d degree

B. C. D. E.

Pasteurization of milk *Processing of milk on the boiled butter Processing of milk on hard cheese Processing of milk on sour cream

63. As a result of deep physical examination of military school students found out persons with the destroy of night vision, conjunctivitis, dryness and decorticating of skin, pigmentation and fragility of nails, cornification of skin in area of elbows and knee joints. What food product must be increase in food ration of students? A. Meat B. Grain

69. At the restaurant the food products was not realized during a supper. It was became cool for 4,0 0 and it was saved in a refrigerator during 12 hours. The second thermal treatment was conducted in the morning. During what period this food must be realized?

A. B. C. D. E.

*1 hour 3 hour 5 hour 8 hour 12 hour

C. D. E.

*Liver Fish Bread from bran

70. At the analysis of milk freshness a test on reductase and on a capacity for settling. What from the resulted indexes say about freshness of milk?

64. Patient A is on stationary treatment concerning a urolithiasis (oxaluria) in the phase of aggravation. What products need to be fully excluded from the ration of patient? A. Vegetable oil

A. B. C. D. E.

Density *Acidity Dry rest Fat Table of contents of extraneous signs

B. C. D. E.

Brown bread Vegetable soups Boiled meat *Chocolate

65. During investigation of the food poisoning a diagnosis is set: food toxicoinfection caused by a parahemolytic vibrio. What

71. At the clinical examination of child the acute pallor of skin with a grayish tint, anemia, erythrocytes with basophilic graininess and little amount of reticulocytes, in urine - delta aminolevulin acid and coproporphyrin. What the excessive entering in organism of child xenobiotic cause poisoning? A. *Lead B. Cadmium C. Mercury D. Nitrates

E. Arsenic vomiting was joined. On examination: his voice is hoarse, eyes are deeply sunken in the orbits. The pulse is frequent. Blood pressure is low. There is no urine. What is the preliminary diagnosis? A. Salmonellosis B. Toxicoinfection C. Dysentery *D. Cholera E. Typhoid fever 8. A 5 tons milk batch was sampled. The laboratory analysis revealed: fat content 2%, density - 1,04 g/cm3, acidity - 21T, reductase probe - weak-positive. What can you do with this milk? A. Sell but inform customers about milk quality B. Banned from market C. Sell without limitations D. *Use for animal feeding E. Technical utilization 9. 48 years old woman has complaints: weakness, lose weight, lose appetite, headache. She had an acute glomerulonephritis in youth age. She has suffered from a hypertension since 25 years old. She did not treat oneself systematic and visited the doctors rarely. After the medical examination the signs of chronic kidney insufficiency 2nd degree (kreatinine 0,43 mmol/l). What recommendations of nutrition are most adequate for this patient? A. *Limitation of protein B. Limitation of carbonhydratess C. Limitation of fats D. Increase of liquid volume E. Increase of alkaline dishes 10. 12 years old girl has complaints: an acute weakness, nausea, dizziness, a violation of vision. She ate the dried fish and beef of home-made yesterday. At examination: pallor of skin, scratch of the left knee, dryness of mucous membranes of mouth, two-side ptosis, pupils are extended, unable to read simple text (net, fog before eyes). What therapy will be most important in this case?

2006-2008 1. The medical examination of the population revealed that 27 % of persons complained of decrease of working capacity and increase of fatigability, swollen and quaggy gums with intensive gingivarhagia after pressing, follicular hyperkeratosis of the skin. What pathology is the most probable? A. Polyhypovitaminosis B. Hypovitaminosis 1 C. Paradontosis D. Hypovitaminosis A E. *Hypovitaminosis C 2. Sample of milk has been received to laboratory for researches. Results of investigation are: color-white, smellusual, density-1.038, Turner's acidity-250, fat content-3,2 %. To what class of food quality this milk is correspond? A. Falsified milk B. Good-quality milk C. *Bed quality milk D. Conditionally suitable milk E. Lowered quality milk 3. 75 years old healthy woman has moderate active life style. Her regular medical examination reveled: concentration of serum cholesterol 5,1 mmol/l (208 mg/dl) and HDL - 70 mg/dl. The ECG showed absence of pathology. What diet is recommended for this woman (norm of general cholesterol 2,97-8,79 mmol/l)? A. *Diet without changes B. Increase of cellulose consumption C. Reduction of saturated fats consumption D. Reduction of cholesterol consumption E. Reduction of carbohydrates consumption 4. It is recommended to include pectin in a diet for the population living in radioactive-polluted territory for elimination of radionuclides from an organism. What products are the basic source of pectin? A. Macaroni B. Milk C. * Vegetables and fruit D. Meat E. Bread 5. 1 y.o. child is during the last months after begining of artificial feeding the child has appetite lost, plentiful diarrhea, sometimes vomiting. Objectively: body temperature is normal. Body weight is 7 kg. Expressed pallor of skin, leg edema, enlarged abdomen. Coprogram shows a lot of fatty acids. Celiac disease of child was diagnosed and prescribed gluten-free diet. What should be excluded from the diet in this case? A. Fruit B. Animal protein C. *C. Cereals - wheat, oats D. Digestible carbohydrates E. Milk and dairy products 6. Medical examination of a 43 y.o. man revealed objectively pailness of skin and mucous membranes, smoothness of lingual papillas, transverse striation of nails, angular stomatities , tachycardia. Hemoglobin is 90 g/1. There are anisocytosis and poikilocytosis. What d eficiency of mi croelement is the most probable causative factor for that? A. Zinc B. Copper C. Selenium *D. Iron E. Magnesium 7. The disease began acutely. The frequent watery stool began 6 hours ago. The body's temperature is normal. Then the

A. B. C. D. E.

*Parenterally injection of polyvalence anti-botulinic serum Parenterally injection of antibiotics Parenterally detoxication Parenterally injection of anti-tetanus serum Lavage of stomach

11. The nutrition of adult man: the daily receiving of energy due to proteins 16%, fats 25%, carbonhydrates 59%. Estimate the conformity of day's energy ration albumens, fats, carbonhydratess: A. *Daily receiving of carbohydrates is insufficient and receiving of proteins is excessive B. Daily receiving of energy is normal C. Daily receiving of carbohydrates is insufficient D. Daily receiving of carbohydrates is excessive E. Daily receiving of fats is insufficient 12. The outbreak of the food poisoning is registered in the village. The diagnosis of botulism is set on the basis of clinical picture of disease. What products must be selected for an analysis for confirmation of diagnosis? A. Boiled meat B. *Can food C. Milk pasteurized D. Cabbage E. Potato 13. The 42 years old metalworker works five years in the workshop with turning workbench and makes a heavy big-

size details, uses hand and pedal levers, requiring considerable physical effort. What facilities for prophylaxis of osteoporosis is it necessary to recommend? A. *Protein - vitamin diet B. Limitation of manual work C. Rest on a Black sea coast D. Heavy athletics exercise E. Protein-carbohydrate diet

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