Irregular Verbs

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2 Match with correct translation

3 Complete the sentences

went, saw, came, wore, said, read, stood, made, had, thought

1 Mom _______________(1) we can go to the park today.

2 We _______________(2) to the shop to buy some fruit.
3 The teacher _______________(3) in the class.
4 I _______________(4) a rainbow in the sky after the rain.
5 She _______________(5) a tasty sandwich for lunch.
6 Grandma _______________(6) cookies for us to eat.
7 He _______________(7) a blue shirt and black jeans.
8 I _______________(8) math was difficult, but now it's easy.
9 I _______________(9) a book about animals at the library.
10 They _______________(10) to visit us at our house yesterday.
Little Red Riding Hood

thought | wore | came | saw | said | went | stood

One day, Little Red Riding Hood's mother 1._______, "Take this basket
to your grandmother. She's ill." Little Red Riding Hood 2.______ to her
grandmother's house. Than she 3._____ a wolf. The wolf 4.____ up and
said, "Hello! What's in the basket?" "Some food for my grandmother.
She's ill," said Little Red Riding Hood. The wolf ran to the
grandmother's house and ate her. Then he 5._____ her clothes and got
into her bed. Little Red Riding Hood 6.______ and gave the wolf some
food. Then she saw that it was not her grandmother. She 7._______,
"My grandmother has big ears, but she doesn't have big eyes like you!"
And the wolf ate her too.
Toy Story

read | thought | saw | went | stood | wore | had

Andy said he 1.______ a lot of toys. He loved them all, but his
favorite was Woody. Woody was a cowboy. He had a hat and boots.
Andy 2._____ a hat and boots too. One day, Andy 3._____ to school.
Woody 4.____ on the bed and looked out the window. He 5._____
some books on the desk. He 6._____, "I can read these!" So Woody
7._____ a book. It was about space.
Then Woody heard a noise. Oh no! Andy's mom came in!

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