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Individual Assignment # 2

Name of Student: Renante S. Dejanio

Educational Background: I was hired by DepEd on June 6, 2016, and I am now serving the
Department for almost nine years as an ESP Teacher. During my stint, I also held different
ancillaries and Coordinatorships such as Guidance and Career, NCAE, SDRRM, Building
Facilities, Child Protection School Focal Person, and currently Grade Level Discipline Officer.

Let me start by saying that upon reading and watching the talk of Eduardo Morato (2007), he
simply outlined the different types of leadership, he mentioned three:

1. Inspirational Leader
2. Transformational Leader
3. Adaptive Leader
And if I may add from other sources like Ramakrishnan on 5 February 2024, that enumerates
eight types of leadership one of which is:
4. Bureaucratic Leadership

In the school where I am now – Imus National High School, Division of Imus City this is how I
experienced since I entered DepEd in 2016: Bureaucratic Leadership is prevalent.

1. beyond executive to visionary, shaping a clear purpose that resonates with and
generates holistic impact for all stakeholders

How I wish that in 2016 I would encounter this kind of leadership: beyond executive but a
visionary leader. This brand of leadership transcends traditional managerial roles and embraces
a broader, more forward-thinking approach to leadership. By the way, what is bureaucratic
leadership? Bureaucratic leadership is a style of leadership characterized by rigid adherence to
rules, procedures, and hierarchy. In a bureaucratic leadership structure, decisions are typically
made by following established protocols and chain of command rather than through
collaboration or innovation. formal organizational system where an institution follows standard
rules and procedures. It has a defined level of hierarchy, and where all decision-making powers
rest with the top management. This is based on Max Weber’s bureaucracy theory. This is what
DepEd adheres to. But of course, any approach to leadership has its advantages and
disadvantages too. At times, you are caught in power power-tripping vicious cycle in the
institution. However, this approach cannot be removed since DepEd is a highly bureaucratic

2. beyond planner to architect, reimagining industries and innovating business systems that can
create new levels of value
As a leader, one has to be good at planning. Because this skill is very indispensable for leading
a formal organization or an institution. But it shouldn’t stop here. One has to move beyond and
shift. A shift to this leadership must be palatable: from merely planning and organizing to
designing and creating that fosters growth and innovation, a new mindset, structural and ethical
integrity, collaborative and holistic, strategic and adaptive. In our school, this is yet to be fully
realized. I sense that our school leaders here in our Division are gradually shifting this
approach. It fosters more innovations in the field of research and technology. During a
pandemic, DepEd became more innovative and shifted its learning modality. In this case,
DepEd became adaptive and innovative, teachers and all sectors of society alike.

3. beyond director to the catalyst, engaging people to collaborate in open, empowered networks

There are times when a school leader would just direct all to his/her subordinates when
necessary or it depends on the situation. But most of the time DepEd fosters collaborative and
concerted effort. In the curriculum, teaching-learning approach learners must engage and
actively spark change. The research and program entail collaborative work of all the
stakeholders. We become facilitators not just directors.

4. beyond controller to coach, enabling the organization to constantly evolve through rapid
learning, and enabling colleagues to build new mindsets, knowledge, and skills

In the curriculum and instruction aspect, I experience this approach in DepEd: Mentee-Mentor
approach. Even in the class, there is peer coaching instead of teacher-learner coaching. Well, it
depends on the need. T1-T3 are mentored by the Master Teachers. It also empowers, builds
coalition, and measures success not by numbers but by impact on the people and learners.

5. beyond boss to human, showing up as one’s whole, authentic self

Our present School Head shows empathy, compassion, generosity, and a people-centered
approach. She is perceived as motherly in our school. She consoles her teachers' ordeal and
trying moments. She readily supports, encourages, and strengthens them. She gives her
humble advice to all. She promotes gratefulness and self-care. DepEd models from being boss
to human by adapting the Mental Health Act for teachers and learners. Teachers and learners
are given ample space and time to compose, relax, and take a break from a hectic schedule.

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