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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of Zamboanga Sibugay
SCHOOL ID: 305909


S.Y. 2021-2022


The school is an institution which is responsible in molding the learners into a responsible individual in the
society. This is where one is crafted into a better person, who will be an emblem of the kind of learning centre where
one was raised.

The multifarious concern of school demands working with others to accomplish designed tasks and objectives.
These would need dedicated school personnel, cooperative parents, accountable community-stakeholders, and
innovative learners.

Believing that the community cannot stand without the school, and likewise the school without the community,
we greatly believed that the school is the face of the barangay. Thus, all the people in the community even those
children were not studying in the school, volunteered to support program.

Relative to DepEd Memorandum No. s.2021, all public elementary and secondary schools nationwide
implemented the BRIGADA-ESKWELA 2021 on August 3-September 30, 2021. The said activity is a school maintenance
program that engaged all education stakeholders to contribute their time, effort and resources in ensuring that public
school facilities are set for the coming school opening.

Program of activities was divided into three essential stages. I)Pre- Implementation Stage which includes
organization of Brigada-Eskwela committees, assessment of physical facilities and maintenance needs of the school,
advocacy and social marketing, resource mobilization and firming up activities for the actual Brigada-Eskwela,
II)Implementation Stage that deals with the registration, simple opening program, briefing of working teams, actual
implementation of school work plan, recording of daily accomplishment; III)Post Implementation Stage that refers to the
preparation of final consolidated school accomplishments reports and submission to Division Office ( Porfolio with

 Prepare the whole school community for another school year
 Encourage all education stakeholders to contribute for the success of the undertakings
 Invite other private individuals, companies, corporation and entities to provide support in any ways/means to
public school near their residence
 Develop cooperation and “sense of responsibility” among people of the community.

Education is fundamentally a valuable asset for humans. Education means to know various things and explores
the world of their knowledge. It is one of the primary factors in one’s life that helps them to face most of the challenges.
Education is the primary tool for the success of the parallel world which reveals the importance of education in itself. As
observed education helps in the finishing of one’s character, discipline, curiosity, knowledge and right livelihood.
Education is the reason that educated people(social reformers, religious man, humanistic philosophers, scientists,
writers, and the like.) are known as the prestigious faces of the society.

But at this moment Education is going through a tough battle amidst the so called COVID 19 or the Corona Virus
Disease 2019. As the result of many survey say we are living amidst what is potentially one of the greatest threats in our
lifetime to global education, a gigantic education crisis. We were already experiencing a global learning crisis, as many
students were in school, but were not learning the fundamental skills needed for life. Thus, the states together with the
educators, educational institutions, as well as the parents need to work hand in hand to bridge the gap caused by the

Our country is doing its part to come up with a program suitable to the present situation in terms of education
through the Department of Education ( DepEd) as the agency tasked to carry the responsibility. Looking at the present
situation of the country caused by the pandemic the DepEd officials led by Sec. Leonor Briones brain stormed and came
up with different modes of learning to be used as the present.Thus, resulted with the launching of “BRIGADA-ESKWELA
2021” FROM August 3-September 30, 2021 in all public elementary and secondary schools nationwide as per DepEd
order No. s. 2021 in accordance with the guidelines given by the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF). The primary aim of
this program is to prepare the whole school campus for another school year.

With this PERFECTO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL through the leadership of its accountable School Head Terryfe Q.
Dragon-HT I with the coordination of the 5 hardworking teachers joined hand in hand with the program of the
department in providing quality education for the Filipino children amidst the crisis.

On the 25th day of August School-Based Brigada-Eskwela (KICK OFF) held at PERFECTO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL
GROUND, with a simple opening program attended by Parents, stakeholders, teachers, students, ALPHA KAPPA KRHO
Organization. After the program to be followed by the registration or attendance, parents cleaning the different areas
assign by year level.

1. Fund Generated
Expenses are charged to the PTA voluntary contribution and donation
2. Attendance
To have a successful activity, cooperation and hard work must be present. In all the activities that were
completed for the Brigada-Eskwela, teachers, parents, SSG officers, ALPHA KAPPA KHO, had fully participated
with a 100% attendance.

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