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如果您对Boscastle 洪水事件感兴趣,我们还为您提供了一些相关的阅读材料和链接,让
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Income from tourism was lost. Stakeholder engagement and communication Police: The co-ordinate
the emergency response in major floods and helps rescue lives and properties, Cornwall The sewer &
drainage systems- Boscastle had old sewage systems which had a small capacity. This encouraged
surface runoff. © Copyright Get Revising 2024 all rights reserved. Get Revising is one of the trading
names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Can you remember? Why the water turns things to stone?
What type of river the Nidd is? What happened when the viaduct collapsed in 1848? How the cave
was formed? How the weir was used? 36. Many buildings have indicators to show the height of the
flood water . The core of the village. International Home > GCSE > Geography > Full Case Study
on the Boscastle Floods (2004) Crosswords The flooding coincided with a high tide, making the
impact worse. Mindmaps 32. The river channel is being made deeper and wider so that it can
accommodate more water. The lower section of the village. KS3 Placement. To deepen
understanding of the reading process To support transition. Key Points. Begins week 10, 7 th
October met by mentor 1 day a week for 8 weeks weeks 10,11,12or 13 depending on the school’s
half term, weeks 14, 15, 16, SEN placement block, weeks 19 and 20 Report Fri 18th January, 2019
@ 20:29 Long term disruptions and a major re-building project needed to take place. Long-term
stress and anxiety to people traumatised by the incident. Quizzes 9. • Economic losses – Much of
rural Cornwall is classified as a deprived region. It is one of the UK’s poorest rural counties. A
victim of early deindustrialisation, the region’s mining industries are now long- gone leaving it over-
dependent on tourism. – Most shops stayed shut for the rest of the season and the reduction in tourist
numbers during future years, may result in a negative multiplier effect for the entire local community.
“We've actually lost 79% of our turnover this winter” • In addition, shops were carrying greater
levels of stock than at other times of the year. – House prices fell – People found the value of their
homes permanently reduced, now that Boscastle is associated with a serious flood risk. It has been
suggested that values have halved • Wider regional impact – In addition, the effect may spread
beyond Boscastle if other river-line settlements are perceived to be at risk by tourists. – Boscastle
businesses can claim compensation from their insurance companies (claims for ‘disruption to trading’
in Boscastle could amount to £15m). However, others businesses elsewhere in Cornwall cannot, even
though they too may suffer reduced trade next year. – This is a cause for concern, with tourism
accounting for 30% of Cornwall’s GDP. The population doubles during July and August each year,
with tourists spending up to £1 billion throughout the county. Change in bed profile, Creation of
pools, embayments and cascades created 33. New sewerage systems are being put in place. The
lower section of the village. Energy Play me What
3 types of renewable energy was the Earthship house using to sustain itself? This lesson is
completely ready to use and fully resourced!
This process is automatic. Your browser will redirect to your requested content shortly. GCSE
Geography 21stC Boscastle, Cornish fishing village. COPYRIGHT ©2024 Marked by Teachers, All
rights Reserved This resource hasn't been reviewed yet 25. A £4.5m scheme to improve flood
defences. Boscastle main car park. love it!Came in handy with my h/w! so thanks! A range of
activities include card sorting, answering short knowledge recall questions, and carrying out a 9-
marker decision making exercise on how further money should be spent in the village. Stakeholder
engagement and communication To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have
purchased this resource can review it Taking revision to another level. Subjects include: AS
Economics, Geography, English Language and Religious Studies. Public consultations were held and
villagers were asked to select their preference from four designs; most did not choose the one which
has been proposed. Crosswords Checking your browser before accessing... Please Wait The river
channel has been made deeper and wider so that it can accommodate more water. Revision cards
Damage was caused to local wildlife habitats. You don't have permission to comment on this page.
Energy What type of renewable energy did the weir provide? Electricity is generated in the same
way by both renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. They all contain a turbine which,
when turned, turns a generator and generates electricity. Police: The co-ordinate the emergency
response in major floods and helps rescue lives and properties, Download to read offline Ideas for
sedimentary, igneous & metamorphic rocks... • Gather a range of rocks and the students sort them
into the three categories according to their properties. • Bake the different rocks! Create the
formation of the different rocks using chocolate chips, marshmallows, coconut flakes etc. Can also
use crayons and heat to similarly illustrate the layers and grains. • Students describe the journey of a
rock from the rock’s perspective/ choose a rock as a pet and write about its properties and how it
makes a good pet, etc. A case study on the 2004 Boscastle Flood. (Recommended for people taking
AS Geography) This thorough 2-hour lesson covers the causes of the Boscastle floods, the impacts,
and the remaining issues. Quizsearches United States
Learning and Revising Geography GCSE in the 21st century. The local people of Boscastle were
affected very greatly in many ways. Firstly, people couldn’t get out of buildings because of the
floodwater and had to seek refuge on the roofs of the buildings and just wait to be rescued. Because
of this they were waiting around to be rescued for a large amount of time. Because of this, it meant
that people were of risk of developing hypothermia, or being swept away by the flood waters. The
dangers of developing hypothermia, shock and being ... 1. BOSCASTLE MEDC FLOODING-
CAUSES/EFFECTS AND MANAGEMENT STRAGIES Causes:Physical -Stormy weather up to
flood meant saturated ground -Steep saturated sides of Valency Valley meant increased surface run
off and therefore discharge volume -Impermeable rock at Bodmin moor prevented infiltration so
water reached channel faster -Over 60mm (typically a month’s rainfall) fell in 2 hours on already
saturated land -Boscastle is at confluence of 3 rivers:Valency, Jordan & Paradise - Flooding
coincided with high tide makingmatters worse Background: A small north Cornish town popular with
tourists.Approximately 800 permanent residents but more affected due to influx of tourists. Hit by
catastrophic floods on 16th August 2004 Causes:Human: -Less significant -Lack of any flood
control eg raised banks around river or emergency drainage ditches -Old sewer and drainage system
with low capacity -Small, low bridges over river trapped material and cars acting as dam and causing
water to flow round the bridge causing more flooding Flood Defence Scheme: Cost £4.6 million and
completed by 2008. -Widening channel and lowering bed by 0.7m to increase discharge capacity -
Raising car park to work as flood defence and make cars safer -Car park new permeable surface -
New river/flood defence wall to reduce impact (hard engineering) -Relocated lower bridge with
raised arch to prevent debris build up -Clearing vegetation from river bed- active management every
summer - New gauging station to measure flow/speed of water to aid flood protection -Drainage
improvements Sustainability of defence scheme: -Area protected so people don’t move away so no
job losses -Less property damage so tourist industry can continue..Last a long time so no large on-
going costs -£4.6million small in comparison to £20million insurance pay out Effects: -25 business
properties destroyed. (loss of jobs & cost of repair) -50 buildings damaged (owner cost of repair,
insurance pay out causes future premiums to rise) -4 footbridges washed away (cost of rebuild for
council) -Pavements and gardens damaged by weight of water -Roads blocked so rescue by
helicopter only -Burst sewage left Boscastle inaccessible for a few days -£20 million insurance pay
out so premiums will now rise -Visitor centre destroyed and mud/debris covered large parts of the
town. This devastated local economy, 90% of which comes from tourists Sorry, that resource no
longer exists. Search for an alternative from our selection of over 900,000 resources made by
teachers, for teachers. A case study on the 2004 Boscastle Flood. (Recommended for people taking
AS Geography) If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this
service unless you are at least 16 years old. Characteristics and Climate of a hot desert KS3
Chemistry. 9H Using Chemistry. Contents. 9H Using Chemistry. Chemical reactions. Burning fuels.
New materials – everyday reactions. New materials – industrial processes. Summary activities.
Chemical reactions everywhere!. Ireland GCSE Geography 21stC KS3 Chemistry. 9E Metals and
Metal Compounds. Contents. 9E Metals and Metal Compounds. Metals and non-metals. Metals and
acids. Metal compounds and acids. Symbol equations. Summary activities. Metal or non-metal?.
magnesium (Mg). phosphorus (P). sulfur (S). H. He. £4.5 million has been spent on a flood defence
scheme. Flashcards Also, hedges have been removed to make fields bigger. Lack of any flood
control system - in the form of either raised banks around the river channel or emergency drainage
ditches to catch overflowed water. Change in bed profile, Creation of pools, embayments and
cascades created Live mind mapping help from the Founder of Biggerplate - exclusively for
Biggerplate Plus and Pro me… Need custom mind map templates for your business? Learn more
North Cornwall, Seaton, Looe and Fowey Low bridges removed © Copyright Get Revising 2024 all
rights reserved. Get Revising is one of the trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Types of
rocks... How is sedimentary rock formed? When rocks settle at the bottom of the sea/river bed the
deposited rocks build up in layers called sediments. Over hundreds of thousands of years, the
sediments are compacted and sedimentary rock is formed. Limestone is a sedimentary rock. Tufa and
travertine are both varieties of limestone. Can you remember why they link to Mother Shipton’s
Cave? How is igneous rock formed? When the molten rock magma inside the earth cools and
solidifies, igneous rock is formed. Igneous rocks like granite are very hard and tough. How is
metamorphic rock formed? When the rocks are deeply buried and squeezed, they are heated and put
under great pressure. They do not melt, but the minerals they contain are changed chemically,
forming metamorphic rocks. An example of metamorphic rock is slate. A bundle is a package of
resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place. This lesson
is completely ready to use and fully resourced! TurnItIn – the anti-plagiarism experts are also used
by: King's College London, Newcastle University, University of Bristol, University of Cambridge,
WJEC, AQA, OCR and Edexcel
Sorry, but we’re having difficulties showing you the page you asked for. Boscastle village is located
in a steep sided and narrow valley through which the River Valency flows down to the harbour. In
2004 an intense storm centred over the small wooded catchment caused massive erosion of sediment
and river-side trees. This,combined with high flows, inundated the village with water and debris
causing extensive damage. Not your computer? Use Guest mode to sign in privately. Learn more
about using Guest mode Stakeholder engagement and communication Live mind mapping help from
the Founder of Biggerplate - exclusively for Biggerplate Plus and Pro me… Download to read
offline After an afternoon of intense localised rainfall, and a week of steady rain everyday, a small
flood happened on 21 June Roads had become flooded in the area and in the village, most water
came from the saturated fields around the village. KS3 Mathematics. N6 Calculating with fractions.
N6 Calculating with fractions. Contents. N6.2 Finding a fraction of an amount. N6.1 Adding and
subtracting fractions. N6.3 Multiplying fractions. N6.4 Dividing by fractions. Fraction counter.
Adding and subtracting simple fractions. 3 + 1. Crosswords Rock landscapes Let’s explore BBC
Bitesize to explore the rock landscapes of The Yorkshire Dales To discuss or comment on this case
study, please use the discussion page. Causes... • Physical causes of flooding: • Heavy rainfall •
Long periods of rain • Snowmelt • Steep slopes • Impermeable rock (doesn't allow water through) •
Very wet, saturated soils • Compacted or dry soil • Human factors increasing flood risk: •
Urbanisation, because towns and cities have more impermeable surfaces • Deforestation, because
removing trees reduces the amount of water intercepted and increases run-off Probability: 1 in 400
but Boscastle is a village which regularly floods, more recently there was one in 2007. Summary
notes on causes, effects and future management of a flood in an MEDC. Boscastle. Change in bed
profile, Creation of pools, embayments and cascades created Photo source:
/england/cornwall/3571844.stm Quizzes This website and its content is subject to our Terms and
Conditions. Tes Global Ltd is registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered
office at Building 3, St Paul’s Place, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE Narrow river channels in the
village itself. To understand the effects of the flooding. About this workspace North Cornwall,
Seaton, Looe and Fowey 6. • The settlement of Boscastle has been allowed to develop on a narrow
flood plain on the west coast of England, where rainfall is often high. • Early settlers would have
been attracted by ‘site’ factors such as the fresh water supply and access to a natural harbour. • There
are now around 1,000 permanent residents, most of who rely upon the situation of the settlement to
provide tourist revenues (it is close to the South West Coast Path). • The rainfall hit at the worst time
of year when the settlement population doubles to 2,000 as tourists arrive, many of who are
following the South West Coast Path. A case study on the 2004 Boscastle Flood. (Recommended for
people taking AS Geography)

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