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Internationalisation: Tech

What do you know about technology?

A. Which things do you use? And why do you need them?

Write in the list why you need these items. Also think of three items that also need to be on your
list and why.

Item /gadget why do you need this?

1. alarm clock I think it is necessary order not to be late for school.
2. camera I think it is necessary to take photos.
3.notebook/laptop I think it is necessary to write things down there.
4. hairdryer I think it is necessary to be able to dry my hair in winter.
5. dishwasher I think it isn’t necessary because you can wash them by hand.
6. calculator I think it is necessary to make calculations in maths.
7. TV I think it is necessary to find out what's going on in the world.
8. mobile phone I think it is necessary to talk with my family and friends.
9. school bag I think it is necessary to transport the books and my computer. I think it is necessary to find out what time it is.

B. Write down at least three important inventions that changed the world. Why did they change
the world, you think?

1. Computer: because it is a think to keep your things safe.

2.Airplane because with this method of transportation you can travel anywhere faster.
3.Calculator because with this method you can make calculations.

C. Do you know famous inventors? Write them down (you can do research on the internet of
course). Do you know famous inventors from your own country?
Marie Curie: She discovered radiation and polonium.
Emilio Herrera: He discovered the space suit to take man to the moon.
Ramón Verea: He discovered the first modern calculator in the world.
D. A very important invention is of course the mobile phone. What do you use your phone for?
How do you think people managed without mobile phones 30 years ago? Write at least 40 words.

I use the mobile for the studies and talking with my friends. And see the social media too.
I think it wasn't used the mobile phone because it didn’t exist, it was traditional landline
telephone to talk with the people and meeting friends. So I think the modern phone is a big
change for people born in that era, because they communicated via the landline or
traditional telephone.

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