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Recruitment methods: Recruitment methods are the tactics a company uses to

find viable candidates and entice them to apply for jobs. Choosing the right recruitment
methods will depend on the skills you need, the type of candidate you’re looking for, the
experience level required, your budget, your time frame, and the hiring resources you
have available.
Firstly, we need to determine the number of employees to recruit. Based on the
data predicting the number of employees in various positions for the company in the first
After having a specific figure regarding the number of employees needed, the
company needs to provide job descriptions and requirements for each position, including
education, skills, and experience, as outlined in the second requirement.
Finally, we'll devise a recruitment plan to minimize costs and recruitment time
while still meeting the set targets and ensuring the highest quality of employees.

Methods of recruitment and selection can be either internal or external.

Internal recruiting focuses on people who are already company employees, while
external recruiting aims to attract new talent from outside.

1. Internal sources of candidates.

Employee Transfers: By assessing the overall performance of candidates, Bliss
Company can utilize potential candidates in other positions, such as transferring a skilled
salesperson to a managerial role. This method helps us save more time in reviewing and
evaluating new employees because existing employees have recorded data based on their
performance and work abilities.
Promotion: When employees are highly evaluated and show good potential for
advancement, the company will consider promoting them.
This promotion signifies that the employee has good potential, and the company will not
need to seek external candidates to fill the remaining positions. Promoted employees can
come from other positions; for example, if an operations employee demonstrates good
managerial skills, the company will consider promoting them. Because this is an internal
recruitment method, we won't need to spend time onboarding new candidates, thus saving
recruitment costs.
2. External sources of candidates.
Official Company Website: This is a method that Bliss Company can use for free
Here, the company can maximize its resources to meet recruitment needs. By creating job
postings on the company's official website, candidates can access them more easily.
Moreover, our official website serves as a tool to demonstrate the company's credibility,
so candidates won't have to doubt whether the job postings are genuine or not.
Online Recruitment Websites: Platforms like TopCV, LinkedIn, Vietnamworks,
CareerBuilder, etc., are places with a large number of potential candidates and rich

Bliss Company will find suitable candidates for each position to be filled because these
websites clearly differentiate job positions desired by both employers and candidates. For
example, candidates interested in applying for sales positions because they have strengths
in that area, so we won't need to ensure their sincerity about what they have. We will post
job postings on these platforms with job position requirements and descriptions and Job
boards speed up our recruitment process because they have a global reach and can result
in instant applications. However, to be able to post job postings on these websites, the
company will need to pay a fee to do so.
Online Recruitment via Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok...
Nowadays, the majority of smartphone users use social media to meet their personal
needs, including those who are looking for jobs. However, for various reasons, many
people may not be aware of the company's recruitment information. By creating posts on
these social media platforms, the company's job postings will appear more actively in
front of potential candidates. However, this platform also requires payment to post job
Conference Forums, Universities: These are also places with abundant labor
In this environment, we can find potential candidates based on their passion and field of
study because they already have foundational knowledge based on their education, which
aligns perfectly with our recruitment needs. We will collaborate with these organizations
to host a public forum where we can directly meet potential candidates with relevant
skills required by the company. This will increase awareness of our company,
significantly boosting our recruitment success rate.
Casual Callers:
If the company has previously received many job applications but hasn't needed them yet,
this is the time when we will review those previous resumes to find suitable candidates.
This method aims to help the company save recruitment costs while still ensuring the
required number of candidates is filled.
Employees’ Recommendations: The company can also leverage relationships with
their colleagues to have them introduce their friends or relatives to apply for jobs.
This can also be considered as a free recruitment channel for the company by leveraging
relationships with their employees. Through this method, we will save time and costs in
the recruitment process because we won't need to actively search for candidates; instead,
they will be referred to the company.
Selection Methods: After obtaining potential candidates, we will implement
selection methods. This usually involves narrowing down the applicant pool by utilizing
employee selection tools such as tests, interviews, and background checks. The goal of
employee selection is to achieve person–job fit. Person–job fit means aligning the
knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies (KSACs) required for the job (based on job
analysis) with the applicant’s knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies. For each
different job position, the company will have different recruitment methods to screen
candidates. For a specialized company like Bliss Events & Wedding, we have unique
recruitment methods for each job position:
Testing: This is a selection method that the company has implemented. Firstly, the
tests need to be reliable, valid, and have a certain level of legitimacy. This is
indispensable; the tests must be consistent to accurately evaluate candidates.
For each candidate applying for different positions, there will be different tests.
For example:

 Operations staff require physical strength for heavy-duty work, so they will
undergo physical fitness tests.
 Managers require personality tests assessing their ability to manage
personnel, organize, plan, or other relevant skills.
 Sales staff will undergo tests assessing their sales skills, ability to persuade
 Administrative staff will undergo tests assessing their professional skills,
including knowledge of data management, scheduling events.
This selection method helps the company identify the most promising candidates
and eliminate those who do not meet the company's requirements. With the test results,
the company can assess the overall skills, specific knowledge related to the position the
candidate applied for. The tests will ensure whether the candidate truly fits the company's
work culture or meets the standards set by the company.
Interviewing: We typically conduct individual interviews with candidates, which
helps us gain a more comprehensive understanding of the candidates and obtain
information from them that tests cannot reveal.
In this selection method, we prioritize assessing the candidate's abilities and skills
across various aspects. Additionally, we also consider the candidate's attitude towards the
company, such as initial impressions and career goals. This method focuses more on
specific aspects of job requirements, allowing us to consider whether the candidate is
suitable for the position.
Trial Period: To gain the most realistic insight into candidates, we offer them a
trial period, meaning they will directly work on the job they originally applied for.
With this method, we can assess how candidates adapt to the real work
environment, how they handle work situations, and based on their performance, we will
decide whether to hire them or not. Experiencing the actual job for some candidates
allows them to fully demonstrate their abilities because their language skills may not be
strong. And of course, for different job positions, there will be different trial period
In conclusion, Testing, interviewing, and trial periods are the three comprehensive
methods the company has applied for personnel selection because they are the most
practical methods for evaluating candidates. However, depending on the specific job
positions of the company, we will make changes to the format of each method to suit the
position being recruited and ensure the highest quality of selection.
Question 4:
To retain my employees, we needed to review previously recorded employee
performance so that we could plan appropriate development for each employee properly
and company created a “Development plan” occupation for employees as follows:
General objective:
- Attract and retain talented employees.
- Enhance employee satisfaction and engagement.
- Develop employee capabilities to meet the company's development needs.
- Create a positive working environment, encourage employees to contribute to
the company.
Staff training and coaching:
Goal: In this step, company wants our employees to be able to participate in the
company's activities proficiently; they need to be able to integrate into this new working
- Provide training programs and necessary skills for each job position
- Develop employees' skills and strengths to increase their productivity.
- Create a friendly working environment so employees can comfortably develop
to their full potential
- We can quickly grasp an overview of their performance at work so that we can
come up with a suitable development plan for each position.
Staff assessment:
Objective: To identify an employee's strengths that contribute to company performance.
- Conduct periodic employee performance appraisals to provide them with
proper development direction as well as reasonable incentive compensation for
their performance.
- Use diverse evaluation methods such as 360-degree evaluation, evaluation
according to set criteria, and cross-evaluation to get the most objective view.
- Evaluation is based on the employee's capacity, processing skills, and ability to
achieve set targets.
- In addition, it is necessary to evaluate their desires. Employees with a strong
will to progress will want to receive results worthy of what they contribute to
the company.
- Propose compensation and incentives for employees fairly for each job
- Recognize employees with good performance in career development to create
promotion opportunities or appropriate rewards.
- Recommend employees with promotion potential.
Consulting and coaching:
Objective: Help employees who still have difficulty at work so that they can participate in
company activities more conveniently.
- Offer special training sessions
- Pair them with people with more specialized skills or mentors in senior
- Create a career-oriented foundation for employees.
- Employees still have difficulty overcoming their shortcomings and their work
performance improves.
Evaluate performance and set goals:
Objective: Review the overall plan including employee evaluation and evaluation of
strategy performance.
- We will hold meetings between departments to summarize the data they
recorded from employees including their performance, improvement,
- From those facts, we decided to compensate employees with reasonable
amounts such as organizing parties, vacations... in addition, not forgetting to
reward employees with excellent achievements at work, and create conditions
for them to have opportunities for advancement.
- In addition, we will review the performance of the "career development" plan,
thereby making better changes to this strategy.
- Employees will feel that their dedication is worthy of what they receive. They
will continue to work and make more efforts to have higher promotion
- Changes in development strategy will help employees and company operations
achieve higher performance, thereby increasing the company's profits and
Finally: This is the “Career development” plan for employees that we have proposed,
however, depending on each job position, there will be different actions to evaluate
employees. This strategy is designed to retain potential employees for the company and
will also have other benefits such as:
- Increase individual employee engagement with each other and with senior
- Give employees confidence in the company's development direction, thereby
retaining top talent.
- Periodic evaluation of this strategy helps the company identify strengths for
development and weaknesses that need to be overcome, increasing revenue for
the company.

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