Lyrics Enforcer Unfortunate Souls MC Book 5 Debbie Mitchell Download PDF Chapter

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Lyric's Enforcer: Unfortunate Souls MC

Book 5 Debbie Mitchell

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Lyric’s Enforcer (Unfortunate Souls MC Book Five)
By Debbie Mitchell
Copyright ©December2022 by Debbie Mitchell
All rights reserved.

No part of the publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording,
or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the authors, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. This is a work of fiction. Names,
characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any
resemblance to persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All references to brands, song titles, artists, movies,
characters, and actors made in this book are the property of their sole copyright owners.

This book contains strong sexual content.
Cover Design & logo: Sweet Fifteen Designs
Editing by: Book & Mark It Editing by Lexis Ann
Published by: Archer Quill Publishing
I Have Several People I'd Like To Dedicate This
Book To:
First off, Lexis Cummings, you are such an amazing person. Thank you
for being my editor, my friend, and someone I can trust to tell me when I
need to change it up. You make my stories even better. You know
exactly how my brain is working, just sometimes it leaps ahead of my
fingers. I don't know what I'd do without you.
To Dove Cavanaugh King on how to word something, wink, wink.
To betas, Bev Ramos, and Vickie Carter, who got incredibly early,
unfinished copies so I could run ideas by them. Therese Benigno, you
are one of the main ones who keep me going. Love you!
To the rest of my amazing betas, Amanda McCurdy, Becky Jean, Davina
Purnell, Ginger Powell, Janet Andrade, Leslie Staffey, Missy Filla,
Patricia Lord, my Dragon, (Peggy Sue Darrow). Thank you for sharing,
reviewing, and doing whatever you can to get my books out to the world.
Not to mention, long ass conversations when I need a friend. A big
welcome to Pamela Schultz, our newest member.
Dante (around twelve)
Matteo and I were playing football when I first spotted her. Cuda, one of the officers in the
club, had just helped her out of the car. I had overheard dad talking to his brother Winchester, last
night. Cuda and his old lady, Stiletto, had went to New Orleans as soon as he heard about it. Her
parents had died. I can't even fathom what she's going through. Yeah, mom and dad fight, but they
were both still here. Cuda is her uncle and godfather. Her cousin Justice has already come to live
with Cuda. He was all but, in a gang, and his parents, along with his aunt and uncle talked to them
about him coming to live here with Cuda. Justice is a little older than me. He was so angry about
coming to live here, but once he gave us all a chance, fit in great.
Benelli threw the ball to me, and it hit me right in the chest. It fell to the grass, and I barely
noticed. My eyes were too locked on that girl for anything else. That girl. I had to know her. She is the
prettiest girl I had ever seen, even with the sadness overtaking her. Making her feel welcome, and
taking away her sorrows is now my mission.
"Bro? Hello! Earth to Dante," my brother says while waving the ball in front of my face.
I take the ball from him, sliding it under my arm, "Yeah, sorry. You good?"
"Uh yeah. Are you? What's with you?" Still, my eyes never leave the one with the long, tight
ringlets of deep brown hair. "Ah. That's what has you so distracted. Dante likes a girl."
"Shut up. Her parents just died," I whisper-yell to my brother. We're enough away that she
wouldn't have heard, but still. Then, like magic, she turns and looks up, straight at me. If I wasn't awe-
struck before, I am now. She is a couple years younger than me from the looks of it. There is
something about her though.
Justice came outside and pulled her into a hug, and she wept. I found myself walking to them.
When they pulled apart, her face wet with tears, I took off the flannel shirt I had over my tee and tried
to hand it to her. She looked at me confused. "Here," I said, and wiped her tears away. "Sorry about
the dirt... and the smell," I said, and winced. I just wiped that poor girl's face with my stinky shirt,
She took the shirt from me with a small smile. "It does kinda stink, but thanks."
"I'm Dante." My head is down from embarrassment, and I kick at a rock on the ground. What
am I thinking?
"Lyric." I look up into her hazel eyes, still watery from unshed tears. Lyric. I liked it.
"Hey sweetie. How about we go in, and get you a drink? We'll just be here for a bit, and we
will take you to our house. Is that okay?" said Stiletto. She nodded and walked to the entrance of the
clubhouse with them. Before she walked through the door, she turned to look at me, still holding my
A Few Years Later
"Hey, Lyric! Watch this!" I call out to her. I wave my hands in the air to try and get her
attention from the other side of the field. A bunch of the guys built a dirt track for our bikes, so we can
do jumps. Right now, we just have dirt bikes. We don't get the Harley's until we are older, and get our
license. It's all good. Lyric spots me and waves back. Little Pistol is tagging along with her. That's my
cousin Colt's baby sister. They come over closer to where we are, and climb up on an old wooden
"Show us what you've got Dante!" Lyric shouts to me. The guys have started calling me Remi
or Remington, but she still calls me Dante. I told her it's going to be my club name, and she better get
used to it, but she still rolls her eyes at me, and gives me a firm, "no." I don't argue with her too much.
Really, I kinda like how she says it.
Lyric never gave me the shirt back either. She's wearing it today, tied around her waist. I'm
okay with that, too. I hold my bike up between my legs, and get ready to take off. My wrist turns, and
gives it some gas. Off I go. I lean into the corners, and really get on it so I can make the first jump.
Yes! I can hear her cheer for me over the sound of the engine. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her
standing on the first rung of the fence. She's pumping her fist into the air. I take another turn and a
jump, getting a little more air this time.
Now, I decide to do a little showing off. I'm at full speed when I take the next hill. My bike
and I fly high into the air. I kick my legs back and almost do a handstand in the air. Forcing them back
to straddle position, I prepare for my landing. I stick it, perfectly. My eyes shoot over to where Lyric
and Pistol are, and I lose all concentration. The bike hits a rock just right, and I lose control. The bike
slides on its side, and I know I'm going down with it. It's not my first wreck, so I know how to lay it
down with the least amount of damage to it and to me. It's still not pretty.
I can hear lots of footsteps as the guys come running, along with the girls. Shoot. Matteo, who
now goes by Benelli, is the first one there. He slides in the dirt like a baseball player trying to make
home and is by my side. "You okay, man? What the hell happened? You landed the jump just fine." He
reaches his palm down to me and helps me up. Benelli is home from basic and has officially gotten
patched in last night.
Frustrated and embarrassed, I knock the dirt off of me. "Freaking rock. I wasn't paying
attention. I'm fine." I pick it up and chuck it off the track. My ankle hurts, but I'm not telling anyone.
"Dante, you okay?" Lyric asks breathlessly. Pistol asks, too. She's Lyric's shadow. Whatever
she says or does, Pistol has to also. It's kinda cool how she looks up to her so much. There's not a big
age difference, but I guess at our age, even a couple years is huge.
"I'm good you guys, really. I'll just walk the bike to the garage to make sure." The girls follow
me. All the guys stay out at the track. Once we are back at the clubhouse, Lyric talks Pistol into getting
us three sodas.
"Let me see your ankle. Don't give me that look. You've been limping the whole way back."
Before I get the kickstand down with the other foot, she's on the ground pulling up my shoe off.
"Dang it, Lyric! Give me a half a second." Grumbling, I hop on one foot over to a toolbox and
sit down on it. I pull up the leg of my jeans, while Lyric takes my dirty sock off and winces. "Does it
look that bad?" I ask. Trying to twist my leg so I can get a gander at it. It's a little chewed up, swollen,
and turning colors. At least it's not broken.
She leaves for a sec and comes back with an ice pack she pulled out of the garage fridge.
Gingerly, she places it on my ankle. Damn, that's cold. My foot flinches, causing her to jump. She falls
back, her butt landing on the dirty concrete floor. I laugh. She gives me the evil eye.
"You are such a butthole! Here I am, trying to help you, and this is the thanks I get? Maybe, I
should tell your mom about your ankle. Hmm?" She crosses her arms across her chest and glares at
me. She can be a dang viper when she gets mad.
"Like mom would even care. Hell, she's probably not even home," I grumble. That softens her
"You know your mom loves you. She's just..." Lyric starts to say.
"She's just too busy running around to worry about us. Mom didn't come home last night. Her
and dad got into it again and she took off."
Lyric places a hand on my shoulder. I don't want her pity, and I shrug it off. She gets to her feet
and holds her hand out to me. "Well, let's get in the clubhouse and get it cleaned up. Come on, I'll help
you." I don't want to admit I need the help. It's really starting to hurt, though.
I wrap my arm around her waist and hobble to the clubhouse. She's tiny, but strong, and has
her arm around me. As far as she's concerned, we're best friends. What she doesn't know is, I still
have a huge crush on her. Always have, always will.
Lyric (Homecoming Dance)
I waltz into the room. My hair is all fixed and I'm trying on some dresses for my first school
dance. I know that Remington is playing video games, and I can't wait to see his reaction. We're in
high school now. He's a junior and I'm a freshman. Little does he know; I am so in love with him. One
day, maybe today, he'll quit seeing me as a little girl.
Everyone is fussing over me at how pretty I look. That is, everyone except him. He hasn't even
looked up yet. Jerk! Doesn't he realize that he's the only one that matters. I'm staring at him, patiently
waiting. Well, patiently might be a stretch. "Dante." I say, tapping my foot. He looks up. His mouth
opens, but no words come out. Now that, that's the look I was waiting for. A warm smile spreads
across my face, and my caramel cheeks are now pink.
The ladies have me go and try on the next one. When I come back, he's still sitting there, mouth
gaped open. You can hear the sound of his life ending on his game.
Ruger chuckles at the sound. "Yeah son, that's how it all starts." Some of the other men in the
club laugh, too. I didn't get it. It's probably some stupid inside joke guys say. Remington pushes
himself up off the couch, and tosses the game controller off to the side. He stomps off to the kitchen.
So, I'm going with a no, on the blue dress.
I dash upstairs and put on the last of the three. This one is red, with satin and lace. It's my
favorite. Both the women and the men ooh and ahh over it. In the corner of my eye, I see Remi in the
kitchen on a bar stool. He has it leaning back on two legs trying to get a peek from the next room.
Now, I know this next thing I voice is a little evil on my part. I twirl around, the full skirt
swishing around. "I bet all the boys ask me to dance in this one!" I call out, louder than needed.
CRASH! The bar stool has fell over backwards with him in it. As bad as I want to, I don't look. I fight
back the smile and bounce upstairs, without a care in the world.
I've kicked off my heels that I've been practicing walking in, and started to unzip my dress
when he storms in. I clutch my dress to me until I realize it's not going anywhere. I place my hands on
my hips, "Remington! No, this calls for something stronger. Dante Neroni! What the hell?"
His fists are clenched, and his jaw is tight. "You are NOT going to be dancing with a bunch of
guys. Do you hear me?"
My arms cross in front of me, and I jut out one hip. While I'm at it, I throw in the look. "Oh,
really? What makes you think you have any say? I've got news for you. This club may stop the boys
from asking me out, but it won't stop them from asking me to dance."
"Oh, I'll stop them from that, too!" He growls out.
"And how do you plan on doing that, Dante?" I say his name with bite.
"I guess I'll have to go with you."
"You? You're going to go to homecoming to keep me from dancing with anyone else?"
"Yeah, if that's what it takes."
"Mr. Too Cool for School is going to take me to a dance. Yeah, right."
"I'm taking you and that's final!"
"Final. Are you kidding me right now?"
"You heard me. Final!" Now he's the one with his arms crossed in front of him. He's giving me
a look that says, "dare me."
"Fine! But you are going to dance with me all night. AND THAT IS WHAT'S FINAL!" I turn
on my heels, storm to the bathroom, and slam the door. I lean my back against it, and smile. Dante
Neroni is jealous. Finally, after all these years, he shows something besides friendship to me... and I
love this overbearing, bossy side of him. I place my closed fingers up to my lips. He likes me. That
guy out there, after all this time, likes me.


I watch out the window and see Remington pull up and get out of his beat-up old car. It's a
classic muscle car that he's fixing up. When he got the '67 Mustang, it was pretty much rust and
wheels. He worked so hard for it. Every day after school and weekends doing jobs for Rivet, Tank,
Uncle Cuda. Anyone he could work for to get extra cash. He found another scrap one that had a body.
Every single paycheck went for parts. A dual exhaust here, a chrome bumper there. Bondo, Lord, does
it have some sanded off bondo. He was hoping to have it all primered and painted before the dance. It
doesn't matter to me what it looks like. Just that I'll be with him. Holy crap! He has on dress pants and
a tie. Color me impressed. I hear him ring the doorbell and I rush to check my hair and dress one last
time in the mirror. My feet screech to a halt at the top of the steps. I need to make an entrance, after
all. Taking a deep breath, I glide down the stairs trying to look more sophisticated than I really am.
"Remington, can you take this corsage for me while I grab the camera? I'll be back in a flash,"
Sharon asks. "Get it, flash." She laughs at her own corny joke and hands him the transparent plastic
box. He takes the flowers from her, and she dashes out of the room.
He looks at the container awkwardly, turning the box over and over in his hands. Remington
finally manages to get it open, and takes out the tiny bouquet of flowers and ribbons. I notice the
stretchy band; however, he still looks perplexed. Cuda whispers a "pst," to him and holds his hand
out. Remi turns back to me and my outstretched arm, placing the flowers around my wrist. I'm blinded
by a flash. Aunt Sharon, who everyone else calls Stilleto, is taking picture, after picture of me.
I finally stop her by telling her I'm going to be late. My adopted parents, now arm and arm,
stare at me proudly. "You look so beautiful, Lyric. So grown up." Sharon fans her face to keep from
"Okay, princess. Your carriage awaits," says my date, while spinning the key ring around his
finger. I can't wait for this!
Cuda, however, has other plans. He puts his hand on Remington's shoulder and gives him a
look. "Let's go check out the car, son." Remi got his license earlier this year and has been rebuilding
this car since he was fourteen. You should have seen it when he got it. It was basically a frame and
dry-rotted wheels. I'm sure this little detour has more to do with me than the car. My hand pulls back
the curtain as I watch the two of them have a talk.
When I feel Aunt Sharon touch my own shoulder, I know I'm about to get the same. The fabric
closing us off to the guys as my hand releases the tapestry. We are definitely going to be late for the
dance. I can see it now. As we sit on the loveseat, she starts giving me the talk. Not the “where babies
come from talk.” I'm not that naive. More like the when your lady bits get all turned on and you want
to say yes, but need to say no, talk. I am mortified.
Remington (homecoming dance)
I knew this was coming. The don't "deflower" my girl child talk. Cuda isn't going to have it.
Somehow, he didn't trust the two of us in a car just yet. I'd never do anything she isn't ready for. Hell, I
haven't even kissed her yet. I may go 0-60 on a bike, but with Lyric, I would take my time. Besides, I
already got this lecture from my dad. How I need to be extra careful dating someone within the club,
and my actions had very real consequences. Not just the normal, get her pregnant, consequences.
There are also the consequences of breaking the heart of a club members daughter. Those
were even more scary. I've seen what happens when guys outside of the club have dated and broke the
heart of a club members child. Depending on the age of the dude, and the severity of what happened,
the guy could end up beat and kicked around. All of us guys have heard the rumors. Some punk from
the country club scene had his eyes set on Tank's daughter. He took her to a frat party, put something in
her drink. Let's just say he was never seen again.
That's not the whole story. I can remember us boys sitting around a bonfire out in the woods,
drinking some cheap ass booze we snuck from the bar and regaling some rather brutal stories. One kid
heard about his fingerprints being ripped off, another heard about a vat of acid. Justice heard they
took him to a construction site and buried the dude alive under rock and hot tar on I-57. Who knows if
any of them were true? I wasn't about to find out firsthand. Let's just say, I got the point of the talk with
Cuda. VP's son or not, if I hurt Lyric, I would go down.
I assured him that I knew how to be a gentleman and that even at sixteen, I knew she is the one
for me. There would never be a time he would ever have to question my loyalty to her. Cuda nodded.
He knew that I had already watched over her and protected her since the day she arrived. Probably
too much. In my eyes, when it came to keeping her safe, there is never too much.
With a few hard pats to my back, we were finally free to go to the dance. She came outside
and met me by the car, and I held the door open for her. Safely inside, I took the driver's seat and we
drove away, slowly of course, with Cuda giving me the stink eye in the rearview mirror.
Now, out of their sites, I look over to Lyric and let out the long breath I am holding.
Apparently, she had been doing the same. We both start laughing. "So, how bad was it?" she asked.
"He can be kinda scary. How about you? Did Stilleto tell you that all guys are the devil?"
"Yeah," she laughs nervously. "She also said that girls have to control what's in their pants
worse than they guys."
I cock an eyebrow at her, "Is that so?" She slaps my arm and tells me to shut up. So, with that
thought now in my head, everything Cuda said is out the window. Do girls really think the same way
as us guys? How can it even be worse? I'll have to get to the bottom of this discussion some other
time. Right now, this beautiful girl deserves a dance.
Balloons, streamers, and decorations cover virtually every inch of this place. It's an under the
sea theme. Even the lighting hitting all the blue makes you feel as if you're really under water. It's
actually kinda cool. A little over the top, but cool. I link her arm into mine and we walk through the
streamers. Across the room we spot Colt and some of the others we spend time together with. We
wave and head to their table.
Benelli and Justice graduated last year and are in the army. They didn't even get the whole
summer off before they went off to basic training. I miss those guys, especially my brother. They're
supposed to get leave sometime in December. They're at Ranger training down in Fort Benning,
Georgia. Knowing those two, they're learning how to do jumps. When we went to his basic
graduation, he showed us the jump towers. Those two crazy fuckers were looking forward to jumping
out of planes. Not me. Just give me a gun, a bowie knife, and my fists. I'll fight my way out of it.
I plan on joining when I get out. Not sure which branch yet. I'm not going to do the Ranger
training. Most of the guys have done army, I haven't decided yet. They give me hell for it. That's how
the majority of the members have met each other, in the army. We've had members from other
branches join. Not that I'm an official patched member yet. I will be.
I'm distracted by the beautiful girl in red yanking on my arm to get up and dance with her. My
eyes roll and I groan, pretending that I don't want to be out of the floor with her. The truth is, I've been
waiting for a slow song to hold that girl in my arms close to me. I pull her in tight, my hand bent and
holding hers close to me. My other hand around her waist as we sway to the music.
I'm dazed in the lights of the sea and the smell of her perfume behind her ear. I take in the
exotic scent and place a kiss just under her lobe. She sucks in a breath, and I want more. A chaperone
is already tapping me on the shoulder, damn that librarian. We pull apart, the mandated space between
us now. At least, until Mrs. Wheeler is out of sight, and then I pull her in close again.
"If I didn't tell you earlier, you look beautiful." Her smile lights up the dimly lit gym. Two of
the guys on the basketball team are eying her. My jaw clenches, body tensing, I turn her so she can't
see them. They are laughing and whispering, looking at her. Until they notice my face. "You're dead," I
mouth to them. They bump into each other trying to get away. Pussies. Now, back to the girl in my
arms. "Were you really going to dance with a bunch of douche bags if I wouldn't have taken you? Or
were you trying to make me jealous?"
Lyric's cheeks began to flush. "It worked, didn't it?" Damn that girl. It definitely did.
I look around the room, wanting to sneak in a kiss without the teacher patrol watching when I
spot Colt. The two guys from earlier are shoving him towards the door. Making my way through the
crowded dance floor, I push my way outside. A circle has already started to form.
The taller of the two shoves him to the ground. "You guys think because your daddies are in a
biker gang, you can do whatever you want. You ain't shit."
Colt spots me, and jumps to his feet. Like a linebacker, he slams into the guy, taking them both
to the ground. The shorter one, still tall at 5'11" starts to jump in. "Come on Tyler, two on one isn't a
fair fight. Let's make this a little more even." I yank him off of Colt, pinning him to the ground. Punch
after punch, my fist meets his side and face. I'm being pulled off of him, ready to swing at whoever it
is. My fist meets a hand, and I look up. It's my dad. I look over to Colt, who's yanked up by Uncle
Winchester, his dad.
"What the hell is going on?" my dad growls.
"They started it," I say, wiping my lip from the one and only punch the kid got in.
"That true, boy?" Uncle Win asked Colt.
"Yeah. They said we were biker trash. Said Lyric is trash, too." Colt is pissed, but not nearly
as pissed as me. No one would talk about her like that. I fought to free myself from dad's grip around
me. I needed to hurt them. They needed to feel more pain. "I told them if they wanted to talk shit, to
take it outside. I'd show them trash. Next thing I know, Rem's out here with me."
"Take Lyric, and you boys get on home," said dad. Lyric, shit. I pulled away from her and left
her there. Scanning the gathered group of kids, I spot the red dress before I do her face. Tears spill
down, mascara crossing her cheeks. I take her hand and pull her away from the prying eyes. The three
of us get into my car.
Grabbing a shirt that had been tossed aside, I wipe her tears away. "You're not trash. You
know that right?"
She gives me a little nod, then smiles. "Dang Dante, you and your smelly shirts on my face."
"The names Remington," I tell her. Trying to be overly serious to make her laugh.
"Bet he's got something even worse he wants to put in your face," snarks Colt.
"Oh my God, Colt! You are so vile!" Lyric declares and turns to the back seat to slap him.
She's laughing, though, so I don't want to deck him... too hard.
I throw a half empty bottle of Dr. Pepper at him. "I'm just sayin'," Colt says trying to duck
while laughing. It still clocked his shoulder.
When I get her back to her house, Cuda is waiting on the porch, arms crossed. I walk her to
the door. So much for a goodnight kiss. He nods his head for her to go in and she does. He motions for
Colt to get out of the car. Here it goes. The first time I take her out. I end up in a fight.
We meet Cuda halfway across the yard and stop. We face him, ready for a lecture. It never
comes. He puts one hand on each of our shoulders, and just gives us an approving nod. Never saying a
word, he turns and goes back into the house, shutting the door.
We look at each other, then walk silently to the car. Once inside, we stare at each other
intently. Finally, I speak. "We doing this?"
"Fuck yeah we are!" he says. I roast my wheels and take off to find the two. Will we catch
even more shit for not going straight home? More than likely. Do we give two shits right now? Hell to
the no.

One Year Ago

"This party is really hopping tonight," Jillian shouted to me over the loud music and
boisterous conversations. "Are they always this huge?"
"They're big, but this is probably the biggest. The Unfortunate Souls know how to throw down
a party, that's for sure," I reply. "Oh, shit! I love this song! Let's get out there." I jump off my bar stool,
pulling Jillian and Zen to the dance floor. The bass is thumping, as I move my hips to the music. I see
Rem out of the corner of my eye, he's looking our way. Let's just say, my moves get a little sexier.
Remi and I started dating from that homecoming dance, on. We broke up, though. I know it's
me why we're not together. Or should I say my body. I found out when I was eighteen that it's very
unlikely, I could get pregnant. There was no way I was going to let him live a life with no chance of
kids, so I pushed him away. That damn man is like a magnet, though. Drawing me into him. Had I
known his ass was going to stay single all these years, maybe I would have done it different. Hell,
that's the whole reason I'm not with him, yet he didn't find someone and settle down. What the actual
We've teased and tortured each other all these years, but we've never got back together. I
won't... for his own good. Now I'm in a funk and need some shots. I make my way off the dance floor
area, and head straight to the bar. I order shots for me and my girls, waiting for them to catch up. The
new prospect pushes them towards me, I hold them all in my hands, turning and raising them to the air
so the girls can see and join me. Zen smiles and comes over, taking one.
"Girl, I've drank too much already. I've got to sober up a little so I can make it home," says
"More for me," I answer, a shot in each hand. Throwing one back, I feel the sweet burn slide
down my throat. My eyes meet his, and I take the other. Stacking the empty shots on the counter, I look
at Zen. "You want another?"
She looks around the room, searching for her own man, Phoenix. He's getting ready to go on
stage to sing. "Sure, why not?"
"That's my girl!" I slap some money on the bar. "Two more." When the prospect pushes the
two shots our way, we each lift them. "To pain in the ass men."
"Hell yeah, I'll second that. To pain in the ass men!" The glass clinks together, and we down
them. The prospect just wipes the bar, and rolls his eyes. He's not bad looking. Younger, but buff.
We've had a lot of new prospects recently. The club could use some new blood around here. Some of
the OG are getting up there. I look to the corner where, Tank, Rivet, Cuda, and Winchester are sitting,
swapping stories and lies. Cuda, the man who raised me, smiles wide at me, and gives me a salute. I
love that old man. Smiling back, I give him the same.
I've been thinking about New Orleans, though. Sure, my family on dad's side comes up to visit
for holidays. But I want to go back, see them. My mom's side never comes up to see me or Uncle
Cuda. I long to see them and my old home. I wonder who lives there now. Does it look the same?
Damn, what is with this freaking melancholy mood?
Suddenly, it kicks in. All the shots of alcohol commence to hitting me, and I get frisky when
I'm lit. Intuitively, my body turns to where that fierce as fuck enforcer is. It's not my fault, it's gravity...
or magnetism. Hell, if I know. All I know is, when the booze kicks in, I'm drawn to him much more.
There's no hope of fighting it. With any luck, he's got the same liquor-induced draw, and we give in to
it. And there it is. That swagger. That come fuck me grin. Oh yeah, I'm having him tonight. Fuck yeah!
I turn back towards the bar. Studying my reflection through the mirrored wall of bottles, I see
him before I feel his touch. His arms envelop me, palms clutch the bar on each side of me. That
masculine, intoxicating essence that is solely Remington. His breath on my collar. "You wanna go
back to my place and continue this party?" My eyelids close, and I inhale. Fuck, he smells incredible.
My lips turn up at the corners.
"Yeah, let's get outta here." I suck in a gasp when he takes my earlobe into his mouth, grazing
lightly with his teeth. Rem steps back and over, snatching a bottle the prospect had set on the counter
momentarily. He began to say something, suddenly realizing better when he saw who took it. Yeah, a
prospect wouldn't last long pissing off a member of the club he's working to patch into.
With one hand clutching the bottle of bourbon, and the other palming my lower back, we leave
the clubhouse. I'm confident they whispered about us when we saunter out. It's not that they haven't
seen us together. Hell, we're together a lot. We just tend to keep anything more than friendship and
mutual respect on the down low. Stolen moments in my office, at the strip club I manage, flirtations,
torturous temptations. Concealed grazes of hands as we pass each other. We've never denied there
isn't something there. We just stop before it becomes a thing.
The club hasn't seen anything remotely close to physical or emotional since we dated, and
that's been years ago. Four, to be exact. He was on leave from the army and brought stragglers home.
Just like every single one of the guys has done when they got leave. Personally, I'm grateful. That's
how we have retired soldiers in our club. They're organized. Trained to protect and survive anything.
The past came flashing back to me, recalling the night we broke up. Earlier that day was the
appointment that shifted my whole existence. All I could think of was him. Oh, I knew he would be
supportive and wouldn't care. Of course, he wasn't thinking about having children anytime soon. He
just got out of the army. An honorable discharge after being in that horrible wreck. The recovery was
lengthy and agonizing. I had it all prepared in my mind, every word I would tell him, explain to him.
My mind ran through every separate scenario of how he'd take it, too. I was ready for anything that
happened. I was not, however, expecting him to agree with me. Now that fucking shattered my heart.
The headlights of his motorcycle glowed luminous against the garage of his recently
purchased home, bringing me back into the present. It's not far from his childhood home up on the
ridge. His home is one of those prefab, modular homes that is ordered, transported, and set up. It has
developed into an actual nice ass place once they set it together. Brick was a little irritated that he
didn't just have him build it. He hasn't even had time to decorate it. I would never see the items in this
home that used to be at the clubhouse. Specifically, the bed. He was absolute about that. Luckily, they
had at least delivered the living room furniture. A rustic, but classy set in a russet brown suede, with
matching massage chairs you'd see in the aisle of the mall, charging five dollars for five minutes. I
head straight toward it, salivating. If they've delivered anything else, I have no inkling. It's all about
me, and this chair.
Plunking my fine round ass into it, I lay back and commence pressing buttons. That squeeze,
shiatsu neck roll thing is to die for! I'm moaning each and every time it hits just the right spot. A deep
sigh leaves my body. This is nirvana. "Should I leave the two of you alone for a bit?" Remi questions.
"No, I'm totally fine if you watch. Get your voyeur game face on." Next, those metal balls start
working their way up my thighs. It's seconds from hitting the promised land, and I let out something
Rem crosses his tatted guns in front of him, letting out a "hrmpf."
"Jealous much?" I jokingly inquire.
"Oh, I can assure you, I can bring you to more than loud groans and pants if I do it to you."
"Prove it," broke out of my mouth before I could stop myself. "If I moan louder with you than
this heavenly chair, you get two questions. If I come harder with the chair, I'll get two questions, or
dares. However you wish to play this."
Rem takes a long pull from the whiskey bottle, before letting me know, "Oh, it's on!" He
pushes the recliner all the way back. The chair gives the tighten/release, tighten/release with my
thighs and calves. After removing my jeans, he lifts my legs out and up, draping them over the arms of
the chair. That tongue. That fucking wicked tongue of his teases and tortures me. I'm on the edge, oh so
close. My breath catches and holds. Within moments, I go over. Arching, gasping, moaning, anything
coherent has escaped me. I want him in me, need him in me, now.
His piercing eyes blaze into mine. He's silent, and I can't read them. Remington's breaths are
deep. There's something he wants to say but won't.
I swear to God if he tells me this can't happen, I'll kill him! My pussy is still vibrating and
throbbing from his tongue. It wouldn't be the first time he's said it. Yeah, occasionally we're just so
out of control it happens. Other times, one of us is pushing the other away.
"Oh my God, Remington. What? If this isn't going to happen, just tell me!" Clearly, the liquid
courage is still coursing through my veins.
He gives the slightest of nods, pulling up and away from me. Rem seizes the bottle from the
bar, taking a generous swig. Slamming it down, he charges towards me. His hands pinning me in the
chair, a breath away, he growls. "Why are you still single? You were supposed to be married. Have a
home full of kids somewhere. Why?"
"Why? You're asking me why I'm still here? Asking me why I'm not with some other guy, a
baby on each hip?" I am so fucking pissed right now. He demands it, I'll give it to him! I manage to get
my knees bent. Before he can do anything about it, my feet are in his chest, and I launch him off of me.
He stumbles back.
Snatching the bottle, I take a healthy guzzle myself. My arms outstretched; I gesture. "Why?
You wanna know why the fuck? Oh, I don't know..." I spiral out of control, waving my arms like a
lunatic. One extra drink, and I let it fly. "Maybe because I love you, you asshole! Maybe because
you're the only one I've EVER craved. Why aren't YOU with someone? Why aren't YOU married with
a bunch of kids? You jerk, I did this for you. I figured you'd meet someone. I'd move aside. Eventually
I'd get over you. But NOOO, you're still here. Still single. Why is that, Dante? I know why I am. But
why the fuck are you? I did it all for you, and you're still not with anyone." Another swig.
"What are you talking about?" he demands sharply.
"What am I talking about? You truly wanna know? I broke up with you so you could get
married, have kids someday. It's what I couldn't give you. Can't give you. I..." the fury inside me
turning to something else. "I can't have kids. That's why I ended things." I wipe my nose with the back
of my arm that holds the bottle. "Now you know."
"You what?" He grips my arm, suddenly yanking the bottle from my hand. Again, it's slammed
down. He fists his long dark hair, pacing in erratic circles around the room. Talking to himself or me,
I don't know. "Are you fucking kidding me? All these goddamn years. You have got to be fucking
kidding me." He punches the wall, and I flinch. I have no inkling what's going on in his head.
He stalks to me, pinning me to the wall, my face clasped with his hand. I have never felt him
like this. He's drunk, hell we both are.
"You broke up with me because you couldn't have babies. Let me guess, you didn't want me to
live without the chance." I struggle to respond. Tears streaming down my cheeks. "Well, same, Lyric.
Fucking same!"
Confusion fills my eyes. "What?" I demand.

One Year Ago

Did I hear her right? I had to have heard that wrong. My head tilts as I look quizzically at this
woman before me. All this time, all of this fucking time we have wasted, struggling to let the other
one have a "better" life, a family, we could have spent it together. My chest aches thinking of how I
broke her so many times. After that wreck and her being there for me, day, and night as I recovered.
Only to find out that the chance of giving her a family was essentially inconceivable. Pushing her
away and being so cruel, assuming I was doing her some kind of favor. I stumble back, fisting my shirt
where my heart is. Struggling to understand what I had just heard. How it killed me to play off how I
genuinely felt for her. To drive her away even though a piece of my heart shattered each and every
time I did. I've always wanted her, no one but her. The idiot I had been.
Lyric and I stand there facing each other, both gasping for air as the words spoken reversed so
many years of pain. "You... all these years? Don't fuck with me, Lyric. I won't be able to stand it. Tell
me you've loved me all this time, as much as I love and worship you."
Tears surge down her face now, "Remington, it's always been you. It's only been you." Her
breath hitches with her confession. One step closer, two steps, our eyes never leaving each other.
When we are inches apart, I lean my forehead down to hers. "Tell me," I urge.
She cups my face in her hands, "I love you, Remington Neroni. You and only you." Lyric slams
her lips to mine, and we kiss. A kiss that conveys a thousand unsaid words that's built over the years.
Our mouths never releasing as I back her to the wall.
Calloused palms slide up her arms as I lift hers above her. The intertwining of our fingers
whispering volumes in the silence. The only sound is our breath heaving, our hearts thumping rapidly,
as we realize what this moment really is. Salvation is mine as I confess my heart to this woman that
stands before me. "Lyric, from the moment you arrived, all I could think about was protecting you.
When they told me that kids weren't going to be in the cards for me, I had to let you go. It ripped me
apart, but I wanted you to have that. Picturing you holding a baby and knowing that it wouldn't ever be
mine. Knowing that unless I broke it off, you'd never have that..."
She shook her head, "It's okay, babe. I did the same. You are everything I could ever want, but
I did the same for you." Tears came down rapidly, her breathing shakier.
"Shhh, it's okay. We both know now, and we can be together. No more secrets. No more lies. I
love you with all of my soul and I swear to you, I'll never drive you away again. No more secrets, we
work this shit out, no matter what happens. Okay?" She nods rapidly, wiping her hands across her
tear-stained face. My thumbs slide her cheeks as I wipe them away and kiss each lid. "We've got this
baby. It may have taken us way longer than it should have, but we're together now."
She sucks in a sniffle and beams up at me. Lyric's gaze has heat now, "Does this mean we can
drop this song and dance we've been doing for years, and you can fuck me?" No other words are
needed as I grab her ass in my hands and lift her. My woman's arms and legs wrap around me as I
carry her to my room and lay us both down on the bed. A smile spreads across my lips when I realize
it, my woman. Lyric is finally mine and I'll never let her go again.
As I hover above her, I cup her face. "Damn, you're beautiful... and mine. You hear that? I'm
claiming you. I've waited far too long to say that. You're my ol' lady. My queen. Now, and forever."
A smile beams across her face. She pulls me closer. My lips, now a breath away from hers.
"I've wanted this moment for so long, Dante." Just the sound of my name, my real name, sends a jolt
straight to my dick. I break what little distance there is between us, kissing her with a fierceness. A
need. It's like I've been in the desert my whole life, and Lyric's my fountain. Her taste brings me life.
For the rest of the night, that's what I do. My lips leave hers, as I trail kisses down her body. Her
collarbone, down to those luscious mounds, licking, sucking, nipping, as I go. I cup her breasts, giving
each equal time. One, then the other, I taste. My fingers gently pinching the one not being tasted at the
time. Further down I go. Those wicked, mocha curves directing my way. I kiss just above her belly
button, and she wriggles beneath me. It's her ticklish spot. She once told me it was like electric
butterflies that tickled, but sent a jolt straight down to her pussy. I've never forgotten that.
It's funny the things we remember about each other. I wonder what she remembers about me?
Her legs spread wider for me the lower I go. She's needy, and I love it. Only for me. Has it only been
me? It's been so long. I can't expect her to have waited this long. My mouth pauses, she groans in
need. "Rem," she says on an achy breath.
I raise, my lips now back to her stomach, then I look up to her. I'll never hold it against her,
but I want to know. "Have you been with anyone else?" I ask.
Her elbows now propping herself to look down at me, my chin gently resting on her.
"No. I... I just never," she answers shyly. Nothing like the Lyric everyone knows. They know
the strong and fierce Lyric. Only I know this other side. The one that isn't always in control.
I let out a sigh of relief. "Good. Tell me this pussy is mine," I say.
"It's always been yours. It will always... be... yours," she responds, before falling back onto
the bed. My tongue lapping and swirling at her core in the rhythm I know she loves. One hand rests on
her, my thumb rubbing her sensitive nub. Her slick juices on my tongue make me even harder. She's so
close. I slide one finger in. Then another. Pumping, licking, torturing her clit, all simultaneously; she
explodes. Lyric writhes beneath me. I've missed this. The way her body loses all control with me. I
continue until she's bucking so hard, pushing her body further and further back on the bed, until there's
nowhere else, she can go.
Her hands grip the rails on the headboard. She watches me. So much hunger and need in those
eyes. Above her again, I line my cock to her entrance. That beautiful glistening pussy. Pushing my way
into her, we both moan with pleasure. "Fuck. You feel so damn good," I moan. Tugging on her, I pull
her towards me. Me, in a kneeling position, my hands cup her beautiful ass, holding her bottom up as I
plunge into her, harder, and harder. While still inside her, I rest her on my lap, and wrap an arm
around her so I can lift her body and pull her close to me. Her breasts press against my chest. Fingers
delve into her dark hair so that I can taste her lips again. She's the only woman I could kiss for hours.
The only one I ever have. Lyric's full lips press against mine. Her tongue teasing mine. My palms grab
her hips so that I can bounce her harder, faster, on my swollen cock. I hold her in place, throwing my
head back as I come hard inside her. She joins me as her nails dig into my shoulders. It's even better
than I remember.

(a month later)
Phoenix has everyone's attention, as he's now standing on a table. He's just declared that he
and Zen are getting married... now! This is so exciting! Wait a minute. Rem reaches his hand out, and
Phoenix pulls him up. His eyes lock with mine.
"Lyric Desiree Boudreaux, are you game? Will you marry me?" he proposes for everyone to
"With a proposal like that, how could I refuse?" I respond, half laughing, half in tears.
Even more cheers received, along with several calling out, "It's about damn time!"
The two of us women head back into the clubhouse to get ready, accompanied by the girls
close to us. The men and the rest of the club are rushing around, getting everything ready out here. I
watch out the window as two cars full of women drive over to Michelle's, which is just up the hill
from the clubhouse and, in no time flat, came back down with decorations and flowers. We're trying
to get ready, but I can't contain myself. I peek out again to see everything laid out across tables, the
other old ladies working frantically, even making three bouquets. One is for each of us, and one for
Elle. We've made her our matron of honor. Michelle and Flo are fussing over us, making sure
everything is perfect. I'm not typically emotional, really, I'm not. It's really hard to force back the
tears, though. This has always been my dream, marrying Rem. Ever since we were kids, I envisioned
him at the end of the aisle. Then, when I realized kids weren't in the picture, that dream vanished.
Here it is, my fantasy comes to life. I sniffle back the emotions.
"Don't you dare cry! If you cry, we'll all cry," says Flo. She's been a mom to me since both my
mom, and then Stilleto passed. The thought of both important women no longer in my life, I let a few
tears slip. I can't help it. Uncle Cuda and Aunt Stilleto took me in when my parents passed. Then, my
aunt passed shortly after I graduated from high school. Cancer is a bitch! Now, even more hormonal,
I'm wishing my family from New Orleans was here to see. I haven't seen them in so long. Especially
my mom's side, other than Cuda, her brother. Justice's parents come up to visit sometimes.
Then, right on cue, both Justice and Cuda enter. "Baby girl, what's all this?" asks Justice, as he
wipes away the tears. "You know you don't have to marry that big, ugly man. I'll go out and tell him
no," he teases.
This brings a smile to my face. "Don't you dare, cuz!" I yank his arm. "I've been waiting way
too many years on this. He ain't getting off that easy." He chuckles. Justice knows my heart has always
belonged to his club brother.
"You ready, my sweet girl?" Cuda asks. I nod my head yes quickly.
"Let me get on outta here. Both of you brides are breathtaking," Justice declares, before
slipping out the door. Michelle and Flo give us each a kiss on the cheek, then follow.
I hear the music start. Elle is the first to walk outside, then Cuda and I start our procession. I
am wearing a white, tea length, lace dress. The one my momma wore when she married my dad. I
sealed it away it in a hope chest, laying in waiting for this moment. Seeing the look on Remington's
face is all that I needed. He's all I will ever need. Zen, escorted by Phoenix's dad, is next since her
family isn't here. Preacher, one brother from the St. Louis chapter, does the honors. I know that none
of us has a marriage license. It is spontaneously. That's the last thing that matters to any of us here. It's
just a paper. A mere formality that can be taken care of later. We are all in the moment. Living our
best lives as it comes to us. Isn't that how life should be lived?

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Constitution of the United States nor to any existing treaty
of the United States, shall remain in force until the Congress
of the United States shall otherwise determine. Until
legislation shall be enacted extending the United States
customs laws and regulations to the Hawaiian Islands the
existing customs relations of the Hawaiian Islands with the
United States and other countries shall remain unchanged. The
public debt of the Republic of Hawaii, lawfully existing at
the date of the passage of this joint resolution, including
the amounts due to depositors in the Hawaiian Postal Savings
Bank, is hereby assumed by the Government of the United
States; but the liability of the United States in this regard
shall in no case exceed four million dollars. So long,
however, as the existing Government and the present commercial
relations of the Hawaiian Islands are continued as
hereinbefore provided said Government shall continue to pay
the interest on said debt.

"There shall be no further immigration of Chinese into the

Hawaiian Islands, except upon such conditions as are now or
may hereafter be allowed by the laws of the United States; and
no Chinese, by reason of anything herein contained, shall be
allowed to enter the United States from the Hawaiian Islands.

"The President shall appoint five commissioners, at least two

of whom shall be residents of the Hawaiian Islands, who shall,
as soon as reasonably practicable, recommend to Congress such
legislation concerning the Hawaiian Islands as they shall deem
necessary or proper.


That the commissioners hereinbefore provided for shall be
appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent
of the Senate.
That the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of
any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and to
be immediately available, to be expended at the discretion of
the President of the United States of America, for the purpose
of carrying this joint resolution into effect."

There was no strict division of parties on the passage of the

resolution; but only three Republicans in the House voted
against it. Speaker Reed, who had strenuously opposed the
measure, was absent. Two Republican senators voted against the
resolution and three who opposed it were paired. A large
majority of the Democrats in both Houses were in opposition.
The policy advocated by the opponents of annexation was set
forth in the following resolution, which they brought to a
vote in the House, and which was defeated by 205 to 94:

"1. That the United States will view as an act of hostility

any attempt upon the part of any government of Europe or Asia
to take or hold possession of the Hawaiian islands or to
account upon any pretext or under any conditions sovereign
authority therein.

2. That the United States hereby announces to the people of

those islands and to the world the guarantee of the
independence of the people of the Hawaiian islands and their
firm determination to maintain the same."

Immediately upon the passage of the resolution of annexation,

preparations were begun at Honolulu for the transfer of
sovereignty to the United States, which was performed
ceremoniously August 12. Meantime, the President had
appointed, as commissioners to recommend legislation for the
government of the Islands, Messrs. Shelby M. Cullom, John T.
Morgan, Robert R. Hitt, Sanford B. Dole, and Walter F. Frear.
In the following November the Commission presented its report,
with a draft of several bills embodying the recommended
legislation. When the subject came into Congress, wide
differences of opinion appeared on questions concerning the
relations of the new possession to the United States and the
form of government to be provided for it. As the consequence,
more than a year passed before Congress reached action on the
subject, and Hawaii was kept in suspense for that period,
provisionally governed under the terms of the resolution of
annexation. The Act which, at last, determined the status and
the government of Hawaii, under the flag of the United States,
became law by the President's signature on the 30th of April,
1900, and Sanford B. Dole, formerly President of the Republic
of Hawaii, was appointed its governor.

The fundamental provisions of the "Act to provide a government

for the Territory of Hawaii" are the following:

That the islands acquired by the United States of America
under an Act of Congress entitled "Joint resolution to provide
for annexing the Hawaiian Islands to the United States,"
approved July seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight,
shall be known as the Territory of Hawaii.

That a Territorial government is hereby established over the
said Territory, with its capital at Honolulu, on the island of

That all persons who were citizens of the Republic of Hawaii
on August twelfth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, are
hereby declared to be citizens of the United States and
citizens of the Territory of Hawaii. And all citizens of the
United States resident in the Hawaiian Islands who were
resident there on or since August twelfth, eighteen hundred
and ninety-eight, and all the citizens of the United States
who shall hereafter reside in the Territory of Hawaii for one
year shall be citizens of the Territory of Hawaii.

That the Constitution, and, except as herein otherwise
provided, all the laws of the United States which are not
locally inapplicable, shall have the same force and effect
within the said Territory as elsewhere in the United States:
Provided, that sections eighteen hundred and fifty and
eighteen hundred and ninety of the Revised Statutes of the
United States shall not apply to the Territory of Hawaii.

That the laws of Hawaii not inconsistent with the Constitution
or laws of the United States or the provisions of this Act
shall continue in force, subject to repeal or amendment by the
legislature of Hawaii or the Congress of the United States. …

That the legislature of the Territory of Hawaii shall consist
of two houses, styled, respectively, the senate and house of
representatives, which shall organize and sit separately,
except as otherwise herein provided. The two houses shall be
styled "The legislature of the Territory of Hawaii." …

That no person holding office in or under or by authority of
the Government of the United States or of the Territory of
Hawaii shall be eligible to election to the legislature, or to
hold the position of a member of the same while holding said
office. …

That the legislative power of the Territory shall extend to
all rightful subjects of legislation not inconsistent with the
Constitution and laws of the United States locally applicable.

That the executive power of the government of the Territory of
Hawaii shall be vested in a governor, who shall be appointed
by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate of the United States, and shall hold office for four
years and until his successor shall be appointed and
qualified, unless sooner removed by the President. He shall be
not less than thirty-five years of age; shall be a citizen of
the Territory of Hawaii; shall be commander in chief of the
militia thereof; may grant pardons or reprieves for offences
against the laws of the said Territory and reprieves for
offences against the laws of the United States until the
decision of the President is made known thereon. …

That all the powers and duties which, by the laws of Hawaii,
are conferred upon or required of the President or any
minister of the Republic of Hawaii (acting alone or in
connection with any other officer or person or body) or the
cabinet or executive council, and not inconsistent with the
Constitution or laws of the United States, are conferred upon
and required of the governor of the Territory of Hawaii,
unless otherwise provided. …


That the President shall nominate and, by and with the advice
and consent of the Senate, appoint the chief justice and
justices of the supreme court, the judges of the circuit
courts, who shall hold their respective offices for the term
of four years, unless sooner removed by the President. …

That the judicial power of the Territory shall be vested in
one supreme court, circuit courts, and in such inferior courts
as the legislature may from time to time establish. …

That a Delegate to the House of Representatives of the United
States, to serve during each Congress, shall be elected by the
voters qualified to vote for members of the house of
representatives of the legislature; such Delegate shall
possess the qualifications necessary for membership of the
senate of the legislature of Hawaii. … Every such Delegate
shall have a seat in the House of Representatives, with the
right of debate, but not of voting.

That there shall be established in said Territory a district
court to consist of one judge, who shall reside therein and be
called the district judge. The President of the United States,
by and with the advice and consent of the Senate of the United
States, shall appoint a district judge, a district attorney,
and a marshal of the United States for the said district, and
said judge, attorney, and marshal shall hold office for six
years unless sooner removed by the President. Said court shall
have, in addition to the ordinary jurisdiction of district
courts of the United States, jurisdiction of all cases
cognizable in a circuit court of the United States, and shall
proceed therein in the same manner as a circuit court. …

That the Territory of Hawaii shall comprise a customs district
of the United States, with ports of entry and delivery at
Honolulu, Hilo, Mahukona, and Kahului.

HAWAII: A. D. 1900.
Census of the Islands.
Progress of educational work.

"The last Hawaiian census, taken in the year 1896, gives a

total population of 109,020, of which 31,019 were native
Hawaiians. The number of Americans reported was 8,485. The
results of the Federal census taken this year [1900] show the
islands to have a total population of 154,001, an increase
over that reported in 1896 of 44,981, or 41.2 per cent. The
total land surface of the Hawaiian Islands is approximately
6,449 square miles: the average number of persons to the
square mile at the last three censuses being as follows: For
1890, 13.9; 1896, 16.9; 1900,23.8.

"Education in Hawaii is making favorable progress. In Honolulu

two large schoolhouses have recently been erected at a cost of
$24,778 and $20,349, respectively. The department of education
is under the management of a superintendent of public
instruction, assisted by six commissioners of public
instruction, two of whom are ladies. The tenure of office of
the commissioners is six years, the term of two of them
expiring each year. They serve without pay. The system is the
same as that existing under the Republic of Hawaii. In the
biennial period ending December 31 there were 141 public and
48 private schools in the Hawaiian Islands; 344 teachers in
the public schools, of whom 113 were men and 231 were women,
and 200 teachers in the private schools, of whom 79 were men
and 121 were women. In the same period there were 11,436
pupils in the public schools, of whom 6,395 were boys and
5,041 were girls, and 4,054 pupils in the private schools, of
whom 2,256 were boys and 1,798 were girls. This gives a total
of 15,490 pupils, of whom 8,651 were boys and 6,839 were
girls. … Of the 15,490 pupils, 5,045 were Hawaiian, 2,721 part
Hawaiian, 601 American, 213 British, 337 German, 3,882
Portuguese, 84 Scandinavian, 1,141 Japanese, 1,314 Chinese, 30
South Sea Islanders, and 124 other foreigners. Each
nationality had its own teacher. The expenditures for the two
years ending December 31, 1899, were $575,353. Since the year
1888 nearly all the common schools, in which the Hawaiian
language was the medium of instruction, have been converted
into schools in which English alone is so employed, 98 per
cent. of the children being at present instructed by teachers
who use English."

United States, Secretary of the Interior,

Annual Report, November 30, 1900.

----------HAWAII: End--------


See (in this volume)

A. D. 1900 (DECEMBER); and 1901 (MARCH).

HAYTI: A. D. 1896.
Election of President Sam.

Hayti elected a new President, General Theresias Simon Sam, to

succeed General Hippolyte, who died suddenly on the 24th of

HAYTI: A. D. 1897.
Quarrel with Germany.

The government of Hayti came into conflict with that of

Germany, in September, 1897, over what was claimed to be the
illegal arrest of a Haytien-born German, named Lueders, who
had secured German citizenship. Germany demanded his release,
with an indemnity at the rate of $1,000 per day for his
imprisonment. The demand not being acceded to promptly, the
German consul at Port-au-Prince hauled down his flag. Then the
United States Minister persuaded the Haytien President,
General Simon Sam, to set Lueders free. But the demand for
indemnity, still pending, brought two German war-ships to
Port-au-Prince on the 6th of December, with their guns ready
to open fire on the town if payment were not made within eight
hours. For Hayti there was nothing possible but submission,
and $30,000 was paid, with apologies and expressions of

HEBREWS, The ancient:

Their position in history as affected by recent archæological

See (in this volume)


HECKER, Father Isaac Thomas,

and the opinions called "Americanism."

See (in this volume)


HELIUM, The discovery of.

See (in this volume)


HENRY, General Guy V.: Military Governor of Porto Rico.

See (in this volume)



Annexation to New Zealand.

See (in this volume)


HEUREAUX, President: Assassination.

See (in this volume)


HICKS-BEACH, Sir Michael,
Chancellor of the Exchequer, in the British Cabinet.

See (in this volume)

ENGLAND: A. D. 1894-1895.

HILPRECHT, Professor H. V.:

Researches on the site of ancient Nippur.

See (in this volume)



See (in this volume)

TURKEY: A. D. 1895.


A German word which has come into general use to describe

unnamed and poorly defined regions lying behind, or on the
inland side, of coast districts, in Africa more especially,
which have been occupied or claimed by European powers.


See (in this volume)


HOAR, Senator George F.:

Action to recover the manuscript of Bradford's History.

See (in this volume)

HOAR, Senator George F.:
Speech in opposition to the retention of the
Philippine Islands as a subject State.

See (in this volume)


HOBART, Garret A.: Vice President of the United States.


See (in this volume)

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: A. D. 1899 (November).

HOBOKEN, Great fire at.

On the 30th of June, 1900, between 200 and 300 people lost
their lives in a fire which destroyed the pier system of the
North German Lloyd steamship line, at Hoboken, N. J. The fire
wrecked three of the large ships of the company, and is said
to have been the most destructive blaze that ever visited the
piers and shipping of the port of New York. An estimate placed
the loss of life at nearly 300, and the damage to property at
about $10,000,000, but the company's estimate of the loss of
life and the value of the property wiped out was considerably
less. The fire started in some cotton on one of the four large
piers at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. In a few minutes the pier
on which it broke out was enveloped in flames, and in six
minutes the whole pier system was burning. The flames spread
so quickly that many men on the piers and on the vessels,
lighters and barges were hemmed in before they realized that
their lives were in danger.

HOBSON, Lieutenant Richmond Pearson:

The sinking of the collier Merrimac at Santiago.

See (in this volume)


See (in this volume)


HOLLS, Frederick W.:

American Commissioner to the Peace Conference at The Hague.

See (in this volume)


HOLY YEAR 1900, Proclamation of the Universal Jubilee of the,

Its extension.

See (in this volume)

PAPACY: A. D. 1900-1901.


See (in this volume)


HONG KONG: A. D. 1894.

The Bubonic Plague.

See (in this volume)


HONG KONG: A. D. 1898.

British lease of territory on the mainland.

See (in this volume)


HORMIGUEROS, Engagement at.

See (in this volume)


The "Spoils System" in its service.

See (in this volume)


HOVA, The.

See (in this volume)


HUA SANG, Massacre of missionaries at.

See (in this volume)

CHINA: A. D. 1895 (AUGUST).

HUDSON BAY, Investigation of.

See (in this volume)


HUMBERT I., King of Italy: Assassination.

See (in this volume)

ITALY: A. D. 1899-1900; and 1900 (JULY-SEPTEMBER).


See ((in this volume)


See (in this volume)


ICELAND, Recent exploration of.

See (in this volume)


IDAHO: A. D. 1896.
Adoption of Woman Suffrage.

On the 11th of December, 1896, an amendment of the

constitution of Idaho, extending the suffrage to women, was
submitted to the then voters of the State, and carried by
12,126, against 6,282. Though carried by a large majority of
the votes given on the suffrage issue, it did not receive a
majority of the whole vote cast on other questions at the same
election; but the supreme court of the State decided that the
amendment had been adopted.


See (in this volume)


ILLINOIS: A. D. 1898.
Strike of coal miners.
Bloody conflict at Virden.

See (in this volume)



See (in this volume)


ILOILO: The American occupation of the city.

See (in this volume)


ILORIN, British subjugation of.

See (in this volume)



Transfer of territory to the British Government.

See (in this volume)


Meeting of British Colonial Prime Ministers at the Colonial
Office, London.

See (in this volume)


The question in American politics.

See (in this volume)

A. D. 1900 (APRIL); and (MAY-NOVEMBER).


INCOME TAX: Decision against by United States Supreme Court.

See (in this volume)


INDIA: A. D. 1894.
The Waziri War.

A fierce attempt to interrupt the demarcation of the Afghan

boundary was made by the Waziris. The escort of 5,000 troops,
consisting mainly of Sikhs and Goorkhas, was desperately
attacked in camp at Wano, November 3. The attack was repulsed,
but with heavy loss on the British side. It became afterwards
necessary to send three strong columns into the country, under
Sir William Lockhart, in order to carry out the work.

INDIA: A. D. 1895 (March-September).

The defense and relief of Chitral.
The British frontier advanced.

At the extreme northwestern limit of British-Indian dominion

and semi-dominion, under the shadow of the lofty Hindu-Kush
mountains, lie a group of quasi-independent tribal states over
which the Amir of Afghanistan claimed at least a "sphere of
influence" until 1893. In that year the Amir and the
Government of India agreed upon a line which defined the
eastern and southern frontier of Afghanistan, "from Wakhan to
the Persian border," and agreed further as follows: "The
Government of India will at no time exercise interference in
the territories lying beyond this line on the side of
Afghanistan, and his Highness the Amir will at no time
exercise interference in the territories lying beyond this
line on the side of India. The British Government thus agrees
to his Highness the Amir retaining Asmar and the valley above
it, as far as Chanak. His Highness agrees, on the other hand,
that he will at no time exercise interference in Swat, Bajaur,
or Chitral, including Arnawai or Bashgal valley." Under this
agreement, the Indian Government prepared itself to be
watchful of Chitral affairs. The little state was notoriously
a nest of turbulence and intrigue. Its rulers, who bore the
Persian title of Mehtar, signifying "Greater," can never have
expected to live out their days. Changes of government were
brought about commonly by assassination. The reigning prince,
Nizam-ul-Mulk, owed his seat to the murder of his father,
Aman-ul-Mulk, though not by himself. In turn, he fell, on New
Year's day, 1895, slain at the instigation of his
half-brother, Amir-ul-Mulk, who mounted the vacant chair of
state. The usurper was then promptly assailed by two rivals,
one of them his brother-in-law, Umra Khan, a mountain
chieftain of Bajaur, the other an uncle, Sher Afzul, who had
been a refugee at Kabul. On the news of these occurrences at
Chitral, the Government of India sent thither, from Gilgit,
its political agent, Surgeon-Major Robertson, with a small
escort, to learn the state of affairs.

The result of Dr. Robertson's attempt to settle matters was an

alliance of Umra Khan and Sher Afzul in a desperate attempt to
destroy him and his small force of native troops, which had
five English officers at its head. The latter took possession
(March 1) of the fort at Chitral, a structure about 80 yards
square, walled partly with wood, and so placed in a valley
that it was commanded from neighboring hills. In this weak
fortification the little garrison held off a savage swarm of
the surrounding tribes during 46 days of a siege that is as
thrilling in the story of it as any found in recent history.
The first reinforcements sent to Dr. Robertson, from near
Gilgit, were disastrously beaten back, with the loss of the
captain in command and 50 of his men. As speedily as possible,
when the situation was known in India, an army of about 14,000
men was made ready at Peshawur, under the command of
Major-General Sir Robert Low, and relieving columns were
pushed with great difficulty through the Malakand Pass, then
filled deep with snow. A smaller force, of 600 men, under
Colonel Kelly, fought its way from Gilgit, struggling through
the snows of a pass 12,000 feet above the level of the sea.
Colonel Kelly was the first to reach Chitral, which he did on
the 20th of April. The besiegers had fled at his approach. The
beleaguered garrison was found to have lost 40 killed and 70
wounded, out of its fighting force of about 370 men. Sher
Afzul was caught by the Khan of Dir, who led 2,000 of his
followers to the help of the British. Umra Khan escaped to
Kabul, where he was imprisoned by the Amir. Shuja-ul-Mulk, a
younger brother of Amir-ul-Mulk was declared Mehtar. The
question whether British authority should be maintained in
Chitral or withdrawn was now sharply debated in England; but
Lord Salisbury and his party, coming into power at that
moment, decided that the advanced frontier of Indian Empire
must be held. The young Mehtar was installed in the name of
the Maharaja of Kashmir as his suzerain, and the terms under
which his government should be carried on were announced at
his installation (September 2, 1895) by the British Agent, as

"The general internal administration of the country will be

left in the hands of the Mehtar and of his advisers. The
Government of India do not intend to undertake themselves the
management of the internal affairs of Chitral, their concern
being with the foreign relations of the State, and with its
general welfare. It, however, has to be remembered that
Shuja-ul-Mulk is only a boy, and that, at an age when other
boys are engaged in education and amusement, he has been
called upon to hold the reins of State. Bearing this fact in
mind, the Government of India recognise the necessity of his
receiving some help during the time of his minority, and it
has consequently been decided to leave at Chitral an
experienced Political Officer upon whom the Mehtar may always
call for advice and assistance, while it is proposed to
appoint three persons, Raja Bahadur Khan, the Governor of
Mastuj, Wazir Inayat Khan and Aksakal Fateh Ali Shah, to give
him help, instruction and advice in the management of his
State and in the laws and customs of the people. Ordinarily
the entire country will be governed in accordance with their
experience and judgment; but nevertheless the Assistant
British Agent, if he thinks it necessary to do so, may, at any
time, ask the Mehtar to delay action recommended by his three
advisers, until the opinion of the British Agent at Gilgit has
been obtained, whose decision shall be final and


"The desirability of abolishing traffic in slaves is a matter

to which the Government of India attach much importance, and
that they have lately interested themselves with some success
in procuring the release of Natives of Kashmir and her
dependencies, including Chitralis, who are held in bondage in
Chinese Turkistan. It is in accordance therefore with the
general policy of the Government of India that in Chitral also
all buying and selling of slaves, whether for disposal in the
country or with the intention of sending them abroad, should
be altogether prohibited. Any such selling of slaves is
therefore from this time forward absolutely illegal."

Great Britain, Parliamentary Publications:

Papers by Command, 1896 (C.-8037).

Also in:
C. Lowe,
The Story of Chitral
(Century magazine, volume 55, page 89).

INDIA: A. D. 1895 (April).

Report of the Opium Commission.

"The long-deferred publication of the report of this

commission was made in April, and the report was signed by
eight out of nine members of the commission. The commissioners
declared that it had not been shown to be necessary, or to be
demanded by the people, that the growth of the poppy and the
manufacture of opium in British India should be prohibited.
Such a prohibition, if extended to the protected States, would
be an unprecedented act of interference on the part of the
paramount Power, and would be sure to be resisted by the
chiefs and their people. The existing treaties with China in
regard to the importation of Indian opium into that country
had been admitted by the Chinese Government to contain all
they desired. The evidence led the commissioners to the
conclusion that the common use of opium in India is moderate,
and its prohibition is strongly opposed by the great mass of
native opinion."

Annual Register, 1895,

pages 337-338.

INDIA: A. D. 1896-1897.
Famine in northwestern and central provinces.

A failure of rains, especially in northwestern and central

India, produced the inevitable consequence of famine, lasting
with awful severity from the spring of 1896 until the autumn
of 1897. In December of the former year there were 561,800
persons employed on relief works which the Indian government
organized. In the following March the number had risen to more
than three millions, and in June it exceeded four millions.
Rain fell in July, and August, and the distress began soon
afterwards to grow less. In addition to the heavy expenditures
of the government, the charitable contributions for the relief
of sufferers from this famine were officially reported to have
amounted to 1,750,000 pounds sterling ($8,750,000).

INDIA: A. D. 1896-1900.
The Bubonic Plague.

See (in this volume)


INDIA: A. D. 1897.
Change in the government of Burmah.

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