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Summative Assessment (SA)

Submitted by
Yash Kamleshkumar Patel
(Enrollment. No.: 20210701004)

Course Code and Title: 21BSAI35E02

Introduction to Machine Learning

B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science / Data Science / AIML

V Semester – July – Nov 2023

Nov/Dec 2023



1.1 Project Details 3

1.2 Project Purpose 4


2.1 Tools and Platform 6

2.2 Hardware and Software Requirements 6


3.1 Implementation 7


4.1 Result and Discussion 12

4.2 Conclusion 15


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Project Details:

Every individual possesses three primary memories: firstly, there is the working memory, which
assumes the role of overseeing attention and focus while receiving data and information.
Secondly, we have the short-term memory, which is responsible for the storage of data for a
limited period of no more than a single day. Lastly, there is the long-term memory, which takes
charge of recording and storing all the events that we experience for a duration longer than a few
days, ensuring that these memories are preserved and accessible for a significant period of time.

Alzheimer's disease, a neurological condition, exhibits a progressive nature over time, leading to
a devastating impact on memory, reasoning, and even the ability to carry out the most
fundamental tasks. The diagnosis of patients afflicted with this disease can be expedited and
made more accurate through the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI). Through the utilization
of AI, doctors are capable of foreseeing the likelihood of disease occurrence and projecting its
progression, thus allowing for preventive measures to be implemented. Researchers can analyze
vast amounts of medical data and apply machine learning techniques to effectively diagnose and
treat various illnesses.

However, the interpretation of medical images can prove to be a backbreaking and time-
consuming process. To address this challenge, a project has been initiated to employ a machine
learning model in order to identify the early stages of Alzheimer's disease. The project involves
the analysis of a substantial dataset consisting of 662 JPEG photos. These images and videos are
categorized into four groups: Mild Demented, Moderate Demented, Non-Demented, and Very
Mild Demented.

Machine learning (ML), a branch of artificial intelligence (AI), is a field of study that focuses on
the development and implementation of computer algorithms, enabling systems to learn and
improve autonomously, without the need for explicit programming. Through the accumulation of
experience, machine learning algorithms naturally enhance their capabilities. By utilizing sample
data, commonly referred to as "training data," these algorithms construct a mathematical model
that allows for accurate predictions and judgments.

One particular aspect of artificial intelligence, known as "machine learning," imitates the way the
human brain processes information and constructs patterns for decision-making purposes. Deep
learning methods encompass networks that possess the ability to learn from unlabeled data,
without any pre-existing organization. This specific approach is often referred to as a deep neural
network or deep neural learning. The hierarchical structure of artificial neural networks
facilitates this process within the machine learning branch of machine learning.

Within the realm of machine learning, each level of the network acquires the capability to
represent its input data in a more abstract manner. For instance, in an application pertaining to
image recognition, the initial input may consist of a matrix of pixels. The subsequent

representational layers would gradually abstract the pixels, encoding information about edges,
arrangements of edges, and even specific facial features such as the nose and eyes. Ultimately,
the final layer would be able to identify and recognize the presence of a face within the image.

Moreover, the machine learning process possesses the ability to autonomously determine the
optimal placement of various features within each level. Although some degree of manual
adjustment is still required, such as fine-tuning the number of levels and layer sizes, the machine
learning approach offers the potential for varying degrees of abstraction and improved

1.2 Project purpose

Implemented was the development of a machine learning model aimed at identifying and
classifying the four stages of Alzheimer's disease, namely mild, moderate, non-demented, and
very mild demented. This groundbreaking approach utilizes advanced computational techniques
to achieve accurate and efficient diagnosis, minimizing the occurrence of manual image analysis
errors that can occasionally arise during standard diagnostic analysis. By leveraging the power of
machine learning algorithms, this model enhances the capacity of medical professionals to
analyze and interpret complex medical images, thereby enabling them to diagnose patients with
Alzheimer's disease more swiftly and with a higher degree of accuracy.

The implementation of this machine learning model involves the utilization of a dataset
consisting of 662 JPEG photos, each representing a patient's brain image. These images are
categorized into two distinct groups, namely Moderate Demented, and Non-Demented, ,
allowing for a comprehensive representation of the different stages of Alzheimer's disease. The
development process of this model is carried out using the Python programming language,
leveraging the powerful Keras and TensorFlow frameworks. Additionally, Graphics Processing
Units (GPUs) provided by NVIDIA are employed to accelerate the execution of the complex
machine learning algorithms, ensuring a highly efficient and timely diagnosis of Alzheimer's

This innovative approach revolutionizes the field of Alzheimer's disease diagnosis by harnessing
the capabilities of machine learning. By leveraging advanced computational techniques and the
powerful capabilities of deep neural networks, this model enables medical professionals to
analyze patient images and accurately classify the different stages of Alzheimer's disease. By
doing so, it minimizes the potential for errors that may arise during manual image analysis,
which can often be time-consuming and subject to human error.

The incorporation of machine learning algorithms into the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease
represents a significant advancement in the field of medical imaging. By enhancing the capacity
of medical professionals to analyze and interpret complex medical images, this model facilitates
a more efficient and accurate diagnosis process. Furthermore, the utilization of the Python
programming language, along with the Keras and TensorFlow frameworks, ensures a seamless
and robust implementation of the machine learning model. The integration of NVIDIA GPUs
further enhances the computational efficiency of the model, allowing for a faster and more
precise diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.

In conclusion, the development and implementation of a machine learning model for the
identification and classification of the four stages of Alzheimer's disease signify a significant
breakthrough in the field of medical imaging and diagnosis. By utilizing advanced computational
techniques and leveraging the power of deep neural networks, this model enables medical
professionals to diagnose patients with Alzheimer's disease more quickly and accurately, while
minimizing the occurrence of manual image analysis errors. The integration of the Python
programming language, the Keras and TensorFlow frameworks, and NVIDIA GPUs ensures a
seamless and efficient execution of the machine learning algorithms, further enhancing the
capabilities of the model. This groundbreaking approach paves the way for improved patient care
and management, ultimately contributing to the advancement of medical science and the well-
being of individuals affected by Alzheimer's disease.

When a patient is suspected to be afflicted with AD, it is imperative that they undergo an array of
comprehensive tests and examinations in order to attain an accurate diagnosis. These diagnostic
measures include a thorough neurological examination, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to
assess the health and functionality of the neurons, as well as a battery of laboratory examinations
such as the evaluation of vitamin B12 levels and other pertinent tests that delve into the patient's
medical and family history. One potential sign of vitamin B12 deficiency is an increase in
homocysteine levels, which has the potential to cause significant damage to the brain by
triggering oxidative stress, increasing calcium influx, and initiating apoptosis. A distinct marker
of vitamin B12 deficiency is the elevation of homocysteine levels, which can potentially inflict
extensive damage on the brain through the induction of oxidative stress, the augmentation of
calcium influx, and the initiation of apoptosis. Consequently, the diagnosis of vitamin B12
deficiency can be effectively established through the measurement of serum vitamin B12 levels,
in conjunction with a comprehensive blood count and the analysis of serum homocysteine levels.

2.0 Resource specification

2.1 Tools and Platform

The provided Python code initializes a comprehensive collection of libraries that are
indispensable for carrying out data analysis, and machine learning tasks. It commences by
importing numpy and pandas, which are fundamental libraries for numerical computation and
data manipulation, respectively. Furthermore, matplotlib.pyplot and seaborn are subsequently
imported to facilitate data visualization, providing robust tools for generating diverse plots and
statistical visualizations. Lastly, the script integrates scikit-learn (sklearn), a widely-used
machine learning library, to employ the Multinomial Naive Bayes classifier (MultinomialNB) for
text classification. The accuracy_score function from scikit-learn is imported to assess the
performance of the classifier. This well-rounded assemblage of libraries signifies a
comprehensive approach to data analysis, visualization, and natural language processing within
the Python environment.

This code excerpt serves as a foundational setup for various data science and machine learning
tasks, demonstrating the versatility and efficiency provided by the chosen Python libraries.

2.2 Hardware and software requirements

A user-friendly GUI is provided to allow convenient use of the system without the need to
understand the technical details of speech emotion recognition.

The programming would require python programming language. System requirements for
Python Installation: 1. Operating system: Linux- Ubuntu 16.04 to 17.10, or Windows 7 to 10,
with 2GB RAM (4GB preferable) 2. You have to install Python 3.6 and related packages, please
follow the installation instructions given below as per your operating system. It can also be used
in Google Colab.

Most speech recognition systems require the following components to operate effectively -
Speech recognition software, a compatible computer and sound system, and a noise- cancelling
microphone or a headset. A portable dictation recorder that lets a user dictate away from the
computer is optional.

For the programming to process and acquire desired output, it is necessary to find an accurate
database to get precise and accurate information or output.

When programming in Python, it needs different libraries to be imported.

3.0 Development process

3.1 Implementation

Importing all the necessary libraries and models that is useful for the desired output we want in
this project.

Insight of the dataset used in the project development which is 640 images for Non-Demented
and 12 images for Demented.

Giving the sample to the model for understanding the MRI-samples and learning about it for the
accurate prediction of the working model for Moderate – Demented Brain MRI-Samples.

Giving the sample to the model for understanding the MRI-samples and learning about it for the
accurate prediction of the working model for Non- Demented Brain MRI-Samples.

Training data set and giving in-depth details for specific input for the desired output that we want
to the model to predict

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Building model

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4.0 Result and conclusion

4.1 Result and discussion

The output of the trained model in which we plot two graphs loss and accuracy. As we can see
the loss is high at the starting but at the end of the validation it becomes lower and lower
similarly for accuracy it is low at the starting initial stage but gradually it matches our desired

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Here is the insight of the result that we get from the model we build, as we can see the precision,
recall and F1 score is 1.0 means the acuuracy for this model is 100%.

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This is the desired output that we want at the end of the model which accurately predicts all the

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4.2 Conclusion

Brain-related illnesses pose a significant challenge in terms of their curability due to their
intricate nature, the complexities involved in conducting medical procedures, and the severity of
their symptoms. Conversely, the success of treatment is not necessarily contingent upon the
outcome of the procedure as it is plausible for the results of the operation to prove ineffective.
Among the multitude of brain disorders that afflict individuals, Alzheimer's disease stands as one
of the most prevalent, leading to varying degrees of memory and cognitive impairment. The
condition of each patient suffering from this ailment necessitates meticulous examination.
Consequently, the utilization of CT scans to identify memory loss and determine the level of
Alzheimer's disease in patients assumes paramount importance. The present study delves into a
comprehensive exploration of diverse strategies and methodologies that leverage machine
learning classification techniques to categorize Alzheimer's disease.

The proposed approach finds its application in large-scale research endeavors, offering potential
benefits including enhanced patient care, cost savings, and expeditious and dependable analysis.
Employing Python as the programming language, we developed a model that facilitated
clinicians in accurately classifying Alzheimer's disease. Through the allocation of 70% of the
image dataset for training purposes and the remaining 30% for validation, our meticulously
trained model exhibited an exceptional testing accuracy of 100% when subjected to an
independent test set.

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5.0 References






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