DMA Important Questions

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1.Define Data Mining.


2.List the issues in Data Mining. (2-marker)

3.Draw the KDD structure. (2-marker)

4.List the ways to handle the missing values in a dataset. (2-marker)

5.Define the terms: Data cleaning and Data reduction. (2-marker)

6.Explain feature transformation with an example. (2-marker)

7. Illustrate with a neat sketch about the Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) process.


8. Discuss in detail about the data mining task primitives. (7-marker)

9. Define data reduction in data mining. With an appropriate example, explain any three data

reduction techniques. (7-marker)

10. Discuss in detail about the Dimensionality Reduction in datamining. (7-marker)

11. Explain the process of Integration of a Data Mining system with a Database or a Data

Warehouse. (7-marker)

12. List the classification of data mining systems and explain. (7-marker)

13. Describe the process of data discretization with an example. (7-marker)

14. What is meant by data integration and transformation? Discuss in detail with an example. List

the advantages and disadvantages. (7-marker)

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