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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics V

By Ivy N. Sibulo

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the 75% of the pupils must be able to:
a. Determine if two ratios form a proportion.
b. Identify missing term to form a proportion.
c. Solve for a missing term to form a proportion.

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: Forming Proportion
b. References: Understanding Mathematics Grade 5 p. 253-260
c. Materials: Whiteboard marker, board, images, flash card
d. Values: Confidence, and Critical Thinking
e. Method: Constructivist Method

III. Procedure: Constructivist Method

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity
I. Engage
Good morning class!
Good morning teacher!
Today is the continuation of our topic
yesterday about Forming proportion. Did you
remember what we discuss yesterday?
Yes ma’am
What was it all about? Yes, Omessa?
It was all about the parts of a proportion.
Awesome! Again, what does proportion
mean? Yes, Arnel?
It is a statement of the equality of two ratios.
Amazing! Now, class, I will show you a
diagram and analyze the given picture.
Class, how many terms do we have in
proportion? Yes, Michelle?

What are those terms Michelle? 4 terms teacher.

Nice! What Terms are the Means? Yes, The a,b, c and d, teacher.

Wow! Very good! What about extremes? Yes, The b and c, teacher.
John Rey?

The a and d, teacher.

Perfect! Now, how do we determine if these
ratios are proportional? Yes, Lrey?

We have to multiply the two means and two

Very good!
Now let’s try this example.

Who wants to try solving this? Yes, Princess?

Please solve the ratios to find out if it's
proportion to each other.

(Princess answered on the board)

Wow! Very good Princess! Now class are

these two ratios proportion to each other?

Why? Yes, Pauline. Yes teacher!

Because they have the same product.

Very good! That is a nice observation. Give
yourselves a bingo clap. 1,2,3 BINGO!
1,2,3 BINGO!
Do you have any questions about this one?
None teacher!
Is it clear?
Yes teacher!
Okay, then we'll now proceed to the
continuation of our topic.

II. Explore

Now, for the continuation of our topic, I

want you to analyze these ratios:

Are they proportional to each other? Yes

No teacher!
Why, Jonelle?
Because the products of the terms are not
the same.

Now class look at this another example. In

your own observation about the diagram,
how did they solve the given ratios?
Michelle uses 12 lemons to make 3 glasses of
lemonade. How many glasses of lemonade
can she make if she uses 60 lemons?

Who wants to solve it? Yes Joann?

Please answer it on the board.
(Joann answered on the board)
Thank you Joann! How did she get the
answer? She uses what?
Multiplication and Division
Very good!

III. Explanation

Now, let us try to check her answer. Who

wants to try it? Yes, Juan?
(Juan answered on the board)

Is this correct? Yes teacher

Very good! Give yourselves a round of a

To find out if they are equal here is another
way. You can find the cross product of the
ratios. Just multiply each numerator by the
denominator pf the other ratio.
Who wants to try writing it? Yes, Elva?
(Elva answered on the board)

Very nice Elva!

Do you think the cross products are equal?
Yes teacher!
Very Good!
Is there any question about this one?
None teacher!
Now, lets proceed in finding the missing
term. Let’s go back to the answer of Joann. In
finding a missing term, what Joann do was
right. In addition, when writing a missing
term, it can also be written as “n” to
represent the number.
It that clear?
Yes teacher!
It there any question?
None teacher!

IV. Elaborate

Class Let’s have an exercise before we

proceed to our evaluation. I have here a
flashcard containing a problem. What you
have to do is to find the missing term asked
on it. I will be grouping you in to two. The
first group will be solving for missing term
and the second group will be checking their
answer. Am I clear?
Yes teacher!
Okay let’s start.
(Facilitate the activity) (Participate in the activity)
Have you enjoyed the activity?
Yes teacher!
Class, how can you use this in your everyday
living? For example, teacher, when buying grocery. I
can estimate the items that I can buy with my

Awesome. Thank you Mary.

Do you have any question class before we
begin our assessment?
None teacher.

V. Evaluate

Part 1. Find out if ratios are equal. Write P if

they are proportion and NP if not. Show your

1.) 34:5 = 7: 2
2.) 80:40= 2:1

Part 2. Choose the missing term of the given

ratios. Show your solutions.

1.) 3: 4 = n: 20
2.) 45: 18 = 30: n

IV. Assessment
Analyze the problem. Write a proportion and solve for the unknown.
1.) A family of 6 can consume 2 kgs of rice per day. At this rate how many kgs of rice can 15
people consume?
2.) If a candy cost 5 pesos each, how much do 50 pieces of candies cost?

V. Assignment
Write YES if the pairs of ratios form a proportion and NO if otherwise.
___1.) 4 to 6 and 3 to 2
___2.) 3:5 and 4:9
___3.) 5/9 and 25/27

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