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Words Synonyms Antonyms De nitions

Went wrong Went amiss Went well Did not happen the way
it was supposed to.

Adjusted Modi ed In exible Slowly became

comfortable with.

Circumstances Conditions Chance Refers to the conditions

or factors that surround
and in uence a
particular event,
situation, or individual.

Depressed Very sad Happy Refers to a state of

feeling extremely sad,
dejected, or lacking in
hope or enthusiasm.

Cheer up Brighten up Depress Try to help someone feel


Mission Goal Aimless A speci c task with

which a person or a
group is charged.

Emotional Passional Unemotional Related to feelings.

mentors Advises Followers A trusted counselor or


Inspiration Motivation Disincentive The action or power of

moving the intellect or

Fear Worry Bravery An unpleasant emotion

or feeling caused by the
belief that someone or
something is dangerous,
likely to cause pain, or a

Anxiety Dread Calmness A feeling of unease,

such as worry or fear.

Intense Overwhelming Weak Having or showing a

characteristic in extreme

Function Operate malfunction The purpose or role that

something or someone
ful ls.

Severe Very serious lenient intense or serious in

nature, often referring to
something negative or

Disorder Illness Order intense or serious in

nature, often referring to
something negative or
Arousal Readiness Calmness The state of being
awake or responsive,
often associated with
psychological activity.

Experience Have, feel Inexperience The process of

encountering or
undergoing events,
situations, or sensations,
often resulting in the
acquisition of
knowledge, skills, or

Physiological Bodily, physical Psychological Relating to the normal

functioning of the body
and its systems,
processes, or structures.

Traumatic Very frightening, very Nontraumatic Relating to or describing

shocking an experience or event
that causes severe
emotional or
psychological distress or

Excessive Too much Reasonable Going beyond what is

considered normal.

Symptoms Signs Absence Indications or

manifestations of a
condition, illness, or

Irrational Unreasonable Rational Not based on reason or


Moderate Medium Extreme Being within reasonable

limits or bounds.

Persistent Long-lasting Intermittent Continuing for a long


Cognitive Thinking Intuitive involving the processes

of thinking,

Fearful Scary Fearless Feeling or showing fear.

Record Register Erase A written or documented

account of something
that has happened or is

Components Parts Whole The individual parts or


Exposed to Faced with Protected from Being in a situation or

position where one is
likely to come into
contact with or
experience something.
Characterized by Described as Lacking in Referring to the qualities
or features.

Imagine Think about Ignore To form a mental image

or concept of something
that is not currently
present or real.

Social phobia ——— ——— Characterized by an

intense fear or anxiety
related to social

Speci c phobia Characterized by severe

——— ——— and persistent fears of
something or situation.

Claustrophobia ——— ——— Fear of closed spaces.

Zoophobia ——— ——— Fear of animals.

Agoraphobia ——— ——— Fear of public places.

Aerophobia ——— ——— Fear of heights.

Arachnophobia ——— ——— Fear of spiders.

Hematophobia ——— ——— Fear of blood.

Hydrophobia ——— ——— Fear of water.

Technophobia ——— ——— Fear of technology.

Shrieks Screaming Gasp To cry out in a high

pitched voice

Assailant Attacker Friend A person who attacks

someone violently

Serene Peaceful Loud Clear and free storms

Fatally Deadly Healthy In a way determined by


Collapsed Fell down Out To break down


Rescued Saved Risk To free from

con nement,danger, or

Injured Hurt Fix To in ict bodily hurt on

Instinctive Natural Nonchanical Relating to or being


Unsel sh Generous Close Not sel sh

Violent Brutal Nonemphatic Showing or including

Captured Caught Captor The act of recording in a

permanent le

Complex Di cult Simple A group of buildings

Memorized Remembered Unlearn To commit to memory

learn by heart

Remain Stay Clear out To be shown

Via Through Even though By way of

Describe Tell Hide To represent or give an

account of in words

Crowd Group — mob Individual a large number of people

gathered together in a
unruly way.

Witnessed Perceived— saw — Ignored See an event , crime or

observed accident happen.

Overcome Defeat — beat Allow Succeed in dealing with (a

problem or difficulty).

Alternative Choice — option Necessity One of two or more

available possibilities.

Intervenes Helps — acts Hinders Take part in something.

Victim Casualty Attacker Someone who is in

danger or is already hurt

Strangers Transient Acquaintance People you don’t know

Model idea To behave in a way that

provides a good

Passive Inactive Active Accepting or allowing

what happens .

Consequences E ect Cause Negative results

Carbohydrates Sugar Sugar and starches that

release energy in the

Pesticides Insecticide Chemical substances

used to kill insects that
destroy crops.

Organic Natural Inorganic Produced by farming

methods that do not use

Obesity Fatness Body weight greater

than what is healthy.

Saturated fat Type of fat from meat

and milk products.
Binge Overeat Fast A period of excessive
indulgence in an activity
especially eating and

Edi ce Structure Destruction A large , imposing


Mindfully Consciously Unconsciously In a careful deliberate


Dimension Aspect A measurable extent of a

particular kind

Ingredients Components Any of the foods or

substances that are
combined to make a
particular dish.

A icted Made sike A cause of pain or harm.

Subsidies Sums of money

Residue Remains A small amount of

something that remains
after the main part.

Engage Participate Become involved in .

On the run While doing something


A ordable Economical-moderate Economic

Generate Bring about — create Destroy

Indisputable Certain — undeniable Questionable

Insurmountable Hopeless— unbeatable Possible

Mission Agenda — objective Training

Sane Reasonable - sensible Sensitive

Soar Rise — increase Flow

Stalling Waiting — delaying Refusing

Staple food A food that is needed

and used al the time.

Astonished Stunned unsurprised feeling or showing

great surprise or
Declining Decreasing Unbending of or relating to the
period during which
something is
deteriorating or
nearing its end
follow Pursue - track Ignore - turne out - to go, proceed, or
come after
complex Complicated Simple - a whole made up of
uncomplicated complicated or
interrelated parts
expected Anticipated unexpected to consider probable
or certain
Check Monitor Di er (from) to inspect, examine,
or look at appraisingly
or appreciatively —
usually used with out
or over
Ine ective Adapt E ective-e ective not producing an
intended e ect
release Let go of Bridle - check to set free from
restraint, con nement,
or servitude
Manners Behavior Bad manners a characteristic or
customary mode of
Appropriate Accordingly Unsuitably especially suitable or
Behavior Act - Action Idleness- Cessation the way in which
someone conducts
oneself or behaves
Firmly Rigidly Changeably - Flexibly securely or solidly
dishonor xed in place
Respect Approbation dishonor a relation or reference
to a particular thing or

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