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Juaton,Zoey Mae T.

AB Polsci

China’s Spratly Policy

Based on the article and studies of foreigners, the perception of the Chinese regarding the
Spratly issue is directly based on their historic claims. It is believed that during ancient times,
this land was already considered part of the motherland’s territory. More likely, they have this
strong faith of not giving the land because they treat this as theirs and in the minds of Chinese
people, they do not see themselves as “joining”. This claim that they are insisting is also during
the end period of the Cold War. This dispute is only perceived by China as potentially taking
advantage of the land. Other people's perspective of this dispute is that China has this attitude of
being aggressive and provocative. This only leads to one thing, occupation and claims of the

Although China has this aggression, they also perceive themselves as a victim in this
situation. Advancing in the number of islands within the South China Sea, since 1988. It is most
likely they do it to minimize territorial loss rather than constituting territorial gains, This terrified
move of China is pointing directly towards what they lost during the Western imperialist powers
that resulted in their humiliation and also grew more to push patriotism. If the discussion is about
being strategic and economic in claims, then Malaysia and Philippines are known to fight fair
when it comes to sovereignty of the land. China’s full basis for the policy in Spratly is merely an
act of strong violation to captivate the whole island under their security.

Beijing was more concerned about the strategic significance of the South China Sea to
the superpowers in the rivalry and policies towards China than about the sovereignty dispute.
1987, Spratly was not even a big issue towards China's regional policy. In fact, they don’t even
see it as a potential dispute. Or for me, it was more like a piece of cake for the Chinese to even
care about the land. The two strategic countries, as we know, are the Philippines and Malaysia.
They are known to address the issue privately,Then 1978, they stood firm about the claims in the
Spratly island and disregarding the two countries. Although, it is recognized that the Philippines
occupied most of the islands and reefs and was most active in military fortification and economic
exploitation before the 1980s. From 1983, China dismissed the need to use ASEAN countries
and focused more on the territorial disputes with Malaysia and Philippines. Oil in particular is
considered a natural resource, Chinese deliberately saw this as an attachment and source to the
South China Sea. China is known to be a producer of petroleum. However, a series of
discrepancies emerged during the struggle of China’s energy to demand and supply. The energy
demand arose during 1984 and the need regarding energy turned China to face increasingly in
offshore areas. In which they believe the South China Sea would be perfect because of its
geological condition and abundant oil and natural gas resources. This was a better solution to
reduce and give a solution to the shortage of energy that China was experiencing. Other than
that, Beijing focused primarily on the modernization programs for naval and air forces in the
South China Sea and increased force profile within the vicinity of the island. China proposed to
the Philippines another agreement regarding joint development schemes to fully eliminate
trespassers. But, this is not seen as China being soft and giving up a piece of land. For me, I
interpreted this as one of their strategies to avoid the Soviet threat.

China highlighted the “crucial value” of marine resources. I honestly perceive this as
another private ambition of China to obtain all resources that they can get in the South China
Sea. The island has a lot of potential that could fulfill a country’s needs if necessary. There was a
shift of attention when the East-West Detente and the concomitant loss of China’s influential
role. The agreement by 1989-90 in China, describing that the Spratly dispute was likely to
become a new hot spot in post-Cambodia Southeast Asia and probably will cause any heat
between China and ASEAN. In the wake of the Thirteenth Party Congress in October 1987, the
strategy “big international circle theory” aims to integrate all of China’s coastal provinces into
the global economy. The government’s only hope is to succeed in the province borders
mentioned in the article. Since 1989, people believed that China was viewing the area with its
potential to supply,nation’s future and resources that would benefit them for survival and
prosperity. They were eager to push through by enhancing militarization around the area.First,
having Beijing's view regarding the dispute. It is quite true that China has been in a rush to
tightly secure the area, knowing well how the Philippines and Malaysia will enhance their naval
and air force. Until then, China will face them with preparedness. Second,The ongoing
discussion happened in ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (AMM) and Post-Ministerial Meeting as
well as other forums, they were tackling the effects of internationalization, knowing well that it
would result in enhancement of positions of the smaller regional claimant countries in relation to
China and strengthen international sympathy. Third, ASEAN links with powerful countries such
as Japan and the United states. China became too concerned about this happening because
dragging extra-regional powers means that this dispute is not to be belittled. It could cause
something violent. I may be specific, but I think China is thinking that if the two nations would
be dragged into the conversation, then a waging war might happen.

The Tiananmen suppression and collapse of communist regimes strengthened the Chinese
government. Seemingly, intensifying the superpower military drawdown. China took a step back
and reconsider its decision to the Cambodian Conflict. I think the only way to regain respect for
China is to make an assertive gesture to secure the Spratly. It is valid to increase the influence
surrounding the Asian Pacific region. We might have seen weakness when it comes to its naval
and air forces, but China needs to maintain a long-term peaceful environment specifically in
Southeast Asia. On the other hand, Beijing needs the cooperation of the ASEAN countries in
regards to the topic of international isolation caused by Tiananmen and Western pressure on
human rights issues. Since 1990, Chinese leaders have been evidently seen having visits to
neighboring countries to strengthen relations. Consequently, while making
In an endeavor to bolster its assertions and reclaim its national sovereignty, China
It needs to be cautious in order to avoid hurting its ties with the ASEAN community.
tries and/or unnecessarily intensifies the Spratly controversy. This is the source of China's
quandary. Since late 1987, the Spratly policy has several aspects that are cons
noticeably.The National People’s Congress (NPC) adopted a “Law of the People’s Republic of
China on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone” meaning to state, it is about the exclusive
claim over the entire Spratly to fully authorize its navy to kick trespassers by force. It’s like what
it’s been doing to the fishermen of the Philippines. Later on, the Philippines passed a bill
regarding the redefining the maritime boundaries to include the sixty islets in the Spratly
archipelago. China spoke loudly against it and held a protest.

It is certain that China was blocking the discussion of sovereignty and expressed
disapproval of multilateral discussions of the Spratlys. They think that it is more suitable to table
this conversation to more technical aspects. They only approved the involvement in some aspects
as part of a cooperation mechanism to be established between the disputing countries and also
funding for natural resources. In a sense, China suggested to Malaysia and Philippines that they
conduct a co-exploration of the resources,temporarily setting aside the question of sovereignty in
July 1991. They also made specific proposals that in later on, they would have joint agreement
with Malaysia regarding the development of oil and gas resources in the disputed areas. There is
also a present agreement between the Philippines president Ramos and China’s president Jiang
Zemin. In which, they tackled to explore both and develop the disputed territory jointly and
shelve the territory. By my understanding, it is more likely that China wants to drift the whole
conversation about the dispute and sovereignty into having a proposal and agreement. They
made another matter that could drift away the attention of both countries they have agreed upon.

By an act, China is also reported purchasing military equipment from Russia. China
answered this as an act of righteousness to eliminate any illegal actions inside Spratly and
respond to it effectively. Well, Beijing is aware of the splitting of islands and what the military
presence can send signals to, but the whole picture is only to shield Spratly for their own sake
and show their strength to the claimant’s of Spratlys. They do not intend to stop. Hence, the
forces of Chinese that were put on command there, were expanding and improving. The regional
countries' suspicion of this behavior of China emerged. In order to lessen the tension in the sea,
the regional countries provided formulas that prevented escalation of conflicts by “transparency”.
Given by the idea, China has no intention of putting its guard down when it comes to Spratly.
But the regional countries expected that this move and plan of theirs could deter Chinese
activities around the sea.
They also realized in their minds that they are the true winners that they stepped up in the
scientific investigation. They even have an agreement with the U.S to allow a company to
explore oil in the Vanguard Bank area, which was delayed until 1995. They even try to bring
Taiwan into discussion. For me, it was more like manipulating Taiwan and China, bringing up
that both countries have the same descendants just to get Taiwan into cooperating, in regards to
the topic of Spratly.They had successfully brought them by conducting joint exploration in
March 1994.

China also believed that Malaysia and the Philippines were heavy-handled than Vietnam.
But provocatively, vietnam had illegal construction of science,technology and economic zones
on some Spratly islands that angered China to conduct a strong protest. Compared to their
reaction to Malaysia, when Malaysia planted tourism. China acted moderate. Vietnam was
condemned by China for illegally capturing their fishermen near Vietnamese-occupied territory
but when the Philippines did this act and detained Seven Chinese fishermen. The fishermen were
freed after some consultations. They have this point of view that Vietnam was not an easy
country to pick for. Vietnam stands out for the three disputing countries that China
encountered.Vietnam has long-term strategy and has occupied “most” islets and reefs. Maybe
China was shaken from this thought that Vietnam is capable of. A cold Sino-Vietnam
relationship and the reality that normalization would benefit Vietnam more than China then
implied that Beijing had little to lose from a coercive approach on both sides.Vietnam policy of
the Spratly Islands. China might have recognized the benefit of maximizing its operational and
occupied territory by annexing islets and reefs stated by Vietnam prior to the complete
normalization of ties between Vietnam and the ASEAN member states, China, and the US.

The results of the policies in China have been mixed. The article was right about them
drawing a line between ASEAN countries. This would only result in an intensified Spratly
dispute and more suspicion. The regional based perception of the Chinese into this matter when
being delved deeper, is merely just a basic assertive force. The only way to obtain it even with
holding claims is to act tough and to the worst extent, clash. The feud or dispute never stops.
Like the 1988 naval clash with Vietnam. Enforcing military occupations and expanding forces is
simply an act of provocation and initiation. Claiming that it is “self defense”, China will
reinforce their self defense and historic beliefs. Hence, escalating suspicion and interpretation of
this act is escalated. This will not be labeled as expansionist or hegemonistic but rather protect
China’s national sovereignty as Beijing discussed.

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