15CV53 Ia-1

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Acharya Institute of Technology

Soladevanhalli, Bengaluru-560107.

INTERNAL ASSESMENT - I [Academic Year: 2017-18]

Sub with Code: Applied Geotechnical Engineering (15CV53)

Semester/Section: V (B)
Max Marks : 15 Time: 90 min
Note: Answer all the following. Missing data may be assumed suitably.
Q.No CO/Marks
1(a) Outline the assumptions of Rankine’s theory. CO1/3
(b) Describe the types of failures in finite slopes. CO1/2
2(a) Describe the method of determining FOS in cohesion less soil of infinite CO1/3
(b) Define at rest earth pressure, active earth pressure and passive earth pressure CO1/2

3 Explain the process of obtaining factor of safety against sliding in c – ϕ soil CO2/3
by method of slices.
4 Explain the Culmann's graphical construction for determination of active CO2/3
earth thrust.
Question No. 5 is compulsory.
5 An embankment is inclines at an angle of 350 and its height is 15m. the angle CO3/2
of shearing resistance is 150 and the cohesion intercept is 200kN/m2. The unit
weight of soil is 18.0KN/m3. If Taylor's stability number is 0.06, calculate
the factor of safety with respect to cohesion.

6 Compute total active earth pressure using Coulomb’s failure wedge theory CO3/5
against a 7m high retaining wall with inclined backfill. Soil profile is as
given below.
ϕ = 32o, θ = 15o, β = 10o, γ = 19kN/m3, δ = ϕ/2

7 A retaining wall, 6m high retains cohesion less, horizontal backfill. The top CO3/5
3m of soil has unit weight of 19kN/m3 and ϕ = 32o and the rest has the unit
weight of 23kN/m3 and ϕ = 21o. Using Rankine’s theory, compute the
distribution of active earth pressure and total active thrust.

Department of Civil Engineering Acharya Institute of Technology, Bangalore-560107


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