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Konkan Gyanpeeth college of Engineering, Karjat

Sub- Python Lab Class- S.E. Branch- Computer Engg/Comp Sci & Engg

Last Date of Submission- 26 April 2024



Sr. Title of Practical Date of Performance

No. C1 C2 C3
01 Installation and configure python IDE(Integrated 29/01/2024 30/01/2024 01/02/2024
Development Environment).
02 Exploring basics of python like data types (strings, list, array, 29/01/2024 30/01/2024 01/02/2024
dictionaries, set, tuples) and control statements.
03 Creating functions, classes and objects using python. 05/02/2024 06/02/2024 09/02/2024
Demonstrate exception handling and inheritance.
04 Exploring Files and directories

a. Python program to append data to existing file and then

display the entire file
b. Python program to count number of lines, words and 05/02/2024 06/02/2024 09/02/2024
characters in a file.
c. Python program to display file available in current

05 Designing Graphical user interface (GUI) using built-in tools 12/02/2024 13/02/2024 16/02/2024
in python using Tkinter.
06 Menu driven program for data structure using built in 12/02/2024 20/02/2024 16/02/2024
function for link list, stack and queue.
07 GUI database connectivity to perform CRUD operations in 26/02/2024 27/02/2024 29/02/2024
python using MySQL.
08 Socket programming for exchange basic information between 26/02/2024 27/02/2024 29/02/2024
server & client.
09 Write a program to send and read email from user url. 04/03/2024 05/03/2024 07/03/2024
10 To write a program for a threading/multithreading using 04/03/2024 05/03/2024 07/03/2024
11 Exploring Basic of Numpy methods using python. 01/04/2024 26/03/2024 28/03/2024
12 Program to demonstrate use of Numpy array object. 01/04/2024 26/03/2024 05/04/2024
13 Program to demonstrate data series and data frame using 08/04/2024 02/04/2024 12/04/2024
Pandas in python.
14 Assignment- 01 21/02/2024 21/02/2024 21/02/2024
15 Assignment- 02 01/04/2024 01/04/2024 01/04/2024
16 Mini Project Report

Note- Dear students kindly check the file on or before the date mentioned above. You
have to give mini project presentation at the time of assessment of file.

Prof. Pravin H. Nerpagar

(Subject In-Charge)

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